44 research outputs found


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    Padang lamun merupakan salah satu ekosistem penting bagi kehidupan ikan. Salah satu peranannya adalah sebagai penyedia makanan dan perlindungan dari predator. Kompleksitas kondisi padang lamun dapat mempengaruhi jumlah jenis ikan yang berada di sekitarnya. Wilayah perairan Kepulauan Banggai merupakan salah satu perairan subur yang memiliki ekosistem padang lamun dengan kondisi relatif masih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati keanekaragaman ikan padang lamun di perairan Kepulauan Banggai. Jaring pantai (beach seine) digunakan untuk memperoleh sampel ikan pada tujuh lokasi pengamatan selama kurun waktu pertengahan bulan Juni hingga Juli 2011. Keanekaragaman ikan dinilai berdasarkan pada komposisi jenis ikan dan beberapa indeks diversitas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan jumlah total ikan yang dikoleksi yaitu 1.714 individu, terdiri dari 37 famili dan 90 spesies. Jumlah tangkapan ikan tertinggi berada pada lokasi Pulau Kakadan dan Pulau Kembangan dengan jumlah tangkapan masing-masing 41 dan 33 spesies. Sebaliknya Pulau-pulau Bandang merupakan lokasi dengan jumlah hasil tangkapan terendah yaitu 11 spesies dengan total keseluruhan hanya 20 individu. Jenis ikan dari famili Athrinidae dan Clupeidae mendominasi hasil tangkapan di Pulau Kakadan dan Pulau Kembangan sekaligus merupakan jumlah tertinggi diantara semua jenis ikan dari seluruh lokasi pengamatan. Secara umum komunitas ikan berada pada kondisi yang stabil dengan tidak adanya jenis yang mendominasi. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) keseluruhan lokasi pengamatan menunjukkan kekayaan spesies berada pada kondisi sedang (2,21–2,78). Sedangkan nilai keseragaman (e), menunjukkan sebagian besar lokasi pengamatan berada pada kondisi yang labil (0,50< e d”0,75). Kondisi demikian mengisyaratkan bahwa perlu adanya upaya perlindungan ekosistem lamun dan sekitarnya agar keanekaragaman ikan tetap terjaga. Seagrass is one of important ecosystems for fish life. One of its roles is as feeding ground and protection area from predators. The complexity of seagrass can influence the number of surrounding fish species. The Banggai Islands waters is one of rich area that has seagrass ecosystems in a relatively good condition. This research aims to examine the diversity of fish in seagrass beds in that area. Beach seine was used to catch sample of fish from seven stations spanning the middle of June until July 2011. The diversity of fish was determined based on the composition and some of diversity index. The result showed that the total numbers of collecting fish were 1.714 individuals, consisting of 37 family and 90 species. The highest of total number was found in Kakadan and Kembangan Island, were 41 and 33 species respectively. On the other hand, Bandang Islands had the lowest catch of 11 species (20 individuals). The family of Athrinidae dan Clupeidae dominated the total number of catch in Kakadan dan Kembangan Island and the highest among all species from whole stations. Generally, the fish community was at a steady level in which there was no domination. Biodiversity index (H’) of all stations showed the richness of species was at moderate level (2,21-2,78). Whereas the evenness index showed that almost all of stations were at unsteady condition (0,50< e d”0,75). These conditions imply that it needs a protection effort toward seagrass ecosystem in order to maintenance fish diversity

    FMD vaccine matching: Inter laboratory study for improved understanding of r1 values

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    Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is a highly variable RNA virus existing as seven different serotypes. The antigenic variability between and within serotypes can limit the cross-reactivity and therefore the in vivo cross-protection of vaccines. Selection of appropriate vaccine strains is crucial in the control of FMD. Determination of indirect relationships (r1-value) between potential vaccine strains and field strains based on antibody responses against both are routinely used for vaccine matching purposes. Aiming at the investigation of the repeatability, reproducibility and comparability of r1-value determination within and between laboratories and serological tests, a small scale vaccine matching ring test for FMDV serotype A was organized. Well-characterized serum pools from cattle vaccinated with a monovalent A24/Cruzeiro/Brazil/55 (A24) FMD vaccine with known in vivo protection status (homologous and heterologous) were distributed to four laboratories to determine r1-values for the heterologous FMD strains A81/Argentina/87, A/Argentina/2000 and A/Argentina/2001 using the virus neutralization tests (VNT) and liquid phase blocking ELISA (LPBE). Within laboratories, the repeatability of r1-value determination was high for both antibody assays. VNT resulted in reproducible and comparable r1-values between laboratories, indicative of a lack of antigenic relatedness between the A24 strain and the heterologous strains tested in this work, thus corresponding to some of the in vivo findings with these strains. Using LPBE, similar trends in r1-values were observed in all laboratories, but the overall reproducibility was lower than with VNT. Inconsistencies between laboratories may at least in part be attributed to differences in LPBE protocols as well as the in preexisting information generated in each laboratory (such as antibody titer-protection correlation curves). To gain more insight in the LPBE-derived r1-values standard bovine control sera were included in the antibody assays performed in each laboratory and a standardization exercise was performed.Fil: Willems, Tom. No especifíca;Fil: De Vleeschauwer, Annebel. No especifíca;Fil: Pérez Filgueira, Daniel Mariano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigacion En Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronomicas. Instituto de Virologia E Innovaciones Tecnologicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Pque. Centenario. Instituto de Virologia E Innovaciones Tecnologicas.; ArgentinaFil: Li, Yanmin. No especifíca;Fil: Ludi, Anna. No especifíca;Fil: Lefebvre, David. No especifíca;Fil: Wilsden, Ginette. No especifíca;Fil: Statham, Bob. No especifíca;Fil: Haas, Bernd. Federal Research Institute for Animal Health; AlemaniaFil: Mattion, Nora Marta. Ministerio de Produccion y Trabajo. Secretaria de Gobierno de Agroindustria. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Centro de Virologia Animal. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Virologia Animal.; ArgentinaFil: Robiolo, Blanca. Ministerio de Produccion y Trabajo. Secretaria de Gobierno de Agroindustria. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Centro de Virologia Animal. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Virologia Animal.; ArgentinaFil: Beascoechea Perez, Claudia. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimento. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria; ArgentinaFil: Maradei, Eduardo. Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Alimento. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria; ArgentinaFil: Smitsaart, Eliana. Biogénesis Bagó; ArgentinaFil: la Torre, Jose Leonardo. Ministerio de Produccion y Trabajo. Secretaria de Gobierno de Agroindustria. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria. Centro de Virologia Animal. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Centro de Virologia Animal.; ArgentinaFil: De Clercq, Kris. No especifíca

