10 research outputs found

    Biochemical and physiological parameters in rats fed with high-fat diet : the protective effect of chronic treatment with purple grape juice (bordo variety)

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    High-fat-diet (HFD) has been related to metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of grapes and their byproducts containing phenolic compounds has been reported due to the benefits they produce for human health. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and protective effect of chronic intake of purple grape juice on certain biochemical and physiological changes promoted by the consumption of HFD. Forty male rats were randomly divided into four groups to receive standard or HFD diet and/or conventional (CGJ) or organic grape juice (OGJ) for three months. Dietary intake, body weight gain, cardiometabolic parameters, and serum lipoperoxidation were investigated. Results showed that consumption of CGJ and OGJ changed the pattern of food and drink intake of the animals. There was a reduction in the body weight of animals that consumed grape juices and an increase in the weight gain in HFD and OGJ rats. HFD increased abdominal fat and the abdominal fat/weight ratio, and both grape juices prevented these modifications. HFD increased hepatic enzymes levels (aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)) and reduced urea. Purple grape juices prevented some of these changes. HFD enhanced lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)) in serum and CGJ and OGJ prevented this increase. The consumption of purple grape juice has the potential to prevent and ameliorate most of the alterations provoked by HFD, therefore regular intake of grape products could promote beneficial effects

    Determinação da dureza superficial do concreto armado pelo metódo do ensaio de esclerometria nos pilares de um edificio localizado na cidade de Teresina – PI / Determination of the surface hardness of reinforced concrete by the sclerometry test method in columns of a building located in Teresina – PI

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    Esse artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as técnicas do ensaio de esclerometria que foi realizado em quatro pilares de um edifício localizado na cidade de Teresina – PI. O ensaio esclerométrico é uma técnica de caráter não destrutivo, que nos permite obter in loco uma estimativa da dureza superficial do concreto ou em argamassas. As estruturas de concreto armado e sua durabilidade tem sido alvo de muitas pesquisas nos últimos anos em que estamos passando, e é sem dúvida um dos temas mais discutidos na atualidade por profissionais da área da Engenharia, como em congressos, palestras, cursos e etc. As edificações que não são vistoriadas por processos de manutenção ou conservação durante sua vida útil, podem apresentar patologias prematuras em um curto período de tempo, elas podem apresentar manifestações patológicas, com grandes desgastes nas estruturas. Assim nesse contexto, os ensaios esclerométricos realizados nas estruturas dos pilares, são análises não destrutivos, determinantes para a caracterização da dureza superficial e da homogeneidade do concreto. O presente artigo consiste em apresentar os resultados dos levantamentos realizados no edifício, com intuito de averiguar se a estrutura do concreto dos pilares se encontra em boas condições, os resultados foram analisados por um perito que ao final apresentou um laudo com diversas patologias encontradas no edifício como afundamento no pé de alguns pilares, corrosão na estrutura de aço entre outros

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Ki-67 and Bcl-2 Antigen Expression in Adenomatous Colorectal Polyps from Women with Breast Cancer

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    Background. The aim of this study was to evaluate Ki-67 and Bcl-2 antigen expression in colorectal polyps from women with breast cancer. Methods. A randomized, controlled study was carried out in 35 women, either with or without breast cancer, who had adenomatous colorectal polyps. The patients were divided into two groups: group A (without breast cancer; control group; n = 17) and group B (with breast cancer; study group; n = 18). Immunohistochemistry was performed on the colorectal polyps to evaluate Ki-67 and Bcl-2 antigen expression. Student`s t-test and the chi(2) test were used for the statistical analysis of Ki-67 and Bcl-2 expression, respectively. Statistical significance was established as P < 0.05. Results. The mean percentage of Ki-67-stained nuclei in groups A and B was 36.25 +/- 2.31 and 59.44 +/- 3.34 ( SEM), respectively (P < 0.0001), while the percentage of cases with cells expressing Bcl-2 in groups A and B was 23.5 and 77.8%, respectively (P < 0.001). Conclusions. In the present study, there was greater proliferative activity and greater expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 in the colorectal polyps of women with breast cancer

