1,834 research outputs found

    Some statistical methods directed the information centers

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    Este estudo visa mostrar algumas técnicas estatísticas aplicadas na gestão informacional nas unidades de informação através da utilização de métodos de mensuração e métricas quantitativas atreladas a estudos relacionados à bibliometria, cienciometria, econometria entre outros. Os estudos envolvendo estatística podem ser descritivos, para construção de indicadores, inferencial através de modelos teóricos ou empíricos. As técnicas estatísticas permitem que de base de dados sejam extraídas informações relevantes à tomada de decisão.  Assim, será brevemente explanando sobre probabilidade, distribuição de frequência, séries estatísticas, covariância e correlação, regressão linear e números índices.Este estudio apunta a mostrar algunas técnicas estadísticas aplicadas en la gestión informacional en las unidades de información a través del uso de métodos de medición y métricas cuantitativas relacionadas a los estudios en bibliometria,  cienciometria, econometría entre otros. Los estudios que involucran estadística pueden ser descriptivos, para la construcción de indicadores, o inferenciales mediante modelos teóricos o empíricos. Las técnicas estadísticas permiten que desde las bases de datos se extraiga información relevante para la toma de decisiones. Así se expondrá brevemente sobre la probabilidad, la distribución de frecuencia, las series estadísticas, la covariancia y correlación, la regresión lineal y los números índices.This study aims to show some statistical techniques applied in information management in the units of information through the use of methods of measurement and quantitative metrics tied to studies related to bibliometrics, scientometrics, econometrics among others. The studies involving statistics can be descriptive, for construction of indicators, inferential models through theoretical or empirical. Statistical techniques allow the database to be extracted relevant information for decision making. This will briefly explaining about probability, frequency distribution, statistical series, covariance and correlation, linear regression and index numbers

    Alguns métodos estatísticos voltados às Unidades de Informação

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    Este estudo visa mostrar algumas técnicas estatísticas aplicadas na gestão informacional nas unidades de informação através da utilização de métodos de mensuração e métricas quantitativas atreladas a estudos relacionados à bibliometria, cienciometria, econometria entre outros. Os estudos envolvendo estatística podem ser descritivos, para construção de indicadores, inferencial através de modelos teóricos ou empíricos. As técnicas estatísticas permitem que de base de dados sejam extraídas informações relevantes à tomada de decisão.  Assim, será brevemente explanando sobre probabilidade, distribuição de frequência, séries estatísticas, covariância e correlação, regressão linear e números índices.</p

    Analysis of the interexaminer reliability of two clinical tests to measure the flexion range of motion of the lumbar spine

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    The measurement of the flexion range of motion of the lumbar spine is a common practice in clinical settings. Many methods are used to carry out these measurements, such as the Back Range of Motion Inclinometer (BROMII ) and the Flexible Ruler methods. Objective and methods: The aim of this study was to analyze the interexaminer reliability for the measurement of the lumbar spine flexion by using the BROMII and the Flexible Ruler methods. Thirty-seven physical therapy students were recruited as volunteers and a double-blind test-retest study design was carried out. Results: The results showed moderate reliability of the BROMII measurements [ICC (2.1) 0.71 (95%CI 0.49-0.84) p&lt;0.000]; however, the reliability of the Flexible Ruler measurements was poor [ICC(2.1) 0.37 (95%CI 0.06-0.62), p&lt;0.012]. Conclusion: The BROM II presented sufficient reliability to be performed in clinical practice.A mensuração da amplitude de movimento de flexão da coluna lombar é uma prática clínica comum. Vários são os métodos para tais medidas, destacando-se entre elas duas ferramentas clínicas: o Inclinômetro Back Range of Motion II (BROM II) e a Régua Flexível. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a confiabilidade entre-examinadores para as medidas de flexão da coluna lombar utilizando o BROM II e a Régua Flexível. Trinta e sete estudantes de Fisioterapia foram examinados num design teste-reteste duplo-cego Resultados: Os resultados mostraram confiabilidade moderada para as medidas com o BROM II [CCI (2,1) 0,71 (IC 95% 0,49-0,84) p&lt;0,000] e pobre para a Régua Flexível [CCI(2,1) 0,37 (IC 95% 0,06-0,62) p&lt;0,012]. Conclusão: Conclui-se que o BROM II apresentou confiabilidade suficiente para sua utilização na prática clínica

    Criteria validity of the Netherlands physical activity questionnaire for children

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    Physical activity measurement with accuracy and precision is extremely important in establishing the dose-response relationship between levels of physical activity and the different outcome possibilities. Subjective methods of measurement, such as proxy-reports have been used as a possibility to check physical activity in children. The aim of this study was to test the Netherlands Physical Activity Questionnaire (NPAQ), valid for Brazilian schoolchildren using physical aerobic fitness as a criterion. The study included 290 children aged 6-10 years from public schools of Itaúna/MG. NPAQ was applied to parents or guardians and children were tested using the Luc Léger test. NPAQ had mean score of 25 for children (25 for boys and 24 for girls) and VO2max was 50.8 ml/kg/min for children (52.6 and 50.2 ml/kg/min for boys and girls, respectively). The Spearmam correlation test showed significant correlation (rsho = 0.146; p = 0.013) between NPAQ and VO2max, but the correlation is weak (Kappa -0.14). The results showed that NPAQ presented poor construct validity for physical activity measurement in a Brazilian schoolchildren sample, based on aerobic physical fitness criteria


