80 research outputs found

    Évaluation de la méthode ISOL par fusion-évaporation à partir des faisceaux d'ions lourds stables de LINAG

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    Le but de ce travail est de chiffrer l’ordre de grandeur des paramètres en jeu, de mieux cerner les limitations dues aux difficultés technologiques prévisibles et, si possible et si l’extrapolation semble raisonnable, d’en déduire les taux potentiels des faisceaux résultants

    Social movements and environmentalism, a Luhmannian view

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    Depuis les années cinquante la sociologie a été concernée par le phénomène des mouvements sociaux. Diverses théories ont essayé de les expliquer. Du collective behaviour à la mobilisation des ressources, par l`entremise de processus politiques, et de la perspective de framing jusqu'à la théorie des nouveaux mouvements sociaux, la sociologie a trouvé certains moyens pour expliquer ces phénomènes. Bien que toutes ces perspectives couvrent et saisissent des facettes importantes des angles de l'action collective, ils le font de manière disparate, en regardant un côté et en omettant l'autre. Les différences entre les points de vue proviennent, d'une part, d'un changement dans les contextes sociaux, historiques et scientifiques, et d'autre part du fait que les différentes approches ne posent pas les mêmes questions, même si certaines questions se chevauchent. Poser des questions différentes amène à considérer des aspects différents. En conséquence, ce n'est pas seulement une question de donner une réponse différente à la même question, mais aussi une question de regarder le même objet d'étude, à partir d'un angle différent. Cette situation réside à la base de la première partie de ma thèse principale: le champ de la théorie des mouvements sociaux n'est pas suffisant, ni suffisamment intégré pour expliquer l'action collective et nous avons besoin d'une théorie plus complète afin d'obtenir une meilleure compréhension des mouvements et la façon dont ils remplissent leur rôle de précurseurs de changement dans la société. Par conséquent, je considère que nous avons besoin d'une théorie qui est en mesure d'examiner tous les aspects des mouvements en même temps et, en outre, est capable de regarder au-delà de la forme de l'objet d’étude afin de se concentrer sur l'objet lui-même. Cela m'amène à la deuxième partie de l'argument, qui est l'affirmation selon laquelle la théorie générale des systèmes telle que formulée par Niklas Luhmann peut contribuer à une meilleure compréhension de l'action collective. Il s'agit d'une théorie intégrale qui peut compléter le domaine de la théorie de l`action collective en nous fournissant les outils nécessaires pour rechercher dynamiquement les mouvements sociaux et de les comprendre dans le contexte social en perpétuel changement. Une analyse du mouvement environnementaliste sera utilisé pour montrer comment les outils fournis par cette théorie nous permettent de mieux comprendre non seulement les mouvements sociaux, mais également le contexte dans lequel ils fonctionnent, comment ils remplissent leur rôle, comment ils évoluent et comment ils changent aussi la société.Since the fifties sociology has been concerned with the phenomenon of social movements. Various theories tried to explain them. From collective behaviour to resource mobilization, through political processes and framing perspective all the way to the theory of new social movements, sociology found ways to explain these phenomena. Although all these perspectives cover and capture important facets and angles of collective action, they do so in disparate ways, looking at one side and neglecting the other. The differences between the perspectives come, on the one hand, from a change in the social, historical and scientific contexts, and on the other hand from the fact that the various approaches don’t ask the same questions, even though some questions overlap. Asking different questions leads to looking at different things. Thus, it is not only a matter of giving a different answer to the same question, but also a matter of looking at the same object of study from a different angle. This situation resides at the root of the first part of my main thesis: the field of social movement theory is not sufficient nor integrated enough to explain collective action and we need a more comprehensive theory in order to obtain a better understanding of movements and the way in which they fulfill their role of promoters of change in society. Hence, I consider that we need a theory that is able to look at all facets of the movements at the same time and furthermore, is able to look beyond the form of the object in order to focus on the object itself. This brings me to the second part of the argument, which is the claim that the general systems theory as formulated by Niklas Luhmann can contribute to a better understanding of collective action. It is a comprehensive theory that can supplement the field of social movement theory by providing us with the necessary tools to look dynamically at social movements and understand them within the shifting social context. An analysis of environmentalism will be used to show how the tools provided by this communication theory help us to better understand not only social movements but also the context in which they function, how they fulfill their role, how they are changed and in turn change society as well

    Development of High Efficiency Versatile Arc Discharge Ion Source (VADIS) at CERN Isolde

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    We report here recent developments of Forced Electron Beam Impact Arc Discharge (FEBIAD) ion sources at CERN-ISOLDE. As a result of the propositions to improve the ionization efficiency, two FEBIAD prototypes have been produced and successfully tested in 2008. Off-line studies showed that the 1+ ionization efficiencies for noble gases are 5 to 20 times larger than with the standard ISOLDE FEBIAD ion sources, and reach 60% for Radon, which allowed the identification at ISOLDE of 229Rn, an isotope that had never previously been observed in the laboratory. A factor 3 increase is also expected for the ionization efficiency of the other elements. The experimental and theoretical methodology is presented. The theoretical model which gives precise insights on the processes affecting the ionization is used to design optimal sources for the different chemical classes of the produced isotopes, as already demonstrated for noble gases

