10 research outputs found

    A bridge between: Te Ao Māori and Te Ara Paerangi

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    Purpose Aotearoa New Zealand’s Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) system is undergoing a ‘once in a generation’ reform known as Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways (TAP). One of TAP’s four high-level goals is to embed Te Tiriti o Waitangi across the RSI system. Using the analogy of bridge-making, we draw on insights from Māori submissions to TAP to identify collective Māori expectations for what a Tiriti-embedded system entails. Method Submissions were accessed through the document library on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website. 34 submissions from individuals and collectives were identified as Māori. Qualitative Document Analysis was used to identify major themes. Results Results are described with reference to basic bridge-building principles of design, foundations, materials and maintenance. Key thematic findings include: Māori, as Tiriti partners, must be meaningfully involved in the reform design; the RSI system’s foundations are deeply colonial - decolonisation is needed to value, respect and protect Māori knowledges and knowledge-holders; workforce development, infrastructure and policies are required to empower partnered and autonomous RSI approaches; and, ongoing system maintenance in the form of monitoring is required to ensure transparency, accountability and equitable benefits. Reflection Having committed to embedding Te Tiriti across the RSI system, MBIE now has a duty of care to deliver on its commitment vis-Ă -vis the National Research Priorities. This paper is a timely opportunity to set a baseline of collective expectations against which to assess the future efficacy of TAP. Ka mahi mātou, me te takune hei puananÄ« We will work with the intent to travel freely in any directio

    Lentiviral vectors as tools to understand central nervous system biology in mammalian model organisms

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    Lentiviruses have been extensively used as gene delivery vectors since the mid-1990s. Usually derived from the human immunodeficiency virus genome, they mediate efficient gene transfer to non-dividing cells, including neurons and glia in the adult mammalian brain. In addition, integration of the recombinant lentiviral construct into the host genome provides permanent expression, including the progeny of dividing neural precursors. In this review, we describe targeted vectors with modified envelope glycoproteins and expression of transgenes under the regulation of cell-selective and inducible promoters. This technology has broad utility to address fundamental questions in neuroscience and we outline how this has been used in rodents and primates. Combining viral tract tracing with immunohistochemistry and confocal or electron microscopy, lentiviral vectors provide a tool to selectively label and trace specific neuronal populations at gross or ultrastructural levels. Additionally, new generation optogenetic technologies can be readily utilized to analyze neuronal circuit and gene functions in the mature mammalian brain. Examples of these applications, limitations of current systems and prospects for future developments to enhance neuroscience knowledge will be reviewed. Finally, we will discuss how these vectors may be translated from gene therapy trials into the clinical setting

    Motor thalamus integration of cortical, cerebellar and basal ganglia information: implications for normal and parkinsonian conditions

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    Motor thalamus (Mthal) is implicated in the control of movement because it is strategically located between motor areas of the cerebral cortex and motor-related subcortical structures, such as the cerebellum and basal ganglia (BG). The role of BG and cerebellum in motor control has been extensively studied but how Mthal processes inputs from these two networks is unclear. Specifically, there is considerable debate about the role of BG inputs on Mthal activity. This review summarises anatomical and physiological knowledge of the Mthal and its afferents and reviews current theories of Mthal function by discussing the impact of cortical, BG and cerebellar inputs on Mthal activity. One view is that Mthal activity in BG and cerebellar-receiving territories is primarily driven by glutamatergic inputs from the cortex or cerebellum, respectively, whereas BG inputs are modulatory and do not strongly determine Mthal activity. This theory is steeped in the assumption that the Mthal processes information in the same way as sensory thalamus, through interactions of modulatory inputs with a single driver input. Another view, from BG models, is that BG exert primary control on the BG-receiving Mthal so it effectively relays information from BG to cortex. We propose a new super-integrator theory where each Mthal territory processes multiple driver or driver-like inputs (cortex and BG, cortex and cerebellum), which are the result of considerable integrative processing. Thus, BG and cerebellar Mthal territories assimilate motivational and proprioceptive motor information previously integrated in cortico-BG and cortico-cerebellar networks, respectively, to develop sophisticated motor signals that are transmitted in parallel pathways to cortical areas for optimal generation of motor programmes. Finally, we briefly review the pathophysiological changes that occur in the BG in parkinsonism and generate testable hypotheses about how these may affect processing of inputs in the Mthal

    J Parkinsons Dis

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    Evidence shows that altered retinoic acid signaling may contribute to the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease (PD). Retinoic acid is the bioactive derivative of the lipophilic vitamin A. Vitamin A is involved in several important homeostatic processes, such as cell differentiation, antioxidant activity, inflammation and neuronal plasticity. The role of vitamin A and its derivatives in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, and their potential as therapeutics, has drawn attention for more than 10 years. However, the literature sits in disparate fields. Vitamin A could act at the crossroad of multiple environmental and genetic factors of PD. The purpose of this review is to outline what is known about the role of vitamin A metabolism in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of PD. We examine key biological systems and mechanisms that are under the control of vitamin A and its derivatives, which are (or could be) exploited for therapeutic potential in PD: the survival of dopaminergic neurons, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, circadian rhythms, homeostasis of the enteric nervous system, and hormonal systems. We focus on the pivotal role of ALDH1A1, an enzyme expressed by dopaminergic neurons for the detoxification of these neurons, which is under the control of retinoic acid. By providing an integrated summary, this review will guide future studies on the potential role of vitamin A in the management of symptoms, health and wellbeing for PD patients