22 research outputs found

    Trade Imports Increasingly Contribute to Plant Nutrient Inputs: Case of the Finnish Food System 1996–2014

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    In Finland, while total agricultural production has remained relatively constant, nutrient input from industrial mineral fertilizers has declined over the past 20 years, which has been the target of environmental policies due to eutrophication risks. From 1996 to 2014, the use of nitrogen (N) declined by 18%, phosphorus (P) by 49%, and potassium (K) by 49%. However, at the same time, the international agricultural products trade has increased dramatically by mass (58%), and Finland has increased imports of food and feed products, such as, protein feeds, vegetables, and fruits. We analyzed the nutrient contents of foreign trade from 1996 to 2014 by using a substance flow analysis. We discovered that, when comparing nutrients contained in trade to the use of fertilizers, the trade of food and feed accounts for more than one-third (40%) of the fertilizer input to the Finnish food system. In 2014, 53 Gg of N, 8 Gg of P, and 15 Gg of K were imported due to trade, equating to 35%, 70%, and 45%, respectively, compared to the use of fertilizers in the food system. Declines in fertilizer inputs to crop production are partially offset by flows of plant nutrients from feed imports. In formulating agri-environmental policies targeting nutrient loading, more attention should be paid to national imports–export balances and, especially, to the spatial distribution of flows in feed trade

    Spruce chip biochar’s effect on earthworm activity in Southern Finland

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    Biohiili on biomassojen hiiltĂ€misestĂ€ syntyvĂ€ orgaaninen kiinteĂ€ jae. BiohiiltĂ€ tutkitaan maanparannusaineena maataloudessa ja potentiaalisena hiilinieluna ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemiseksi. BiohiiltĂ€ on tutkittu lĂ€hiaikoina paljon, mutta sen vaikutuksista maaperĂ€eliöstöön on vasta niukasti tietoa. KĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ kenttĂ€kokeita ei ole julkaistu biohiilen vaikutuksesta lieroihin, jotka ovat yleinen ja tĂ€rkeĂ€ peltomaan eliöstöryhmĂ€. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ biohiilen lisÀÀmisen vaikutuksia lierojen kĂ€yttĂ€ytymiseen laboratorio- ja kenttĂ€kokeella EtelĂ€-Suomen olosuhteissa. KĂ€yttĂ€ytymiskokeessa selvitettiin peltolieron Aporrectodea caliginosa preferenssiĂ€ kĂ€sitellyn ja kĂ€sittelemĂ€ttömĂ€n maan vĂ€lillĂ€, kahden ja 14 pĂ€ivĂ€n kokeessa. KenttĂ€kokeessa selvitettiin biohiilen ja eri lannoitustasojen vaikutusta lierojen runsauksiin ja biomassaan peltomaan muokkauskerroksessa yhden kasvukauden aikana koealalla, jossa viljeltiin vehnÀÀ. Kokeissa kĂ€ytettiin kuusihakkeesta 550–600 °C lĂ€mpötilassa hiillettyĂ€ biohiiltĂ€ 1,6 % painoprosenttia (vastaa 30 t/ha). LyhyemmĂ€ssĂ€, kahden vuorokauden kĂ€yttĂ€ytymiskokeessa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviĂ€ eroja. PidemmĂ€ssĂ€ kahden viikon kokeessa lieroja havaittiin 44 % vĂ€hemmĂ€n kĂ€sittelyn puolella (P = 0,033). SyynĂ€ on mahdollisesti biohiilen kuivattava vaikutus, joka johtuu biohiilen korkeasta vedenpidĂ€tyskyvystĂ€. KenttĂ€kokeessa biohiilen lisĂ€ys ei vaikuttanut lierojen runsauteen tai biomassaan tilastollisesti merkitsevĂ€sti. Kokeen lyhyyden takia kokeen tulokset ovat riittĂ€viĂ€ arvioimaan vain vĂ€littömiĂ€ vĂ€lttĂ€misreaktioita, joita ei havaittu yhden kasvukauden aikana kenttĂ€olosuhteissa. Kokonaisvaltaiseen arviointiin tarvitaan pidemmĂ€n aikavĂ€lin seurantakokeita ja yksityiskohtaisempia kĂ€yttĂ€ytymiskokeita vaikutusmekanismien selvittĂ€miseksi.Biochar is currently being intensively studied as a soil conditioner in agriculture and as a potential carbon sink to mitigate climate change. The knowledge of the effects of biochar field application on soil fauna remains very limited. This is underlined by the absence of field experiments on the effects of biochar on earthworms, a globally common and important faunal group in arable soils. The purpose of our study was to determine the effects of biochar on arable soil earthworms under both laboratory and field conditions in a Boreal loamy sand soil. An earthworm avoidance test with Aporrectodea caliginosa was conducted for periods of 2 and 14 days with 1.6% w:w spruce chips biochar application (produced at 550-600 ° C, application rate corresponding to 30 t/ha biochar). The effect of field application of the same biochar on earthworm density and biomass was studied over one growing season in experiment growing wheat. In the avoidance test, application did not affect the habitat choice of earthworms when incubation lasted for two days, but after two weeks, a significant (P = 0.033) avoidance of biochar was observed. We suggest that the avoidance under the two-week incubation occurred due to soil desiccation caused by high water retention of biochar. In the field trial, after BC application there were no statistically significant differences in the total density and biomass of earthworms between biochar or fertilizer treatments. Due to the short duration of the field trial, our results do not allow conclusive evaluation of the treatment effects on earthworms. The time scale of the study can only be considered sufficient for unraveling immediate avoidance reactions caused by biochar application, for which we found no evidence. In order to thoroughly investigate matter further, the follow-up of the experiment should be continued

