101 research outputs found

    Teollisuusalueesta kulttuurin keskukseksi:Oulun Pikisaaren muuttuva kulttuuriperintö ja sen merkitys

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    TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkielman aiheena on tarkastella kriittisen kulttuuriperintötukimuksen nĂ€kökulmasta sitĂ€, miten uutta kulttuuriperintöÀ valitaan, tuotetaan ja miten sitĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn. Työn viitekehyksen nĂ€kökulmasta kulttuuriperintö ei ole varsinaisesti valmiina olemassa, vaan sitĂ€ syntyy, kun jokin menneisyyden jĂ€lki pÀÀtetÀÀn valita perinnöksi ja tĂ€hĂ€n menneisyyden jĂ€lkeen liitetÀÀn historialla vahvistettua, symbolista arvoa. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ keskitytÀÀn tarkastelemaan erityisesti teollista kulttuuriperintöÀ tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tapaustutkimuksessa yhden tai useamman “tapauksen” avulla on mahdollista selvittÀÀ alueellisia prosesseja, mutta tarkastella myös laajemmin tutkimuksenkohteena olevaa ilmiötĂ€. Työn tapaustutkimuksen kohteena on Oulun Pikisaari, jossa on ollut teollista toimintaa 1600-luvun pikiruukista lĂ€htien aina 1970-luvulla loppuneeseen konepajateollisuuteen asti. TyössĂ€ tarkasteltiin Pikisaaren muuttumista teollisuuden alueesta yhdeksi Oulun arvostetuimmaksi asuinalueeksi sekĂ€ alueen maisemmallista muutosta. NykypĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€ tunnettu Pikisaari on alunperin koostunut kolmesta eri saaresta, jotka ovat yhdistyneet sekĂ€ maankohoamisen myötĂ€, mutta myös ihmisen toiminnan vaikutuksesta, kun saarien vĂ€liĂ€ on tĂ€ytetty. Aineistona tĂ€hĂ€n tarkasteluun kĂ€ytettiin historiallisia asemakaavoja, peruskarttoja sekĂ€ ilmakuvia. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi työssĂ€ on kĂ€ytetty kirjallisuuslĂ€hteitĂ€ sekĂ€ Pikisaaresta tehtyjĂ€ kĂ€yttösuunnitelmia. TyössĂ€ tarkasteltiin myös sitĂ€, miten Pikisaaren ja sen kulttuuriperintöön liitettyjĂ€ merkityksiĂ€ siirretÀÀn eteenpĂ€in ja miten saarta hyödynnetÀÀn alueen sekĂ€ koko Oulun imagoresurssina. NĂ€itĂ€ asioita tarkasteltiin erilaisten tekstiaineistojen, kuten markkinointitekstien sekĂ€ alueelta löytyvien infokylttien perusteella. Työn tuloksina voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ Pikisaaren maisemallinen biografia on muuttunut suuresti aikojen saatossa. LĂ€hes puuttomien saarien maisemaan on teollisuusaikana piirtynyt teollisuuslaitosten korkeat piiput sekĂ€ sahan lautatarhat. Teollisuuden hiipuessa aluetta alettiin tarkoituksella vehreyttÀÀmÀÀn. Viimeisen teollisuuslaitoksen lopettaessa toimintansa 1970-luvulla, sekĂ€ alueen ettĂ€ vanhojen teollisuusrakennusten ja niihin liittyneiden asuinrakennusten kĂ€yttö piti mÀÀritellĂ€ uudelleen. Asuinrakennuksia alettiin vuokraamaan erityisesti kĂ€sityölĂ€isille ja taiteilijoille asuin- ja työtiloiksi, koska saaresta oli tarkoitus kehittÀÀ kulttuurialue. Vanhat teollisuusrakennukset saneerattiin myös asuinkĂ€yttöön tai ateljee tiloiksi. Pikisaaren nykyistĂ€ kulttuuriperintöÀ voi kuvailla monipuoliseksi, sen muodostuessa saaren historiasta, teollisuuden jĂ€ljistĂ€ sekĂ€ nykypĂ€ivĂ€n kulttuurista, mitĂ€ saarella tuotetaan. Menneisyyden fyysisten jÀÀnteiden lisĂ€ksi alueen kulttuuriperintöön liitetÀÀn diskursiivisesti tuotettuja merkityksiĂ€ ja arvoja, joita hyödynnetÀÀn alueen ja Oulun imagon luomisessa sekĂ€ matkailumarkkinoinnissa. Pikisaaren ja muiden kulttuurihistoriallisesti arvokkaiden alueiden kehittĂ€misessĂ€ tulisi tulevaisuudessa huomioida entistĂ€ paremmin paikallisten asukkaiden alueisiin liittyvĂ€t arvot ja merkitykset. KulttuuriperinnöllĂ€ voi olla suurikin merkitys esimerkiksi ihmisten hyvinvointiin ja alueiden viihtyvyyteen

