18 research outputs found

    Wind-shearing in gaseous protoplanetary disks and the evolution of binary planetesimals

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    One of the first stages of planet formation is the growth of small planetesimals. This early stage occurs much before the dispersal of most of the gas from the protoplanetary disk. Due to their different aerodynamic properties, planetesimals of different sizes and shapes experience different drag forces from the gas during this time. Such differential forces produce a wind-shearing (WISH) effect between close by, different size planetesimals. For any two planetesimals, a WISH radius can be considered, at which the differential acceleration due to the wind becomes greater than the mutual gravitational pull between the planetesimals. We find that the WISH radius could be much smaller than the Hill radius, i.e. WISH could play a more important role than tidal perturbations by the star. Here we study the WISH radii for planetesimal pairs of different sizes and compare the effects of wind and gravitational shearing (drag force vs. gravitational tidal force). We then discuss the role of WISH for the stability and survival of binary planetesimals. Binaries are sheared apart by the wind if they are wider than their WISH radius. WISH-stable binaries can inspiral and possibly coalesce due to gas drag. Here, we calculate the WISH radius and the gas drag-induced merger timescale, providing stability and survival criteria for gas-embedded binary planetesimals. Our results suggest that even WISH-stable binaries may merge in times shorter than the lifetime of the gaseous disk. This may constrain currently observed binary planetesimals to have formed far from the star or at a late stage after the dispersal of most of the disk gas. We note that the WISH radius may also be important for other processes such as planetesimal erosion and planetesimal encounters and collisions in a gaseous environment.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Dust Ejection from Planetary Bodies by Temperature Gradients: Laboratory Experiments

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    Laboratory experiments show that dusty bodies in a gaseous environment eject dust particles if they are illuminated. We find that even more intense dust eruptions occur when the light source is turned off. We attribute this to a compression of gas by thermal creep in response to the changing temperature gradients in the top dust layers. The effect is studied at a light flux of 13 kW/(m*m) and 1 mbar ambient pressure. The effect is applicable to protoplanetary disks and Mars. In the inner part of protoplanetary disks, planetesimals can be eroded especially at the terminator of a rotating body. This leads to the production of dust which can then be transported towards the disk edges or the outer disk regions. The generated dust might constitute a significant fraction of the warm dust observed in extrasolar protoplanetary disks. We estimate erosion rates of about 1 kg/s for 100 m parent bodies. The dust might also contribute to subsequent planetary growth in different locations or on existing protoplanets which are large enough not to be susceptible to particle loss by light induced ejection. Due to the ejections, planetesimals and smaller bodies will be accelerated or decelerated and drift outward or inward, respectively. The effect might also explain the entrainment of dust in dust devils on Mars, especially at high altitudes where gas drag alone might not be sufficient.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    The outcome of protoplanetary dust growth: pebbles, boulders, or planetesimals? I. Mapping the zoo of laboratory collision experiments

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    The growth processes from protoplanetary dust to planetesimals are not fully understood. Laboratory experiments and theoretical models have shown that collisions among the dust aggregates can lead to sticking, bouncing, and fragmentation. However, no systematic study on the collisional outcome of protoplanetary dust has been performed so far so that a physical model of the dust evolution in protoplanetary disks is still missing. We intend to map the parameter space for the collisional interaction of arbitrarily porous dust aggregates. This parameter space encompasses the dust-aggregate masses, their porosities and the collision velocity. With such a complete mapping of the collisional outcomes of protoplanetary dust aggregates, it will be possible to follow the collisional evolution of dust in a protoplanetary disk environment. We use literature data, perform own laboratory experiments, and apply simple physical models to get a complete picture of the collisional interaction of protoplanetary dust aggregates. In our study, we found four different types of sticking, two types of bouncing, and three types of fragmentation as possible outcomes in collisions among protoplanetary dust aggregates. We distinguish between eight combinations of porosity and mass ratio. For each of these cases, we present a complete collision model for dust-aggregate masses between 10^-12 and 10^2 g and collision velocities in the range 10^-4 to 10^4 cm/s for arbitrary porosities. This model comprises the collisional outcome, the mass(es) of the resulting aggregate(s) and their porosities. We present the first complete collision model for protoplanetary dust. This collision model can be used for the determination of the dust-growth rate in protoplanetary disks.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Planet formation bursts at the borders of the dead zone in 2D numerical simulations of circumstellar disks

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    As accretion in protoplanetary disks is enabled by turbulent viscosity, the border between active and inactive (dead) zones constitutes a location where there is an abrupt change in the accretion flow. The gas accumulation that ensues triggers the Rossby wave instability, that in turn saturates into anticyclonic vortices. It was suggested that the trapping of solids within them leads to a burst of planet formation on very short timescales. We perform two-dimensional global simulations of the dynamics of gas and solids in a non-magnetized thin protoplanetary disk with the Pencil Code. We use multiple particle species of radius 1, 10, 30, and 100 cm, solving for the particles' gravitational interaction by a particle-mesh method. The dead zone is modeled as a region of low viscosity. Adiabatic and locally isothermal equations of state are used. We find that the Rossby wave instability is triggered under a variety of conditions, thus making vortex formation a robust process. Inside the vortices, fast accumulation of solids occurs and the particles collapse into objects of planetary mass in timescales as short as five orbits. Because the drag force is size-dependent, aerodynamical sorting ensues within the vortical motion, and the first bound structures formed are composed primarily of similarly-sized particles. In addition to erosion due to ram pressure, we identify gas tides from the massive vortices as a disrupting agent of formed protoplanetary embryos. We also estimate the collisional velocity history of the particles that compose the most massive embryo by the end of the simulation, finding that the vast majority of them never experienced a collision with another particle at speeds faster than 1 m/s.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures + Appendices. Accepted by A&A. Nature of replacement: included a missing referenc

