305 research outputs found

    The demise of a model? The state of collective bargaining and worker representation in Germany.

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    This article investigates collective bargaining trends in the German private sector since 2000. Using data from the IAB Establishment Panel and the German Establishment History Panel, it provides both cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence on these developments. It confirms that the hemorrhaging of sectoral bargaining, first observed in the 1980s and 1990s, is ongoing. Furthermore, works councils are also in decline, so that the dual system also displays erosion. For their part, any increases in collective bargaining at firm level have been minimal in recent years, while the behavior of newly-founded and closing establishments does not seem to lie at the root of a burgeoning collective bargaining free sector. Although there are few obvious signs of an organic reversal of the process, some revitalization of the bargaining system from above is implied by the labor policies of the new coalition government

    Improving mentalizing deficits in older age with region-specific transcranial direct current stimulation.

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    Older adults have difficulties to detect the intentions, thoughts, and feelings of others, indicating an age-associated decline of socio-cognitive abilities that are known as "mentalizing". These deficits in mental state recognition are driven by neurofunctional alterations in brain regions that are implicated in mentalizing, such as the right temporo-parietal junction (rTPJ) and the dorso-medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC). We tested whether focal transcranial current stimulation (tDCS) of the rTPJ and dmPFC has the potential to eliminate mentalizing deficits in older adults. Mentalizing deficits were assessed with a novel mindreading task that required the recognition of mental states in child faces. Older adults (n = 60) performed worse than younger adults (n = 30) on the mindreading task, indicating age-dependent deficits in mental state recognition. These mentalizing deficits were ameliorated in older adults who received sham-controlled andodal tDCS over the rTPJ (n = 30) but remained unchanged in older adults who received sham-controlled andodal tDCS over the dmPFC (n = 30). We, thus, showed for the first time that anodal tDCS over the rTPJ has the potential to remediate age-dependent mentalizing deficits in a region-specific way. This provides a rationale for exploring stimulation-based interventions targeting mentalizing deficits in older age. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s).

    Upper Elementary and Middle School U.S. Teachers’ Views of Grammar and Its Instruction

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate upper elementary (Grades 4–6) and middle school (Grades 6–8) teachers’ views of grammar and its instruction and to determine differences in their views about grammar, its instruction, and its importance to writing proficiency. Participants in this online study were 196 practicing teachers in eight school districts in one western U.S. state. Two thirds of the teachers in the study taught at the elementary level, and one third taught at the middle school level. When asked what they taught when teaching grammar, the large majority of these teachers reported teaching parts of speech, punctuation, and sentence structure. Overall, there were few significant differences between upper elementary and middle school teachers in the instructional strategies and curricular materials they reported using, in their views of how important it was to teach various aspects of grammar, and in their views of the extent to which those aspects of grammar improved writing proficiency. Findings are discussed in relation to prior research, and implications are drawn for the field

    Expressionview: visualization of quantitative trait loci and gene-expression data in Ensembl

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    We present here a software tool for combined visualization of gene-expression data and quantitative trait loci (QTL). The application is implemented as an extension to the Ensembl project and caters for a direct transition from microarray experiments of gene or protein expression levels to the genomic context of individual genes and QTL. It supports the visualization of gene clusters and the selection of functional candidate genes in the context of research on complex traits

    Reactivity of neodymium carriers in deep sea sediments: Implications for boundary exchange and paleoceanography

