697 research outputs found

    Datos sobre la música del Renacimiento en la Catedral de Sigüenza : Mateo Flecha "El Viejo" y Hernando de Cabezón

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    An interesting contribution of information about musical life at Sigiienza cathedral in the mid 16th century is offered to specialists in the present article. Apart form the importance of organs, organists, choir singers and "ministriles" during bishop don Fadrique de Portugal's pontificate (1512-1532), the authors point out two short but very important notes for the history of the Renaissance Hispanic music. The first of them refers to Mateu Fletxa "the Elder" (1481-1553), who in 1544 was teaching the Infantas of Castile; from 1525, when he leaves service at Lérida cathedral, until 1544, his biography lacks a long period of time: it is meaningfully filled up by a document coming from the Chapter Acts of Sigiienza. This note is dated in 1539 (without any further details) and makes a reference to a sum of money paid to Mateu Fletxa for having served as Chapel Master, therefore hinting his being of service at this cathedral in a period circa 1539. The next is that of the stay of Hernando de Cabezón, the son of the Royal Chapel organist Antonio de Cabezón, at Sigiienza cathedral. He is mentioned as an organist since December 3rd, 1563; any how he could not take up his post for good until the 29th of November 1564, after having been submitted to a inquiry about his ascendancy's pureness: this fact also proves the aggravation of the racial policy at the time of bishop Pedro Gasca (1561-1567).Cet article offre aux étudieux une série interessante de renseignements sur la vie musicale de la Cathédrale de Sigiienza pendant la moitié du XVIe siècle. En dehors de l'importance de l'orgue, des organistes, des chanteurs et des ménestrels pendent le pontifiat de l'évêque Fradrique de Portugal (1512-1532), ses auteurs soulignent deux nouvelles britêves, mais d'une grande importance pour l'histoire de la musique hispanique de la Renaissance. L'une d'elles fait référence à Mateu Fletxa "le vieux", (1481-1553), qui en 1544 est Maître des Infantas de Castilla; il existe depuis 1525, date dans laquelle i1 abandone le service de la Cathédrale de Lleida, jusqu'en 1544, un vaste lapsus dans sa biographie, qui sera rempli de fason significative par un document des Actes Capitulaires de Sigiienza. Cette annotation correspond á l'année 1539 (sans aucune autre précision de la date) et fait référence àune somme d'argent payée a Mateu Fletxa pour ses services comme Maître de Chapelle, et qui démontre par conséquent que pendant une période reliée à1539 preta ses services dans cette Cathédrale. La nouvelle suivante correspond au séjour dlHernando de Cabezón, fils de l'organiste de la Capilla Real Antonio de Cabezón, dans la Cathédrale de Sigiienza. Depuis le 3 décembre 1563 i1 est cité comme organiste; de toute fason, i1 ne pu occuper definitivament sa place que le 29 novembre 1564, aprts avoir été soumis àdes recherches sur la pureté de son ascendence: le fait démontre de même la montée de la politique raciale à l'époque de I'évêque Pedro Gasca (1561-1567)

    Efficient Culling Techniques for Interactive Deformable NURBS Surfaces on GPU

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    [Abstrtact] InfoValue: NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surfaces are the standard freeform representation in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications. Rendering NURBS surfaces accurately while they are interactively manipulated and deformed is a challenging task. In order to achieve it, the elimination from pipeline in early stages of back-facing surfaces or surface pieces is a key advantage. Furthermore, an effective interactive manipulation implies that all the culling computations should be performed for each frame, facing the possibility of fast changes in occlusion information. In this paper, different interactive culling strategies for NURBS surfaces are presented and analyzed. These culling techniques are based on the exploitation of the geometric properties presented in a NURBS surface, that allow easily to find bounds for it in screen space for each frame. Furthermore, the culling overhead for our proposals is small compared to the computational saving, outperforming a proposal without culling. An implementation of these strategies using current GPUs is presented, achieving real-time and interactive rendering rates of complex parametric models.Xunta de Galicia y fondos FEDER; GRC2013/055Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y fondos FEDER; TIN2013-42148-

    Fibra de carbono en lesiones articulares de rótula de conejos

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    Hemos utilizado implantes de fibra de carbono para rellenar defectos osteocartilaginosos creados en la superficie articular de la rótula de 18 conejos, con el objetivo de estudiar a largo plazo la evolución histológica del proceso de reparación. A los 6 meses de evolución postoperatoria el defecto fue rellenado por tejido fibroso, a los 9 meses se desarrolló tejido fibrocartilaginoso y a los 12 meses los defectos estaban cubiertos por tejido cartilaginoso hialino.Carbon fiber implants were used to fill osteochondral defects created on the articular surface in the patella in 18 rabbits for the purpose of studying the long-term histological changes of the repair process. Six months after surgery the defect was filled by fibrous tissue, where the superficial area was organized parallel to the joint surface. Fibrocartilage developed after 9 months and, after 12 months, the defects were covered by hyaline cartilage tissue

