23 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional study on prevalence and predictors of burnout among a sample of pharmacists employed in pharmacies in Central Italy

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    Burnout is defined as an occupational phenomenon linked to chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and included among the factors influencing health status or contact with health services. Although several studies were performed for assessing this phenomenon, there is a lack of data on the prevalence of burnout and associated predictors, due to different definitions of the syndrome and heterogeneity of assessment methods. One of the well-known evidences on burnout is related to the highest risk professions, which include policemen, firemen, teachers, psychologists, medical students, nurses, physicians, and other health professionals, such as pharmacists. Objective. The aims of the present study were to (1) assess the occurrence of burnout syndrome among a sample of pharmacists employed in public and private pharmacies located in Rome province (Latium Region; central Italy); (2) evaluate the role of some potential predictors for the development of the syndrome. Materials and Methods. A questionnaire elaborated ad hoc was administered online to 2,000 members of the Association of Professional Pharmacists of Rome and its province and employed in public or private pharmacies. The questionnaire included the 14-item Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) tool and questions on demographic characteristics and working conditions. Results. Physical exhaustion was the burnout dimension with the highest score; besides, approximately 11% of the studied pharmacists were categorized as having clinically relevant burnout levels (≄4.40). Several of the investigated variables significantly influenced the single burnout dimensions at the univariate analyses; multivariate analyses demonstrated that alcohol consumption and workplace location have a significant independent role on the overall SMBM index, while working time significantly influences clinically relevant burnout level. Conclusions. The results revealed that pharmacists are at risk of burnout, and thus, it is necessary to perform specific preventive intervention for managing this occupational threat

    Pharmacists' mental health during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Italy

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    OBJECTIVE: The year 2020 was characterized by the outbreak of a new pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus named SARSCoV- 2. To face the pandemic, many countries worldwide imposed general lockdowns, closing all non-essential businesses. As primary care services, pharmacies had to remain open, thus putting pharmacy staff at significant risk of viral infection and overwork. This study aimed to assess the mental health of Italian Pharmacists, considering demographic and occupational characteristics, lifestyle, and habits, during the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown period (March-May 2020). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A web-based survey was created using GoogleÂź Forms to collect data from March 30, 2020, to June 1, 2020. The questionnaire consisted of three sections investigating: (1) demographic and occupational variables, (2) lifestyle and habits variables, (3) psychological distress and perceived well-being. RESULTS: A total of 401 participants completed the questionnaire. Older workers and those with more work experience reported more psychological stress. Older and female workers, who felt lonely at home and reported psychological stress, perceived poor well-being. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate that the Sars-CoV-2 outbreak and subsequent lockdown rules affected pharmacists' mental health and that it is important to put in place preventive measures against the occurrence of mental disorders among them

    The PAU Survey & Euclid: Improving broad-band photometric redshifts with multi-task learning

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    Current and future imaging surveys require photometric redshifts (photo-z) to be estimated for millions of galaxies. Improving the photo-z quality is a major challenge to advance our understanding of cosmology. In this paper, we explore how the synergies between narrow-band photometric data and large imaging surveys can be exploited to improve broad-band photometric redshifts. We use a multi-task learning (MTL) network to improve broad-band photo-z estimates by simultaneously predicting the broad-band photo-z and the narrow-band photometry from the broad-band photometry. The narrow-band photometry is only required in the training field, which enables better photo-z predictions also for the galaxies without narrow-band photometry in the wide field. This technique is tested with data from the Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS) in the COSMOS field. We find that the method predicts photo-z that are 14% more precise down to magnitude i_AB<23, while reducing the outlier rate by 40% with respect to the baseline network mapping broad-band colours to only photo-zs. Furthermore, MTL significantly reduces the photo-z bias for high-redshift galaxies, improving the redshift distributions for tomographic bins with z>1. Applying this technique to deeper samples is crucial for future surveys like \Euclid or LSST. For simulated data, training on a sample with i_AB <23, the method reduces the photo-z scatter by 15% for all galaxies with 24<i_AB<25. We also study the effects of extending the training sample with photometric galaxies using PAUS high-precision photo-zs, which further reduces the photo-z scatter.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Euclid preparation: XII. Optimizing the photometric sample of the Euclid survey for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analyses