    Dilemas bioéticos na assistência médica às gestantes adolescentes

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    Resumo Este estudo objetiva identificar e discutir dilemas bioéticos na assistência médica a gestantes adolescentes. Trata-se de revisão integrativa, a partir de artigos indexados na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde entre 2010 e 2015. Foram selecionados dois artigos que abordam a temática. De acordo com os estudos, houve queda significativa no número de partos entre jovens nos últimos cinco anos. Contudo, os índices ainda são preocupantes. Em consequência disso, encontraram-se dois eventos na relação médico-gestante adolescente: ética médica e aborto induzido, constando a autonomia e a não maleficência como dilemas bioéticos. A bioética proporciona reflexões sistemáticas ao envolver profissionais de saúde e educação na promoção da saúde sexual e ao dar assistência imediata às adolescentes, incluindo medidas preventivas de gravidez indesejada, com o intuito de evitar incidência de aborto e submissão das jovens a serviços clandestinos

    FTIR analysis and quantification of phenols and flavonoids of five commercially available plants extracts used in wound healing

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    ABSTRACT Natural products are used in wound healing in order to prevent infection. Propolis is a well known antimicrobial with phenolic compounds and flavonoid content which vary according to the propolis origin. Besides propolis (from both Brazilian and UK sources), pomegranate, dragon's blood and sage are possible antimicrobials to be used in biomaterials. The goal of this work was to analyze the amount of phenols and flavonoid compounds in these natural products, their antioxidant activities and the bonds present by FTIR. The FTIR analysis revealed the presence of active compounds in all drug samples. The phenols quantification showed that Brazilian propolis was rich in phenols compared to the other drugs, followed by pomegranate and UK propolis. UK propolis was the most rich in flavonoids, which is expected on account of its origin. Pomegranate, UK propolis and Dragon's blood presented the highest antioxidant activity. All samples presented antioxidant activity > 82%

    Update on the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology-2019

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    Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management, and outcomes in invasively ventilated intensive care unit patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pooled analysis of four observational studies

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    Background: Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, the practice of ventilation, and outcome in invasively ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remain unexplored. In this analysis we aim to address these gaps using individual patient data of four large observational studies. Methods: In this pooled analysis we harmonised individual patient data from the ERICC, LUNG SAFE, PRoVENT, and PRoVENT-iMiC prospective observational studies, which were conducted from June, 2011, to December, 2018, in 534 ICUs in 54 countries. We used the 2016 World Bank classification to define two geoeconomic regions: middle-income countries (MICs) and high-income countries (HICs). ARDS was defined according to the Berlin criteria. Descriptive statistics were used to compare patients in MICs versus HICs. The primary outcome was the use of low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) for the first 3 days of mechanical ventilation. Secondary outcomes were key ventilation parameters (tidal volume size, positive end-expiratory pressure, fraction of inspired oxygen, peak pressure, plateau pressure, driving pressure, and respiratory rate), patient characteristics, the risk for and actual development of acute respiratory distress syndrome after the first day of ventilation, duration of ventilation, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality. Findings: Of the 7608 patients included in the original studies, this analysis included 3852 patients without ARDS, of whom 2345 were from MICs and 1507 were from HICs. Patients in MICs were younger, shorter and with a slightly lower body-mass index, more often had diabetes and active cancer, but less often chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure than patients from HICs. Sequential organ failure assessment scores were similar in MICs and HICs. Use of LTVV in MICs and HICs was comparable (42·4% vs 44·2%; absolute difference -1·69 [-9·58 to 6·11] p=0·67; data available in 3174 [82%] of 3852 patients). The median applied positive end expiratory pressure was lower in MICs than in HICs (5 [IQR 5-8] vs 6 [5-8] cm H2O; p=0·0011). ICU mortality was higher in MICs than in HICs (30·5% vs 19·9%; p=0·0004; adjusted effect 16·41% [95% CI 9·52-23·52]; p&lt;0·0001) and was inversely associated with gross domestic product (adjusted odds ratio for a US$10 000 increase per capita 0·80 [95% CI 0·75-0·86]; p&lt;0·0001). Interpretation: Despite similar disease severity and ventilation management, ICU mortality in patients without ARDS is higher in MICs than in HICs, with a strong association with country-level economic status