51 research outputs found

    «Nå må jeg begynne å gjøre noe, jeg må ta et grep!» Samiske elevers erfaringer med overgangen ut av det samiske språkforvaltningsområdet

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    Denne avhandlingen handler om samiske elevers erfaringer med overgangen ut av samisk språkforvaltningsområde. Empirien i studien baserer seg på syv kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med en sammensatt gruppe elever på en videregående skole. Fem av elevene har samisk bakgrunn, hvorav fire av disse igjen har erfaringer med overgangen ut av forvaltningsområdet. Jeg har analysert de samiske elevenes erfaringer med denne overgangen knyttet til teoretiske begreper som muda, aktørskap, og identitet sett i sammenheng med språk, sted og tilhørighet. Funnene i analysen indikerer at de samiske elevene erfarer overgangen ut av forvaltningsområdet som biografiske krysningspunkter knyttet til ulike deler ved samisk identitet. Et sentralt aspekt ved overgangen er endringer i de språklige omgivelsene, både knyttet til språkbrukeres praksiser og semiotiske landskap i kommunene. Ungdommene tar også på ulike måter aktørskap over samisk språk og identitet i denne overgangen. Flere av elevene blir bevisste på at de i større grad må ta aktivt stilling til sine samiskspråklige praksiser eller samiske identitet. Ungdommenes aktørskap kan videre knyttes til en ansvarsfølelse for samisk språk og kulturs fremtid, der valgene de tar som enkeltindivider knyttet til samisk språk og identitet handler om dette ansvaret. Dette prosjektet peker også mot overordnede politiske strukturer og samfunnsstrukturelle rammer som berører de samiske språkene, språkforvaltningsområdet og politiske føringer for offentlig kommunal virksomhet. Hovedfokuset i denne avhandlingen er likevel på de samiske elevenes erfaringer med overgangen ut av forvaltningsområdet

    Analgesic use in a Norwegian general population: Change over time and high-risk use - The Tromsø Study

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    Published version, also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40360-015-0016-yBackground: Increased use of analgesics in the population is a cause for concern in terms of drug safety. There is a paucity of population-based studies monitoring the change in use over time of both non-prescription (OTC) analgesics and prescription (Rx) analgesics. Although much is known about the risks associated with analgesic use, we are lacking knowledge on high-risk use at a population level. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of non-prescription and prescription analgesic use, change over time and the prevalence in the presence of potential contraindications and drug interactions in a general population. Methods: A repeated cross-sectional study with data from participants (30–89 years) of the Tromsø Study in 2001–02 (Tromsø 5; N = 8039) and in 2007–08 (Tromsø 6; N = 12,981). Participants reported use of OTC and Rx analgesics and regular use of all drugs in the preceding four weeks. Change over the time period was analyzed with generalized estimating equations. The prevalence of regular analgesic use in persons with or without a clinically significant contraindication or drug interaction was determined in the Tromsø 6 population, and differences were tested with logistic regression. Results: Analgesic use increased from 54 to 60 % in women (OR = 1.24, 95 % CI 1.15–1.32) and from 29 to 37 % in men (OR = 1.39, 95 % CI 1.27–1.52) in the time period; the increase was due to sporadic use of OTC analgesics. There was substantial regular use of analgesics in several of the contraindication categories examined; the prevalence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was more than eight per cent among persons with chronic kidney disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, or high primary cardiovascular risk. About four per cent of the study population demonstrated at least one potential drug interaction with an analgesic drug. Conclusions: The use of analgesics increased in the time period due to an increase in the use of OTC analgesics. Analgesic exposure in the presence of contraindications or drug interactions may put patients at risk. Public and prescriber awareness about clinically relevant contraindications and drug interactions with analgesics need to be increased

    Prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depressive symptoms in Argentina: a cross-sectional study