    Photophoretic separation of metals and silicates: the formation of Mercury like planets and metal depletion in chondrites

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    Mercury's high uncompressed mass density suggests that the planet is largely composed of iron, either bound within metal (mainly Fe-Ni), or iron sulfide. Recent results from the MESSENGER mission to Mercury imply a low temperature history of the planet which questions the standard formation models of impact mantle stripping or evaporation to explain the high metal content. Like Mercury, the two smallest extrasolar rocky planets with mass and size determination, CoRoT-7b and Kepler-10b, were found to be of high density. As they orbit close to their host stars this indicates that iron rich inner planets might not be a nuisance of the solar system but be part of a general scheme of planet formation. From undifferentiated chondrites it is also known that the metal to silicate ratio is highly variable which must be ascribed to pre-planetary fractionation processes. Due to this fractionation most chondritic parent bodies - most of them originated in the asteroid belt - are depleted in iron relative to average solar system abundances. The astrophysical processes leading to metal silicate fractionation in the solar nebula are essentially unknown. Here, we consider photophoretic forces. As these forces particularly act on irradiated solids, they might play a significant role for the composition of planetesimals forming at the inner edge of protoplanetary discs. Photophoresis can separate high thermal conductivity materials (iron) from lower thermal conductivity solids (silicate). We suggest that the silicates are preferentially pushed into the optical thick disk. Subsequent planetesimal formation at the edge moving outwards leads to metal rich planetesimals close to the star and metal depleted planetesimals further out in the nebula

    Planetesimal formation by sweep-up: How the bouncing barrier can be beneficial to growth

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    The formation of planetesimals is often accredited to collisional sticking of dust grains. The exact process is unknown, as collisions between larger aggregates tend to lead to fragmentation or bouncing rather than sticking. Recent laboratory experiments have however made great progress in the understanding and mapping of the complex physics involved in dust collisions. We want to study the possibility of planetesimal formation using the results from the latest laboratory experiments, particularly by including the fragmentation with mass transfer effect, which might lead to growth even at high impact velocities. We present a new experimentally and physically motivated dust collision model capable of predicting the outcome of a collision between two particles of arbitrary masses and velocities. It is used together with a continuum dust-size evolution code that is both fast in terms of execution time and able to resolve the dust well at all sizes, allowing for all types of interactions to be studied without biases. We find that for the general dust population, bouncing collisions prevent the growth above millimeter-sizes. However, if a small number of cm-sized particles are introduced, for example due to vertical mixing or radial drift, they can act as a catalyst and start to sweep up the smaller particles. At a distance of 3 AU, 100-meter-sized bodies are formed on a timescale of 1 Myr. We conclude that direct growth of planetesimals might be a possibility thanks to a combination of the existence of a bouncing barrier and the fragmentation with mass transfer effect. The bouncing barrier is here even beneficial, as it prevents the growth of too many large particles that would otherwise only fragment among each other, and creates a reservoir of small particles that can be swept up by larger bodies. However, for this process to work, a few seeds of cm in size or larger have to be introduced.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Струшки вечери на поезијата 2010 со музичкиот состав „Портал“ на вечерта насловена „Ноќ без интерпункција“ („Night Without Punctuation“)

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    Настап на фестивалот „Струшки вечери на поезијата 2010“ со музичкиот состав „Портал“ на вечерта насловена „Ноќ без интерпункција“ („Night Without Punctuation“), 21.08.2010 година, сала Розе - хотел Дрим, Струга. Настапуваат: - Марјан Јанкоски - кавал; - Ангеле Михајловски - пијано; - Сашко Петрев - тамбура; - Александар Парасков - тамбур

    Настап на манифестацијата „Вечер на Живко Чинго“ во Охрид, 13.08.2010 година со музичкиот состав „Портал“

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    Во присуство на голем број граѓани, личности од јавниот и културниот живот, членови на советот, писатели и книжевни критичари, на почетокот на свеченоста, делегација на Општината како и делегациите на образовните институции, здруженија на граѓани и поединци положија свежо цвеќе на спомен-бистата на писателот.За значењето на делото на Живко Чинго беседа одржа Проф. Д-р. Венко Андоновски. Во рамките на свеченоста, градоначалникот Петрески ја врачи паричната награда за најдобар расказ на Конкурсот што го распиша Општина Охрид, на универзитетскиот професор, литературен критичар и писател господинот Димитар Пандев. ...македонскиот музички состав ПОРТАЛ беа специјалните гости на вечерта кои настапија со три композиции (Вдахновение, Танци на изворите и Манастирски копнеж)... Настапија: - Марјан Јанкоски - кавал и тамбура - Ангеле Михајловски - пијано - Сшко петрев - тамбура - Александар Парасков - тамбур

    Целовечерен концерт во уметничката галерија „Безистен“ во рамките на „Топол културен бран 2011“.

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    Целовечерен концерт на музичкиот состав „Портал“ во уметничката галерија „Безистен“ во Штип во рамките на манифестацијата „Топол културен бран 2011“ под покровителство на Министерството за култура на Република Македонија, 20.08.2011 год