40 research outputs found

    Designing a hybrid thin-film/wafer silicon triple photovoltaic junction for solar water splitting

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    Solar fuels are a promising way to store solar energy seasonally. This paper proposes an earth-abundant heterostructure to split water using a photovoltaic-electrochemical device (PV-EC). The heterostructure is based on a hybrid architecture of a thin-film (TF) silicon tandem on top of a c-Si wafer (W) heterojunction solar cell (a-Si:H (TF)/nc-Si:H (TF)/c-Si(W)) The multijunction approach allows to reach enough photovoltage for water splitting, while maximizing the spectrum utilization. However, this unique approach also poses challenges, including the design of effective tunneling recombination junctions (TRJ) and the light management of the cell. Regarding the TRJs, the solar cell performance is improved by increasing the n-layer doping of the middle cell. The light management can be improved by using hydrogenated indium oxide (IOH) as transparent conductive oxide (TCO). Finally, other light management techniques such as substrate texturing or absorber bandgap engineering were applied to enhance the current density. A correlation was observed between improvements in light management by conventional surface texturing and a reduced nc-Si:H absorber material quality. The final cell developed in this work is a flat structure, using a top absorber layer consisting of a high bandgap a-Si:H. This triple junction cell achieved a PV efficiency of 10.57%, with a fill factor of 0.60, an open-circuit voltage of 2.03 V and a short-circuit current density of 8.65 mA/cm2. When this cell was connected to an IrOx/Pt electrolyser, a stable solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency of 8.3% was achieved and maintained for 10 hours.</p

    A Novel Generation of Tailored Antimicrobial Drugs Based on Recombinant Multidomain Proteins

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    Antibiotic resistance has exponentially increased during the last years. It is necessary to develop new antimicrobial drugs to prevent and treat infectious diseases caused by multidrug- or extensively-drug resistant (MDR/XDR)-bacteria. Host Defense Peptides (HDPs) have a versatile role, acting as antimicrobial peptides and regulators of several innate immunity functions. The results shown by previous studies using synthetic HDPs are only the tip of the iceberg, since the synergistic potential of HDPs and their production as recombinant proteins are fields practically unexplored. The present study aims to move a step forward through the development of a new generation of tailored antimicrobials, using a rational design of recombinant multidomain proteins based on HDPs. This strategy is based on a two-phase process, starting with the construction of the first generation molecules using single HDPs and further selecting those HDPs with higher bactericidal efficiencies to be combined in the second generation of broad-spectrum antimicrobials. As a proof of concept, we have designed three new antimicrobials, named D5L37βD3, D5L37D5L37 and D5LAL37βD3. After an in-depth exploration, we found D5L37D5L37 to be the most promising one, since it was equally effective against four relevant pathogens in healthcare-associated infections, such as methicillin-susceptible (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) and MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa, being MRSA, MRSE and P. aeruginosa MDR strains. The low MIC values and versatile activity against planktonic and biofilm forms reinforce the use of this platform to isolate and produce unlimited HDP combinations as new antimicrobial drugs by effective means.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Coverage and Factors Associated with Low Uptake in a Cohort of People Living with HIV

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    People living with HIV (PLWH) are prioritised for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination due to their vulnerability to severe COVID-19. Therefore, the epidemiological surveillance of vaccination coverage and the timely identification of suboptimally vaccinated PLWH is vital. We assessed SARS-CoV-2 vaccination coverage and factors associated with under-vaccination among PLWH in Catalonia, Spain. As of 11.12.2021, 9945/14942 PLWH (66.6%) had received >= 1 dose of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. Non-Spanish origin (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.64, 95% CI 0.59-0.70), CD4 count of 200-349 cells/mu L (aOR 0.74, 95% CI 0.64-0.86) or 350-499 cells/mu L (aOR 0.79, 95% CI 0.70-0.88), detectable plasma HIV-RNA (aOR 0.61 95% CI 0.53-0.70), and previous SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis (aOR 0.58 95% CI 0.51-0.65) were associated with under-vaccination. SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis (437 [9.5%] vs. 323 [3.5%], p 200 cells/mu L, detectable plasma HIV-RNA, previous SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis, and migrants. SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis, associated hospitalisations, and deaths among PLWH were lower among the vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination prioritisation has not completely reached vulnerable PLWH with poorer prognosis. This information can be used to inform public health strategies

