77 research outputs found

    Local hyperthyroidism promotes pancreatic acinar cell proliferation during acute pancreatitis

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    Proliferation of pancreatic acinar cells is a critical process in the pathophysiology of pancreatic diseases, because limited or defective proliferation is associated with organ dysfunction and patient morbidity. In this context, elucidating the signalling pathways that trigger and sustain acinar proliferation is pivotal to develop therapeutic interventions promoting the regenerative process of the organ.In this study we used genetic and pharmacological approaches to manipulate both local and systemic levels of thyroid hormones to elucidate their role in acinar proliferation following caerulein‐mediated acute pancreatitis in mice. In addition, molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of thyroid hormones were identified by genetic and pharmacological inactivation of selected signalling pathways.In this study we demonstrated that levels of the thyroid hormone 3,3’,5‐triodo‐L‐thyronine (T3) transiently increased in the pancreas during acute pancreatitis. Moreover, by using genetic and pharmacological approaches to manipulate both local and systemic levels of thyroid hormones, we showed that T3 was required to promote proliferation of pancreatic acinar cells, without affecting the extent of tissue damage or inflammatory infiltration.Finally, upon genetic and pharmacological inactivation of selected signalling pathways, we demonstrated that T3 exerted its mitogenic effect on acinar cells via a tightly controlled action on different molecular effectors, including histone deacetylase, AKT, and TGFβ signalling.In conclusion, our data suggest that local availability of T3 in the pancreas is required to promote acinar cell proliferation and provide the rationale to exploit thyroid hormone signalling to enhance pancreatic regeneration

    Genome analysis of a major urban malaria vector mosquito, Anopheles stephensi

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    Effects of body size, sex, parental care and moult strategies on auk diving behaviour outside the breeding season

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    Information on seabird foraging behaviour outside the breeding season is currently limited. This knowledge gap is critical as this period is energetically demanding due to post‐fledging parental care, feather moult and changing environmental conditions. Based on species’ body size, post‐fledging parental strategy and primary moult schedule we tested predictions for key aspects of foraging behaviour (Maximum Dive Depth (MDD), Daily Time Submerged (DTS) and Diurnal Dive Activity (DDA)) using dive depth data collected from three seabird species (common guillemot Uria aalge, razorbill Alca torda and Atlantic puffin Fratercula arctica) from the end of the breeding season (July) to mid‐winter (January). We found partial support for predictions associated with body size; guillemots had greater MDD than razorbills but MDD did not differ between razorbills and puffins, despite the former being 35% heavier. In accordance with sexual monomorphism in all three species, MDD did not differ overall between the sexes. However, in guillemots and razorbills there were sex‐specific differences, such that male guillemots made deeper dives than females, and males of both species had higher DTS. In contrast, there were no marked sex differences in dive behaviour of puffins in July and August in accordance with their lack of post‐fledging parental care and variable moult schedule. We found support for the prediction that diving effort would be greater in mid‐winter compared to the period after the breeding season. Despite reduced daylight in mid‐winter, this increase in DTS occurred predominantly during the day and only guillemots appeared to dive nocturnally to any great extent. In comparison to diving behaviour of these species recorded during the breeding season, MDD was shallower and DTS was greater during the non‐breeding period. Such differences in diving behaviour during the post‐breeding period are relevant when identifying potential energetic bottlenecks, known to be key drivers of seabird population dynamics

