745 research outputs found

    Estimate of Production By a Population of Fathead Minnows, Pimpephales promelas, In a South Dakota Prairie Wetland

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    Estimates of production and population densities were obtained for an autochthonous population of fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas Rafinesque, in a South Dakota prairie wetland. The study was conducted from May to September of 1976. Population estimates were obtained using a Schnabel-type mark and recapture model. Fish were marked either by fin clipping or granular fluorescent pigments driven into the dermal tissue. Production estimates were derived both arithmetically and graphically. The estimated population of adult fathead minnows declined from 194 in May and June to 26 in July. Production by adults was estimated at 0.10 kg, or 0.0007 gm/m²/yr. The population of young-of-the-year fathead minnows was estimated at 21,020 in July; 126,505 in August; and 105,297 in September. Production by young-of-the-year was estimated at 174.99 kg, or 1.75 gm/m²/yr. Young-of-the-year contributed more than ninety-nine percent of the total net production, which was estimated at 175.09 kg, or 1.75 gm/m²/yr. Chapman (1967) reported that lentic waters in temperate regions have produced 2 to 15 gm/m²/yr. where a single species predominated. Production by fathead minnows in Pickering Slough was probably underestimated as a result of: 1) low initial brood stock density (less than five per acre); 2) receding water levels through the study period; 3) exclusion of sexual products form the estimate of net production; 4) exclusion of production by fry not surviving to be censused; and 5) exclusion of production in September and October

    Relationship of Alexithymia Ratings to Dopamine D2-type Receptors in Anterior Cingulate and Insula of Healthy Control Subjects but Not Methamphetamine-Dependent Individuals.

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    BackgroundIndividuals with substance-use disorders exhibit emotional problems, including deficits in emotion recognition and processing, and this class of disorders also has been linked to deficits in dopaminergic markers in the brain. Because associations between these phenomena have not been explored, we compared a group of recently abstinent methamphetamine-dependent individuals (n=23) with a healthy-control group (n=17) on dopamine D2-type receptor availability, measured using positron emission tomography with [(18)F]fallypride.MethodsThe anterior cingulate and anterior insular cortices were selected as the brain regions of interest, because they receive dopaminergic innervation and are thought to be involved in emotion awareness and processing. The Toronto Alexithymia Scale, which includes items that assess difficulty in identifying and describing feelings as well as externally oriented thinking, was administered, and the scores were tested for association with D2-type receptor availability.ResultsRelative to controls, methamphetamine-dependent individuals showed higher alexithymia scores, reporting difficulty in identifying feelings. The groups did not differ in D2-type receptor availability in the anterior cingulate or anterior insular cortices, but a significant interaction between group and D2-type receptor availability in both regions, on self-report score, reflected significant positive correlations in the control group (higher receptor availability linked to higher alexithymia) but nonsignificant, negative correlations (lower receptor availability linked to higher alexithymia) in methamphetamine-dependent subjects.ConclusionsThe results suggest that neurotransmission through D2-type receptors in the anterior cingulate and anterior insular cortices influences capacity of emotion processing in healthy people but that this association is absent in individuals with methamphetamine dependence

    Xenon lighting adjusted to plant requirements

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    Xenon lamps are available as low and high power lamps with relatively high efficiency and a relatively long lifetime up to several thousand hours. Different construction types of short-arc and long-arc lamps permit a good adaptation to various applications in projection and illumination techniques without substantial changes of the spectral quality. Hence, the xenon lamp was the best choice for professional technical purposes where high power at simultaneously good spectral quality of the light was required. However, technical development does not stand still. Between the luminous efficacy of xenon lamps of 25-50 lm/W and the theoretical limit for 'white light' of 250 lm/W is still much room for improvement. The present development mainly favors other lamp types, like metal halide lamps and fluorescent lamps for commercial lighting purposes. The enclosed sections deal with some of the properties of xenon lamps relevant to plant illumination; particularly the spectral aspects, the temporal characteristics of the emission, and finally the economy of xenon lamps will be addressed. Due to radiation exceeding the natural global radiation in both the ultraviolet (UV) and the infrared (IR) regions, filter techniques have to be included into the discussion referring to the requirements of plant illumination. Most of the presented results were obtained by investigations in the GSF phytotron or in the closed Phytocell chambers of the University of Erlangen. As our experiences are restricted to area plant illumination rather than spot lights our discussion will concentrate on low pressure long-arc xenon lamps which are commonly used for such plant illuminations. As the spectral properties of short-arc lamps do not differ much from those of long-arc lamps most of our conclusions will be valid for high pressure xenon lamps too. These lamps often serve as light sources for small sun simulators and for monochromators which are used for action spectroscopy of plant responses

    Recovering the Imperfect: Cell Segmentation in the Presence of Dynamically Localized Proteins

