342 research outputs found

    Działalność Mikołaja z Kutna na Mazowszu w początkach jego kariery politycznej

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    Książka jest zbiorem tekstów prezentujących szeroki wachlarz zagadnień dotyczących historii średniowiecznej Polski i Europy. W czterech działach ‒ na wybranych, konkretnych przykładach ‒ podjęto tematykę dotyczącą monarchów i ich rodzin, społeczeństwa i jego poczynań, sztuki, architektury i artefaktów życia codziennego, jak również światopoglądu ludzi wieków średnich. Tak różnorodne problemy badawcze zaciekawią wszystkich, którzy interesują się historią średniowiecza, w tym heraldyką, genealogią, archeologią czy historią sztuki

    The Influence of Jerzy Łoś on Early Developments in Temporal Logic

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    In this article, we will respond to the paper by Øhrstrøm and Hasle, which questions the position of Jerzy Łoś as the first logician to create a temporal logic system. We will undertake this by analysing the argument supporting their thesis and the preceding claims by Jarmużek and Tkaczyk, who attempted to present Jerzy Łoś as the founder of temporal logic. The paper presents a critique of both arguments presented by the authors and a response based on historical facts and formal distinctions.In this article, we will respond to the paper by Øhrstrøm and Hasle, which questions the position of Jerzy Łoś as the first logician to create a temporal logic system. We will undertake this by analysing the argument supporting their thesis and the preceding claims by Jarmużek and Tkaczyk, who attempted to present Jerzy Łoś as the founder of temporal logic. The paper presents a critique of both arguments presented by the authors and a response based on historical facts and formal distinctions

    Kaplan classes of a certain family of functions

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    We give the complete characterization of members of Kaplan classes of products of power functions with all zeros symmetrically distributed in T:={zC:z=1}\mathbb{T} := \{z \in\mathbb{C} : |z| = 1\} and weakly monotonic sequence of powers. In this way we extend Sheil-Small’s theorem. We apply the obtained result to study univalence of antiderivative of these products of power functions

    Attitudes towards work among prison inmates and the long-term unemployed

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    The article includes an analysis of differences in attitudes towards work in conditions of imprisonment and among employed and long-term unemployed men not detained in prison.The results of the analysis showed a moderate interaction effect of the factors: imprisonment and unemployment (F (1.407) = 6.16, p <0.05, Eta 2 = 0.36). It turned out that the environment of prison isolation and unemployment are mutually related, and the least favorable attitudes towards were shown by the men serving imprisonment sentence, having at the same time no employment opportunities

    Criteria of univalence for a certain integral operator

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    In this article we consider the problem of univalence of a function introduced by Breaz and Ularu, improve some of their results and receive not only univalence conditions but also close-to-convex conditions for this function. To this aim, we used our method based on Kaplan classes

    Evaluation of an offshore wind farm computational fluid dynamics model against operational site data

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    Modelling wind turbine wake effects at a range of wind speeds and directions with actuator disk (AD) models can provide insight but also be challenging. With any model it is important to quantify the level of error, but this can also present a challenge when comparing a steady-state model to measurement data with scatter. This paper models wind flow in a wind farm at a range of wind speeds and directions using an AD implementation. The results from these models are compared to data collected from the actual farm being modelled. An extensive comparison is conducted, constituted from 35 cases where two turbulence models, the standard k-ε and k-ω SST are evaluated. The steps taken in building the models as well as processes for comparing the AD computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results to real-world data using the regression models of ensemble bagging and Gaussian process are outlined. Turbine performance data and boundary conditions are determined using the site data. Modifications to an existing opensource AD code are shown so that the predetermined turbine performance can be implemented into the CFD model. Steady state solutions are obtained with the OpenFOAM CFD solver. Results are compared in terms of velocity deficit at the measurement locations. Using the standard k-ε model, a mean absolute error for all cases together of roughly 8% can be achieved, but this error changes for different directions and methods of evaluating it

    Calculating electric power and energy generated in small wind turbine-generator sets in very short-term horizon