    WSES Jerusalem guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis

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    Acute appendicitis (AA) is among the most common cause of acute abdominal pain. Diagnosis of AA is challenging; a variable combination of clinical signs and symptoms has been used together with laboratory findings in several scoring systems proposed for suggesting the probability of AA and the possible subsequent management pathway. The role of imaging in the diagnosis of AA is still debated, with variable use of US, CT and MRI in different settings worldwide. Up to date, comprehensive clinical guidelines for diagnosis and management of AA have never been issued. In July 2015, during the 3rd World Congress of the WSES, held in Jerusalem (Israel), a panel of experts including an Organizational Committee and Scientific Committee and Scientific Secretariat, participated to a Consensus Conference where eight panelists presented a number of statements developed for each of the eight main questions about diagnosis and management of AA. The statements were then voted, eventually modified and finally approved by the participants to The Consensus Conference and lately by the board of co-authors. The current paper is reporting the definitive Guidelines Statements on each of the following topics: 1) Diagnostic efficiency of clinical scoring systems, 2) Role of Imaging, 3) Non-operative treatment for uncomplicated appendicitis, 4) Timing of appendectomy and in-hospital delay, 5) Surgical treatment 6) Scoring systems for intra-operative grading of appendicitis and their clinical usefulness 7) Non-surgical treatment for complicated appendicitis: abscess or phlegmon 8) Pre-operative and post-operative antibiotics.Peer reviewe

    The origin and abundances of the chemical elements

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    152 Effects of Group Housing on Sow Production and Behavior

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    Currently, most sows in the U.S. are housed in individual stalls throughout gestation. However, this practice has come under scrutiny due to animal welfare concerns from the public leading to more swine operations exploring group housing. There is not a clear recommendation on the pen square footage needs per sow. This study evaluated the behavior and production of gestating sows in (1) open pen housing with 17.5 sq ft per sow (PEN17.5, n=2) and (2) open pen housing with 21 sq ft per sow (PEN21, n=2). Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS using sow group as the experimental unit. All sows were in the same stage of gestation upon entering the open pen housing. Sow behavior was observed and recorded immediately upon sows entering the housing treatment, at 4 hr and 8 hr after entrance on d0, then at 2 time periods away from feeding on d1, 3, 5, and 7. Behavior was observed in 10-minute intervals/sow at each time period. Sows were weighed and body condition scored upon entering and leaving each housing treatment. Sow stress inidices included aggressive behavior and skin injury. In addition, all sows were assigned skin abrasion scores to evaluate aggressive behavior. Skin scores were assigned for both sides at 4 distinct locations: ears, shoulders, flanks, and hams. Sows in PEN17.5 spent more time (P \u3c 0.05) engaged in aggressive behavior on d0 than sows in PEN21. There were no treatment differences (P \u3e 0.05) for aggressive behavior on the remaining observation days. Further research is needed to identify underlying mechanisms to reduce variability and manage aggression in gestating sows housed in open pens

    Multigene phylogenetics reveals temporal diversification of major African malaria vectors

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    The major vectors of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa belong to subgenus Cellia. Yet, phylogenetic relationships and temporal diversification among African mosquito species have not been unambiguously determined. Knowledge about vector evolutionary history is crucial for correct interpretation of genetic changes identified through comparative genomics analyses. In this study, we estimated a molecular phylogeny using 49 gene sequences for the African malaria vectors An. gambiae, An. funestus, An. nili, the Asian malaria mosquito An. stephensi, and the outgroup species Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti. To infer the phylogeny, we identified orthologous sequences uniformly distributed approximately every 5 Mb in the five chromosomal arms. The sequences were aligned and the phylogenetic trees were inferred using maximum likelihood and neighbor-joining methods. Bayesian molecular dating using a relaxed log normal model was used to infer divergence times. Trees from individual genes agreed with each other, placing An. nili as a basal clade that diversified from the studied malaria mosquito species 47.6 million years ago (mya). Other African malaria vectors originated more recently, and independently acquired traits related to vectorial capacity. The lineage leading to An. gambiae diverged 30.4 mya, while the African vector An. funestus and the Asian vector An. stephensi were the most closely related sister taxa that split 20.8 mya. These results were supported by consistently high bootstrap values in concatenated phylogenetic trees generated individually for each chromosomal arm. Genome-wide multigene phylogenetic analysis is a useful approach for discerning historic relationships among malaria vectors, providing a framework for the correct interpretation of genomic changes across species, and comprehending the evolutionary origins of this ubiquitous and deadly insect-borne disease