72 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini mengenai Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) pada proyek Depo Lokomotif di Kab Maros Sulawesi Selatan, program ini dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan atau insiden maupun penyakit yang terjadi di lapangan kerja. Selain itu juga dapat menjadi jaminan bagi pekerja agar mendapatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan pada saat bekerja di Proyek Depo Makassar. Penelitan yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkatan K3 yang telah dilakukan di proyek depo makassar. Selain itu peneliti juga mengamati aspek yang perlu di tingkatkan bila ditemukan kekurangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan cara pengambilan sampel responden dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara langsung di lapangan dengan melibatkan para pekerja proyek kontruksi yang terlibat didalam proses pembangunan gedung depo lokomotif. Adapun jumlah kuesioner yang disebarkan berjumlah 20 kuesioner. Dengan pengolahan data menggunakan beberapa metode Analisa regresi,indek serta diproses dengan software SPSS. Dari penelitian tersebut diperoleh hasil presentase Indek Pelaksanaan sebesar 84,9 persen dengan aspek yang belum dapat dipenuhi secara maksimal berupa aspek kebakaran yang hanya bisa dipenuhi sebanyak 70 persen.  KATA KUNCI: K3, Depo, Mistigas

    Bilan du carbone dans le lagunage anaérobie appliqué sous climat méditerranéen

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    Ce travail a porté sur l'application du lagunage anaérobie pour le traitement primaire des eaux résiduaires urbaines sous climat méditerranéen. Il a été réalisé sur les lagunes anaérobies de l' Ecosite de Mèze (Hérault, France). Les lagunes anaérobies constituent un traitement primaire satisfaisant avec des rendements moyens de 55% pour les MES et 30% pour la DBO5, pour une faible emprise au sol. Le taux d'accumulation des boues est de seulement 0,017 m3 /EH.an, notamment du fait de l'efficacité de la dégradation anaérobie. L'équilibre du métabolisme anaérobie des boues est atteint après un an de fonctionnement. L'accumulation des boues se fait alors de façon saisonnière avec une forte accumulation en hiver et une digestion du stock en été. Cette évolution est liée à l'influence de la température sur la méthanogénèse. La production de biogaz (83% CH4) a pu être mesurée par des collecteurs à gaz mis au point pour cette étude et dépend également fortement de la température. Le bilan du carbone montre que 74% du carbone organique épuré est converti en CH4, 13% en carbone inorganique dissous et seulement 15% est stocké dans les boues. Toutefois, les lagunes anaérobies présentent un risque de créer des nuisances olfactives dues à l'émission de H2 S.This project examined the application of anaerobic ponds for the primary treatment of urban wastewater under a Mediterranean climate. The objectives of the study were to determine removal performances and to study sludge accumulation and the production of biogas. Together, these results allowed us to calculate the carbon mass balance in the anaerobic ponds.This work was carried out in the two large primary anaerobic ponds of the waste stabilization pond system at the Ecosite of Mèze (Hérault, France), treating domestic wastewater for 13,800 person-equivalents (PE). Anaerobic ponds were 5,000 m3 in volume, 3.1 m in depth and presented a retention time of 4.6 d with a mean volumetric organic loading of 83 g BOD5 /m3 ×d× The characteristics of the influent and effluent (including: suspended solids (SS); chemical oxygen demand (COD); biological oxygen demand (BOD5); bicarbonate (HCO3 -); total organic carbon (TOC); and volatile fatty acids (VFA)) were determined twice-monthly. The volume of sludge and its characteristics (including: SS; volatile solids (VS); TOC; and VFA) were measured monthly. The production of biogas and its composition (CH4, CO2, H2 S) were measured with gas collectors specially developed for this study.Results showed that the anaerobic ponds constituted a good primary treatment with mean removal rates of 55% for SS, 30% for BOD and 22% for COD. Removal performances were relatively constant over the year. Indeed, removal rates were essentially due to the removal of particulate organic matter by sedimentation. Anaerobic degradation occurred essentially in the sludge layer and the removal of soluble COD was low.The study of sludge characteristics showed that anaerobic digestion equilibrium was reached after one year of operation. The beginning of methanogenesis could be observed by the decrease in the concentration of volatile fatty acids. The accumulation of sludge showed seasonal variation with an important accumulation in winter and the digestion of the accumulated stock in summer. This evolution could be related to the influence of temperature on methanogenesis. The mean rate of sludge accumulation was only 3.8 g SS/P-E×d or 0.017 m3/P-E×yr. This rate was significantly lower than for the primary settling tank (50-60 g SS/P-E×d) and for the facultative ponds (0.085 m3 /P-E×yr) due to the intensive anaerobic degradation.The production of biogas was measured by gas collectors specially developed for this study. The biogas contained essentially CH4 (83%); CO2 was less than 4% because it dissolved in the water column and was converted into bicarbonate alkalinity. The concentration of H2 S was less than 1% (between 75 and 4770 ppm) but was the cause of unpleasant odours. The biogas production rate was strongly dependent on temperature. A non-linear relationship was obtained (Ebiogas=4.8451 × e0.1203T, r2=0.92, n=16). The mean annual biogas production rate was calculated to be 49 L/m2 ×d. Seasonal variation in the biogas production rate could be related to seasonal variations in sludge accumulation.The carbon mass balance showed that 74% of the removed organic carbon was converted into CH4, 13% into dissolved inorganic carbon (bicarbonates) and only 15% was stored in sludge. The mass balance was well equilibrated and did not show the entry of atmospheric CO2, which occurs in aerobic ponds where CO2 is used by algae to produce their cell biomass. In an anaerobic pond, the low production of sludge was due to the efficiency of the anaerobic degradation but also to the low internal biomass production.To conclude, the use of a primary anaerobic pond was advantageous and permitted a reduction in the required surface area for a waste stabilization pond system. This process produced effluent for secondary treatment in a facultative pond with essentially the removal of the particulate organic matter. However, However, anaerobic ponds may cause odor problems linked to the emission of H2 S