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    The issue of very short-term forecasting of power generated in renewable energy sources, including small wind turbine-generator sets, is getting more and more important. Because it is crucial/necessary to ensure reliable electricity supplies to consumers, it is a subject of a great significance in small energy micro-systems, which are commonly called microgrids. Small wind turbine-generator sets will be shortly characterized in this paper. Further on, typical characteristics of power generated by these units, dependent on the wind velocity, will be presented. Then results of sample calculations of electric power and energy generated by several wind turbine-generator sets of small installed capacity, in relation to the wind velocity and time intervals assumed for calculations, will be presented. On the basis of these calculations, estimation errors resulting from the magnitude of time intervals, assumed in the process of wind velocity averaging, will be determined. Some qualitative analysis of obtained estimates of electric powers and energies, in context of very short-term forecasts of these quantities, will be carried out. At the end of the paper observations and conclusions concerning analyzed subject, i.e. calculating the electric power and energy generated in small wind turbine- generator sets in a very short-term horizon, will be provided

    Cloud optical thickness and albedo retrievals from bidirectional reflectance measurements of POLDER instruments during ACE-2

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    International audienceThe POLDER instrument is devoted to global observations of the solar radiation reflected by the Earth-atmosphere system. The airborne version of the instrument was operated during the ACE-2 experiment, more particularly as a component of the CLOUDYCOLUMN project of ACE-2 that was conducted in summer 1997 over the subtropical northeastern Atlantic ocean. CLOUDYCOLUMN is a coordinated project specifically dedicated to the study of the indirect effect of aerosols. In this context, the airborne POLDER was assigned to remote measurements of the cloud optical and radiative properties, namely the cloud optical thickness and the cloud albedo. This paper presents the retrievals of those 2 cloud parameters for 2 golden days of the campaign 26 June and 9 July 1997. Coincident spaceborne ADEOS-POLDER data from 2 orbits over the ACE-2 area on 26 June are also analyzed. 26 June corresponds to a pure air marine case and 9 July is a polluted air case. The multidirectional viewing capability of airborne POLDER is here demonstrated to be very useful to estimate the effective radius of cloud droplet that characterizes the observed stratocumulus clouds. A 12 μm cloud droplet size distribution appears to be a suitable cloud droplet model in the pure marine cloud case study. For the polluted case the mean retrieved effective droplet radius is of the order of 6-10 μm. This only preliminary result can be interpreted as a confirmation of the indirect effect of aerosols. It is consistent with the significant increase in droplet concentration measured in polluted marine clouds compared to clean marine ones. Further investigations and comparisons to in-situ microphysical measurements are now needed

    Use of exercise test in prognostic assessment of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    Kardiomiopatia przerostowa (HCM) jest genetycznie uwarunkowaną chorobą miokardium wiążącą się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem nagłego zgonu. Bardzo często przebiega z zawężaniem drogi odpływu lewej komory, co w istotny sposób wpływa na zwiększenie tego ryzyka. Jedna z metod oceny prognostycznej pacjentów z HCM to test wysiłkowy, który ma trzy podstawowe zastosowania w tym przypadku: stwierdzenie obecności zawężania drogi odpływu lewej komory u pacjentów bez zawężania w spoczynku, próba identyfikacji osób ze współistniejącą chorobą wieńcową oraz ustalenie wskaźników wysokiego ryzyka dysfunkcji lewej komory indukowanej wysiłkiem, co ma odzwierciedlenie w odpowiedzi ciśnienia tętniczego na wysiłek. Dwie pierwsze sytuacje wymagają dodatkowo zastosowania metod obrazowych. Test wysiłkowy u pacjentów bez istotnego zawężania w spoczynku wydaje się bezpieczną metodą w ocenie prognostycznej. Dokładna ocena odpowiedzi ciśnienia tętniczego w trakcie obciążenia wysiłkiem może wiele wnieść w zakresie reklasyfikacji chorych do grup niskiego bądź wyższego ryzyka.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetically determined disease of miocardium that implies increased risk of sudden death. It often coexists with left ventricle outflow tract obstruction, which substantially increases that risk. Exercise testing can be used in prognostic assessment of individuals suffering from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. There are three clinical instances for which exercise testing has clinical value in patients with HCM: defining the presence of outflow tract obstruction in patients with no gradient at rest, attempt to identify patients with coexistent coronary artery diseaseand defining presence of the high-risk indicator of exercise-induced myocardial dysfunction, which may be reflected by an abnormal blood pressure response. The first and third instances require exercise testing with imaging. Only in the third situation is exercise testing without imaging useful. Exercise testing seems to be a safe method in prognostic assessment of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with no outflow tract obstruction at rest. Assessment of blood pressure response to exercise can contribute a lot in reclassification of patients to lower or higher risk groups