    Receptores Innatos e IL-17 en la respuesta inmune frente a hongos patógenos humanos

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    Durante los últimos años, el aumento de las infecciones fúngicas invasivas en humanos, emerge asociado a la falta de diagnóstico precoz, terapias antifúngicas efectivas y al desarrollo de vacunas. Perturbaciones en la homeostasis inmune debido a intervenciones médicas o a estados de inmunosupresión inducidos por diferentes enfermedades, son conocidos factores de riesgo para la adquisición de estas micosis. Las células del sistema inmune innato están equipadas con receptores de superficie y citoplasmáticos que permiten el reconocimiento de diferentes microorganismos y que colectivamente han sido denominados Receptores de Reconocimiento de Patrones (PRRs). Estos PRRs reconocen estructuras altamente conservadas en los microorganismos identificadas como Patrones Moleculares Asociados a Patógenos (PAMPs), que son claves para la activación del sistema inmune y la inducción de muerte de estos patógenos fúngicos. Esta revisión explora el rol de los PRRs, la participación de diferentes células en el desarrollo de una respuesta efectiva, con especial foco en la contribución de la IL-17 en la inmunidad antifúngica. La presencia de mutaciones naturales en humanos que confieren susceptibilidad a infecciones por hongos, su implicancia clínica y su aporte al conocimiento de la etiopatogenia de estas micosis es abordada en este artículo

    Triplet energy management between two signaling units through cooperative rigid scaffolds

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    [EN] Through-bond triplet exciplex formation in donor-acceptor systems linked through a rigid bile acid scaffold has been demonstrated on the basis of kinetic evidence upon population of the triplet acceptors (naphthalene, or biphenyl) by through-bond triplet-triplet energy transfer from benzophenone.Financial support from the Spanish Government (Grants SEV-2012-0267, CTQ2012-38754-C03-03, CTQ2013-47872-C2-1-P and JCI-2011-09926), EU (PCIG12GA-2012-334257), Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo Program), and Technical University of Valencia (VLC/Campus, ASIC-UPV for computational facilities and Predoctoral FPI fellowship for P. Miro) is gratefully acknowledged.Miró Richart, P.; Vayá Pérez, I.; Sastre Navarro, GI.; Jiménez Molero, MC.; Marín García, ML.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ. (2016). Triplet energy management between two signaling units through cooperative rigid scaffolds. Chemical Communications. 52(4):713-716. https://doi.org/10.1039/c5cc08102eS71371652

    The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT)

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    Background Tinnitus is a leading cause of disease burden globally. Several therapeutic strategies are recommended in guidelines for the reduction of tinnitus distress; however, little is known about the potentially increased effectiveness of a combination of treatments and personalized treatments for each tinnitus patient. Methods Within the Unification of Treatments and Interventions for Tinnitus Patients project, a multicenter, randomized clinical trial is conducted with the aim to compare the effectiveness of single treatments and combined treatments on tinnitus distress (UNITI-RCT). Five different tinnitus centers across Europe aim to treat chronic tinnitus patients with either cognitive behavioral therapy, sound therapy, structured counseling, or hearing aids alone, or with a combination of two of these treatments, resulting in four treatment arms with single treatment and six treatment arms with combinational treatment. This statistical analysis plan describes the statistical methods to be deployed in the UNITI-RCT. Discussion The UNITI-RCT trial will provide important evidence about whether a combination of treatments is superior to a single treatment alone in the management of chronic tinnitus patients. This pre-specified statistical analysis plan details the methodology for the analysis of the UNITI trial results. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04663828. The trial is ongoing. Date of registration: December 11, 2020. All patients that finished their treatment before 19 December 2022 are included in the main RCT analysis