    Modelling Saharan dust transport into the Mediterranean basin with CMAQ

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    The need for a better quantification of the influence of Saharan dust transport processes on the air quality modelling in the Mediterranean basin led to the formulation of a dust emission module (DEM) integrated into the Air Quality Risk Assessment System for the Iberian Peninsula (SERCA). This paper is focused on the formulation of DEM based on the GOCART aerosol model, along with its integration and execution into the air quality model. It also addresses the testing of the module and its evaluation by contrasting results against satellite products such as MODIS and CALIPSO and ground-level observations of aerosol optical thickness (AOT) and concentration levels of PM10 for different periods in July 2007. DEM was found capable of reproducing the spatial (horizontal and vertical) and temporal profiles of Saharan dust outbreaks into the Mediterranean basin and the Atlantic coast of Africa. Moreover, it was observed that its combination with CMAQ increased the correlation degree between observed and modelled PM10 concentrations at the selected monitoring locations. DEM also enhanced CMAQ capabilities to reproduce observed AOT, although significant underestimations remain. The implementation of CMAQ + DEM succeeded in capturing Saharan dust transport into the Iberian Peninsula, with contributions up to 25 and 14 ÎŒg m−3 in 1 h and 24 h average PM10 respectively. The general improvement of total PM10 predictions in Spain are however moderate. The analysis of model performance for the main PM components points out that remaining PM10 underestimation is due to dust local sources missing in the inventories and misrepresentation of organic aerosol processes, which constitutes the main areas for future improvement of CMAQ capabilities to simulate particulate matter within SERCA

    Taxonomic and Environmental Variability in the Elemental Composition and Stoichiometry of Individual Dinoflagellate and Diatom Cells from the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    Here we present, for the first time, the elemental concentration, including C, N and O, of single phytoplankton cells collected from the sea. Plankton elemental concentration and stoichiometry are key variables in phytoplankton ecophysiology and ocean biogeochemistry, and are used to link cells and ecosystems. However, most field studies rely on bulk techniques that overestimate carbon and nitrogen because the samples include organic matter other than plankton organisms. Here we used X-ray microanalysis (XRMA), a technique that, unlike bulk analyses, gives simultaneous quotas of C, N, O, Mg, Si, P, and S, in single-cell organisms that can be collected directly from the sea. We analysed the elemental composition of dinoflagellates and diatoms (largely Chaetoceros spp.) collected from different sites of the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea). As expected, a lower C content is found in our cells compared to historical values of cultured cells. Our results indicate that, except for Si and O in diatoms, the mass of all elements is not a constant fraction of cell volume but rather decreases with increasing cell volume. Also, diatoms are significantly less dense in all the measured elements, except Si, compared to dinoflagellates. The N:P ratio of both groups is higher than the Redfield ratio, as it is the N:P nutrient ratio in deep NW Mediterranean Sea waters (N:P = 20–23). The results suggest that the P requirement is highest for bacterioplankton, followed by dinoflagellates, and lowest for diatoms, giving them a clear ecological advantage in P-limited environments like the Mediterranean Sea. Finally, the P concentration of cells of the same genera but growing under different nutrient conditions was the same, suggesting that the P quota of these cells is at a critical level. Our results indicate that XRMA is an accurate technique to determine single cell elemental quotas and derived conversion factors used to understand and model ocean biogeochemical cycles


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    Tuna is the single important export fishery commodity in Indonesia, which The Banda Sea is one of the important tuna fishing ground in which it belongs to fisheries management area (FMA) 714. More recently, some areas of the Banda Sea have been preserved for tuna conservation since January 2015 because it is indicated as the spawning area. Despite the conservation area has been enacted, information on the distribution of tuna larvae as a key variable for establishing conservation area in the Banda Sea is very limited. This study aims to provide the information on the tuna larvae encompassing the spatial distribution and tuna larval development stage as an important input to establish tuna conservation area. Tuna larvae data were collected from several surveys that were done in the Banda Sea over 4 decades. Those study consisted of 21 surveys by using three types of gears to collect tuna larvae sample. Total of 143 stations have been sampled from these surveys and tuna larvae were found in 57 stations. The body length of larvae tuna was 7.36 ± 0.33 mm (mean ± SE). Overall, tuna larvae found in the Banda Sea were in the pre-flexion, flexion, and post-flexion stage. Meanwhile, tuna larvae in pre-flexion stage found in the nearshore area. We concluded this study result supported the hypothesis that tuna may spawn in the Banda Sea. Therefore, more studies on tuna larvae need to be conducted to clarify properly the Banda Sea is an important tuna conservation location