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    Vitenskapelig, fagfellevurdert artikkelIntroduction: Postpartum depression is a prevalent disorder with negative consequences for women, infants, and the family as a whole. Most studies of this disorder have been conducted in Western countries, and studies from developing countries are few. In this paper, we report the first – as far as we are aware – study of the prevalence and risk factors associated with postpartum depressive symptoms in Argentina. Materials and methods: The study participants were 86 women attending 6 week check-ups, (range 4–12 weeks) postpartum at a private health care center in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. The women completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and a questionnaire collecting demographic and obstetric data. Data were described as proportions (percentages). Differences between proportions were assessed with chi-squared tests. To control for possible confounders, we fitted bivariate logistic regression models in which the dependent variable was an EPDS sum score of ,10 versus a score of 10.Results:Wefoundahighprevalenceofdepressivesymptoms.Atotalof32women(37.210. Results: We found a high prevalence of depressive symptoms. A total of 32 women (37.2%) had an EPDS score of 10, 16 (18.6%) had a score between 10 and 12, and 16 (18.6%) had a score of 13.Inoursample,anEPDSscoreof13. In our sample, an EPDS score of 10 was significantly associated with multiparity (odds ratio [OR] =3.58; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.13–11.30; P=0.030), pregnancy complications (OR =3.40; 95% CI: 1.03–11.26; P=0.045), labor complications (OR =11.43; 95% CI: 1.71–76.61; P=0.012), cesarean section (OR =4.19; 95% CI: 1.10–16.01; P=0.036), and incomplete breast-feeding (OR =5.00; 95% CI: 1.42–17.54; P=0.012). Conclusion: Our results indicate that postpartum depression may be prevalent in Argentina, and may be associated with incomplete breast-feeding, cesarean section, perinatal complications and multiparity. The prevalence and risk factors for postpartum depression has not been described previously and is a considerable health-related problem among women. Argentinian health professionals should be aware of the high prevalence rate and possible risk factors so that these women and families can be identified and receive adequate support and treatment. Keywords: postpartum depression, breast-feeding, cesarean section, perinatal complication

    SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are not associated with hypercoagulability in apparently healthy people

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    Background: SARS-CoV-2 adenoviral vector DNA vaccines have been linked to the rare but serious thrombotic postvaccine complication vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. This has raised concerns regarding the possibility of increased thrombotic risk after any SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Objectives: To investigate whether SARS-CoV-2 vaccines cause coagulation activation leading to a hypercoagulable state. Methods: This observational study included 567 health care personnel; 521 were recruited after the first dose of adenoviral vector ChAdOx1-S (Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca) vaccine and 46 were recruited prospectively before vaccination with a messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, either Spikevax (Moderna, n = 38) or Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech, n = 8). In the mRNA group, samples were acquired before and 1 to 2 weeks after vaccination. In addition to the prevaccination samples, 56 unvaccinated blood donors were recruited as controls (total n = 102). Thrombin generation, D-dimer levels, and free tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) levels were analyzed. Results: No participant experienced thrombosis, vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, or thrombocytopenia (platelet count 9 /L) 1 week to 1 month postvaccination. There was no increase in thrombin generation, D-dimer level, or TFPI level in the ChAdOx1-S vaccine group compared with controls or after the mRNA vaccines compared with baseline values. Eleven of 513 (2.1%) participants vaccinated with ChAdOx1-S had anti-PF4/polyanion antibodies without a concomitant increase in thrombin generation. Conclusion: In this study, SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were not associated with thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, increased thrombin generation, D-dimer levels, or TFPI levels compared with baseline or unvaccinated controls. These findings argue against the subclinical activation of coagulation post-COVID-19 vaccination

    Untreated PKU patients without intellectual disability: what do they teach us?

