517 research outputs found

    Deeper Learning Methods and Modalities in Higher Education: A 20-year Review

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    Deep Learning or Deeper Learning (DL) theory has gained traction as a helpful framework for designing higher education curricula in face-to-face (F2F), hybrid, and online settings. Although many research studies have been published testing DL methods in higher education, it is difficult to apply the results without an overview. This review applies a scientifically-informed search approach to select a sample of 127 peer-reviewed articles (representing 176 experimental groups) published from 1999 through 2019 on the topic of DL in higher education, classifies and extracts data from them, and presents a descriptive analysis of the findings

    Faculty Willingness to Complete Information Technology Training on Course Management Systems

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    The literature suggests that information technology (IT), including Course Management Systems (CMSs), allows higher education faculty members (HEFMs) to adopt better methods for teaching and learning, and that training contributes to adoption. However, many HEFMs are unwilling to complete IT training on the CMS, contributing to low adoption rates. Yet, little is known about what influences HEFMs to complete IT training on their institution\u27s CMS, even though CMSs are widely available. The purpose of this study was to address this gap in the literature through a quantitative, cross-sectional study of HEFM perceptions of CMS characteristics, based on Rogers\u27 diffusion of innovations theory, which may affect their willingness to complete IT training on their institution\u27s CMS. The research questions focused on how perceived relative advantage (RA), compatibility (CMP), complexity (CMX), trialability (TR), and observability (OB) of the CMS impacted HEFM willingness to complete IT training on their institution\u27s CMS. Higher education faculty member tenure status, rank, length of CMS use, level of CMS expertise, department, gender, and age were potential mediating variables. Data from 102 Fitchburg State University HEFMs were collected, and multiple regression models developed. Compatibility was significantly associated with willingness to train online, adjusted for department, and RA with willingness to train in-person and combined. This study has a potential positive impact on society through providing information for researchers and higher education administrators who are changing IT training on CMSs in order to improve adoption rates and the quality of teaching and learning at institutions of higher learning

    Nurses' daily life: gender relations from the time spent in hospital

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    Objetivo: analizar los tiempos de la vida cotidiana de enfermeras y enfermeros, a través de la división sexual del trabajo y de las relaciones de interdependencia, a partir del tiempo en el hospital.Método: estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo, basado en investigaciones de Usos del Tiempo y en la Teoría de la Configuración de Interdependencias de Norbert Elias. Registro de la distribución de los tiempos diarios, realizado por 42 participantes, con autoconfrontación, por medio de entrevistas que suscitaban diálogos sobre los aspectos subjetivos de las experiencias cotidianas relacionadas a los usos del tiempo, a partir del trabajo en un hospital universitario. El aporte teórico que fundamentó el análisis de los datos fue basado en conceptos de conflictos de intereses, disputas de poder, división sexual del trabajo, monocronía y policronía.Resultados: los registros de los tiempos permitieron observar diferencias entre los grupos estudiados, siendo útiles para identificación de conflictos, tensiones, disputas de poder y desigualdades de género en las relaciones cotidianas de los entrevistados, que afectan no apenas la salud física y mental, pero también a los modos de vida.Conclusión: El recorrido analítico apuntó la necesidad de contar con políticas públicas que promuevan equidad en las relaciones de género, con el objetivo de obtener posturas tolerantes y discursos plurales capaces de respetar las diferencias entre los tiempos individuales y colectivos.Objetivo: analisar os tempos da vida cotidiana de enfermeiras e enfermeiros, através da divisão sexual do trabalho e das relações de interdependência, a partir do tempo no hospital.Método: estudo quantiqualitativo, embasado em pesquisas de Usos do Tempo e na Teoria da Configuração de Interdependências de Norbert Elias. Registro da distribuição dos tempos diários, realizado por 42 participantes, com autoconfrontação, por meio de entrevistas que suscitavam diálogos sobre os aspectos subjetivos das experiências cotidianas relacionadas aos usos do tempo, a partir do trabalho num hospital universitário. O aporte teórico que fundamentou a análise dos dados foi embasado em conceitos de conflitos de interesses, disputas de poder, divisão sexual do trabalho, monocronia e policronia.Resultados: os registros dos tempos permitiram observar diferenças entre os grupos estudados, sendo úteis para identificação de conflitos, tensões, disputas de poder e desigualdades de gênero nas relações cotidianas das(os) entrevistadas(os), que afetam não apenas a saúde física e mental, mas os modos de vida.Conclusão: O percurso analítico apontou a necessidade de políticas públicas que promovam equidade nas relações de gênero, com vistas ao exercício de posturas tolerantes e discursos plurais capazes de respeitar as diferenças entre os tempos individuais e coletivos.Objective: to analyze the everyday life of nurses through the sexual work division as well as through interdependence relations and the time in hospital.Method: quanti-qualitative study, based on the Time Use Survey and in Norbert Elias's Configuration Theory of Interdependencies. Daily shifts distribution record, directed by 42 participants - with self-confrontation - by interviews which drew dialogues on subjective aspects of the everyday experiences related to use of time, based on a job at a university hospital. The theoretical intake that founded data analysis was based on concepts of conflicts of interest, power struggles, sexual work division and polychronic-monochronic concepts - whether the work environment demands multitasking nurses or not.Results: time records allowed to observe differences between the groups studied, useful to identify conflicts, tensions, power struggles and gender inequalities in interviewees' everyday affairs that do not only affect physical and mental health, but also their way of life.Conclusion: the analytical path pointed out the need for public policies that promote equity in gender relations, keeping at sight the exercise of plural discourses and tolerant stances capable to respect differences between individual and collective time