    Vireystilan säätely vuorovaikutuksessa: koulutusmateriaali lasten parissa toimiville ammattilaisille

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    Tunnesäätelytaidot auttavat ylläpitämään sopivaa aktiivisuustasoa suhteessa toimintaan, josta käytetään termiä vireystilan säätely. Tunnesäätelytaidot ovat käyttäytymismalleja, joita ihmiset voivat käyttää ilmaistakseen ja hallitakseen tunteitaan osallistuessaan toimintaan ja toimiessaan yhdessä muiden kanssa. Säätelytaidot eivät kuitenkaan esiinny toimintaterapian teorioissa, eri alojen tutkimuksissa, eivätkä lähitieteiden lähteissä käsitteellisesti yhdenmukaisina. Vaikka vireystilan säätelyyn liittyen on tehty eri alojen opinnäytetöitä, ei sitä ole niissä aikaisemmin käsitelty vuorovaikutuksellisesta näkökulmasta. Lasten ja nuorten parissa työskentelevät toimintaterapeutit ovat tuoneet ilmi, että lasten parissa toimivilla ammattilaisilla ei ole tarpeeksi keinoja vireystilan tunnistamiseen, ja sen säätelyyn päivittäin toistuvissa arjen vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Sosiaalisen osallistumisen tukemisen viitekehyksessä korostetaan lasten mallintavan näkemiään käyttäytymismalleja, ja niiden muodostuvan heidän omiksi tavoikseen toimia vuorovaikutuksessa muiden kanssa. Projektimuotoisen opinnäytetyön välitön tavoite oli tuottaa sähköinen koulutusmateriaali vireystilan säätelystä vuorovaikutuksessa osaksi yhteistyötahon laatimaa koulutuskokonaisuutta, joka on lasten parissa toimiville ammattilaisille suunnattu täydennyskoulutus. Kehitystavoitteena oli vastata materiaalilla tarpeeseen lisätä lasten parissa työskentelevien ammattilaisten tietoisuutta lasten vireystilan säätelystä vuorovaikutuksessa, sekä tarjota keinoja vireystilan säätelyn tukemiseksi. Koulutusmateriaalin laatukriteereinä olivat näyttöön perustuvuus, saavutettavuus sekä hyödynnettävyys. Koulutusmateriaalin teoriataustaksi valittiin toimintaterapian teorioista sosiaalisen osallistumisen tukemisen viitekehys sekä tarkoituksenmukaisen vuorovaikutuksen malli eli Intentional Relationship Model. Teoriataustaa tukemaan valittiin polyvagaalinen teoria. Projektin lopputuloksena syntyi sähköinen koulutusmateriaali, joka on lasten ja nuorten parissa työskenteleviltä toimintaterapeuteilta kerätyn Webropol-palautteen perusteella käyttötarkoitukseensa hyvin soveltuva kokonaisuus. Yhteistyötaho otti koulutusmateriaalin käyttöön osaksi lasten parissa toimivien ammattilaisten täydennyskoulutusta. Materiaalista kerätyn palautteen sekä itsearvioinnin perusteella projektille asetetut tavoitteet saavutettiin.Emotion regulation skills are defined as behaviors that are elicited, can be used to express, and manage one’s emotions while participating in activities and interacting with others. Emotional regulation skills help children to maintain an appropriate level of alertness for the occupation. There is an increasing desire to understand regulatory skills, and to do research about them. The state of alertness and regulation skills do not appear conceptually consistent in the sources and materials of occupational therapy. Occupational therapists working with children and adolescents have pointed out that there is a need for materials for professionals, on the regulation of alertness state and its recognition in the interaction. Providing educational material for professionals working with children and adolescents was the immediate goal of the project. The topic of the educational material was how to regulate alertness levels in interaction with children. Our quality criteria of the educational material were that material is evidence-based, material is accessible and usability of the material. Feedback was collected from occupational therapists working with children and adolescents. Based on the questionnaire made with Webropol combined with self-evaluation, the goals of the project were achieved. We were able to provide educational material benefitting the occupational therapists and other professionals working with children