712 research outputs found

    The Tourism Observatory of Alentejo: a support instrument for foresight and strategic planning in the Tourist Sector in the region.

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    It is the aim of this work to make a brief reference to the current situation of 'observatories' in Portugal as well as the change of their status, before developed through closed research circuits which included the Administration and Universities; nowadays characterized by the proliferation of more flexible and interactive structures very often as a result of private initiatives or public-private partnerships. We are also going to make a mention of two regional tourism observatories in Portugal - Lisbon and Azores - already established. Finally, it offers an overview of the new Tourism Observatory of Alentejo (presented in July 14th, 2010) as a result of a submission to an Incentive Scheme for Class Actions Program (SIAC) – InAlentejo, which the main promoter is Alentejo Tourism, ERT, in partnership with the Polytechnics Institutes of Beja and Portalegre, the University of Évora and the regional business associations.

    A orientação metodológica do processo de preparação do ensino-aprendizagem

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    [Resumo] Pretende divulgar-se parte dos resultados obtidos numa investigação realizada com professores de tres áreas de leccionação (Portugues, Matemática e Língua estrangeira, o Ingles), de dois ciclos de ensino (30 Ciclo e Ensino Secundário), em diferentes fases de carreira, da Regiao Centro, cujo objectivo principal era a análise das suas epistemologias em tomo de toda a actividade docente: das concepções apercepção dos resultados da sua ação. Iremos, apenas, neste contexto, dar conta dos dados comparativos concernentes a dimensao Prepara9ao do ensino-aprendizagem dessa mesma amostra de professores[Abstract] This article present the preparation/planification dimension of teaching-leaming process of portuguese mathematic, language and english teachers (comparatives dates)

    The Tourism Observatory of Alentejo: a support instrument for foresight and strategic planning in the tourist sector in the region.

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    ERSA conference papersIt is the aim of this work to make a brief reference to the current situation of 'observatories' in Portugal as well as the change of their status, before developed through closed research circuits which included the Administration and Universities; nowadays characterized by the proliferation of more flexible and interactive structures very often as a result of private initiatives or public-private partnerships. We are also going to make a mention of two regional tourism observatories in Portugal - Lisbon and Azores - already established. Finally, it offers an overview of the new Tourism Observatory of Alentejo (presented in July 14th, 2010) as a result of a submission to an Incentive Scheme for Class Actions Program (SIAC) – InAlentejo, which the main promoter is Alentejo Tourism, ERT, in partnership with the Polytechnics Institutes of Beja and Portalegre, the University of Évora and the regional business associations

    Metacognição: reflexões em torno do conceito

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    [Resumo] Define-se o conceito de metacognição, discutindo-se algumas quest5es colocadas em tomo da própria conceptualização (metaconhecimento/controlo - ambos enfatizados ou considerados per se), tipo de conhecimento (declarativo, executivo e/ou condicional), sua natureza (consciente ou nao consciente), emergencia e desenvolvimento, fazendo-se referencia, igualmente, el pertinencia da sua consideração em áreas fundamentais da aprendizagem escolar, ilustrando-se com a apresentação de resultados de alguns estudos[Abstract] The concept of metacognition is defined and sorne questions, risen by the construction of this concept itself, are discussed: metaknowledge/ control (taken separately or emphasized in their mutual relations), type of knowledge (declarative, procedural and/or conditional), nature (conscious or non-conscious), emergence and development. The pertinence of taking metacognition into account in fundamental areas of schoolleaming is also refered and illustrated by the presentation of results obtained in sorne studies.[Résumé] Gn définit le concept de metacognition et on discute quelques questions, posées par la construction de cette définition conceptuelle elle-meme: metaconnaissance/control (considérés de per se ou mis en rapport), type de connaissance (déclaratif, exécutif et/ou conditionnel), nature (consciente ou non-consciente), émergence et développement. Gn réfere aussi la pertinence de tenir compte de la metacognition dans des domaines fondamentaux de l' apprentissage scolaire, qui est illustrés par la présentation des résultats de quelques recherche

    Phenolic screening by HPLC–DAD–ESI/MSn and antioxidant capacity of leaves, flowers and berries of Rubus grandifolius Lowe