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) management is aimed at preventing neurocognitive and psychosocial dysfunction by keeping plasma phenylalanine concentrations within the recommended target range. It can be questioned, however, whether universal plasma phenylalanine target levels would result in optimal neurocognitive outcomes for all patients, as similar plasma phenylalanine concentrations do not seem to have the same consequences to the brain for each PKU individual. To better understand the inter-individual differences in brain vulnerability to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, we aimed to identify untreated and/or late-diagnosed PKU patients with near-normal outcome, despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, who are still alive. In total, we identified 16 such cases. While intellectual functioning in these patients was relatively unaffected, they often did present other neurological, psychological, and behavioral problems. Thereby, these "unusual" PKU patients show that the classical symptomatology of untreated or late-treated PKU may have to be rewritten. Moreover, these cases show that a lack of intellectual dysfunction despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations does not necessarily imply that these high phenylalanine concentrations have not been toxic to the brain. Also, these cases may suggest that different mechanisms are involved in PKU pathophysiology, of which the relative importance seems to differ between patients and possibly also with increasing age. Further research should aim to better distinguish PKU patients with respect to their cerebral effects to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations

    Untreated PKU Patients without Intellectual Disability: What Do They Teach Us?

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) management is aimed at preventing neurocognitive and psychosocial dysfunction by keeping plasma phenylalanine concentrations within the recommended target range. It can be questioned, however, whether universal plasma phenylalanine target levels would result in optimal neurocognitive outcomes for all patients, as similar plasma phenylalanine concentrations do not seem to have the same consequences to the brain for each PKU individual. To better understand the inter-individual differences in brain vulnerability to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, we aimed to identify untreated and/or late-diagnosed PKU patients with near-normal outcome, despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations, who are still alive. In total, we identified 16 such cases. While intellectual functioning in these patients was relatively unaffected, they often did present other neurological, psychological, and behavioral problems. Thereby, these "unusual" PKU patients show that the classical symptomatology of untreated or late-treated PKU may have to be rewritten. Moreover, these cases show that a lack of intellectual dysfunction despite high plasma phenylalanine concentrations does not necessarily imply that these high phenylalanine concentrations have not been toxic to the brain. Also, these cases may suggest that different mechanisms are involved in PKU pathophysiology, of which the relative importance seems to differ between patients and possibly also with increasing age. Further research should aim to better distinguish PKU patients with respect to their cerebral effects to high plasma phenylalanine concentrations

    Meeting Summary of The NYO3 5th NO-Age/AD Meeting and the 1st Norway-UK Joint Meeting on Aging and Dementia:Recent Progress on the Mechanisms and Interventional Strategies

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    Unhealthy aging poses a global challenge with profound healthcare and socioeconomic implications. Slowing down the aging process offers a promising approach to reduce the burden of a number of age-related diseases, such as dementia, and promoting healthy longevity in the old population. In response to the challenge of the aging population and with a view to the future, Norway and the United Kingdom are fostering collaborations, supported by a "Money Follows Cooperation agreement" between the 2 nations. The inaugural Norway-UK joint meeting on aging and dementia gathered leading experts on aging and dementia from the 2 nations to share their latest discoveries in related fields. Since aging is an international challenge, and to foster collaborations, we also invited leading scholars from 11 additional countries to join this event. This report provides a summary of the conference, highlighting recent progress on molecular aging mechanisms, genetic risk factors, DNA damage and repair, mitophagy, autophagy, as well as progress on a series of clinical trials (eg, using NAD+ precursors). The meeting facilitated dialogue among policymakers, administrative leaders, researchers, and clinical experts, aiming to promote international research collaborations and to translate findings into clinical applications and interventions to advance healthy aging.</p

    Molecular anatomy of adult mouse leptomeninges.

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    Leptomeninges, consisting of the pia mater and arachnoid, form a connective tissue investment and barrier enclosure of the brain. The exact nature of leptomeningeal cells has long been debated. In this study, we identify five molecularly distinct fibroblast-like transcriptomes in cerebral leptomeninges; link them to anatomically distinct cell types of the pia, inner arachnoid, outer arachnoid barrier, and dural border layer; and contrast them to a sixth fibroblast-like transcriptome present in the choroid plexus and median eminence. Newly identified transcriptional markers enabled molecular characterization of cell types responsible for adherence of arachnoid layers to one another and for the arachnoid barrier. These markers also proved useful in identifying the molecular features of leptomeningeal development, injury, and repair that were preserved or changed after traumatic brain injury. Together, the findings highlight the value of identifying fibroblast transcriptional subsets and their cellular locations toward advancing the understanding of leptomeningeal physiology and pathology