543 research outputs found

    Faciendo Oleum Baeticae. La elaboración del aceite bético a través de sus almazaras.

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    En nuestra exposición realizaremos un acercamiento a la elaboración del afamado aceite bético a través del análisis de sus centros de producción. En los últimos años hemos asistido a un notabilísimo incremento del número de evidencias arqueológicas vinculadas con la elaboración de este producto, esencial para la economía imperial. La producción comercial de aceite en la Bética no se circunscribe a una región en concreto sino que se desarrolla a lo largo de todo el territorio provincial, mostrando una tecnología avanzada y singular que explica la gran rentabilidad del producto.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El Enriquecimiento ambiental en ratas : efectos diferenciales en función del sexo /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl tratamiento de Enriquecimiento Ambiental (EA) incrementa la estimulación y proporciona oportunidades más ricas y variadas de interacción con el entorno social y físico y ha demostrado ejercer una gran variedad de efectos a largo plazo a nivel neuroanatómico, neuroquímico y conductual en varias especies animales. El EA aumenta el tamaño de la corteza cerebral, incrementa las ramificaciones dendríticas y la neurogénesis hipocampal y mejora las capacidades cognitivas en una variedad de tareas. No obstante, aunque algunas investigaciones han descrito efectos diferenciales del EA en función del sexo, la gran mayoría de estudios que han evaluado los efectos del EA se han realizado con sujetos macho. Además, en humanos existen importantes diferencias de sexo en un gran número de psicopatologías, como la depresión, la esquizofrenia o la adicción a drogas, lo cual evidencia la necesidad de incluir a las hembras en los diseños experimentales. La presente tesis se propone estudiar los efectos del EA en ratas Sprague-Dawley de ambos sexos en pruebas que evalúan exploración y memoria social, reactividad emocional, mecanismos atencionales, aprendizaje y adicción a drogas a lo largo de dos bloques experimentales. El tratamiento se inició después del destete colocando a los animales en grupos de 9-12 individuos en jaulas de enriquecimiento durante 8 o 12 semanas, donde se cambiaban la configuración espacial y los objetos. Las ratas control se estabularon en grupos (2-3 individuos) en jaulas estándar. En el primer bloque experimental se realizaron dos estudios con el propósito de evaluar los efectos del EA en exploración social mediante la prueba de Discriminación Social; en reactividad emocional, mediante el Laberinto elevado en cruz, la respuesta de sobresalto ante un estímulo acústico y la respuesta del eje Hipotálamo-Pituitario-Adrenal en condiciones basales y en respuesta a la exposición a la prueba de la Tabla de agujeros; en mecanismos atencionales, mediante el paradigma de inhibición prepulso; y en aprendizaje espacial, mediante el laberinto Hebb-Williams. Los resultados de este primer bloque mostraron que el EA disminuyó la emotividad en machos y hembras como se observó por la mayor conducta en los brazos abiertos del laberinto elevado en cruz, la mayor exploración en la tabla de agujeros y la menor reactividad del eje HPA en comparación con los animales control. De manera inesperada, el EA disminuyó el porcentaje de inhibición prepulso en machos y hembras, resultado que contrastó con el efecto de mejora en la ejecución del laberinto Hebb-Williams que produjo el tratamiento en los mismos sujetos experimentales. En las pruebas de exploración y reconocimiento social, el EA mostró un efecto diferencial en función del sexo ya que aumentó la exploración y el reconocimiento social en los machos pero los disminuyó en las hembras. El segundo bloque experimental constituyó el tercer estudio, donde se evaluaron los efectos del EA en el consumo de cocaína mediante el paradigma de autoadministración intravenosa. Los resultados mostraron efectos de sexo y de tratamiento, de forma que las hembras se autoadministraron más cocaína que los machos, y el EA aumentó la autoadministración en machos y hembras de forma diferencial. Así, el EA afectó predominantemente a las hembras, quienes aumentaron la conducta de búsqueda de cocaína realizando un número mayor de respuestas en la palanca asociada a la droga. En conjunto, los resultados del presente trabajo indican que el tratamiento de EA produce efectos diferenciales en machos y hembras en función de las tareas evaluadas.Environmental Enrichment (EE) increases stimulation and provides richer sensory, cognitive and motor stimulation through the interaction with the social and fisical environment and produces a wide range of neuroanatomical, neurochemical and behavioral effects in several animal species. Various studies have shown that EE increases brain weight and thickness, dendritic branching and length and also increases hippocampal neurogenesis and survival of newly generated neurons. With regard to cognitive function, it has been consistently shown that EE improved spatial learning in several tasks. But the results obtained from the experiments measuring the effects of EE treatment have been done mainly with male rats, though some results clearly showed sex differences in response to EE. Furthermore, a surge of findings from animals and humans have shown sex differences in several psychopathologies, as depression, esquizofrenia and drug addiction. The aim of the present thesis was to study sex differential effects of EE in Sprague-Dawley rats in tasks that measure social exploration and memory, emotional reactivity, sensoriomotor gating, spatial learning and drug addiction. The work has been divided in 2 experimental blocks: after weaning, rats were housed in groups of 9 -12 in enriched cages during 8 or 12 weeks, were the spatial configuration and objects were changed frequently. Control rats were housed in groups (2-3 animals) in standard cages. In the first experimental work we did two studies, where we studied social exploration in the Social discrimination test; emotional reactivity in the Elevated plus maze, Acoustic startle response and responsiveness of the hypothalamic-pituitay-adrenal (HPA) axis in response to the Hole board test; we measured attentional mechanisms through the prepulse inhibition paradigm; and spatial learning in the Hebb-Williams maze. The main results indicated that enriched animals appeared less emotional since they increase open arm activity, they showed more exploratory behavior in the hole board and less HPA reactivity than controls. EE showed a significant reduction of prepulse inhibition compared to control rats, in contrast with the improvement showed by the enriched rats in the Hebb-Williams maze. Furthermore, the EE effects in the patterns of social investigation were sex dependent, and EE treatment increased exploratory behavior and social discrimination in males and decreased social discrimination in females. In the second experimental block we performed the third study, where we evaluated the effects of EE on cocaine consumption by means of the intravenous self-administration paradigm. The results showed sex and treatment effects, females were more sensitivity to cocaine as shown by the greater amount of cocaine intake. EE increased self- administration in both male and female rats, but females were more affected than males as showed by the higher levels of infusions and the increase in the responses in the active lever. The results of the present thesis indicate that EE treatment produce differential effects in male and female rats in a task dependent manner