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    Photometric redshifts (photo-zs) are one of the main ingredients in the analysis of cosmological probes. Their accuracy particularly affects the results of the analyses of galaxy clustering with photometrically selected galaxies (GCph) and weak lensing. In the next decade, space missions such as Euclid will collect precise and accurate photometric measurements for millions of galaxies. These data should be complemented with upcoming ground-based observations to derive precise and accurate photo-zs. In this article we explore how the tomographic redshift binning and depth of ground-based observations will affect the cosmological constraints expected from the Euclid mission. We focus on GCph and extend the study to include galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL). We add a layer of complexity to the analysis by simulating several realistic photo-z distributions based on the Euclid Consortium Flagship simulation and using a machine learning photo-z algorithm. We then use the Fisher matrix formalism together with these galaxy samples to study the cosmological constraining power as a function of redshift binning, survey depth, and photo-z accuracy. We find that bins with an equal width in redshift provide a higher figure of merit (FoM) than equipopulated bins and that increasing the number of redshift bins from ten to 13 improves the FoM by 35% and 15% for GCph and its combination with GGL, respectively. For GCph, an increase in the survey depth provides a higher FoM. However, when we include faint galaxies beyond the limit of the spectroscopic training data, the resulting FoM decreases because of the spurious photo-zs. When combining GCph and GGL, the number density of the sample, which is set by the survey depth, is the main factor driving the variations in the FoM. Adding galaxies at faint magnitudes and high redshift increases the FoM, even when they are beyond the spectroscopic limit, since the number density increase compensates for the photo-z degradation in this case. We conclude that there is more information that can be extracted beyond the nominal ten tomographic redshift bins of Euclid and that we should be cautious when adding faint galaxies into our sample since they can degrade the cosmological constraints

    Euclid preparation: XII. Optimizing the photometric sample of the Euclid survey for galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing analyses

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    Photometric redshifts (photo-zs) are one of the main ingredients in the analysis of cosmological probes. Their accuracy particularly affects the results of the analyses of galaxy clustering with photometrically selected galaxies (GCph) and weak lensing. In the next decade, space missions such as Euclid will collect precise and accurate photometric measurements for millions of galaxies. These data should be complemented with upcoming ground-based observations to derive precise and accurate photo-zs. In this article we explore how the tomographic redshift binning and depth of ground-based observations will affect the cosmological constraints expected from the Euclid mission. We focus on GCph and extend the study to include galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL). We add a layer of complexity to the analysis by simulating several realistic photo-z distributions based on the Euclid Consortium Flagship simulation and using a machine learning photo-z algorithm. We then use the Fisher matrix formalism together with these galaxy samples to study the cosmological constraining power as a function of redshift binning, survey depth, and photo-z accuracy. We find that bins with an equal width in redshift provide a higher figure of merit (FoM) than equipopulated bins and that increasing the number of redshift bins from ten to 13 improves the FoM by 35% and 15% for GCph and its combination with GGL, respectively. For GCph, an increase in the survey depth provides a higher FoM. However, when we include faint galaxies beyond the limit of the spectroscopic training data, the resulting FoM decreases because of the spurious photo-zs. When combining GCph and GGL, the number density of the sample, which is set by the survey depth, is the main factor driving the variations in the FoM. Adding galaxies at faint magnitudes and high redshift increases the FoM, even when they are beyond the spectroscopic limit, since the number density increase compensates for the photo-z degradation in this case. We conclude that there is more information that can be extracted beyond the nominal ten tomographic redshift bins of Euclid and that we should be cautious when adding faint galaxies into our sample since they can degrade the cosmological constraints

    Euclid preparation: VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour–Redshift Relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release

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    The Complete Calibration of the Colour–Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic effort involving ESO and Keck facilities designed specifically to empirically calibrate the galaxy colour–redshift relation – P(z|C) to the Euclid depth (iAB = 24.5) and is intimately linked to the success of upcoming Stage IV dark energy missions based on weak lensing cosmology. The aim is to build a spectroscopic calibration sample that is as representative as possible of the galaxies of the Euclid weak lensing sample. In order to minimise the number of spectroscopic observations necessary to fill the gaps in current knowledge of the P(z|C), self-organising map (SOM) representations of the galaxy colour space have been constructed. Here we present the first results of an ESO@VLT Large Programme approved in the context of C3R2, which makes use of the two VLT optical and near-infrared multi-object spectrographs, FORS2 and KMOS. This data release paper focuses on high-quality spectroscopic redshifts of high-redshift galaxies observed with the KMOS spectrograph in the near-infrared H- and K-bands. A total of 424 highly-reliable redshifts are measured in the 1.3 ≀ z ≀ 2.5 range, with total success rates of 60.7% in the H-band and 32.8% in the K-band. The newly determined redshifts fill 55% of high (mainly regions with no spectroscopic measurements) and 35% of lower (regions with low-resolution/low-quality spectroscopic measurements) priority empty SOM grid cells. We measured Hα fluxes in a 1. 002 radius aperture from the spectra of the spectroscopically confirmed galaxies and converted them into star formation rates. In addition, we performed an SED fitting analysis on the same sample in order to derive stellar masses, E(B − V), total magnitudes, and SFRs. We combine the results obtained from the spectra with those derived via SED fitting, and we show that the spectroscopic failures come from either weakly star-forming galaxies (at z 2 galaxies

