3,211 research outputs found

    Monitoring of the arterial pressure in effort. dominant, not dominant arm or both?

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    Objetivo: evaluar la diferencia de los valores de Presión arterial (PA) entre ambos brazos, medida simultáneamente, durante una prueba de esfuerzo. Diseño del estudio: estudio transversal. Series de casos. Nivel de evidencia: 3 Material y Métodos: La población se compone de 225 deportistas sanos que realizaron una prueba de esfuerzo en nuestro centro. 128 hombres y 97 mujeres. Edad: 17± 5,5 años. Resultados: La PA tanto sistólica como diastólica no difiere significativamente entre ambos miembros superiores. No obstante, hemos encontrado casos de variabilidad individual donde la PA predomina en un brazo durante el reposo y en el otro brazo durante el máximo esfuerzo. Los valores de TA son independientes del brazo dominante. Conclusiones: La posibilidad que el brazo donde predomina la PA de Reposo no coincida durante el máximo esfuerzo, hace necesario, en nuestra opinión, que se mida la PA en ambos miembros superiores durante la prueba de esfuerzoObjective: To evaluate different blood pressure readings between both arms. Study design: cross-sectional study. Case series. Level of evidence: 3. Methods: a population of 225 healthy athletes underwent stress tests in our center: 128 males and 97 females. Age range: 17 +/- 5.5 years. Results: no significant differences in systolic or diastolic blood pressure readings were found between the right or left arm. We did, however, find cases where blood pressure is higher in one arm while resting and in the other arm during maximal exercise. Blood pressure readings were not associated with the dominant arm. Conclusions: The possibility that the arm in which there is a predominant rest blood pressure does not coincide during maximum stress, makes it necessary, according to our judgment, to measure blood pressure in both upper limbs during stress test

    Analysis of the physiological parameters of young spanish badminton players.

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    El objetivo de nuestro estudio es conocer las características fisiológicas de los jugadores juveniles de bádminton de alto nivel y comparar los parámetros fisiológicos obtenidos en el laboratorio y durante un partido. Se estudiaron 19 jugadores en edad juvenil, 12 varones y 7 mujeres. A todos se les realizó una prueba de esfuerzo máxima en el laboratorio y mediciones antropométricas. Durante la competición se les monitorizó la frecuencia cardiaca, se analizó la concentración de lactato y se valoró su percepción subjetiva al esfuerzo (RPE). El consumo máximo de oxigeno (VO2 máx.) medio se situaba en 56,07 +/- 6,5 ml/Kg/min. El pico de lactato en 3,18 +/- 1,78 mML-1 y la frecuencia cardiaca máxima media (FC máx.) era de 196,75 +/- 5,29 p. p. m., sin diferencias significativas en ninguno de los parámetros estudiados entre varones y hembras en el laboratorio y la competiciónThe aim of our study was to determine the physiological characteristics of young badminton high level players and to compare the physiological parameters obtained in the laboratory and during a match. Nineteen youth players were studied, 12 men and 7 women. A maximal exercise test in the laboratory was performed to the patients and anthropometrics parameters were taken. Their heart rate, lactate concentration and subjective ratings of perceived exertion were tested during competition. The maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) has averaged 56.07 + / - 6.5 ml/Kg/min. The peak lactate 3.18 + / - 1.78 MML-1 and the average maximum heart rate (HR max) was 196.75 + / - 5.29 ppm, no significant differences in any of the parameters studied between males and females or between the laboratory and the competitionEl presente trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a una beca de investigación del Centro de Medicina Deportiva de la Comunidad de Madrid (Orden 3025/2010

    Une plateforme pour l'acquisition, la maintenance et la validation de ressources lexicales

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    International audienceNous présentons une plateforme de développement de lexique offrant une base lexicale accompagnée d'un certain nombre d'outils de maintenance et d'utilisation. Cette base, qui comporte aujourd'hui 440.000 formes du Français contemporain, est destinée à être diffusée et remise à jour régulièrement. Nous exposons d'abord les outils et les techniques employées pour sa constitution et son enrichissement, notamment la technique de calcul des fréquences lexicales par catégorie morphosyntaxique. Nous décrivons ensuite différentes approches pour constituer un sous-lexique de taille réduite, dont la particularité est de couvrir plus de 90% de l'usage. Un tel lexique noyau offre en outre la possibilité d'être réellement complété manuellement avec des informations sémantiques, de valence, pragmatiques etc