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    In Madeira Island (Macaronesia Island), Rubus grandifolius Lowe berries, locally known by amoras, are widely consumed fresh or processed as jam, juice or liquor. Folk medicine describes R. grandifolius Lowe fruits and leaves being used to treat diabetes, as depurative, diuretic and to relieve sore throat. The aim of this study was to investigate phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of the different edible parts of the plant (berries, leaves and flowers). HPLC–DAD–ESI/MSn was used to establish the phe nolic profile. Phenolic monomers such as flavonol O-glycosilated (quercetin and kaempferol), quinic acid and caffeic acid conjugates were characterized using the electrospray source in the negative mode; while positive mode was employed to detect glycosylated anthocyanins (cyanidin, delphinin and petunidin). The berries presented a higher radical scavenger capacity (DPPH and ABTS assays) and reducing prop erties (FRAP) than the leaves and the flowers. Ethanolic extracts showed highest antioxidant capacity when compared with water based extracts: DPPH values of 147.9 ± 0.7 mol eq Trolox/g DM; ABTS value of 255.8 ± 1.9 mol eq Trolox/g DM and FRAP value 9455 ± 29 mmol Fe(II)/mgDM).Mrs. Conceic¸ ão Pires is recognized for excellent assistance in sample collection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Iowa Gambling Task: a critical revision

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    O Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) é uma tarefa amplamente utilizada na avaliação da capacidade de tomada de decisão. Neste artigo, procede-se à revisão da literatura, comparando-se as versões do IGT, as diferentes medidas de avaliação do desempenho e as alterações introduzidas nos procedimentos, nomeadamente no feedback, na aleatorização espacial dos baralhos, no número de ensaios e de cartas por baralho, nas instruções, na remuneração e na manipulação das recompensas e punições. Desta análise, conclui-se que as diversas versões da tarefa, as alterações nos procedimentos de aplicação e as diferentes medidas utilizadas na avaliação têm impacto no desempenho, prejudicam a comparação entre estudos e as generalizações dos resultados. Finalmente, apresentam-se sugestões para uma maior adequação dos procedimentos.The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a widely used task in the assessment of the decision-making ability. In this article, we conduct a literature review by comparing IGT versions, different performance assessment measures, and changes to procedures including feedback, spatial randomization of decks, number of trials, number of cards per deck, instructions, payment, and rewards and punishments. On basis of this analysis, we conclude that different versions of the task, changes in application procedures and different measures used to assess the task have an impact on performance, thereby affecting comparison among studies and generalization of results. Finally, we offer suggestions to define adequate procedures

    The psychologic intervention with young people: educational perspective

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    The present article intends to realize the design, educational/pedagogical, focusing on the need to equate its foundations or ideologies, its purposes and its objectives, as well as all other instrumental components. Roughly, it attempts to operationalize and exemplify its great questions: what, why, for what and how. And while an example is proposed as a kindergarten, the suggested architecture is amenable to extension to others, or to all, contexts and educational situations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (in)Consistências no processo ensino-aprendizagem relação entre a concepção e a prática (resultados comparativos numa amostra de professores de Português, Matemática e Inglês)

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    Pretende divulgar-se parte dos resultados obtidos numa investigação realizada com professores de três disciplinas de leccionação (Português, Matemática e Língua estrangeira, o Inglês), de dois ciclos de ensino (3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário), em diferentes fases de carreira, da Região Centro, cujo objectivo principal era a análise das suas epistemologias em torno de toda a actividade docente: das concepções à percepção dos resultados da sua acção. Iremos, neste contexto, dar conta, apenas, dos dados reveladores das (in)consistências das suas orientações metodológicas interdimensões, do processo ens -aprendizagem, isto é, das relações entre a orientação das concepções e a orientação das preparações, interacções, avaliações e remediações das aprendizagens dos alunos e auto-reflexão dos docentes. A partir de análise de conteúdo e correspondência múltipla (HOMALS) de entrevistas semiestruturadas, a 89 docentes, constatámos que, genericamente e globalmente, os professores são muito pouco coerentes, existindo pouca articulação, em termos ideológicos, entre a Concepção do processo ensino-aprendizagem e a orientação da Prática educativa, nas diferentes disciplinas e ciclos de leccionação, reflectida, igualmente, ao longo da carreira