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    No tratamento de dores crônicas é difícil a definição de um modelo específico para abordagem terapêutica, sendo importante a avaliação individual de cada paciente com participação ativa do mesmo. No Brasil, ainda são escassos os estudos sobre a participação do indivíduo na construção da conduta. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação entre a adesão à terapêutica prescrita e o grau de participação dos doentes na construção da conduta médica. Cerca de 87,5% dos pacientes que abandonaram um tratamento não haviam participado da construção do mesmo, o que denota uma correlação positiva entre os a autonomia e a adesão ao tratamento (p=0,004). Apesar da maioria dos pacientes terem conhecimento sobre detalhes da sua doença, ainda está instalado um modelo não participativo, que institui somente ao médico a tomada de decisão, já que estes não são questionados pelo médico quanto as suas necessidades e dificuldades

    Aspectos anatomopatológicos do paciente portador de Pneumonia: Anatomopathological aspects of the patient with Pneumonia

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    A pneumonia condiz a uma condensação inflamatória aguda dos alvéolos e/ou infiltração tecidual intersticial pulmonar que resulta da ação de células inflamatórias em resposta a injúrias de um determinado agente microbiano. A patologia conforme o local de aquisição, o padrão de comprometimento, o agente etiológico são determinantes para o quadro clínico, lesões e achados radiográficos. O seguinte artigo objetivou descrever através da revisão bibliográfica, os aspectos gerais da pneumonia com foco em abordar os aspectos anatomopatológicos desta enfermidade. Trata-se&nbsp; de&nbsp; um&nbsp; estudo qualitativo&nbsp; de&nbsp; revisão&nbsp; narrativa,&nbsp; elaborado&nbsp; para&nbsp; abordar&nbsp; sobre os aspectos anatomopatológicos do paciente portador de pneumonia.&nbsp; É composta por uma análise ampla da literatura, e com uma metodologia rigorosa e replicável ao nível de reprodução de dados e questões quantitativas para resoluções específicas. &nbsp;Conforme as informações disponíveis na literatura, elucida-se que os pulmões contam com um aparato de mecanismos de defesa. Mas, mediante injúrias e agentes agressores geram um desequilíbrios e posteriormente originam condições que favorecem doenças respiratórias. A pneumonia possui vários agentes etiológicos, e de acordo com este, distintos padrões de acometimento pulmonar e achados radiográficos irão se manifestar

    Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities

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    Aim: Amazonia hosts more tree species from numerous evolutionary lineages, both young and ancient, than any other biogeographic region. Previous studies have shown that tree lineages colonized multiple edaphic environments and dispersed widely across Amazonia, leading to a hypothesis, which we test, that lineages should not be strongly associated with either geographic regions or edaphic forest types. Location: Amazonia. Taxon: Angiosperms (Magnoliids; Monocots; Eudicots). Methods: Data for the abundance of 5082 tree species in 1989 plots were combined with a mega-phylogeny. We applied evolutionary ordination to assess how phylogenetic composition varies across Amazonia. We used variation partitioning and Moran\u27s eigenvector maps (MEM) to test and quantify the separate and joint contributions of spatial and environmental variables to explain the phylogenetic composition of plots. We tested the indicator value of lineages for geographic regions and edaphic forest types and mapped associations onto the phylogeny. Results: In the terra firme and várzea forest types, the phylogenetic composition varies by geographic region, but the igapó and white-sand forest types retain a unique evolutionary signature regardless of region. Overall, we find that soil chemistry, climate and topography explain 24% of the variation in phylogenetic composition, with 79% of that variation being spatially structured (R2^{2} = 19% overall for combined spatial/environmental effects). The phylogenetic composition also shows substantial spatial patterns not related to the environmental variables we quantified (R2^{2} = 28%). A greater number of lineages were significant indicators of geographic regions than forest types. Main Conclusion: Numerous tree lineages, including some ancient ones (>66 Ma), show strong associations with geographic regions and edaphic forest types of Amazonia. This shows that specialization in specific edaphic environments has played a long-standing role in the evolutionary assembly of Amazonian forests. Furthermore, many lineages, even those that have dispersed across Amazonia, dominate within a specific region, likely because of phylogenetically conserved niches for environmental conditions that are prevalent within regions

    Geography and ecology shape the phylogenetic composition of Amazonian tree communities

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    AimAmazonia hosts more tree species from numerous evolutionary lineages, both young and ancient, than any other biogeographic region. Previous studies have shown that tree lineages colonized multiple edaphic environments and dispersed widely across Amazonia, leading to a hypothesis, which we test, that lineages should not be strongly associated with either geographic regions or edaphic forest types.LocationAmazonia.TaxonAngiosperms (Magnoliids; Monocots; Eudicots).MethodsData for the abundance of 5082 tree species in 1989 plots were combined with a mega-phylogeny. We applied evolutionary ordination to assess how phylogenetic composition varies across Amazonia. We used variation partitioning and Moran's eigenvector maps (MEM) to test and quantify the separate and joint contributions of spatial and environmental variables to explain the phylogenetic composition of plots. We tested the indicator value of lineages for geographic regions and edaphic forest types and mapped associations onto the phylogeny.ResultsIn the terra firme and várzea forest types, the phylogenetic composition varies by geographic region, but the igapó and white-sand forest types retain a unique evolutionary signature regardless of region. Overall, we find that soil chemistry, climate and topography explain 24% of the variation in phylogenetic composition, with 79% of that variation being spatially structured (R2 = 19% overall for combined spatial/environmental effects). The phylogenetic composition also shows substantial spatial patterns not related to the environmental variables we quantified (R2 = 28%). A greater number of lineages were significant indicators of geographic regions than forest types.Main ConclusionNumerous tree lineages, including some ancient ones (&gt;66 Ma), show strong associations with geographic regions and edaphic forest types of Amazonia. This shows that specialization in specific edaphic environments has played a long-standing role in the evolutionary assembly of Amazonian forests. Furthermore, many lineages, even those that have dispersed across Amazonia, dominate within a specific region, likely because of phylogenetically conserved niches for environmental conditions that are prevalent within regions