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    The dissolved neodymium (Nd) isotopic distribution in the deep oceans is determined by continental weathering inputs, water mass advection, and boundary exchange between particulate and dissolved fractions. Reconstructions of past Nd isotopic variability may therefore provide evidence on temporal changes in continental weathering inputs and/or ocean circulation patterns over a range of timescales. However, such an approach is limited by uncertainty in the mechanisms and importance of the boundary exchange process, and the challenge in reliably recovering past seawater Nd isotopic composition (εNd) from deep sea sediments. This study addresses these questions by investigating the processes involved in particulate–solution interactions and their impact on Nd isotopes. A better understanding of boundary exchange also has wider implications for the oceanic cycling and budgets of other particle-reactive elements. Sequential acid-reductive leaching experiments at pH ∼2–5 on deep sea sediments from the western Indian Ocean enable us to investigate natural boundary exchange processes over a timescale appropriate to laboratory experiments. We provide evidence that both the dissolution of solid phases and exchange processes influence the εNd of leachates, which suggests that both processes may contribute to boundary exchange. We use major element and rare earth element (REE) data to investigate the pools of Nd that are accessed and demonstrate that sediment leachate εNd values cannot always be explained by admixture between an authigenic component and the bulk detrital component. For example, in core WIND 24B, acid-reductive leaching generates εNd values between −11 and −6 as a function of solution/solid ratios and leaching times, whereas the authigenic components have εNd ≈ −11 and the bulk detrital component has εNd ≈ −15. We infer that leaching in the Mascarene Basin accesses authigenic components and a minor radiogenic volcanic component that is more reactive than Madagascan-derived clays. The preferential mobilisation of such a minor component demonstrates that the Nd released by boundary exchange could often have a significantly different εNd composition than the bulk detrital sediment. These experiments further demonstrate certain limitations on the use of acid-reductive leaching to extract the εNd composition of the authigenic fraction of bulk deep sea sediments. For example, the detrital component may contain a reactive fraction which is also acid-extractible, while the incongruent nature of this dissolution suggests that it is often inappropriate to use the bulk detrital sediment elemental chemistry and/or εNd composition when assessing possible detrital contamination of leachates. Based on the highly systematic controls observed, and evidence from REE patterns on the phases extracted, we suggest two approaches that lead to the most reliable extraction of the authigenic εNd component and good agreement with foraminiferal-based approaches; either (i) leaching of sediments without a prior decarbonation step, or (ii) the use of short leaching times and low solution/solid ratios throughout

    Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and Psilocybin for the Management of Patients with Persistent Pain: A Potential Role?

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    Recently, there has been interest in lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and psilocybin for depression, anxiety and fear of death in terminal illness. The aim of this review is to discuss the potential use of LSD and psilocybin for patients with persistent pain. LSD and psilocybin are 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor agonists and may interact with nociceptive and antinociceptive processing. Tentative evidence from a systematic review suggests that LSD (7 studies, 323 participants) and psilocybin (3 studies, 92 participants) may be beneficial for depression and anxiety associated with distress in life-threatening diseases. LSD and psilocybin are generally safe if administered by a healthcare professional, although further investigations are needed to assess their utility for patients with persistent pain, especially associated with terminal illnes

    Functionally Relevant Domains of the Prion Protein Identified In Vivo

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    The prion consists essentially of PrPSc, a misfolded and aggregated conformer of the cellular protein PrPC. Whereas PrPC deficient mice are clinically healthy, expression of PrPC variants lacking its central domain (PrPΔCD), or of the PrP-related protein Dpl, induces lethal neurodegenerative syndromes which are repressed by full-length PrP. Here we tested the structural basis of these syndromes by grafting the amino terminus of PrPC (residues 1–134), or its central domain (residues 90–134), onto Dpl. Further, we constructed a soluble variant of the neurotoxic PrPΔCD mutant that lacks its glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) membrane anchor. Each of these modifications abrogated the pathogenicity of Dpl and PrPΔCD in transgenic mice. The PrP-Dpl chimeric molecules, but not anchorless PrPΔCD, ameliorated the disease of mice expressing truncated PrP variants. We conclude that the amino proximal domain of PrP exerts a neurotrophic effect even when grafted onto a distantly related protein, and that GPI-linked membrane anchoring is necessary for both beneficial and deleterious effects of PrP and its variants

    Modern Clinical Research on LSD

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    All modern clinical studies using the classic hallucinogen lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in healthy subjects or patients in the last 25 years are reviewed herein. There were five recent studies in healthy participants and one in patients. In a controlled setting, LSD acutely induced bliss, audiovisual synesthesia, altered meaning of perceptions, derealization, depersonalization, and mystical experiences. These subjective effects of LSD were mediated by the 5-HT2A receptor. LSD increased feelings of closeness to others, openness, trust, and suggestibility. LSD impaired the recognition of sad and fearful faces, reduced left amygdala reactivity to fearful faces, and enhanced emotional empathy. LSD increased the emotional response to music and the meaning of music. LSD acutely produced deficits in sensorimotor gating, similar to observations in schizophrenia. LSD had weak autonomic stimulant effects and elevated plasma cortisol, prolactin, and oxytocin levels. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance studies showed that LSD acutely reduced the integrity of functional brain networks and increased connectivity between networks that normally are more dissociated. LSD increased functional thalamocortical connectivity and functional connectivity of the primary visual cortex with other brain areas. The latter effect was correlated with subjective hallucinations. LSD acutely induced global increases in brain entropy that were associated with greater trait openness 14 days later. In patients with anxiety associated with life-threatening disease, anxiety was reduced for 2 months after two doses of LSD. In medical settings, no complications of LSD administration were observed. These data should contribute to further investigations of the therapeutic potential of LSD in psychiatry