    Cattle Production for Exports in Water-Abundant Areas: The Case of Finland

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    Water scarcity is a severe global threat, and it will only become more critical with a growing and wealthier population. Annually, considerable volumes of water are transferred virtually through the global food system to secure nations’ food supply and to diversify diets. Our objective is to assess, whether specializing water-intensive production for exports in areas with an abundance of natural resources, would contribute to globally resource-efficient food production. We calculated Finland’s virtual water net export potential (four scenarios) by reallocating the present underutilized agricultural land and combining that with a domestic diet change (three scenarios) to maximize the exports of cattle products. Assessed scenarios indicate that the greatest potential to net export virtual water (3.7 billion m3 year−1, 25-time increase to current) was achieved when local production was maximized with domestic and exported feed, and bovine meat consumption in Finland was replaced with a vegetarian substitute. This corresponds to annual virtual water consumption for food of about 3.6 million global citizens (assuming 1032 m3 cap−1 year−1). Therefore our results suggest, that optimizing water-intensive production to water-rich areas, has a significant impact on global water savings. In addition, increasing exports from such areas by decreasing the domestic demand for water-intensive products to meet the nutrition recommendation levels, saves water resources

    MustasotilaskÀrpÀsen (Hermetia illucens) kasvatus Keski-Suomen olosuhteissa ja hyödyntÀminen biomassojen kÀsittelyssÀ

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    JyvĂ€skylĂ€n ammattikorkeakoulun Biotalouskampuksella toteutettiin hyönteiskasvatuksen demonstraatioympĂ€ristö VinsectS – Hyönteistalous osana Viitasaari-SaarijĂ€rvi seutukunnan kiertotaloutta –hankkeessa kevÀÀllĂ€ 2018.  Hankkeessa tutkittiin mustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€sen (Hermetia illucens) ympĂ€rivuotisia kasvatusmahdollisuuksia Keski-Suomen olosuhteissa sekĂ€ toukkien kykyĂ€ hyödyntÀÀ erilaisia biomassasivuvirtoja ravinnokseen. MustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€nen on tropiikin hajottaja, jolla on nopea elinkierto ja tehokas biomassan hyödynnyskyky. Optimissa kasvatusolosuhteissa sen elinkierto on 35–42 pĂ€ivÀÀ, joista 14–24 pĂ€ivÀÀ se viettÀÀ biomassaa prosessoivana toukkana. Toukka syö kaksi kertaa loppupainonsa verran ja konvertoi biomassasta 50–80 % toukkamassaksi. MustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€nen ei ole tautivektori ja toukkien biomassan prosessoinnin on havaittu vĂ€hentĂ€vĂ€n bakteerimassaa ja nopeuttavan lÀÀkeaineiden hajoamista sekĂ€ vĂ€hentĂ€vĂ€n kasvihuonekaasupÀÀstöjĂ€. Hyönteiskasvattamo rakennettiin 6 metrin ISO-konttiin, johon asennettiin olosuhdehallintalaitteisto, etĂ€valvonta ja kasvatusrullakot. Kontti eristettiin ympĂ€rivuotista kasvatusta varten. Kasvattamossa kĂ€ytetÀÀn IoT-tekniikkaa automatisoidussa olosuhdehallinnassa.  Hankkeen aikana ympĂ€rivuotisen hyönteiskasvatuksen havaittiin olevan mahdollista olosuhteiden pysyessĂ€ tavoitearvoissa niin kesĂ€llĂ€ kuin talvellakin. Kasvattamon lĂ€mpötila pysyi tasaisena, ilmankosteuteen ulkoiset tekijĂ€t kuitenkin vaikuttivat. Ilmankosteudella onkin suuri rooli hyönteisten elinkierron optimointiin. Hankkeen mittakaavassa hyönteiskasvatus ei tuottanut haitallisia mÀÀriĂ€ kaasuja, vaan kasvattamon hiilidioksidi- ja ammoniakkipitoisuudet pysyivĂ€t sisĂ€työympĂ€ristön viitearvoissa. MustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€sillĂ€ suoritettiin ruokintakokeita erilaisten biomassojen rehuarvojen mÀÀrittĂ€miseksi. Biomassat kattoivat sivuvirtoja catering-jakeista siipikarjan lantaan. Biomassojen verrokkina kĂ€ytettiin teollista siipikarjan rehua. Ruokintakokeet toteutettiin punnitsemalla 100 toukan alku- ja loppupaino ja jĂ€ljelle jÀÀneen biomassan jÀÀnnöspaino ja kuiva-aineosuus toukkien syönnin mÀÀrittĂ€miseksi. LisĂ€ksi tarkkailtiin toukkien kuolleisuutta. Tuloksista voidaan pÀÀtellĂ€ usean biomassan olevan vĂ€hintÀÀn yhtĂ€ hyvÀÀ, ellei parempaa rehua mustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€sille kuin siipikarjan rehun. Esiin nousivat hiilihydraattipitoiset elintarvikepohjaiset biomassat kuten catering- ja leipomojakeet. Korkean (yli 20%) rasvapitoisuuden biomassat ja vaikeasti prosessoitavat kuidut, kuten ligniini, puolestaan soveltuvat heikommin mustasotilaskĂ€rpĂ€sen rehuiksi. VinsectS-hankkeessa kartoitettiin seutukunnan hyönteistalouteen soveltuvien sivuvirtojen ja biomassojen lĂ€hteitĂ€ sekĂ€ hyönteiskasvatukseen soveltuvia ja kiinnostuneita yrityksiĂ€ ja yrittĂ€jiĂ€. Tulosten pohjalta hankkeessa luotiin hyönteistalouden tiekartta ja arvoketju Viitasaari-SaarijĂ€rven seutukunnalle. Mm.  Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittama ja VTT:n hallinnoima hanke toteutettiin 5.2.2018–30.11.2019