    Intersectional Differences in Segmented Assimilation: Skill and Gender in the Context of Reception

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    Purpose - Segmented assimilation theory predicts that contemporary non-white groups follow three patterns of assimilation: mainstream, downward, or delayed. Yet, the homogenous treatment and primacy of ethnicity resigns all group members to a similar fate. Whereas few studies of ethnic incorporation consider both the classed and gendered nature of the labor market, this study investigates the extent to which intersectional group differences within the highly stratified American economy shape segmented assimilation trajectories. Methodology/approach - This study introduces an intersectional approach to segmented assimilation theory. Using the 2000 census, this study examines how within group differences in skill and gender condition the hourly earnings, joblessness and self-employment participation outcomes of five ethnic minority groups from the first to the second generation, compared against US-born, non-Hispanic whites.Findings - Findings generally support the mainstream assimilation hypothesis for all groups; a downward assimilation trajectory among Chinese men only; and a delayed assimilation trajectory for low-skilled Filipinas and high-skilled Cuban men and women. This study reveals that intra-group differences in skill and gender shape divergent segmented assimilation trajectories among members of the same ethnic group. Originality/value - This study challenges the emphasis on and primacy of ethnicity in predicting segmented assimilation in favor of an intersectional approach that considers how multiple, interdependent, and intersecting dimensions of identity and not only ethnicity shape the process of economic incorporation among ethnic groups

    Organizational-Social-Capital, Time and International Family SMEs:An Empirical Study from the East of England

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    Previous studies on family-SME internationalization have largely focused on what resources are needed to drive an incremental process rather than how resource management occurs in historical time. This paper focuses on the latter, adopting a social capital perspective (capturing both internal, i.e. among family-SME board members, and external, cross border agent dyads, relations) in order to decipher case study data from the East of England. Findings show that it is not the presence or absence of organizational-social-capital that affects family-SME internationalization success but rather its variable use over the years driven by the future pursuit of longevity, not growth. Key within this context is the variable use of the international expertise and management capability of non-family managers in the family SME intra-organizational context. Ultimately this may lead to change and learning that occurs erratically, often including reversals, without causing family-SME progression across a sequence of incremental stages

    Taxing the Informal Economy: The Current State of Knowledge and Agendas for Future Research

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    This paper reviews the literature on taxation of the informal economy, taking stock of key debates and drawing attention to recent innovations. Conventionally, the debate on whether to tax has frequently focused on the limited revenue potential, high cost of collection, and potentially adverse impact on small firms. Recent arguments have increasingly emphasised the more indirect benefits of informal taxation in relation to economic growth, broader tax compliance, and governance. More research is needed, we argue, into the relevant costs and benefits for all, including quasi-voluntary compliance, political and administrative incentives for reform, and citizen-state bargaining over taxation

    Negotiating networks of self-employed work: strategies of minority ethnic contractors

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    Within the increased flexible, contracted work in cities, employment is negotiated through network arrangements characterised by multiplicity, mobility and fluidity. For black and minority ethnic group members, this network labour becomes fraught as they negotiate both their own communities, which can be complex systems of conflicting networks, as well as non-BME networks which can be exclusionary. This discussion explores the networking experiences of BME individuals who are self-employed in portfolio work arrangements in Canada. The analysis draws from a theoretical frame of ‘racialisation’ (Mirchandani and Chan, 2007) to examine the social processes of continually constructing and positioning the Other as well as the self through representations in these networks. These positions and concomitant identities enroll BME workers in particular modes of social production, which order their roles and movement in the changing dynamics of material production in networked employment

    Higher education segregation in Spain: Gender constructs and social background

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    The waning influence of ascriptive factors on occupational status has been related to the expansion of higher education systems and economic modernisation. The theory of Effectively Maintained Inequality observes that the horizontal stratification of university degrees is a strategy of social differentiation used mainly by the most advantaged social class to access the occupations that are better valued in the labour market. This article verifies the effectively maintained inequality theory by means of a statistical analysis of selected degrees, differentiated by gender and social class, carried out in a Spanish university during the period of expansion and consolidation of the higher education system. The results confirm the theory, but they are partially conditioned by the vertical stratification that alters the composition by gender of the contingent of students of less advantaged social class, in which women present a greater tendency to choose degrees that are less valued by the market