73 research outputs found

    Evaluación de ansiedad y depresión en estudiantes de primero de Grado en Psicología y Grado en Terapia Ocupacional

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    Trabajo Fin de Grado, curso 2014-2015[ES]Numerosos estudios ponen de manifiesto que la ansiedad y la depresión constituyen importantes problemas de salud en la actualidad. Específicamente, en el contexto universitario, diversas investigaciones señalan que existe una alta tasa de trastornos ansiosos y depresivos en esta franja de edad. Así pues, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivos investigar la existencia de posibles diferencias en las puntuaciones de ansiedad y depresión atendiendo al género y a los estudios que se cursan; y profundizar en las características psicométricas de los instrumentos que vamos a utilizar. La evaluación ha requerido la aplicación de instrumentos como el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI) y el Cuestionario de Ansiedad Estado/Rasgo (STAI) a una muestra de 173 participantes pertenecientes a la Universidad de Salamanca que cursan estudios de primero de Psicología y primero de Terapia ocupacional. Se han llevado a cabo análisis de las características de los instrumentos empleando el programa SPSS, donde se han calculado estadísticos descriptivos y coeficientes de correlación. Para el contraste de las hipótesis relativas al género y los estudios que cursan, se ha empleado análisis de varianza (ANOVA). Los resultados indican que el 20,8% de la muestra presentó algún nivel de depresión y el 54,9% presentó algún nivel de ansiedad. Un 4% presentó depresión moderada y un 1,2% depresión grave. El nivel de ansiedad leve encontrado fue de 45,1%. Un 30,9% presentó ansiedad moderada y 24% ansiedad grave. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en ansiedad en función del género, siendo la mujer quien mayores niveles de ansiedad presenta; sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a los estudios que cursan. Estos y otros resultados subrayan la importancia de realizar más estudios con esta población clínica e intervenir en la prevención de este tipo de sintomatología para mejorar la calidad de vida de los estudiantes universitarios

    International entrepreneurship: a critical review of the research field

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    This study provides a comprehensive review of the International Entrepreneurship (IE) literature and analyses its evolution in relation to the criticisms made by previous reviews. For this purpose, 272 articles published in 20 journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report for the 1989-2015 period were analysed in depth. The results reveal that researchers have increasingly worked to address these criticisms. Nevertheless, these efforts have not been sufficient since theoretical difficulties that prevent a better understanding of the IE field continue. (...

    Dynamic Intracellular Metabolic Cell Signaling Profiles During Ag-Dependent B-Cell Differentiation

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    © 2021 Díez, Pérez-Andrés, Bøgsted, Azkargorta, García-Valiente, Dégano, Blanco, Mateos-Gomez, Bárcena, Santa Cruz, Góngora, Elortza, Landeira-Viñuela, Juanes-Velasco, Segura, Manzano-Román, Almeida, Dybkaer, Orfao and Fuentes.Human B-cell differentiation has been extensively investigated on genomic and transcriptomic grounds; however, no studies have accomplished so far detailed analysis of antigen-dependent maturation-associated human B-cell populations from a proteomic perspective. Here, we investigate for the first time the quantitative proteomic profiles of B-cells undergoing antigen-dependent maturation using a label-free LC-MS/MS approach applied on 5 purified B-cell subpopulations (naive, centroblasts, centrocytes, memory and plasma B-cells) from human tonsils (data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD006191). Our results revealed that the actual differences among these B-cell subpopulations are a combination of expression of a few maturation stage-specific proteins within each B-cell subset and maturation-associated changes in relative protein expression levels, which are related with metabolic regulation. The considerable overlap of the proteome of the 5 studied B-cell subsets strengthens the key role of the regulation of the stoichiometry of molecules associated with metabolic regulation and programming, among other signaling cascades (such as antigen recognition and presentation and cell survival) crucial for the transition between each B-cell maturation stage.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) for the grants: FIS PI14/01538, FIS PI17/01930 and CB16/12/00400. We also acknowledge Fondos FEDER (EU) and Junta Castilla-León (COVID19 grant COV20EDU/00187). Fundación Solórzano FS/38-2017.The Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0023, of the PE I + D + I 2017-2020, funded by ISCIII and FEDER. AL-V is supported by VIII Centenario-USAL PhD Program. PJ-V is supported by JCYL PhD Program and scholarship JCYL-EDU/601/2020. PD and EB are supported by a JCYL-EDU/346/2013 Ph.D. scholarship

    The Multivalency of the glucocorticoid receptor ligand-binding domain explains its manifold physiological activities