    Palopuro Agroecolocial Symbiosis – Increasing sustainability in organic farming

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    Agroecological symbiosis (AES) enhances productivity in agriculture. A case study of the first AES in Finland indicated that productivity of on the organic crop farm could be increased by producing biogas from green manure leys, fallows, and other locally available biomasses. At the same time, the farm became a net-energy producer instead of being an energy consumer. Combining the food processing, crop production, energy production and closer interaction with consumers increase the overall sustainability of the local food syste

    Ovalbumin production using Trichoderma reesei culture and low-carbon energy could mitigate the environmental impacts of chicken-egg-derived ovalbumin

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    Ovalbumin (OVA) produced using the fungus Trichoderma reesei (Tr-OVA) could become a sustainable replacement for chicken egg white protein powder—a widely used ingredient in the food industry. Although the approach can generate OVA at pilot scale, the environmental impacts of industrial-scale production have not been explored. Here, we conducted an anticipatory life cycle assessment using data from a pilot study to compare the impacts of Tr-OVA production with an equivalent functional unit of dried chicken egg white protein produced in Finland, Germany and Poland. Tr-OVA production reduced most agriculture-associated impacts, such as global warming and land use. Increased impacts were mostly related to industrial inputs, such as electricity production, but were also associated with glucose consumption. Switching to low-carbon energy sources could further reduce environmental impact, demonstrating the potential benefits of cellular agriculture over livestock agriculture for OVA production.Peer reviewe

    The puzzling mitochondrial phylogeography of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens), the commercially most important insect protein species

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    Abstract Background The black soldier fly (Diptera: Stratiomyidae, Hermetia illucens) is renowned for its bioconversion ability of organic matter, and is the worldwide most widely used source of insect protein. Despite varying extensively in morphology, it is widely assumed that all black soldier flies belong to the same species, Hermetia illucens. We here screened about 600 field-collected and cultured flies from 39 countries and six biogeographic regions to test this assumption based on data for three genes (mitochondrial COI, nuclear ITS2 & 28S rDNA) and in order to gain insights into the phylogeography of the species. Results Our study reveals a surprisingly high level of intraspecific genetic diversity for the mitochondrial barcoding gene COI (divergences up to 4.9%). This level of variability is often associated with the presence of multiple species, but tested nuclear markers (ITS2 and 28S rDNA) were invariant and fly strain hybridization experiments under laboratory conditions revealed reproductive compatibility. COI haplotype diversity is not only very high in all biogeographic regions (56 distinct haplotypes in total), but also in breeding facilities and research centers from six continents (10 haplotypes: divergences up to 4.3%). The high genetic diversity in fly-breeding facilities is mostly likely due to many independent acquisitions of cultures via sharing and/or establishing new colonies from field-collected flies. However, explaining some of the observed diversity in several biogeographic regions is difficult given that the origin of the species is considered to be New World (32 distinct haplotypes) and one would expect severely reduced genetic diversity in the putatively non-native populations in the remaining biogeographic regions. However, distinct, private haplotypes are known from the Australasian (N = 1), Oriental (N = 4), and the Eastern Palearctic (N = 4) populations. We reviewed museum specimen records and conclude that the evidence for introductions is strong for the Western Palearctic and Afrotropical regions which lack distinct, private haplotypes. Conclusions Based on the results of this paper, we urge the black soldier fly community to apply molecular characterization (genotyping) of the fly strains used in artificial fly-breeding and share these data in research publications as well as when sharing cultures. In addition, fast-evolving nuclear markers should be used to reconstruct the recent invasion history of the species