73 research outputs found

    Scheme for motion estimation based on adaptive fuzzy neural network

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    Many applications of robots in collaboration with humans require the robot to follow the person autonomously. Depending on the tasks and their context, this type of tracking can be a complex problem. The paper proposes and evaluates a principle of control of autonomous robots for applications of services to people, with the capacity of prediction and adaptation for the problem of following people without the use of cameras (high level of privacy) and with a low computational cost. A robot can easily have a wide set of sensors for different variables, one of the classic sensors in a mobile robot is the distance sensor. Some of these sensors are capable of collecting a large amount of information sufficient to precisely define the positions of objects (and therefore people) around the robot, providing objective and quantitative data that can be very useful for a wide range of tasks, in particular, to perform autonomous tasks of following people. This paper uses the estimated distance from a person to a service robot to predict the behavior of a person, and thus improve performance in autonomous person following tasks. For this, we use an adaptive fuzzy neural network (AFNN) which includes a fuzzy neural network based on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference, and an adaptive learning algorithm to update the membership functions and the rule base. The validity of the proposal is verified both by simulation and on a real prototype. The average RMSE of prediction over the 50 laboratory tests with different people acting as target object was 7.33

    Position of the constitutional court and of the council of state front retreat uniformed personnel of the national police

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    Resumen del documento. En el presente artículo se ha realizado un estudio sobre algunos pronunciamientos de la Corte Constitucional y del Consejo de Estado de la facultad discrecional en cabeza del nominador del retiro por llamamiento a calificar servicios aplicables al personal uniformado de la Policía Nacional. Lo anterior teniendo en cuenta que estas Corporaciones atendiendo a su especialidad dentro del ordenamiento jurídico tienen una concepción diferente sobre la forma de interpretar y aplicar dicha atribución, evidenciándose una contradicción en sus pronunciamientos afectando con esta situación la seguridad jurídica y generando confusión en los operadores judiciales.Abstract of document. This article has conducted a study on some pronouncements of the Constitutional Court and the Council of State discretion in nominating the head of retirement services call for rate applicable to uniformed National Police personnel. This considering that these corporations according to their specialty within the legal system have different views on how to interpret and apply this attribution, showing a contradiction in this situation pronouncements affecting legal certainty and creating confusion in judicial operator

    Data-Driven Aggregation Control for Thermoelectric Loads in Demand Response

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    Within the concept of a smart grid, aggregators have the task of coordinating the behavior of large sets of Distributed Energy Resources, each of them offering small power/energy capacities, which help to balance the power grid and can serve as providers of services. Adequate coordination strategies are required to optimally exploit these resources in the ancillary services market. However, deriving model-based control policies for them is complex due to the heterogeneity and uncertainty related to the large set of associated agents. Then, a data-driven model is an adequate solution for this sort of situation. This paper presents the application of the Youla-Kucera Data-Driven Control strategy for the development of an aggregator to regulate the power consumption of a set of thermoelectric refrigerators, avoiding the modeling process and directly designing a controller from data. A detailed simulation framework was executed to verify the validity of the proposed methodology. It is shown that the derived aggregator is able to offer frequency containment reserves service, achieving the required settling time of 30 seconds and with a tracking error below 4.7%. Copyright (c) 2022 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Analysis of cultural public policies in indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