    Lymphatic endothelium stimulates melanoma metastasis and invasion via MMP14-dependent Notch3 and b1-integrin activation

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    Lymphatic invasion and lymph node metastasis correlate with poor clinical outcome in melanoma. However, the mechanisms of lymphatic dissemination in distant metastasis remain incompletely understood. We show here that exposure of expansively growing human WM852 melanoma cells, but not singly invasive Bowes cells, to lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) in 3D co-culture facilitates melanoma distant organ metastasis in mice. To dissect the underlying molecular mechanisms, we established LEC co-cultures with different melanoma cells originating from primary tumors or metastases. Notably, the expansively growing metastatic melanoma cells adopted an invasively sprouting phenotype in 3D matrix that was dependent on MMP14, Notch3 and ÎČ1-integrin. Unexpectedly, MMP14 was necessary for LEC-induced Notch3 induction and coincident ÎČ1-integrin activation. Moreover, MMP14 and Notch3 were required for LEC-mediated metastasis of zebrafish xenografts. This study uncovers a unique mechanism whereby LEC contact promotes melanoma metastasis by inducing a reversible switch from 3D growth to invasively sprouting cell phenotype

    ASIC-E4: Interplay of Beta-Amyloid, Synaptic Density and Neuroinflammation in Cognitively Normal Volunteers With Three Levels of Genetic Risk for Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease – Study Protocol and Baseline Characteristics

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    Background: Detailed characterization of early pathophysiological changes in preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) is necessary to enable development of correctly targeted and timed disease-modifying treatments. ASIC-E4 study (“Beta-Amyloid, Synaptic loss, Inflammation and Cognition in healthy APOE Δ4 carriers”) combines state-of-the-art neuroimaging and fluid-based biomarker measurements to study the early interplay of three key pathological features of AD, i.e., beta-amyloid (AÎČ) deposition, neuroinflammation and synaptic dysfunction and loss in cognitively normal volunteers with three different levels of genetic (APOE-related) risk for late-onset AD. Objective: Here, our objective is to describe the study design, used protocols and baseline demographics of the ASIC-E4 study. Methods/Design: ASIC-E4 is a prospective observational multimodal imaging study performed in Turku PET Centre in collaboration with University of Gothenburg. Cognitively normal 60–75-year-old-individuals with known APOE Δ4/Δ4 genotype were recruited via local Auria Biobank (Turku, Finland). Recruitment of the project has been completed in July 2020 and 63 individuals were enrolled to three study groups (Group 1: APOE Δ4/Δ4, N = 19; Group 2: APOE Δ4/Δ3, N = 22; Group 3: APOE Δ3/Δ3, N = 22). At baseline, all participants will undergo positron emission tomography imaging with tracers targeted against AÎČ deposition (11C-PIB), activated glia (11C-PK11195) and synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (11C-UCB-J), two brain magnetic resonance imaging scans, and extensive cognitive testing. In addition, blood samples are collected for various laboratory measurements and blood biomarker analysis and cerebrospinal fluid samples are collected from a subset of participants based on additional voluntary informed consent. To evaluate the predictive value of the early neuroimaging findings, neuropsychological evaluation and blood biomarker measurements will be repeated after a 4-year follow-up period. Discussion: Results of the ASIC-E4 project will bridge the gap related to limited knowledge of the synaptic and inflammatory changes and their association with each other and AÎČ in “at-risk” individuals. Thorough in vivo characterization of the biomarker profiles in this population will produce valuable information for diagnostic purposes and future drug development, where the field has already started to look beyond AÎČ