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    The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ubiquitously expressed transcription factor that controls metabolic and homeostatic processes essential for life. Although numerous crystal structures of the GR ligand-binding domain (GR-LBD) have been reported, the functional oligomeric state of the full-length receptor, which is essential for its transcriptional activity, remains disputed. Here we present five new crystal structures of agonist-bound GR-LBD, along with a thorough analysis of previous structural work. We identify four distinct homodimerization interfaces on the GR-LBD surface, which can associate into 20 topologically different homodimers. Biologically relevant homodimers were identified by studying a battery of GR point mutants including crosslinking assays in solution, quantitative fluorescence microscopy in living cells, and transcriptomic analyses. Our results highlight the relevance of non-canonical dimerization modes for GR, especially of contacts made by loop L1-3 residues such as Tyr545. Our work illustrates the unique flexibility of GR's LBD and suggests different dimeric conformations within cells. In addition, we unveil pathophysiologically relevant quaternary assemblies of the receptor with important implications for glucocorticoid action and drug design

    DUbbing language-therapy CINEma-based in aphasia post-stroke (DULCINEA): study protocol for a randomized crossover pilot trial

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    Communication is one of the most important predictors of social reintegration after stroke. Approximately 15–42% of stroke survivors experience post-stroke aphasia. Helping people recover from aphasia is one of the research priorities after a stroke. Our aim is to develop and validate a new therapy integrating dubbing techniques to improve functional communication. Methods: The research project is structured as three work packages (WP). WP1: development of the dubbed language cinema-based therapy: Two research assistants (a speech therapist and a dubbing actor) will select the clips, mute specific words/sentences in progressive speech difficulty, and guide patients to dub them across sessions. Words to be dubbed will be those considered to be functionally meaningful by a representative sample of aphasic patients and relatives through an online survey. WP2: a randomized, crossover, interventional pilot study with the inclusion of 54 patients with post-stroke non-fluent aphasia. Patients will be treated individually in 40-min sessions twice per week for 8 weeks. Primary outcomes will be significant pre/post differences in scores in the Communicative Activity Log (CAL) questionnaire and Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) administered by a psychologist blinded to the patients’ clinical characteristics. Secondary outcomes: General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-12, Stroke Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39), Western Aphasia Battery Revised (WAB-R), and the Stroke Aphasic Depression Questionnaire (SADQ10). WP3: educational activities and dissemination of results. WP3 includes educational activities to improve public knowledge of aphasia and dissemination of the results, with the participation of the Spanish patients’ association Afasia Activa. Discussion: This pilot clinical trial will explore the efficacy of a new therapeutic tool based on dubbing techniques and computer technology to improve functional communication of patients suffering from post-stroke aphasia with the use of standardized test assessmentThis study is promoted by Blanca Fuentes and the Research Foundation of La Paz University Hospital, which hosts a research consortium joined by the Department of Neurology at La Paz University Hospital, the Department of Psychology at Comillas Pontifical University, and the patients’ association Afasia Activa. This project has received funding from “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code HR18-00026. Funder is not involved in any of the following processes: design of the trial, data collection, analysis, or interpretation of data nor than in writing the manuscrip

    Adverse drug reactions to the three doses of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) mRNA-1273 vaccine in a cohort of cancer patients under active treatment of a tertiary hospital in Madrid, Spain [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccines efficacy and safety have been tested in phase 3 studies in which cancer patients were not included or were underrepresented. Methods: The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety profile of the mRNA-1273 vaccine across cancer patients and its relationship to patients’ demographics. We selected from our records all 18-years or older solid cancer patients under active treatment vaccinated with the complete three-dose schedule mRNA-1273 vaccine whose adverse drug reactions (ADRs)  after each dose were recorded. Medical records were reviewed retrospectively to collect data between April 19, 2021, and December 31, 2021. Patients with documented previous infection by SARS-Cov-2 were excluded. Results: A total of 93 patients met the inclusion criteria. Local ADRs were reported more frequently after the first and second dose than after the third (41.9%, 43% and 31.1% of the patients respectively), while systemic ADRs followed the opposite pattern (16.1%, 34.4% and 52.6% of the patients respectively). We found a statistically significant association between sex and systemic adverse reactions after the third dose, p < 0.001 and between systemic adverse reactions after the second dose and systemic adverse reactions after the third dose, p = 0.001 A significant linear trend, p = 0.012, with a higher Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score associated with a lower proportion of patients suffering from systemic side effects was found. Women had 5.79 times higher odds to exhibit systemic ADRs after the third dose (p=0.01) compared to males. Increasing age was associated with a decreased likelihood of exhibiting ADRs (p=0.016). Conclusion: The mRNA-1273 vaccine shows a tolerable safety profile. The likelihood of ADRs appears to be associated with gender and age. Its association with ECOG scores is less evident. Further studies are needed to elucidate this data in cancer patients