    Carbon footprint of dairy goat production systems: A comparison of three contrasting grazing levels in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park (Southern Spain)

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the carbon footprint (CF) of grazing dairy goat systems in a natural park according to their grazing level. A total of 16 representative grazing goat farms in southern Spain were selected and grouped into three farming systems: low productivity grazing farms (LPG), more intensified grazing farms (MIG) and high productivity grazing farms (HPG). Their CF was analyzed, including greenhouse gas emissions and soil C sequestration according to the farms’ grazing level and milk productivity, taking into account different functional units (one kilogram of fat and protein corrected milk (FPCM) and one hectare) and milk correction. Results showed that all variables differed according to the milk correction applied as the values for cow's milk correction were 41% lower than for sheep's milk correction. Total emissions and contributions of soil carbon sequestration differed according to farming system group; LPG farms had higher total emissions than MIG and HPG farms, however total carbon sequestration was lower in the MIG farms than in the LPG and HPG farms. The CF values ranged from 2.36 to 1.76 kg CO2e kg⁻¹ FPCM for sheep's milk correction and from 1.40 to 1.04 kg CO2e kg⁻¹ FPCM for cow's milk correction. No differences were found between farming system groups in either of the two cases but when calculations took hectare of land as a functional unit, the contribution of MIG farms to the CF was 85% higher than LPG and HPG farms. Therefore it is important to take into account the functional unit used to calculate the CF by analyzing this indicator in a broader context, and including carbon sequestration by grazing livestock in the calculation. In order to reduce the CF of this type of system, it is advisable to make appropriate use of the natural resources and to reach an optimum level of milk productivity, high enough for pastoral livestock farming to be viable

    Síntese da teoria da percepção materna do peso corporal do filho

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    To build a middle range theory of maternal perception of her child´s body weight. This middle range theory was built deductively from the concept of social perception and from research literature published following the steps of theory synthesis. This theory has inputs, and the maternal perception of her child´s body weight is the outcome, that influence on maternal attitudes, and behaviors related to the child’s body weight. This theory offers an explanation how mothers build a judgement about their child’s body weight. The professionals could work with the factors that influence the maternal perception of her child´s body weight.Desarrollar una teoría de rango medio de la percepción materna del peso corporal del hijo. Esta teoría fue desarrollada de forma deductiva a partir del concepto de percepción social y de hallazgos científicos publicados, siguiendo los pasos de síntesis de teoría. Esta teoría tiene elementos de entrada y la percepción maternal del peso del hijo es el resultado, que influye en las actitudes y conductas maternas relacionadas al peso corporal del hijo. Esta teoría ofrece una explicación de cómo las madres construyen el juicio respecto al peso corporal de su hijo. Los profesionales podrían trabajar con los factores que influyen en la percepción materna del peso corporal del hijo.Desenvolver uma teoria de classe média da percepção materna do peso corporal do filho. Essa teoria foi desenvolvida dedutivamente a partir do conceito de percepção social e descobertas científicas publicadas, seguindo as etapas de síntese da teoria. Essa teoria tem elementos de entrada e o resultado é a percepção materna do peso corporal do filho, que influencia as atitudes e comportamentos maternos relacionados ao peso corporal do filho. Essa teoria oferece uma explicação de como as mães constroem seu julgamento sobre o peso corporal do seu filho. Os profissionais poderiam trabalhar com os fatores que influenciam a percepção materna sobre o peso corporal do filho