    Ion Sources for MedAustron

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    The MedAustron Ion therapy center will be constructed in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) in the vicinity of Vienna. Its accelerator complex consists of four ion sources, a linear accelerator, a synchrotron and a beam delivery system to the three medical treatment rooms and to the research irradiation room. The ion sources shall deliver beams of H31+, C4+ and light ions with utmost reliability and stability. This paper describes the features of the ion sources presently planned for the MedAustron facility; such as ion source main parameters, gas injection, temperature control and cooling systems. A dedicated beam diagnostics technique is proposed in order to characterize ECR ions beams; in the first drift region after the ion source, a fraction of the mixed beam is selected via moveable aperture. With standard beam diagnostics, we then aim to produce position-dependant observables such as ion-current density, beam energy distribution and emittance for each charge states to be compared to simulations of ECR e-heating, plasma simulation, beam formation and transport


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    Abstract A series of 12 aminophosphonates (AMPP) were synthesized, characterized and tested for their potential biological activity. The antioxidant activity was tested in experimental assays with DPPH• (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl) and the potential to function as herbicides, in red blood cells (RBC) membrane destruction experiments. Regarding the reaction with DPPH• at least 3 aminophosphonates are better antioxidants than 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT). Aminophosphonates' capacity to function as herbicide (demonstrated through their hemolytic activity) is given by the presence in their structure of some shorter aliphatic substituents and / or more benzenic nuclei. Rezumat O serie de 12 acizi aminofosfonici şi derivaţi (denumiţi generic aminofosfonaţi, AMPP) au fost sintetizaţi, caracterizaţi şi testaţi pentru posibila lor activitate biologică. Activitatea antioxidantă a fost testată în determinări experimentale cu DPPH• (1,1-difenil-2-picril-hidrazil) şi evaluarea potenţialului de a funcţiona ca erbicide, în experimente de hemoliză a membranei eritrocitare. Activitatea antiradicalică testată în reacţia cu DPPH•, a dus la concluzia că cel puţin 3 aminofosfonaţi sunt mai buni antioxidanţi decât 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol (BHT). Probabilitatea de a funcţiona ca erbicid a aminofosfonaţilor (demonstrată prin activitatea hemolitică) este dată de existenţa unor substituenţi alifatici de lungime mică şi/sau a mai multor nuclee benzenice în structura lor

    FABLE Calculator 2020 update

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    The FABLE Calculator (“the Calculator”) is an Excel accounting tool used to study the potential evolution of food and land-use systems over the period 2000-2050. It focuses on agriculture as the main driver of land-use change and tests the impact of different policies and changes in the drivers of these systems through the combination of a large number of scenarios. It includes 76 raw and processed agricultural products from the crop and livestock sectors (Appendix 1) and relies extensively on the FAOSTAT (2020) database for input data. For every 5-year time step over the period 2000-2050, the Calculator computes the level of agricultural activity, land use change, food consumption, trade, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water use, and biodiversity conservation according to selected scenarios. Users can replace data from global databases with national or subnational data


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    Abstract A new method of screening between two mannose isomeric derivatives, based on mass spectra (EI-GC-MS) analysis and their correlation with heats of formation estimated from semi-empirical calculations, is presented. The heats of formation for some main fragments, selected from the analyzed compounds mass spectra, were calculated with HyperChem and MOPAC software using semi-empirical methods (AM1, MINDO3, MNDO, RM1, PM3 and PM7) in trying to explain the difference between peak intensities obtained experimentally. These glycoderivatives can find multiple applications as biocompatible and biodegradable surfactant precursors in fields like pharmacy, medicine and biotechnologies. Rezumat În această lucrare este prezentată o metodă de discriminare între doi derivaţi izomeri ai manozei, pe baza analizei spectrelor de masă (EI-GC-MS) şi a corelării acestora cu călduri de formare estimate din calcule semiempirice. Căldurile de formare pentru câţiva ioni de fragmentare semnificativi, selectaţi din spectrele de masă ale compuşilor analizaţi, au fost calculate cu programele HyperChem şi MOPAC utilizând metode semi-FARMACIA, 2013, Vol. 61, 1 117 empirice (AM1, MINDO3, MNDO, RM1, PM3 şi PM7) în încercarea de a explica diferenţa între intensităţile picurilor obţinute experimental. Aceşti glicoderivaţi pot avea multiple aplicaţii ca precursori de surfactanţi biocompatibili şi biodegradabili în domenii ca farmacie, medicină şi biotehnologii

    Romania - Polity Contestation and the Resilience of Mainstream Parties

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    ERC POLCON project funded