93 research outputs found

    Data Pre-processing for Agricultural Simulations

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    The process of agricultural simulation using APSIM requires input meteorological data to be prepared in a specific format and the simulation setting file to be ready before the simulation processing starts. Because of possible time savings when conducting large number of simulations at once, it is preferable to create all the input and settings files for all the simulations beforehand and process the simulations in batches as large as possible. This article specifically deals with the data acquisition, transformation and preparation process. It also outlines initial testing and computing time estimations and discusses scheduling, parallel processing and other possible simulation optimization methods

    Comparison of the Capacitance Method and the Microwave Impulse Method for Determination of Moisture Profiles in Building Materials

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    A comparison of the capacitance method and the microwave impulse method for the determination of moisture profiles in three typical porous building materials is presented in this paper. The basic principles of the measuring methods are given. The calibration process is described in detail. On the basis of the measured results, it can be concluded that the capacitance method provides better accuracy in the range of lower moisture content than to the microwave impulse method, which is more accurate for the highest values of moisture content.

    Epidemiologie, prevence a léčba kolorektálního karcinomu dle dostupných českých a mezinárodních dat

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    Nádory tlustého střeva a konečníku patří mezi nejčastější onkologické diagnózy. V České republice je každoročně nově diagnostikováno téměř 8 500 pacientů s kolorektálním karcinomem a přibližně 3 900 osob tomuto onemocnění každým rokem podlehne. Celková prevalence přesáhne v roce 2012 hranici 55 000 osob. Společenské, etické i ekonomické důsledky vyplývající z takto vysoké zátěže jsou zřejmé. Publikace „Epidemiologie, prevence a léčba kolorektálního karcinomu dle dostupných českých a mezinárodních dat“ přináší ucelený přehled epidemiologické a léčebné zátěže české populace touto chorobou a věnuje se krátkodobým a dlouhodobým predikcím dalšího vývoje. Situace je rovněž hodnocena v mezinárodním srovnání, neboť v hodnotách incidence a mortality kolorektálního karcinomu obsazuje ČR přední příčky evropských i světových statistik. Z mezinárodních studií však také vyplývá pozitivní poznatek, že většině nádorů tlustého střeva a konečníku lze předejít účinnou prevencí. Kromě primární prevence je zde hlavním nástrojem organizovaný populační screening, který je založen na testech krvácení do stolice a na kolonoskopii. Otázkám prevence a výsledkům screeningu kolorektálního karcinomu jsou v publikaci věnovány zvláštní kapitoly. Ačkoli nejnovější data dokládají rostoucí výkonnost českého screeningu, celkově dosažené pokrytí populace bohužel stále není dostatečné. To platí pro včasný záchyt kolorektálního karcinomu obecně, neboť v ČR je setrvale téměř 50 % nových onemocnění diagnostikováno v pokročilých klinických stadiích, a tedy s výrazně sníženou šancí na vyléčení nebo dlouhodobé přežití pacienta. Publikace rovněž hodnotí přežití dosahované u českých pacientů jakožto zásadní ukazatel výsledků léčebné péče, u kterého v posledních 15 letech zaznamenáváme statisticky významné zlepšení. Pravděpodobnost 5letého relativního přežití je u včasně diagnostikovaného kolorektálního karcinomu v klinickém stadiu i vyšší než 88%. Tato čísla opět potvrzují nutnost účinné prevence a posílení screeningu tohoto preventabilního onemocnění. V tomto směru má publikace ambici informovat odbornou i laickou veřejnost, a proto věnuje značný prostor přehledu dostupných informačních zdrojů.The book aims to inform expert and general public about epidemiology of colorectal carcinoma in the Czech Republic and priorities resulting from high population burden for prevention, diagnostics, and treatment of this severe disease. A number of invited experts assess selected information sources that representatively describe performance and quality of preventive programmes and results of CRC treatment in the Czech Republic

    Comparison of Helicobacter Pylori Genotypes Obtained from the Oropharynx and Stomach of the Same Individuals -A Pilot Study

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    R e c e i ve d M a rc h 3 , 2 0 12 ; A c c e p t e d Ju n e 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 . Key words: Helicobacter pylori -Real-time PCR -Genotyping -OropharynxStomach -Comparison Abstract: Helicobacter pylori has been recently detected in the oral cavity and oropharynx. However, the role it plays in oral and oropharyngeal pathogenesis remains unclear. The virulence of H. pylori strains can be distinguished according to the virulence factors genes carried. Our research has been focused on realtime PCR analysis of cagA and vacA genes of H. pylori strains in tonsils and tonsillar squamous cell cancer and their comparison with H. pylori strains obtained fro

    High-rate low-temperature dc pulsed magnetron sputtering of photocatalytic TiO2films: the effect of repetition frequency

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    The article reports on low-temperature high-rate sputtering of hydrophilic transparent TiO2thin films using dc dual magnetron (DM) sputtering in Ar + O2mixture on unheated glass substrates. The DM was operated in a bipolar asymmetric mode and was equipped with Ti(99.5) targets of 50 mm in diameter. The substrate surface temperature Tsurfmeasured by a thermostrip was less than 180 °C for all experiments. The effect of the repetition frequency frwas investigated in detail. It was found that the increase of frfrom 100 to 350 kHz leads to (a) an improvement of the efficiency of the deposition process that results in a significant increase of the deposition rate aDof sputtered TiO2films and (b) a decrease of peak pulse voltage and sustaining of the magnetron discharge at higher target power densities. It was demonstrated that several hundreds nm thick hydrophilic TiO2films can be sputtered on unheated glass substrates at aD = 80 nm/min, Tsurf < 180 °C when high value of fr = 350 kHz was used. Properties of a thin hydrophilic TiO2film deposited on a polycarbonate substrate are given

    Estimating the number of colorectal cancer patients treated with anti-tumour therapy in 2015: the analysis of the Czech National Cancer Registry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents a serious health care problem in the Czech Republic, introducing a need for a prospective modelling of the incidence and prevalence rates. The prevalence of patients requiring anti-tumour therapy is also of great importance, as it is directly associated with planning of health care resources.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This work proposes a population-based model for the estimation of stage-specific prevalence of CRC patients who will require active anti-tumour therapy in a given year. Its applicability is documented on records of the Czech National Cancer Registry (CNCR), which is used to estimate the number of patients potentially treated with anti-tumour therapy in the Czech Republic in 2015.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Several scenarios are adopted to cover the plausible development of the incidence and survival rates, and the probability of an anti-tumour therapy initiation. Based on the scenarios, the model predicts an increase in CRC prevalence from 13% to 30% in comparison with the situation in 2008. Moreover, the model predicts that 10,074 to 11,440 CRC patients will be indicated for anti-tumour therapy in the Czech Republic in 2015. Considering all patients with terminal cancer recurrence and all patients primarily diagnosed in stage IV, it is predicted that 3,485 to 4,469 CRC patients will be treated for the metastatic disease in 2015, which accounts for more than one third (34-40%) of all CRC patients treated this year.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A new model for the estimation of the number of CRC patients requiring active anti-tumour therapy is proposed in this paper. The model respects the clinical stage as the primary stratification factor and utilizes solely the population-based cancer registry data. Thus, no specific hospital data records are needed in the proposed approach. Regarding the short-term prediction of the CRC burden in the Czech Republic, the model confirms a continuous increase in the burden that must be accounted for in the future planning of health care in the Czech Republic.</p

    Effect of pomiferin administration on kidney ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats

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    The aim of the study was to analyse protective effects of different doses of pomiferin in therapy of reperfusion injury. Rats were randomly divided into five groups (n=10). One group was intact. Three medicated groups and one placebo group were subjected to ischaemia and reperfusion of the left kidney. Pomiferin was administrated by single gastric gavage in 2 ml of 0.5% Avicel solution in doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg. The placebo group was given only Avicel solution. On day 15, all the animals were exsanguinated and the reperfused kidneys were recovered. Selected biochemical markers were assessed in blood: antioxidative enzymes, total antioxidative capacity, malondialdehyde, creatinine, urea and uric acid. Creatinine, urea and total proteins were analysed in urine and 24-hour diuresis was recorded. The kidney tissue samples were used for histopathological examination

    The effect of paratuberculosis on milk yield—A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    peer-reviewedBovine paratuberculosis is a disease characterized by chronic granulomatous enteritis causing protein-losing enteropathy. Adverse effects on animal productivity are key drivers in the attempt to control paratuberculosis at the farm level. Economic models require an accurate estimation of the production effects associated with paratuberculosis. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the effect of paratuberculosis on milk production. A total of 20 effect estimates from 15 studies were included in the final meta-analysis. Substantial between-study heterogeneity was observed. Subgroup analysis by case definition and study design was carried out to investigate heterogeneity. The majority of between-study variation was attributed to studies that defined cases on serology. Calculation of a pooled effect estimate was only appropriate for studies that defined cases by organism detection. A reduction in milk yield, corrected for lactation number and herd of origin of 1.87 kg/d, equivalent to 5.9% of yield, was associated with fecal culture or PCR positivity in individual cows

    Mammalian cell entry genes in Streptomyces may provide clues to the evolution of bacterial virulence

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    Understanding the evolution of virulence is key to appreciating the role specific loci play in pathogenicity. Streptomyces species are generally non-pathogenic soil saprophytes, yet within their genome we can find homologues of virulence loci. One example of this is the mammalian cell entry (mce) locus, which has been characterised in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To investigate the role in Streptomyces we deleted the mce locus and studied its impact on cell survival, morphology and interaction with other soil organisms. Disruption of the mce cluster resulted in virulence towards amoebae (Acanthamoeba polyphaga) and reduced colonization of plant (Arabidopsis) models, indicating these genes may play an important role in Streptomyces survival in the environment. Our data suggest that loss of mce in Streptomyces spp. may have profound effects on survival in a competitive soil environment, and provides insight in to the evolution and selection of these genes as virulence factors in related pathogenic organisms