    Direitos das crianças institucionalizadas: um estudo de caso num centro de acolhimento temporário

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    Dissertação de 2º Ciclo conducente ao grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação, especialização em Intervenção Precoce.A institucionalização de crianças e jovens é um fenómeno “novo-velho” que tem vindo a ganhar uma maior visibilidade e densidade na vida social e académica, sobretudo nas últimas décadas. Os contornos de discussão académica mas também pública espelham a complexidade e a diversidade de posições face ao fenómeno e seu estudo constitui um processo fundamental para compreender, no caso desta investigação, a forma como os direitos destas crianças foram (ou não) promovidos e garantidos em contexto de acolhimento institucional. Com o presente estudo pretendeu-se dar voz a crianças institucionalizadas, de forma a compreender como vivenciam os seus direitos tendo como pano de fundo uma linha orientadora multidisciplinar que cruza a sociologia da infância e a intervenção precoce. Para o efeito, partiu-se dos resultados obtidos com os discursos de quatro crianças, entre os quarto e os sete anos de idade e da observação das rotinas do Centro de Acolhimento Temporário (CAT), onde se realizou o estudo de caso, situado na margem sul do Tejo. Considerou-se, ainda, que seria fundamental escutar a equipa de colaboradores do centro de acolhimento em estudo, de forma a perceber qual o seu olhar e os seus discursos relativamente aos direitos da(quelas) crianças. As crianças participantes demonstraram não reconhecer a palavra direito, embora identificassem diversos direitos ao dialogarmos sobre situações da vida diária, que não lhes eram de todo desconhecidas pelas suas experiências e histórias de vida. Por sua vez, os colaboradores revelaram não existir qualquer tipo de formação sobre esta temática, bem como não deterem qualquer conhecimento científico e legal sobre os direitos da criança mas reconhecem que a sua ação se pauta por aqueles princípios.ABSTRACT The institutionalization of children and young people is a phenomenon “new-old” has been gaining greater visibility and density in the academic and social life, especially in recent decades. The contours of public academic discussion but also reflect the complexity and diversity of positions at the phenomenon and its study is to understand a fundamental process in the case of this research, how the rights of these children were (or not) promoted and guaranteed in the context host institution. The present study was intended to give voice to institutionalized children, in order to understand how they experience their rights having as its background a multidisciplinary guideline that crosses the sociology of childhood and early intervention. To this end, we started whit the results obtained with the speeches of four children, between the fourth and seven years old and watching the routines Temporary Shelter, where they performed the case study, located in Margem Sul do Tejo. It was felt also that it would be essential to listen to the team of employees in the reception center study in order to understand what his look and his speeches about the rights of those children. The participating children demonstrated not recognize the right word, but indentify several rights to dialogue about daily life situations, not all of them were unknown by their experiences and life stories. In turn, employees have shown no any training on this issue, and do not hold any legal and scientific knowledge about children’s rights but recognize that their action is guided by those principles

    Nursing care postpartum women seropositive for hiv before the inability to natural breastfeeding

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    Objectives: to know the expertise of nurses in caring for postpartum women seropositive for HIV on breastfeeding; identify the interaction of nurses with women with HIV about the impossibility of breastfeeding. Method: this was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative in nature, with twenty-three women in the rooming Antônio Pedro University Hospital (HUAP) through structured interviews and analyzed with the precepts of content analysis in thematic, after approval by the Ethics Committee of the HUAP, under nº 254.060/13. Results: the following categories emerged: disparities in the guidelines at the rooming set: natural breastfeeding; interaction of nurses rooming with HIV-positive mothers for HIV on the impossibility of breastfeeding. Conclusion: the need for guidance and awareness of women about their reasons and issues related to the inability to breastfeed

    Who, What, Where: an analysis of private sector family planning provision in 57 low- and middle-income countries.