    Energy Assessment of Pastoral Dairy Goat Husbandry from an Agroecological Economics Perspective. A Case Study in Andalusia (Spain)

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    This paper presents a methodological proposal of new energy sustainability indicators according to a novel accounting that follows agroecological and ecological economics criteria. Energy output is reformulated to include manure and thus consider the contribution to fertilization made by pastoral livestock farming to agroecosystems. Energy inputs calculations include the grazing resources. These new definitions and calculations allow for new formulations of the energy return on investment (EROI) as measures of the energy efficiency of livestock farming systems (final EROI and food/feed EROI). The environmental benefit of manure is estimated from the avoided energy cost of using this alternative to inorganic fertilizers (AECM). The environmental benefit of grazing is measured through the energy cost of avoiding cultivated animal feed (AECP) and its impact in terms of non-utilized agricultural area (ALCP). The comparative analysis of different livestock breeding systems in three pastoral dairy goat farms in the Sierra de Cádiz in Andalusia, southern Spain, reveals the analytical potential of the new energy sustainability indicators proposed, as well as the potential environmental benefits derived from territorial-based stockbreeding and, more specifically, grazing activities. Those benefits include gains in energy efficiency, a reduction of the dependence on non-renewable energy, and environmental costs avoided in terms of energy in extensive pastoral systems

    Fatores que influenciam a participação do pessoal de enfermagem na educação contínua

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    The purpose was to determine the effect of personal and professional factors, as well as motivational orientations, on the participation of nursing staff in continuing education at two health institutions, one public and another private. Descriptive, comparative, correlational design. Probabilistic sampling, random estimation, error limit 0.05, confidence level 95%. Participants were 105 subjects from the private institution and 200 subjects from the public institution. Two instruments were applied: Scale of Reasons for Participation (SRP) and instrument of Participation in Continuing Education (PCE). The internal consistency of the instruments was acceptable. Among personal factors, the income demonstrated effect on the participation (p=.007) in continuing education. Academic level (p=.004) and staff position (p=.005) are professional factors that predict participation in continuing education, as well as the development factor and professional enhancement among motivational orientations (p=.005). The labor institution, whether private or public, did not show any significant effect.El propósito fue determinar el efecto de los factores personales, profesionales y orientaciones motivacionales sobre la participación del personal de enfermería en educación continua en dos instituciones de salud, pública y privada. Diseño descriptivo, comparativo y correlacional. Muestreo probabilístico, aleatorio, límite de error de estimación 0.05, nivel de confianza 95%. Participaron 105 sujetos de la institución privada y 200 sujetos de la pública. Se aplicaron dos instrumentos: Escala de Razones de Participación (ERP) e instrumento de Participación en Educación Continua (PEC). La consistencia interna de los instrumentos fue aceptable. De los factores personales se encontró que el ingreso económico tiene efecto sobre la participación (p=.007). El nivel académico (p=.004) y puesto que ocupa (p=.005) son factores profesionales predictores. De las orientaciones motivacionales el factor de desarrollo y mejora profesional mostró efecto significativo (p=.05) en la participación en educación continua. La institución laboral sea pública o privada no mostró efecto significativo.O propósito do estudo foi determinar o efeito dos fatores pessoais, profissionais e as orientações motivacionais na participação do pessoal de enfermagem na educação continuada em duas instituições de saúde, uma pública e outra privada. O desenho foi descritivo, comparativo e correlacional. Amostragem probabilística, aleatoria, límite de erro de estimação 0.05, nível de confiança 95%. Participaram 105 sujeitos da instituição privada e 200 sujetos da pública. Aplicaram-se dois instrumentos: Escala de Razões de Participação (ERP) e instrumento de Participação na Educação Continuada (PEC). A consistência interna dos instrumentos foi aceitável. Dos fatores pessoales, encontrou-se que a renda económica tem efeito na participação (p=.007). O nível acadêmico (p=.004) e a posição laboral (p=.005) são fatores profissionais prognósticos da participação na educação continuada. Das orientações motivacionais, o fator de desenvolvimento e melhora profissional mostrou efeito significativo (p=.05) na participação. A instituição laboral, seja pública ou privada, não teve efeito significativo