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    [EN] This article presents an analysis of how cultural public policies are designed and implemented within 4 indigenous communities of Colombia, know their scope in the preservation of indigenous cultures and their contributions normative to the construction and conservation of the nation's cultural heritage. It presents an analysis of national and international regulations that allow the implementation of cultural public policies that provide greater protection and interaction of expressions and diverse cultural identities with a view to strengthening interculturality and generating conservation and good use of tangible and intangible heritage in accordance with international agreements for the protection of culture. Next, we analyze the current strategies implemented for the elaboration of cultural public policies within the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Finally, it will conclude with a series of recommendations as strategic guidelines in order to achieve effective cultural public policies that benefit the material and immaterial cultural heritage of indigenous communities.[ES] El presente artículo presenta un análisis de cómo se diseñan e implementan las políticas públicas culturales al interior de 4 comunidades indígenas de Colombia, con el fin de conocer su alcance en la preservación de las culturas autóctonas y sus aportes normativos a la construcción y conservación del patrimonio cultural de la nación. Se presenta un análisis de la normatividad nacional e internacional que permite la implementación de políticas públicas culturales que brinden una mayor protección e interacción de expresiones e identidades culturales diversas con miras al fortalecimiento de la interculturalidad de acuerdo con los convenios internacionales de protección a la cultura. Seguidamente se analizan las actuales estrategias implementadas para la elaboración de las políticas públicas culturales al interior de las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Se concluye con una seria de lineamientos estratégicos con el fin de lograr políticas públicas culturales que beneficien el patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial en comunidades indígenas.Pacheco Salgado, FR. (2018). Análisis de las políticas públicas culturales en comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Culturas. Revista de Gestión Cultural. 5(1):23-37. doi:10.4995/cs.2018.9844SWORD233751Barbieri, N., Partal, A., y Merino, E., 2011. Nuevas políticas, nuevas miradas y metodologías de evaluación: ¿cómo evaluar el retorno social de las políticas culturales?. Papers: Revista de Sociología, 96(2), 477- 500. [consulta: 19 febrero de 2018]. Disponible en http://papers.uab.cat/article/view/v96-n2- barbieri-partal-merinoColombia, 1991. Constitución Política de la República de Colombia. Bogotá D.C, editorial Legis, 2(1).Colombia, 2014. Decreto 2719 de 2014 "Por el cual se definen los parámetros y el procedimiento que los Resguardos Indígenas deberán cumplir para acreditar la experiencia y/o buenas prácticas como requisito para la ejecución directa de los recursos de la Asignación Especial del Sistema General de Participaciones, y se dictan otras disposiciones". Bogotá D.C, Colombia. Diario Oficial No. 49.297 de 7 de octubre de 2014. [consulta: 26 septiembre 2017]. Disponible en https://diario-oficial.vlex.com.co/vid/decreto-numero-2719-2014-55065 1486DEFENSORIA DEL PUEBLO, 2014, Derecho a la autonomía de los grupos étnicos. [consulta: 29 septiembre de 2017]. Disponible en http://www.defensoria.gov.co/public/pdf/04/boletin2etnicos.pdfFederación Española de Municipios y Provincias ,2008. Guía para la evaluación de las políticas culturales locales Sistema de indicadores para la evaluación de las políticas culturales locales en el marco de la Agenda 21 de la cultura. [consulta: 24 septiembre de 2017]. Disponible en http://femp.femp.es/files/566-762- archivo/Guía_indicadores%20final.pdfGrimson, A.,2001. Interculturalidad y Comunicación. Bogotá D.C, Colombia. Editorial Norma. ISBN 958-04-6241-0GROGAN, D. y MERCER, C.,1995. The cultural planning handbook: An essential Australian guide. St Leonards, Australia, Allen & Unwin.Ministerio de Cultura, 2007. Política de diversidad cultural. Bogotá D.C, Colombia. [consulta: 24 septiembre 2017]. Disponible en www.mincultura.gov.co/m inisterio/politicasculturales/de-diversidad-cultural/Documents/07_politica_dive rsidad_cultural.pdfNanzer, A., 1988. Acción Cultural como Estrategia de Desarrollo. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Editorial Plus Ultra. ISBN 9789502109022ORGANIZACIÓN DE NACIONES UNIDAS ( ONU), 2007. Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. [consulta: 24 septiembre de 2017] Disponible en www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/documents/DRIPS _es.pdfORGANIZACIÓN DE ESTADOS IBEROAMERICANOS (OEI), 2011. CULTURA Y DESARROLLLO. [consulta: 24 octubre 2017] Disponible en www.oei.es/historico/cultura/cultura_desarrollo.htmORGANIZACIÓN DE ESTADOS IBEROAMERICANOS (OEI) ,1998. GUIA DE LA ADMINISTRACION CULTURAL IBEROAMERICANA. [consulta: 24 septiembre de 2017]. Disponible en www.oei.es/historico/cultura/guia.htmPlanas Lladó, A; Soler Masó, P., 2012. Sistema de indicadores para políticas municipales culturales: una herramienta de evaluación empírica. Revista de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, Madrid, España: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, 24 (1) , 117-139.Rausell, K; Abeledo R; Salvador, C; Martínez, J., 2007.Cultura. Estrategia para el desarrollo local. Madrid, España. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. ISBN 9788483470329Salgado, C., 1999. ¿Quiénes somos los peruanos? Una perspectiva psicológica de la Identidad Nacional. Lima, Perú. Universidad de San Martín de Porres.UNESCO, 2003. La Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. Paris, Francia. [consulta: 24 octubre 2017]. Disponible en http:// portal.unesco.org/es/ev.phpURL_ID=17716&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.htmlVisauta, B., 1989. Técnicas de investigación social. I: recogida de datos. Barcelona, España. Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias

    Evaluation of leachate turbidity reduction in sanitary landfills following a coagulation/flocculation process enhanced by vegetable starch and thermal water

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    This study evaluates the reduction of leachate turbidity in landfills after applying a mixture of banana starch and thermal water. Principal component analysis was applied to study the combined effect with four variables: pH, concentration of starch and thermal water mixture, rapid mixing speed and slow mixing speed. The experimental design involved 16 experiments with repetition in the jar test to obtain the optimum dose while measuring turbidity as a response variable. The results showed that after the oxidation process of organic matter, under optimal conditions determined in the experiment, the mixture of starch and thermal water contributed to the reduction of leachate turbidity by 29.1%

    Uma história do primeiro programa latino americano de pos-graduação em educação matemática

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    The study reported here offers a version on the history of the Master's program in Mathematics Education of the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, Venezuela (MEM-IPC), founded in 1974 and currently in force. Some of the details of the creation of said program are described in order to offer arguments that show that this was the first of the postgraduate programs in Mathematics Education created in Latin America.El estudio que aquí se reporta ofrece una versión de la historia del programa de Maestría en Educación Matemática del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela (MEM-IPC), fundado en 1974 y actualmente vigente. Se detallan los pormenores de la creación de dicho programa con el propósito de ofrecer argumentos que muestren que este fue el primero de los programas de postgrado en Educación Matemática creados en América Latina.O estudo aqui relatado oferece uma versão da história do programa de Mestrado em Educação Matemática do Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, Venezuela (MEM-IPC), fundado em 1974 e atualmente em vigor. Alguns detalhes da criação desse programa são descritos a fim de oferecer argumentos que mostram que este foi o primeiro dos programas de pós-graduação em Educação Matemática criados na América Latina

    Historical Review of the Theses Approved in the Venezuelan Master’s Degree Programmes in Mathematics Education (1974-2016)

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    Background: 1974 is the landmark of the launching of postgraduate studies in Venezuela and other Latin American countries. This research focuses on the master’s degree theses approved from 1974 to 2016 in the scope of the Venezuelan postgraduation programmes in mathematics education (PVMEM). Objective: Answer the following question: (a) How can we detail the foundation of the PVMEMs and how have they evolved until now? Design: We carried out a multiple case study of a particular nature, developing it into three phases: (a) Pre-Active, considering previous studies related to the subject; (b) Interactive, corresponding to the fieldwork: identification of two active PVMEMs and semi-structured interviews with the people linked to the programmes above, who can provide information of interest to the study; this phase was closed with the organisation of the textual and oral corpora, fundamental for the study; and (c) Post-Active, when we proceed to: analyse and interpret the collected, reduced and organised information; organise the results obtained and provide the answers to the guiding questions of the research. Data collection and analysis: We saw that seven universities in Venezuela hold master’s degree programmes in mathematics education. During the study period, 1,012 theses were approved, of which 973 (96.15%) were accepted; each thesis was coded to help locate it and, according to the interests of the study, the following aspects were considered: Author; Advisor; Qualification; Field, subjects, and objects; Paradigm/Methodical; Theories and Concepts. The oral corpus was submitted to narrative analysis, while a bibliometric analysis was conducted in the textual corpus. Results: (a) Regarding the details of the creation of postgraduate studies in mathematics education in Venezuela, we verified that on May 17, 1974, the PVMEM was created at the Caracas Pedagogical Institute, being also the first of the kind in Latin America; (b) Regarding the evolution of the Venezuelan master’s degree programmes in mathematics education in Venezuela, we verified that 20 years passed between the creation of the PVMEM at the Caracas Pedagogical Institute and the National Experimental University of Guayana. Since the mid-1990s, advisors and authors of theses have increased interest in addressing questions related to the processes of teaching and learning mathematics but incipient adoption of theories specific to the area of mathematics education. Conclusion: For future studies, we organised a textual corpus of the master’s degree theses approved by the PVMEMs between 1974 and 2016 to examine, identify the contributions with which they contributed to the Venezuelan scientific production in mathematics education, and recognise the trajectory of Venezuelan mathematics educators who, over time, achieved the status of scientific authority and developed academic genealogies

    Diseño y construcción de un Extractor líquido-líquido para un Sistema Ternario.

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    El diseño y construcción de un extractor líquido-líquido para un sistema ternario se realizó con el objeto de separar mezclas binarias, ocupando como agente extractor un disolvente, por lo que se construyó una columna de Scheibel que servirá en menor grado en el ámbito profesional y de investigación y en mayor grado dentro del ámbito didáctico y educativo, en el Laboratorio de Procesos Industriales de la Facultad Ciencias en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Para el diseño, se realizó ensayos de laboratorio teniendo en cuenta una concentración fija de alimentación y variando la relación de la mezcla de alimentación con disolvente, estas fueron 1:1, 1:2 y 1:3; de esa manera, el equipo cuenta con una estructura metálica para el soporte de una columna de extracción con un diámetro de 7,5 cm y una altura de 162 cm, con una capacidad disponible de 6 L, y en la parte superior 2 tanques de almacenamiento para la entrada de la alimentación y solvente necesarios para extraer desde el 40 % al 17 % de acetona contenida en el agua al final de la extracción, añadiendo Metilisobutilcetona como disolvente. Se concluye que el diseño y construcción de un extractor líquido – líquido arrojo un rendimiento del 84,62% y una eficiencia de extracción del 67,21%, siendo resultados positivos debido a que la extracción se dio en una sola etapa, con una relación 1:1. Se recomienda utilizar el extractor liquido-liquido dentro del laboratorio para futuras practicas utilizando diferentes sistemas ternarios complementando así la parte teórica con la práctica tomando en cuenta que los compuestos a utilizar sean fáciles de conseguir y verificando las fichas técnicas de estos.The design and construction of liquid-liquid extractor for a ternary system was made with the aim of separating binary mixtures using as extraction agent a solvent, thus a Scheibel column was built which will serve in a lesser degree in the professional and the research area and in a higher degree in the field of education and training in the Process Laboratory of the Faculty of Science at Escuela Superior de Chimborazo. Laboratory testing was performed for the design taking into account a fixed feed concentration and varying the ratio of the feed mixture with solvent, these were 1:1, 1:2, 1:3. That is why, the team has a metal structure for supporting of an extraction column with a diameter of 7.5 cm and a height of 162 cm, with an available capacity of 6 L, and in the top 2 tank storage for the feed inlet and solvent needed to extract from 40% to 17% of acetone contained in the water at the end of the extraction adding Methylisobutyketona as solvent. It is concluded that the design and construction of a liquid-liquid extractor showed a yield of 84.62% and an extraction efficiency of 67.21%, with positive results because the extraction took place in a single stage, with a ratio of 1:1 it is recommend to use liquid-liquid extract in the laboratory for further practice using different ternary systems complementing the theoretical to the practical considering that the compounds to be used are easily available and checking technical data sheets of them