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    OBJECTIVE: Family planning service delivery has been neglected; rigorous analyses of the patterns of contraceptive provision are needed to inform strategies to address this neglect. METHODS: We used 57 nationally representative Demographic and Health Surveys in low- and middle-income countries (2000-2013) in four geographic regions to estimate need for contraceptive services, and examined the sector of provision, by women's socio-economic position. We also assessed method mix and whether women were informed of side effects. RESULTS: Modern contraceptive use among women in need was lowest in sub-Saharan Africa (39%), with other regions ranging from 64% to 72%. The private sector share of the family planning market was 37-39% of users across the regions and 37% overall (median across countries: 41%). Private sector users accessed medical providers (range across regions: 30-60%, overall mean: 54% and median across countries 23%), specialised drug sellers (range across regions: 31-52%, overall mean: 36% and median across countries: 43%) and retailers (range across regions: 3-14%, overall mean: 6% and median across countries: 6%). Private retailers played a more important role in sub-Saharan Africa (14%) than in other regions (3-5%). NGOs and FBOs served a small percentage. Privileged women (richest wealth quintile, urban residents or secondary-/tertiary-level education) used private sector services more than the less privileged. Contraceptive method types with higher requirements (medical skills) for provision were less likely to be acquired from the private sector, while short-acting methods/injectables were more likely. The percentages of women informed of side effects varied by method and provider subtype, but within subtypes were higher among public than private medical providers for four of five methods assessed. CONCLUSION: Given the importance of private sector providers, we need to understand why women choose their services, what quality services the private sector provides, and how it can be improved. However, when prioritising one of the two sectors (public vs. private), it is critical to consider the potential impact on contraceptive prevalence and equity of met need

    Comparative evaluation of functional capacity, quality of life and quality of sleep in elderly submitted to cardiopulmonary and neuro-orthopedic physiotherapy

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    Poster presented at the 4th International Congress of CiiEM - Health, Well-being and Ageing in the XXI Century. 2-5 June 2019, Campus Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, Portugal.N/

    Relações de gênero e usos do tempo vivenciados por enfermeiras e enfermeiros a partir do trabalho no hospital

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    O estudo consiste na análise dos usos do tempo vivenciados por enfermeiras e enfermeiros, que atuam num hospital universitário em Niterói, na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil, no sentido de verificar desigualdades associadas às relações de gênero. Considera as especificidades do trabalho em hospitais, como o trabalho noturno e nos fins de semana, além da atuação em vários vínculos empregatícios. Conjuga técnicas quantitativas e qualitativas com base em registros diários de suas atividades a serem confrontados em entrevistas semi- estruturadas, a fim de descrever como se dá o uso do tempo e a ocorrência de situações de “permeabilidade” entre a vida profissional e familiar. Foram realizadas entrevistas com quarenta e dois sujeitos. As análises possibilitaram a identificação de conflitos de interesses e tensões nas disputas de poder, que sinalizam desigualdades de gênero. As informações recolhidas através das entrevistas possibilitaram identificar correlações entre a interface ‘profissional-doméstico’ e a ‘saúde’. Mediante os diferentes modos de usos do tempo vivenciados pelos entrevistados, algumas pistas são possíveis de serem suscitadas. No grupo de enfermeiras destacam-se falas apontando um acúmulo de atividades e responsabilidades que reforçam a permanência de desigualdades em suas relações, além de referências ressaltando ser a saúde mental a mais afetada. No conjunto de enfermeiros sobressaem percepções capazes de questionar modelos tradicionais, contribuindo para a equidade de gênero, além de falas que suscitam a presença de mais alterações com relação à saúde física. Em geral, tem sido possível observar o convívio de questões que tanto reforçam as desigualdades de gênero, quanto questionam os modelos tradicionais existentes nas relações com o trabalho na vida contemporânea


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    Objective: to analyze the records referring to reproductive planning consultations and to intrauterine device insertion performed in 2021 by nurses and physicians in Primary Health Care in Brazil.Method: this is a quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive study that resorted to secondary data from the Health Information System for Primary Care and submitted to simple descriptive statistics data analysis.Results: a total of 18,243 procedures about IUD insertion were recorded in the country, with prevalence of physicians, except for the state of Roraima; as well as 54,186 reproductive planning consultations with predominance of 41,184 (76%) nurses in relation to physicians (13,002; 24%).Conclusion: there is a need to invest in the training of physicians and nurses in order to expand access and the right to sexual life care of the women living in the country. Nursing care is a way to consolidate women's right to sexual and reproductive life care