    Agreement morphology errors and null subjects in young (non-)CLIL learners

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    Abstract: There is a wealth of studies on L2 English acquisition in CLIL contexts in Spain,but most have underexplored the potential impact of CLIL in the longer run on themorphosyntax of earlier starters from monolingual regions. This paper fills this gap by exploring agreement morphology errors and subject omission in the oral production of Primary Education English learners from the Spanish monolingual community of Cantabria.The sample investigated consists of the individual narration of a story by learners in two age-matched (11-12 year-olds) groups, one CLIL (n=28) and one non- CLIL (n=35). The results show no statistically significant differences between both groups for the provision of specific linguistic features at a younger age, though some evidence also points to a subtle effect of additional CLIL exposure. Both groups show moderately low rates of null subjects; they omit affixal morphology (*he eat ) significantly more frequently than suppletive inflection (*he _ eating) and they seldom produce commission errors (*they eats). Interestingly, non-CLIL learners show far greater rates of omission with auxiliary be than copula be and frequently use the placeholder is (*he is eat), which evinces an earlier stage of acquisition than that of CLIL learners.Resumen: En estudios previos sobre la adquisición de inglés como L2 en contextos AICLE en España no se ha explorado en profundidad el impacto potencial de AICLE en la morfosintaxis en estudiantes con una exposición temprana y prolongada a la lengua meta y en regiones monolingües. Nuestra investigación contribuye a esta línea de investigación explorando los errores de morfología flexiva y la omisión del sujeto en la producción oral de aprendices de inglés de Educación Primaria de la comunidad española monolingüe de Cantabria. La muestra investigada consiste en la narración individual de una historia por aprendices de edades similares de un grupo CLIL (n=28) y uno no CLIL (n=35). Los resultados no muestran diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos en lo que respecta a la provisión de rasgos lingüísticos específicos a edades tempranas, aunque sí evidencian un ligero efecto de la exposición adicional a AICLE. Ambos grupos muestran tasas relativamente bajas de sujetos nulos; omiten la morfología afijal (*he eat ) con una frecuencia significativamente mayor que la supletiva (*he _ eating) y raramente emplean morfemas flexivos de forma errónea (*they eats). Sin embargo, los estudiantes de programas tradicionales omiten más el auxiliar be que la cópula be y utilizan más frecuentemente el ?comodín? is (*he is eat), lo que evidencia una etapa de adquisición más temprana que la de los estudiantes en programas AICLE

    Exceso de peso y depresión asociados al Polimorfismo del Gen Transportador de la Serotonina (5-HTTLPR): Una revisión sistemática

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    Background: Excess weight and depression have been studied due to the high prevalence in the population, the evidence indicates that there is a bidirectionality of origin and development of these diseases. Additionally, genetic load has been significantly associated in these diseases, an example is the polymorphism of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR), studies report that this genetic factor can condition and aggravate the symptoms present in both conditions. Objective: Collect, review, and analyze published studies of the relationship between 5-HTTLPR polymorphism for the development of depression in overweight-obese people.Methods: Using the PRISMA checklist guidelines, a systematic search was performed in the databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index) and EBSCO (Academic Search Complete, Academic Source and MedicLatina). The Web 3.0 platform: Critical Reading Files was used to analyze the quality of the studiesResults: Seven studies were included, which provided evidence of the relationship between 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, depression and increased BMI / overweight-obesity.Conclusion: The evidence analyzed shows that the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism is linked to the development and symptoms of depression and obesity. Information that health personnel must consider in order to carry out treatments and care plans according to the needs of individuals with these conditions.Introducción: El exceso de peso y la depresión han sido objeto de estudio por su elevada prevalencia en la población, la evidencia refiere que existe una bidireccionalidad de origen y desarrollo entre éstas enfermedades. Además, la carga genética se ha asociado significativamente en estas enfermedades, un ejemplo es el polimorfismo de la región promotora del gen transportador de la serotonina (5-HTTLPR), estudios reportan que este factor genético puede condicionar y agravar los síntomas presentes de ambas condiciones. Objetivo: Recopilar, revisar y analizar estudios publicados de la relación que existe entre polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR para el desarrollo de la depresión en personas con sobrepeso-obesidad. Métodos: Por medio de los lineamientos del checklist de PRISMA se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (Science Citation Index Expanded y Social Sciences Citation Index) y EBSCO (Academic Search Complete, Fuente Académica y MedicLatina). La plataforma Web 3.0: Ficheros de Lectura Crítica se utilizó para analizar la calidad de los estudios.Resultados: Se incluyeron siete estudios, los cuales aportaron evidencia de la relación entre el polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR, la depresión y el aumento de IMC/sobrepeso-obesidad. Conclusión: La evidencia analizada demuestra que el polimorfismo 5-HTTLPR está ligado al desarrollo y síntomas de la depresión y obesidad. Información que debe considerar el personal de salud para poder realizar tratamientos y planes de cuidado acorde a las necesidades de los individuos con estas condiciones