3,351 research outputs found

    Del aprendizaje literario del código social al aprendizaje con apoyo visual. La incorporación de la imagen en los manuales de urbanidad

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    El presente artículo analiza el proceso de penetración de la imagen en los libros escolares de urbanidad desde mediados del siglo xix hasta el primer tercio del siglo xx. Se trata de un largo proceso que implica importantes cambios en las técnicas de ilustración empleadas y sobre todo en las funciones que va adquiriendo la imagen en los trataditos y cartillas de urbanidad, tal como se evidencia a través de la selección de imágenes que se presentan relativas a distintos manuales de esta disciplina escolar

    Earning the Keys to the Kingdom: Students’ Language Awareness, Identity and Representations of English-Speaking Others

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    The present linguistic reality involves finding ways of communication in the globalized environment, where people move all around the world in order to find work, learn, or share experiences. One issue arising from English language teaching is that it has mainly overlooked teaching culture across the curriculum, thus allowing the increase of negative attitudes and stereotypes. This paper is set out to determine to what extent English language teaching (ELT) materials demonstrate the traits of the English-speaking Other, it what ways children are accessing the target ‘Kingdom’, and which are the best teaching strategies to provide them with the keys to the target world. Anchoring our perspective in CLIL and the 4 Cs, this study looks at ways of developing cutting-edge syllabi to develop intercultural awareness and preventing stereotypes. Findings from the application of the syllabi and resulting from an analysis of the cultural content of two internationally distributed ELT textbooks are reported. The present research put in evidence that cultural aspects are practically absent from the analyzed textbooks, thus lacking a key dimension in English Language Teaching and Education. Therefore, some recommendations for future textbook writers and EFL classroom practice are suggested

    L’approche positive de l’éducation: apports au développement humaine

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    Este artículo analiza las perspectivas teóricas actuales que fundamentan las propuestas educativas orientadas a promover el desarrollo positivo de las personas. Se exponen, en primer lugar, las características más relevantes del enfoque positivo. A continuación, nos detenemos en el concepto de yo positivo y su relación con la eudaimonia, el autocuidado y el autogobierno emocional. En tercer lugar, tomando como referencia las aportaciones de la Psicología Positiva y la Ciencia de la Prevención se analizan las dos orientaciones generales –hedónica y eudemónica– desde las que se fundamentan diferentes propuestas pedagógicas dirigidas a la educación para el bienestar, el desarrollo socioemocional y la educación del carácter. Concluimos que, a pesar de carecer de un saber práctico cerrado sobre la felicidad y el arte de vivir, una educación positiva orientada a los procesos de construcción humana debe promover tanto las competencias emocionales y sociales como los sentimientos y competencias morales para el desarrollo óptimo del ser humano

    La ladrona de libros

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    Hospitalizations due to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions in the Federal District, Brazil, 2008

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar coefi cientes de internações por causas sensíveis à atenção primária. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde no Distrito Federal em 2008. O diagnóstico principal da internação foi analisado com base na Classifi cação Internacional de Doenças e foram calculados frequência absoluta, proporção e coefi ciente segundo causas, faixas etárias e sexo. RESULTADOS: As causas sensíveis à atenção primária (CSAP) representaram cerca de 20% das internações no Sistema Único de Saúde. As causas mais frequentes foram: gastroenterites (2,4%), insufi ciência cardíaca (2,3%) e infecção do rim e trato urinário (2,1%). Constataram-se coefi cientes de internações por causas sensíveis à atenção primária relevantes no grupo infantil (< 1 ano), redução importante nos grupos etários seguintes (um a 29 anos) e aumento gradativo até as idades mais avançadas. Comparados aos dos homens, os coefi cientes de internações foram discretamente maiores em mulheres jovens (20 a 29 anos) e menores em mulheres com mais de 49 anos. CONCLUSÕES: As internações por CSAP representaram 19,5% do total de internações ocorridas no Distrito Federal (2008), e as principais causas de internações foram gastroenterites, insufi ciência cardíaca e infecção do rim e trato urinário. A efetividade da atenção primária em saúde no Distrito Federal para a prevenção desses eventos é discutida.OBJECTIVE: To analyze hospitalization rates due to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions. METHODS: The study used data from the Hospital Database of the Brazilian National Health System corresponding to the Federal District in the year of 2008. The main diagnosis for hospitalization was analyzed based on the International Classifi cation of Diseases, and absolute frequency, proportion and coeffi cient were calculated according to causes, age groups and sex. RESULTS: The ambulatory care-sensitive conditions (ACSC) represented approximately 20% of the hospital admissions in the National Health System. The most frequent conditions were: gastroenteritis (2.4%), heart failure (2.3%), and kidney and urinary tract infection (2.1%). The following aspects were verifi ed: signifi cant hospitalization rates due to ACSC in the infant group (< 1 year of age), an important reduction in the following age groups (1 to 29 years), and a gradual increase until the more advanced ages. Compared to men, hospitalization rates were slightly higher among young women (20 to 29 years) and lower among women older than 49 years. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalizations due to ACSC represented 19.5% of all hospital admissions in the Federal District (2008), and the main causes of hospitalizations were gastroenteritis, heart failure and kidney and urinary tract infection. The effectiveness of primary health care in preventing these events in the Federal District is discussed

    Tobacco consumption and spontaneous quitting at the first trimester of pregnancy

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the association between pregnant women's socio-demographic characteristics, smoking-related variables and psychological symptoms (anxiety and depression) and both tobacco consumption and spontaneous quitting at the first trimester of pregnancy. In particular, we wished to examine the contribution of depressive symptoms to tobacco consumption and spontaneous quitting, while controlling for anxiety symptoms, socio-demographic and smoking-related variables.This research was supported by FEDER Funds through the Programa Operational Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia under the project PTDC/SAU/SAP/116738/2010 (PI Barbara Figueiredo); and also by research contract inherent to a research funded by Axudas de Apoio a Etapa Predoctoral do Plan Galego 2011/2015 (Plan 12C), to the second author (Beatriz Pereira).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Coeval interaction between magmas of contrasting composition (Late Carboniferous-Early Permian Santa Eulália-Monforte massif, Ossa-Morena Zone): field relationships and geochronological constraints