    Valutazione delle conoscenze e della percezione dei rischi in tema di microplastiche e ambiente in un campione di studenti delle Professioni Sanitarie

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    La produzione, l’utilizzo e lo smaltimento come rifiuto dei prodotti a base di plastica determinano l’immissione nell’ambiente di “parti/frammenti” di questi prodotti. Il termine microplastiche identifica, tra questi, le particelle e le fibre piĂč piccole. L’inquinamento da microplastiche Ăš presente nei mari, nelle acque dolci, nei suoli, nei pesci e mammiferi e negli alimenti. Esso rappresenta, pertanto, un fattore di rischio ambientale non trascurabile per la salute dell’uomo e della fauna. Lo scopo dello studio Ăš valutare il grado di conoscenza e consapevolezza in un campione di studenti delle Professioni Sanitarie in relazione al tema “inquinamento da microplastiche”, per poter valutare il grado di preparazione dei futuri operatori sanitari verso una problematica emergente di sanitĂ  pubblica evidenziando le loro esigenze di informazione, formazione e aggiornamento sulla specifica problematica

    Burnout e farmacisti. Un’indagine su un campione di operatori appartenenti all’Ordine di Roma

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    Secondo la definizione di Maslach, burnout Ăš il termine utilizzato per indicare una sindrome caratterizzata da esaurimento emotivo, depersonalizzazione e ridotta realizzazione professionale, che puĂČ verificarsi in soggetti che, nel corso della vita professionale, lavorano a contatto e si prendono cura di altre persone. Gli operatori sanitari rappresentano una categoria ad alto rischio di burnout e, tra questi, i farmacisti rappresentano una categoria importante ma poco studiata in questo ambito. Lo scopo del lavoro Ăš valutare la frequenza di burnout in un campione di farmacisti della provincia di Roma, occupati in farmacia, e indagare il ruolo di alcune variabili potenzialmente interferenti sulla sua occorrenz

    Occupational scenarios and exposure assessment to formaldehyde: a systematic review

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    The objectives of the systematic review were to: identify the work sectors at risk for exposure to formaldehyde; investigate the procedures applied to assess occupational exposure; evaluate the reported exposure levels among the different settings. An electronic search of Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and ToxNet was carried out for collecting all the articles on the investigated issue published from January 1, 2004 to September 30, 2019. Forty-three papers were included in the review, and evidenced a great number of occupational scenarios at risk for formaldehyde exposure. All the included studies collected data on formaldehyde exposure levels by a similar approach: environmental and personal sampling followed by chromatographic analyses. Results ranged from not detectable values until to some mg m−3 of airborne formaldehyde. The riskiest occupational settings for formaldehyde exposure were the gross anatomy and pathology laboratories, the hairdressing salons and some specific productive settings, such as wooden furniture factories, dairy facilities and fish hatcheries. Notice that formaldehyde, a well-known carcinogen, was recovered in air at levels higher than outdoor in almost all the studied scenarios/activities; thus, when formaldehyde cannot be removed or substituted, targeted strategies for exposure elimination or mitigation must be adopted

    The carcinogenic effects of formaldehyde occupational exposure: a systematic review

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    Background: Formaldehyde, classified as a carcinogen in 2004, as of today is widely used in many work activities. From its classification, further studies were performed to evaluate its carcinogenicity. The aim of the systematic review is to update the evidence on occupational exposure to formaldehyde and cancer onset. Methods: The review, in accordance with the PRISMA statement, includes articles in English reporting original results of studies conducted on workers exposed to formaldehyde, considering all types of cancer, published from 1 January 2000 to 30 July 2021 and selected from the Pubmed and Scopus databases. The studies’ quality was assessed by the Newcastle– Ottawa Scale. Results: A total of 21 articles were included, conducted in different European, American, and Asian countries. The most investigated occupational areas are those characterized by a deliberate use of formaldehyde. Some studies evaluated all types of cancer, whereas others focused on specific sites such as thyroid and respiratory, lymphohematopoietic, or central nervous systems. The results showed weak associations with lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, leukemia, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Conclusions: The results demonstrate the need for further original studies carried out on representative samples of workers exposed to measured levels of FA. These studies should be designed to reduce the bias due to co-exposure to other carcinogens