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    Deploying off-the-shelf segmentation networks on biomedical data has become common practice, yet if structures of interest in an image sequence are visible only temporarily, existing frame-by-frame methods fail. In this paper, we provide a solution to segmentation of imperfect data through time based on temporal propagation and uncertainty estimation. We integrate uncertainty estimation into Mask R-CNN network and propagate motion-corrected segmentation masks from frames with low uncertainty to those frames with high uncertainty to handle temporary loss of signal for segmentation. We demonstrate the value of this approach over frame-by-frame segmentation and regular temporal propagation on data from human embryonic kidney (HEK293T) cells transiently transfected with a fluorescent protein that moves in and out of the nucleus over time. The method presented here will empower microscopic experiments aimed at understanding molecular and cellular function.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI Workshop on Medical Image Learning with Less Labels and Imperfect Data, 202

    UV filters for lighting of plants

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    The wavelength dependent interaction of biological systems with radiation is commonly described by appropriate action spectra. Particularly effective plant responses are obtained for ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Excess shortwave UV-B radiation will induce genetic defects and plant damage. Besides the ecological discussion of the deleterious effects of the excess UV radiation there is increasing interest in horticultural applications of this spectral region. Several metabolic pathways leading to valuable secondary plant products like colors, odors, taste, or resulting in mechanical strength and vitality are triggered by UV radiation. Thus, in ecologically as well as in economically oriented experiments the exact generation and knowledge of the spectral irradiance, particularly near the UV absorption edge, is essential. The ideal filter 'material' to control the UV absorption edge would be ozone itself. However, due to problems in controlling the toxic and chemically aggressive, instable gas, only rather 'small ozone filters' have been realized so far. In artificial plant lighting conventional solid filter materials such as glass sheets and plastic foils (celluloseacetate or cellulosetriacetate) which can be easily handled have been used to absorb the UV-C and the excess shortwave UV-B radiation of the lamp emissions. Different filter glasses are available which provide absorption properties suitable for gradual changes of the spectral UV-B illumination of artificial lighting. Using a distinct set of lamps and filter glasses an acceptable simulation of the UV-B part of natural global radiation can be achieved. The aging of these and other filter materials under the extreme UV radiation in the lamphouse of a solar simulator is presently unavoidable. This instability can be dealt with only by a precise spectral monitoring and by replacing the filters accordingly. For this reason attempts would be useful to develop real ozone filters which can replace glass filters. In any case chamber experiments require a careful selection of the filter material used and must be accompanied by a continuous UV-B monitoring

    Probing the phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2 by thermopower at high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power, S(T), and the electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeRu_2Ge_2 (T_N=8.55 K and T_C=7.40 K) were measured for pressures p < 16 GPa in the temperature range 1.2 K < T < 300 K. Long-range magnetic order is suppressed at a p_c of approximately 6.4 GPa. Pressure drives S(T) through a sequence of temperature dependences, ranging from a behaviour characteristic for magnetically ordered heavy fermion compounds to a typical behaviour of intermediate-valent systems. At intermediate pressures a large positive maximum develops above 10 K in S(T). Its origin is attributed to the Kondo effect and its position is assumed to reflect the Kondo temperature T_K. The pressure dependence of T_K is discussed in a revised and extended (T,p) phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    High-pressure transport properties of CeRu_2Ge_2

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    The pressure-induced changes in the temperature-dependent thermopower S(T) and electrical resistivity \rho(T) of CeRu_2Ge_2 are described within the single-site Anderson model. The Ce-ions are treated as impurities and the coherent scattering on different Ce-sites is neglected. Changing the hybridisation \Gamma between the 4f-states and the conduction band accounts for the pressure effect. The transport coefficients are calculated in the non-crossing approximation above the phase boundary line. The theoretical S(T) and \rho(T) curves show many features of the experimental data. The seemingly complicated temperature dependence of S(T) and \rho(T), and their evolution as a function of pressure, is related to the crossovers between various fixed points of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Phase diagram of heavy fermion systems

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    The Meccano of heavy fermion systems is shown on different cases going from anomalous monochalcogenides to cerium intermetallic compounds with special focus on the ideal case of the CeRu2Si2 series. Discussion is made in the frame of the interplay between valence, electronic structure (Fermi surface), and magnetism. The nice tools given by the temperature, the pressure, and the magnetic field allow to explore different ground states as well as the slow downhill ''race'' before reaching a Fermi liquid finish line at very low temperature. Experimentally, the Gr"uneisen parameter i.e. the ratio of the thermal expansion by the specific heat is a coloured magic number; its temperature, pressure, and magnetic field dependence is a deep disclosure of competing hierarchies and the conversion of this adaptive matter to external responses.Comment: submitted ICM200

    Kondo engineering : from single Kondo impurity to the Kondo lattice

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    In the first step, experiments on a single cerium or ytterbium Kondo impurity reveal the importance of the Kondo temperature by comparison to other type of couplings like the hyperfine interaction, the crystal field and the intersite coupling. The extension to a lattice is discussed. Emphasis is given on the fact that the occupation number nfn_f of the trivalent configuration may be the implicit key variable even for the Kondo lattice. Three (P,H,T)(P, H, T) phase diagrams are discussed: CeRu2_2Si2_2, CeRhIn5_5 and SmS