    Classification of bipolar disorder in psychiatric hospital. a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study has explored the classification of bipolar disorder in psychiatric hospital. A review of the literature reveals that there is a need for studies using stringent methodological approaches.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>480 first-time admitted patients to psychiatric hospital were found eligible and 271 of these gave written informed consent. The study sample was comprised of 250 patients (52%) with hospital diagnoses. For the study, expert diagnoses were given on the basis of a structured diagnostic interview (M.I.N.I.PLUS) and retrospective review of patient records.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Agreement between the expert's and the clinicians' diagnoses was estimated using Cohen's kappa statistics. 76% of the primary diagnoses given by the expert were in the affective spectrum. Agreement concerning these disorders was moderate (kappa ranging from 0.41 to 0.47). Of 58 patients with bipolar disorder, only 17 received this diagnosis in the clinic. Almost all patients with a current manic episode were classified as currently manic by the clinicians. Forty percent diagnosed as bipolar by the expert, received a diagnosis of unipolar depression by the clinician. Fifteen patients (26%) were not given a diagnosis of affective disorder at all.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate a considerable misclassification of bipolar disorder in psychiatric hospital, mainly in patients currently depressed. The importance of correctly diagnosing bipolar disorder should be emphasized both for clinical, administrative and research purposes. The findings questions the validity of psychiatric case registers. There are potential benefits in structuring the diagnostic process better in the clinic.</p

    Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies six novel loci associated with habitual coffee consumption.

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    Coffee, a major dietary source of caffeine, is among the most widely consumed beverages in the world and has received considerable attention regarding health risks and benefits. We conducted a genome-wide (GW) meta-analysis of predominately regular-type coffee consumption (cups per day) among up to 91 462 coffee consumers of European ancestry with top single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) followed-up in ~30 062 and 7964 coffee consumers of European and African-American ancestry, respectively. Studies from both stages were combined in a trans-ethnic meta-analysis. Confirmed loci were examined for putative functional and biological relevance. Eight loci, including six novel loci, met GW significance (log10Bayes factor (BF)&gt;5.64) with per-allele effect sizes of 0.03-0.14 cups per day. Six are located in or near genes potentially involved in pharmacokinetics (ABCG2, AHR, POR and CYP1A2) and pharmacodynamics (BDNF and SLC6A4) of caffeine. Two map to GCKR and MLXIPL genes related to metabolic traits but lacking known roles in coffee consumption. Enhancer and promoter histone marks populate the regions of many confirmed loci and several potential regulatory SNPs are highly correlated with the lead SNP of each. SNP alleles near GCKR, MLXIPL, BDNF and CYP1A2 that were associated with higher coffee consumption have previously been associated with smoking initiation, higher adiposity and fasting insulin and glucose but lower blood pressure and favorable lipid, inflammatory and liver enzyme profiles (P&lt;5 × 10-8).Our genetic findings among European and African-American adults reinforce the role of caffeine in mediating habitual coffee consumption and may point to molecular mechanisms underlying inter-individual variability in pharmacological and health effects of coffee

    Connected Health in Europe: Where are we today?

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    This report, which has grown out of an ENJECT survey of 19 European countries, examines the situation of Connected Health in Europe today. It focuses on creating a clear understanding of the current and developing presence of Connected Health throughout European healthcare systems under five headings: The Policy Environment, Education, Business and Health Models, Interoperability, and The Perso

    Gene × dietary pattern interactions in obesity: analysis of up to 68 317 adults of European ancestry

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    Obesity is highly heritable. Genetic variants showing robust associations with obesity traits have been identified through genome-wide association studies. We investigated whether a composite score representing healthy diet modifies associations of these variants with obesity traits. Totally, 32 body mass index (BMI)- and 14 waist–hip ratio (WHR)-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped, and genetic risk scores (GRS) were calculated in 18 cohorts of European ancestry (n = 68 317). Diet score was calculated based on self-reported intakes of whole grains, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds (favorable) and red/processed meats, sweets, sugar-sweetened beverages and fried potatoes (unfavorable). Multivariable adjusted, linear regression within each cohort followed by inverse variance-weighted, fixed-effects meta-analysis was used to characterize: (a) associations of each GRS with BMI and BMI-adjusted WHR and (b) diet score modification of genetic associations with BMI and BMI-adjusted WHR. Nominally significant interactions (P = 0.006–0.04) were observed between the diet score and WHR-GRS (but not BMI-GRS), two WHR loci (GRB14 rs10195252; LYPLAL1 rs4846567) and two BMI loci (LRRN6C rs10968576; MTIF3 rs4771122), for the respective BMI-adjusted WHR or BMI outcomes. Although the magnitudes of these select interactions were small, our data indicated that associations between genetic predisposition and obesity traits were stronger with a healthier diet. Our findings generate interesting hypotheses; however, experimental and functional studies are needed to determine their clinical relevance