    Developing a set of policy recommendations to assist the promotion of residential energy efficiency programmes in Myanmar

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    This document presents guidance to assist the Myanmar Government to formulate policies and strategies that can help to further enhance energy efficiency improvement activities in the Myanmar residential sector. It builds on the MECON research project findings and was co-developed through a stakeholder engagement workshop, which was organised in Nay Pyi Taw in May 2019 and was attended by 26 delegates representing a range of academics, energy industry representatives, development organisations, and policy makers representing various ministries. The first draft of the document was presented to senior policy makers in the Myanmar Ministry of Industry and their feedback was incorporated. Four key topics were discussed in the stakeholder workshop, deeper analysis of which could reduce the energy efficiency gap in the residential sector: uncertainty and risks; learning-by-doing to remove information barriers; principal agent issues and consumer heterogeneity. The rest of this document summarises how the policies and implementation activities can be improved, given understanding from the MECON project, recent progress and reflections from the workshop

    Climate Change Impacts on Hydro-generation and Land Suitability for Agriculture in Least Developed Countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region

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    The main objective of this report is to understand the climate induced changes in precipitation, water inflow, and land-suitability for food and bioenergy production in the case study countries (Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar) where electricity system is heavily dependent on hydro and the economy of the rural population heavily depends on the agriculture. Rural agrarian communities are highly vulnerable to climate change as their income heavily depends on agriculture and has very limited access to electricity (Morton 2007). Access to electricity and climate resilience in the agriculture sector are expected to facilitate enhanced economic activities, secure jobs, and income generated by the sector and its supply chain for rural communities. Further, increased development, driven by access to clean energy and employment, is also key to achieve several SDGs such as health and wellbeing, education, poverty alleviation, reducing inequality and promoting gender equality. This report quantifies and analyses the impacts of climate change on water availability and land suitability for key crops in three least developed countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, namely, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. We use different databases (CMIP5 for climate and ISIMIP for hydropower data) as well as a modelling tool (land suitability model) to conduct these analyses

    β-Arrestins Regulate Protease-activated Receptor-1 Desensitization but Not Internalization or Down-regulation