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    The Santa Eulália-Monforte massif is a post-kinematic late Carboniferous-early Permian (LC-EP) located in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal). This paper examines field relationships between calc-alkaline pinkish granites and mafic-intermediate rocks from the external ring of this composite massif and presents new U-Pb zircon age determinations. The estimated 206Pb/238U ages of 297.4 ± 4.2 Ma for a sample of the calc-alkaline pinkish granite and of 303.1 ± 3.1 Ma for a sample of gabbro-diorite, point to a short time interval between the crystallization of both magmas, with the mafic and intermediate rocks being the oldest ones. At the outcrop scale, contacts of the mafic-intermediate rocks with the host pinkish granite are sharp and corroborate this age relationship, but do not justify why the host-enclave contacts often have curved and irregular shapes, indicative of liquid-liquid interaction. A full analysis of the distribution of U-Pb zircon ages and respective Th/U ratios seems to be possible to admit that the distinct compositionally magmas were roughly contemporaneous. The ages obtained are also important because they fit the LC-EP Iberian calc-alkaline suite formed within the time interval in which the Iberian-Armorican Arc was formed, developed and took place the subduction of the Paleotethyan oceanic plate under the Eurasian active margin. Taking this geodynamic setting as reference, the LC-EP Iberian calc-alkaline magmatism can be interpreted as most probably related to the Cimmerian cycle instead of the traditionally accepted model that ascribe a closer connection with the Variscan cycle

    Changing Carboniferous Arc Magmatism in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Southwest Iberia): Implications for the Variscan Belt

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    This work was supported by the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology project UIDB-04683-2020-ICT and by the Spanish Research Agency, grant PGC2018-096534-B-I00 IBERCRUST.Carboniferous magmatism in southwestern Iberia was continuously active for more than 60 m.y. during the development of the Appalachian-Variscan belt of North America, North Africa and Western-Central Europe. This collisional orogen that records the closure of the Rheic Ocean is essential to understanding the late Paleozoic amalgamation of the Pangea supercontinent. However, the oblique convergence between Laurussia and Gondwana that lasted from the Devonian to the Carboniferous was likely more complex. Recently, a new tectonic model has regarded the Iberia Variscan belt as the site of coeval collisional and accretionary orogenic processes. Early Carboniferous plutonic rocks of southwest Iberia indicate arc magmatism in Gondwana. The Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ) acted as the upper plate in relation to the geometry of the Paleotethys subduction. This active accretionary-extensional margin was progressively involved in a collisional phase during the Late Carboniferous. Together, the Évora Massif and the Beja Igneous Complex include three successive stages of bimodal magmatism, with a chemical composition indicative of a long-lived subduction process lasting from the Tournaisian to the Moscovian in the OMZ. The earliest stage of arc magmatism includes the Tournaisian Beja and Torrão gabbro-dioritic rocks of the Layered Gabbroic Sequence. We present new geochemical and Nd isotopic and U-Pb geochronological data for magmatic rocks from the Main (Visean-Serpukhovian) and Latest (Bashkirian-Moscovian) stages of arc magmatism. Visean Toca da Moura trachyandesite and rhyolites and Bashkirian Baleizão porphyries and Alcáçovas quartz diorite share enriched, continental-crust like characteristics, as indicated by major and trace elements, mainly suggesting the addition of calc-alkaline magma extracted from various mantle sources in a subduction-related setting (i.e., Paleotethys subduction). New U-Pb zircon geochronology data have allowed us to establish a crystallization age of 317 ± 3 Ma (Bashkirian) for Alcáçovas quartz diorite that confirms a temporal link with Baleizão porphyry. Positive εNd(t) values for the Carboniferous igneous rocks of the Beja Igneous Complex and the Évora gneiss dome indicate production of new juvenile crust, whereas negative εNd(t) values also suggest different grades of magma evolution involving crustal contamination. The production and evolution of Carboniferous continental crust in the OMZ was most likely associated with the development of an active continental margin during the convergence of the Paleotethys Ocean with Gondwana, involving juvenile materials and different grades of crustal contamination.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology project UIDB-04683-2020-ICTSpanish Research Agency, grant PGC2018-096534-B-I00 IBERCRUS

    The strength of human resource practices and transformational leadership: impact on organisational performance

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    The Human resource (HR) strength concept (Bowen, D., and Ostroff, C. 2004, ‘Understanding HRM-Firm Performance Linkages: The Role of the “Strength” of the HRM System,’ Academy of Management Review, 29, 2, 203–221) reflects the capacity of an HR system to transmit messages characterised by high distinctiveness, consistency and consensus. HR systems are therefore affecting perceptions and interpretations of organisational realities, such as climate and culture. Furthermore, Bowen and Ostroff (2004) suggest that organisational climate mediates the relationship between HR strength and performance. The leadership literature advocates that leaders are people who are able to create a social context in which employees are guided towards a shared interpretation, understanding and perception of the organisational climate (Yukl, G.A. 1989, Leadership in Organizations, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall). In summary, bothHR strength and leadership are two environment dimensions shaping and moulding employees’ perceptions and interpretations. The current study explores the relationships between HR strength, leadership, organisational climate and performance. 323 questionnaires were used to gather information from a company in the industrial sector. The results show a positive relationship between the variables; however, mediating effects of climate were only observed between leadership and performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio