2,105 research outputs found

    Estranged lives: the romantic grotesque in Carson McCullers fiction

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e ExpressãoAnálise da função do grotesco no estabelecimento da atmosfera em Reflections in a Golden Eye e The Ballad of the Sad Café, de Carson McCullers, a partir do conceito de grotesco Romântico, de Mikhail Bakhtin. A análise mostra que a falta do poder regenerativo que é característico do grotesco Romântico está presente nas duas obras estudadas, proporcionando-lhes uma atmosfera sombria

    Art and legitimacy: from the discourse to the ideological rhetoric

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    The circuits of artistic legitimacy have been modified and replaced by new agents. On one hand, the "relational aesthetics" and the decentering observed in "altermodernism" (Nicolas Bourriaud). On the other, the modernist role of the academies and their respective inertia of reaction to the avant-gardes have for decades yielded their place to a "Bologna paradigm" of lifelong learning, along with the strengthening of discursive skills, both for students and for teachers (the puzzle articulation between degrees, masters and doctorates). In the field of publics, their inclusion as a relational media has created new platforms of interaction and social institution, based on informal and more interactive formulas: the associations, the collectives, the young curators. This whole movement can be framed in the so-called "educational turn", that is characterized by focusing on the public and its creation - or education - using safeguard institutions (museums, educational services, foundations) or schools and art institutes (the lifelong formation of professional artists, or the new agents (cities, artistic residences, interventions in local power)

    Inquérito civil : aspectos práticos e sua regulação normativa federal e no âmbito do Estado de Minas Gerais

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    Apresenta um breve panorama relativo a normatização regulamentadora do inquérito civil, tanto pelas normas gerais aplicáveis a todos os Ministérios Públicos do país, como, em especial, pelas normas jurídicas mineiras e pelos atos próprios da Procuradoria-Geral de Justiça do Estado de Minas Gerais, enfocando alguns poucos aspectos da vida do inquérito civil: sua criação, condução e extinção

    Comentários à jurisprudência de natureza processual coletiva, oriunda do E. TJMG.

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    Comenta acórdão do TJMG indeferiu liminar sobre cobrança de tarifa de esgoto na cidade de Araxá-MG

    Ideologia: os enviesamentos estereotípicos na publicidade televisiva, em Portugal, em 2003

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    Tese de doutoramento em Belas Artes (Teoria da Imagem), apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa através da Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2008Acompanha a tese dois DVD's que apenas poderão ser consultados na biblioteca da FBAUL. Apendices - cota: CDA 69(1) ; versão electrónica - cota: CDA 6

    On the development of computational tools for the modelling and simulation of SCWO process intensified by hydrothermal flames

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar el entendimiento de las llamas hidrotermales en el proceso de oxidación en agua supercrítica (OASC), desarrollando herramientas para su modelado y simulación. Este conocimiento es necesario para los avances en la utilización del proceso OASC como un proceso de generación de energía. En el capítulo 1 se revisa el estado del arte de la tecnología, con especial atención a la producción de energía. Se remarcan las necesidades de investigación en propiedades de mezclas supercríticas y en equipos de expansión. En los capítulos 2, 3 y 4 se presentan los métodos de estimación de propiedades y los modelos cinéticos desarrollados y su eficiencia en la descripción de los datos experimentales. El error en la predicción de propiedades y cinéticas es de 5% y 11%, respectivamente. En los capítulos 5 y 6 el modelo es aplicado a un nuevo reactor OASC. El reactor se describe correctamente y las simulaciones indican que el proceso podría funcionar de forma auto-temáticaDepartamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio Ambient

    Collective intelligence in self-organized industrial cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) play an important role in the implementation of new Industry 4.0 solutions, acting as the backbone infrastructure to host distributed intelligence capabilities and promote the collective intelligence that emerges from the interactions among individuals. This collective intelligence concept provides an alternative way to design complex systems with several benefits, such as modularity, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability to condition changes, but it also presents several challenges to be managed (e.g., non-linearity, self-organization, and myopia). With this in mind, this paper discusses the factors that characterize collective intelligence, particularly that associated with industrial CPS, analyzing the enabling concepts, technologies, and application sectors, and providing an illustrative example of its application in an automotive assembly line. The main contribution of the paper focuses on a comprehensive review and analysis of the main aspects, challenges, and research opportunities to be considered for implementing collective intelligence in industrial CPS. The identified challenges are clustered according to five different categories, namely decentralization, emergency, intelligent machines and products, infrastructures and methods, and human integration and ethics. Although the research indicates some potential benefits of using collective intelligence to achieve the desired levels of autonomy and dynamic adaptation of industrial CPS, such approaches are still in the early stages, with perspectives to increase in the coming years. Based on that, they need to be further developed considering some main aspects, for example, related to balancing the distribution of intelligence by the vertical and horizontal dimensions and controlling the nervousness in self-organized systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A fuzzy logic recommendation system to support the design of cloud-edge data analysis in cyber-physical systems

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    The ongoing 4th industrial revolution is characterized by the digitization of industrial environments, mainly based on the use of Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Regarding AI, although data analysis has shown to be a key enabler of industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) in the development of smart machines and products, the traditional Cloud-centric solutions are not suitable to attend the data and time-sensitive requirements. Complementary to Cloud, Edge Computing has been adopted to enable the data processing capabilities at or close to the physical components. However, defining which data analysis tasks should be deployed on Cloud and Edge computational layers is not straightforward. This work proposes a framework to guide engineers during the design phase to determine the best way to distribute the data analysis capabilities among computational layers, contributing for a lesser ad-hoc design of distributed data analysis in industrial CPS. Besides defining the guidelines to identify the data analysis requirements, the core contribution relies on a Fuzzy Logic recommendation system for suggesting the most suitable layer to deploy a given data analysis task. The proposed approach is validated in a smart machine testbed that requires the implementation of different data analysis tasks for its operation.This work was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Narrativas de um professor pesquisador na prevenção ao uso de drogas por estudantes

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    This paper aims to present, discuss and deepen some of the issues raised by an academic memorial, which composed a doctoral thesis that sought to contribute to the prevention of drug use among students. By means of an autobiographical narrative, this work presents how the drugs theme was, indirectly, a part of the life of the main author of the text in his personal and academic life, as well as how this topic crossed his professional life, leading him to be interested in doing a doctoral study, which would help him better understand this phenomenon. It proposes that initial training courses include in their syllabuses contents and subjects that address the issue of early drug use among students. It concludes by making referrals for teachers, guardians and education systems to resume a way to (re)think the prevention that is implemented in schools.Os objetivos deste texto são apresentar, discutir e aprofundar algumas questões trazidas por um memorial acadêmico de uma tese de doutorado que buscou contribuir com a prevenção ao uso de drogas entre escolares. Por meio da narrativa autobiográfica, apresenta como o tema das drogas integrou, indiretamente, a vida pessoal e acadêmica do autor principal do texto e discute de que maneira essa temática atravessou sua atuação profissional, levando-o a realizar um estudo de doutorado que o ajudasse a compreender melhor esse fenômeno. Propõe que os cursos de formação inicial incorporem, em seus currículos, conteúdos e disciplinas que tratem da questão do uso de drogas precocemente entre os escolares. Conclui com a proposta de encaminhamentos que professores, responsáveis pelos alunos e sistemas de ensino podem seguir para (re)pensar a prevenção realizada nas escolas