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    The widely expressed beta-arrestin isoforms 1 and 2 bind phosphorylated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and mediate desensitization and internalization. Phosphorylation of protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1), a GPCR for thrombin, is important for desensitization and internalization, however, the role of beta-arrestins in signaling and trafficking of PAR1 remains unknown. To assess beta-arrestin function we examined signaling and trafficking of PAR1 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from beta-arrestin (betaarr) knockouts. Desensitization of PAR1 signaling was markedly impaired in MEFs lacking both betaarr1 and betaarr2 isoforms compared with wild-type cells. Strikingly, in cells lacking only betaarr1 PAR1 desensitization was also significantly impaired compared with betaarr2-lacking or wild-type cells. In wild-type MEFs, activated PAR1 was internalized through a dynamin- and clathrin-dependent pathway and degraded. Surprisingly, in cells lacking both betaarr1 and betaarr2 activated PAR1 was similarly internalized through a dynamin- and clathrin-dependent pathway and degraded, whereas the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR) failed to internalize. A PAR1 cytoplasmic tail mutant defective in agonist-induced phosphorylation failed to internalize in both wild-type and beta-arrestin knockout cells. Thus, PAR1 appears to utilize a distinct phosphorylation-dependent but beta-arrestin-independent pathway for internalization through clathrin-coated pits. Together, these findings strongly suggest that the individual beta-arrestin isoforms can differentially regulate GPCR desensitization and further reveal a novel mechanism by which GPCRs can internalize through a dynamin- and clathrin-dependent pathway that is independent of arrestins

    An atypical cyclin-dependent kinase controls Plasmodium falciparum proliferation rate

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    Malaria parasites multiply in human erythrocytes through schizogony, a process characterised by nuclear divisions in the absence of cytokinesis, leading to the formation of a multinucleated schizont from which individual daughter cells are subsequently generated. Here, we provide evidence that parasites lines lacking Pfcrk-5, an atypical cyclin-dependent kinase, display a reduced parasitemia growth rate linked to a decrease in the number of daughter nuclei produced by each schizont. We show that in vitro activity of recombinant Pfcrk-5 is indeed cyclin-dependent and that the enzyme localises to the nuclear periphery. Thus, Pfcrk-5 is part of a regulatory pathway that mediates the proliferation rate of Plasmodium falciparum through the control of nuclear divisions during schizogony

    Sanitation of blackwater via sequential wetland and electrochemical treatment

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    The discharge of untreated septage is a major health hazard in countries that lack sewer systems and centralized sewage treatment. Small-scale, point-source treatment units are needed for water treatment and disinfection due to the distributed nature of this discharge, i.e., from single households or community toilets. In this study, a high-rate-wetland coupled with an electrochemical system was developed and demonstrated to treat septage at full scale. The full-scale wetland on average removed 79 +/- 2% chemical oxygen demand (COD), 30 +/- 5% total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), 58 +/- 4% total ammoniacal nitrogen (TAN), and 78 +/- 4% orthophosphate. Pathogens such as coliforms were not fully removed after passage through the wetland. Therefore, the wetland effluent was subsequently treated with an electrochemical cell with a cation exchange membrane where the effluent first passed through the anodic chamber. This lead to in situ chlorine or other oxidant production under acidifying conditions. Upon a residence time of at least 6 h of this anodic effluent in a buffer tank, the fluid was sent through the cathodic chamber where pH neutralization occurred. Overall, the combined system removed 89 +/- 1% COD, 36 +/- 5% TKN, 70 +/- 2% TAN, and 87 +/- 2% ortho-phosphate. An average 5-log unit reduction in coliform was observed. The energy input for the integrated system was on average 16 +/- 3 kWh/m(3), and 11 kWh/m(3) under optimal conditions. Further research is required to optimize the system in terms of stability and energy consumption