    Free adaptive tessellation strategy of bézier surfaces

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    [Abstract] Rendering of Bézier surfaces is currently performed by tessellating the model on the GPU and rendering the highly detailed triangle mesh. Whereas non-adaptive strategies apply the same tessellation pattern to the whole surface resulting in a uniform tessellation of the patch, adaptive approaches make it possible to reduce the number of triangles generated without a loss of quality. However, the most usual approaches to adaptive tessellation have little flexibility and do redundant computations and memory accesses, as each sample is independently evaluated in the Domain Shader of the DirectX11 pipeline. In this paper an adaptive tessellation technique based on the exploitation of the spatial coherence data within each surface is presented. The GPU implementation of this technique is simple and efficient and, as consequence, the tessellation of complex models can be performed in real-time. The analysis of the GPU performance and limitations for different adaptive degree of the tessellation performed suggest innovations in future graphics card generations for supporting a larger degree of adaptivity without a penalty

    Generation of artificial neural networks models in anticancer study

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    Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have several applications; one of them is the prediction of biological activity. Here, ANNs were applied to a set of 32 compounds with anticancer activity assayed experimentally against two cancer cell lines (A2780 and T-47D). Using training and test sets, the obtained correlation coefficients between experimental and calculated values of activity, for A2780, were 0.804 and 0.829, respectively, and for T-47D, we got 0.820 for the training set and 0.927 for the test set. Com paring multiple linear regression and ANN models, the latter were better suited in establishing relationships between compounds’ structure and their anticancer activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitorización del trabajo en prácticas usando un sistema decontrol de versiones

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    El EEES (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) concede un mayor protagonismo a la evaluación continua del alumnado frente a las tradicionales pruebas finales escritas. Esto supone un importante reto para el profesorado, que debe realizar un seguimiento del trabajo de un gran número de alumnos. La utilización de herramientas TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones) en este proceso cobrará un creciente protagonismo, pero es necesario definir qué herramientas serán utilizadas y cómo se integrará su uso en la dinámica educativa. En la enseñanza y en el ejercicio de la ingeniería informática es muy común el uso de sistemas de control de versiones (SCV) como apoyo al desarrollo de software. Estos sistemas permiten registrar las distintas versiones de un programa, junto con anotaciones sobre los cambios introducidos en cada versión. Este trabajo propone la utilización de un sistema de control de versiones (SCV) como método complementario de evaluación del aprendizaje del alumno por parte del profesorado, definiendo su integración en unas prácticas.Peer Reviewe

    The Adverse Effects of Environmental Policy in Green Markets

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    We model green markets in which purchasers, either firms or consumers, have higher willingness-to-pay for less polluting goods. The effectiveness of pollution reduction policies is examined in a duopoly setting. We show that duopolists´ strategic behaviour may increase pollution levels. Maximum emission standards, commonly used in green markets, improve the environmental features of products. Nonetheless, overall pollution levels will rise because government regulation also affects market shares and boosts firms´ sales. Consequently, social welfare may be reduced. We also explore the effects of technological subsidies and product charges, including differentiation of charges.emission standards; subsidies; product charges; vertically differentiated duopoly

    An out-of-core method for GPU image mapping on large 3D scenarios of the real world

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    [Abstract] Image mapping on 3D huge scenarios of the real world is one of the most fundamental and computational expensive processes for the integration of multi-source sensing data. Recent studies focused on the observation and characterization of Earth have been enhanced by the proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and sensors able to capture massive datasets with a high spatial resolution. Despite the advances in manufacturing new cameras and versatile platforms, only a few methods have been developed to characterize the study area by fusing heterogeneous data such as thermal, multispectral or hyperspectral images with high-resolution 3D models. The main reason for this lack of solutions is the challenge to integrate multi-scale datasets and high computational efforts required for image mapping on dense and complex geometric models. In this paper, we propose an efficient pipeline for multi-source image mapping on huge 3D scenarios. Our GPU-based solution significantly reduces the run time and allows us to generate enriched 3D models on-site. The proposed method is out-of-core and it uses available resources of the GPU’s machine to perform two main tasks: (i) image mapping and (ii) occlusion testing. We deploy highly-optimized GPU-kernels for image mapping and detection of self-hidden geometry in the 3D model, as well as a GPU-based parallelization to manage the 3D model considering several spatial partitions according to the GPU capabilities. Our method has been tested on 3D scenarios with different point cloud densities (66M, 271M, 542M) and two sets of multispectral images collected by two drone flights. We focus on launching the proposed method on three platforms: (i) System on a Chip (SoC), (ii) a user-grade laptop and (iii) a PC. The results demonstrate the method’s capabilities in terms of performance and versatility to be computed by commodity hardware. Thus, taking advantage of GPUs, this method opens the door for embedded and edge computing devices for 3D image mapping on large-scale scenarios in near real-time.This work has been partially supported through the research projects TIN2017-84968-R, PID2019-104184RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF funds “A way of doing Europe”, as well as by ED431C 2021/30, ED431F 2021/11 funded by Xunta de Galicia and 1381202 by Junta de AndalucíaXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/30Xunta de Galicia; ED431F 2021/11Junta de Andalucía; 138120