    Use of tocilizumab in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-1

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with coronavirus infection is related to a cytokine storm with large interleukin-6 (IL-6) release. The IL-6-receptor blocker tocilizumab may control the aberrant host immune response in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) . In this pandemic, kidney transplant (KT) recipients are a high-risk population for severe infection and showed poor outcomes. We present a multicenter cohort study of 80 KT patients with severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab during hospital admission. High mortality rate was identified (32.5%), related with older age (hazard ratio [HR] 3.12 for those older than 60 years, P = .039). IL-6 and other inflammatory markers, including lactic acid dehydrogenase, ferritin, and D-dimer increased early after tocilizumab administration and their values were higher in nonsurvivors. Instead, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels decreased after tocilizumab, and this decrease positively correlated with survival (mean 12.3 mg/L in survivors vs. 33 mg/L in nonsurvivors). Each mg/L of CRP soon after tocilizumab increased the risk of death by 1% (HR 1.01 [confidence interval 1.004-1.024], P = .003). Although patients who died presented with worse respiratory situation at admission, this was not significantly different at tocilizumab administration and did not have an impact on outcome in the multivariate analysis. Tocilizumab may be effective in controlling cytokine storm in COVID-19 but randomized trials are needed

    Análisis de experiencia previa y propuestas de mejora en el Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Edificación

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    Tras los acontecimientos ocurridos en el sector edificatorio durante los últimos años, es preciso establecer ciertas mejoras en la estructura del Máster Universitario en Gestión de la Edificación, perteneciente a la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante, tanto en relación a la organización de los estudios a nivel de programa así como a los conceptos específicos estudiados en cada materia. Por ello, el propósito del presente trabajo es reflexionar sobre la experiencia previa desarrollada en el Máster con el fin de establecer determinadas medidas que proporcionen una mayor coordinación y seguimiento entre los departamentos implicados. Así, esta situación permitirá desarrollar las acciones propuestas en el Plan de Acciones de Mejora para la Renovación de la Acreditación del citado Máster en relación a su estructura organizativa, introducción de mejoras tecnológicas, así como la propuesta de innovaciones metodológicas y de evaluación docente adaptadas a los condicionantes actuales del sector de la edificación. Se propone mantener una metodología docente basada en la Evaluación Continua, mediante un temario donde los conocimientos adquiridos por el estudiante sean graduales y de aplicación sucesiva en prácticas y temas teóricos de actualidad en el sector, apostando por la clase participativa como estrategia de aprendizaje

    Optimizando el abordaje del asma bronquial

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    196 páginas.El asma bronquial es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a millones de personas en todo el mundo, siendo la primera enfermedad crónica en la edad pediátrica. Se caracteriza por una inflamación de las vías respiratorias que conduce a la obstrucción del flujo de aire y a la dificultad para respirar. El asma es una enfermedad que afecta a la calidad de vida de las personas que la padece y puede ser una condición potencialmente mortal si no se trata adecuadamente. A pesar de los avances significativos en el tratamiento del asma en las últimas décadas, todavía hay muchas personas que no logran controlar adecuadamente su enfermedad. Muchos pacientes continúan experimentando síntomas a pesar de tomar medicamentos y seguir las recomendaciones médicas. Esto puede deberse a multitud de factores, como una mala adherencia al tratamiento, una falta de comprensión de la enfermedad o una falta de seguimiento por parte de los profesionales sanitarios. Una formación adecuada de los profesionales sanitarios implicados en la atención al paciente asmático (Médicos de Familia, Médicos de urgencias, Pediatras, Neumólogos, Alergólogos, etc) ayudará a establecer una estrategia de tratamiento eficaz y eficiente que pueda traducirse en una mejora del control y por tanto de la calidad de vida de nuestros pacientes. En este libro, se abordan las últimas recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para el diagnóstico, la evaluación y el tratamiento del asma, con un enfoque multidisciplinar. A lo largo de sus diez capítulos, se describe como llegar a establecer un diagnostico correcto del asma (interpretación de pruebas alérgicas, espirometria y técnicas de imagen), uso adecuado de los distintos dispositivos de inhalación, las peculiaridades del tratamiento en el embarazo y en la edad pediátrica, el importante papel de la inmunoterapia en el tratamiento del asma alérgica, así de como debemos actuar ante una crisis de asma o cuales son los avances actuales y futuros en el asma grave o de difícil control