    Distinct and Shared Roles of β-Arrestin-1 and β-Arrestin-2 on the Regulation of C3a Receptor Signaling in Human Mast Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The complement component C3a induces degranulation in human mast cells via the activation of cell surface G protein coupled receptors (GPCR; C3aR). For most GPCRs, agonist-induced receptor phosphorylation leads to the recruitment of β-arrestin-1/β-arrestin-2; resulting in receptor desensitization and internalization. Activation of GPCRs also leads to ERK1/2 phosphorylation via two temporally distinct pathways; an early response that reflects G protein activation and a delayed response that is G protein independent but requires β-arrestins. The role of β-arrestins on C3aR activation/regulation in human mast cells, however, remains unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We utilized lentivirus short hairpin (sh)RNA to stably knockdown the expression of β-arrestin-1 and β-arrrestin-2 in human mast cell lines, HMC-1 and LAD2 that endogenously expresses C3aR. Silencing β-arrestin-2 attenuated C3aR desensitization, blocked agonist-induced receptor internalization and rendered the cells responsive to C3a for enhanced NF-κB activity as well as chemokine generation. By contrast, silencing β-arrestin-1 had no effect on these responses but resulted in a significant decrease in C3a-induced mast cell degranulation. In shRNA control cells, C3a caused a transient ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which peaked at 5 min but disappeared by 10 min. Knockdown of β-arrestin-1, β-arrestin-2 or both enhanced the early response to C3a and rendered the cells responsive for ERK1/2 phosphorylation at later time points (10-30 min). Treatment of cells with pertussis toxin almost completely blocked both early and delayed C3a-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation in β-arrestin1/2 knockdown cells. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study demonstrates distinct roles for β-arrestins-1 and β-arrestins-2 on C3aR desensitization, internalization, degranulation, NF-κB activation and chemokine generation in human mast cells. It also shows that both β-arrestin-1 and β-arrestin-2 play a novel and shared role in inhibiting G protein-dependent ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These findings reveal a new level of complexity for C3aR regulation by β-arrestins in human mast cells

    Retention and mortality outcomes from a community-supported public–private HIV treatment programme in Myanmar

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    Introduction: There is a growing interest in the potential contribution the private sector can make towards increasing access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) in low- and middle-income settings. This article describes a public–private partnership that was developed to expand HIV care capacity in Yangon, Myanmar. The partnership was between private sector general practitioners (GPs) and a community-based non-governmental organization (International HIV/AIDS Alliance). Methods: Retrospective analysis of 2119 patient records dating from March 2009 to April 2015 was conducted. Outcomes assessed were immunological response, loss to follow-up, all-cause mortality, and alive and retained in care. Follow-up time was calculated from the date of registration to the date of death, loss to follow-up, transfer out, or if still alive and known to be in care, until April 2015. Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify predictors of loss to follow-up and mortality. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis was used to estimate survival function of being alive and retained in care. Results: The median number of patients for each of the 16 GPs was 42 (interquartile range (IQR): 25–227), and the median follow-up period was 13 months. The median patient age was 35 years (IQR: 30–41); 56.6% were men, 62 and 11.8% were in WHO Stage III and Stage IV at registration, respectively; median CD4 count at registration was 177 cells/mm3; and 90.7% were on ART in April 2015. The median CD4 count at registration increased from 122 cells/mm3 in 2009 to 194 cells/mm3 in 2014. Among patients on ART, CD4 counts increased from a median of 187 cells/mm3 at registration to 436 cells/mm3 at 36 months. The median time to initiation of ART among eligible patients was 29 days, with 93.8% of eligible patients being initiated on ART within 90 days. Overall, 3.3% patients were lost to follow-up, 4.2% transferred out to other health facilities, and 8.3% died during the follow-up period. Crude mortality rate was 48.6/1000 person-years; 42% (n=74) of deaths occurred during the pre-ART period and 39.8% (n=70) occurred during the first six months of ART. Of those who died during the pre-ART period, 94.5% were eligible for ART. In multivariate regression, baseline CD4 count and ART status were independent predictors of mortality, whereas ART status, younger age and patient volumes per provider were predictors of loss to follow-up. Probability of being alive and retained in care at six months was 96.8% among those on ART, 38.5% among pre-ART but eligible patients, and 20.0% among ART-ineligible patients. Conclusions: Effectively supported private sector GPs successfully administered and monitored ART in Myanmar, suggesting that community-supported private sector partnerships can contribute to expansion of HIV treatment and care capacity. To further improve patient outcomes, early testing and initiation of ART, combined with close clinical monitoring and support during the initial periods of enrolling in treatment and care, are required
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