402 research outputs found

    Damage function for historic paper. Part I: Fitness for use

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    Background In heritage science literature and in preventive conservation practice, damage functions are used to model material behaviour and specifically damage (unacceptable change), as a result of the presence of a stressor over time. For such functions to be of use in the context of collection management, it is important to define a range of parameters, such as who the stakeholders are (e.g. the public, curators, researchers), the mode of use (e.g. display, storage, manual handling), the long-term planning horizon (i.e. when in the future it is deemed acceptable for an item to become damaged or unfit for use), and what the threshold of damage is, i.e. extent of physical change assessed as damage. Results In this paper, we explore the threshold of fitness for use for archival and library paper documents used for display or reading in the context of access in reading rooms by the general public. Change is considered in the context of discolouration and mechanical deterioration such as tears and missing pieces: forms of physical deterioration that accumulate with time in libraries and archives. We also explore whether the threshold fitness for use is defined differently for objects perceived to be of different value, and for different modes of use. The data were collected in a series of fitness-for-use workshops carried out with readers/visitors in heritage institutions using principles of Design of Experiments. Conclusions The results show that when no particular value is pre-assigned to an archival or library document, missing pieces influenced readers/visitors’ subjective judgements of fitness-for-use to a greater extent than did discolouration and tears (which had little or no influence). This finding was most apparent in the display context in comparison to the reading room context. The finding also best applied when readers/visitors were not given a value scenario (in comparison to when they were asked to think about the document having personal or historic value). It can be estimated that, in general, items become unfit when text is evidently missing. However, if the visitor/reader is prompted to think of a document in terms of its historic value, then change in a document has little impact on fitness for use

    Docosahexaenoic acid reduces microglia phagocytic activity via miR-124 and induces neuroprotection in rodent models of spinal cord contusion injury

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    Microglia are activated after spinal cord injury (SCI), but their phagocytic mechanisms and link to neuroprotection remain incompletely characterized. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has been shown to have significant neuroprotective effects after hemisection and compression SCI and can directly affect microglia in these injury models. In rodent contusion SCI, we demonstrate that DHA (500 nmol/kg) administered acutely post-injury confers neuroprotection and enhances locomotor recovery, and also exerts a complex modulation of the microglial response to injury. In rodents, at 7 days after SCI, the level of phagocytosed myelin within Iba1-positive or P2Y12-positive cells was significantly lower after DHA treatment, and this occurred in parallel with an increase in intracellular miR-124 expression. Furthermore, intraspinal administration of a miR-124 inhibitor significantly reduced the DHA-induced decrease in myelin phagocytosis in mice at 7 days post-SCI. In rat spinal primary microglia cultures, DHA reduced the phagocytic response to myelin, which was associated with an increase in miR-124, but not miR-155. A similar response was observed in a microglia cell line (BV2) treated with DHA, and the effect was blocked by a miR-124 inhibitor. Furthermore, the phagocytic response of BV2 cells to stressed neurones was also reduced in the presence of DHA. In peripheral monocyte-derived macrophages, the expression of the M1, but not the M0 or M2 phenotype, was reduced by DHA, but the phagocytic activation was not altered. These findings show that DHA induces neuroprotection in contusion injury. Furthermore, the improved outcome is via a miR-124-dependent reduction in the phagocytic response of microglia.US Department of Defence CDMRP/SCIRP award (W81XWH-10-1-1040 to P.K.Y., T.B. and A.M.T.); The Barts and London Charity (to P.K.Y. and A.M.T.); Rod Flower Vacation Scholarship (to A.L.B.); International Spinal Research Trust (to J.H. and P.G.P.); Ray W. Poppleton Endowment (to P.G.P.); Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan (CMRPG3A1051–1054 to Z.-H.L.). M.A.B. is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Programa Ramón y Cajal: RYC-2017-21804)

    Thermal Properties of Graphene, Carbon Nanotubes and Nanostructured Carbon Materials

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    Recent years witnessed a rapid growth of interest of scientific and engineering communities to thermal properties of materials. Carbon allotropes and derivatives occupy a unique place in terms of their ability to conduct heat. The room-temperature thermal conductivity of carbon materials span an extraordinary large range - of over five orders of magnitude - from the lowest in amorphous carbons to the highest in graphene and carbon nanotubes. I review thermal and thermoelectric properties of carbon materials focusing on recent results for graphene, carbon nanotubes and nanostructured carbon materials with different degrees of disorder. A special attention is given to the unusual size dependence of heat conduction in two-dimensional crystals and, specifically, in graphene. I also describe prospects of applications of graphene and carbon materials for thermal management of electronics.Comment: Review Paper; 37 manuscript pages; 4 figures and 2 boxe

    Battery capacity design for electric vehicles considering the diversity of daily vehicles miles traveled

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    In this paper, we study battery capacity design for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). The core of such design problems is to find a good tradeoff between minimizing the capacity to reduce financial costs of drivers and increasing the capacity to satisfy daily travel demands. The major difficulty of such design problems lies in modeling the diversity of daily travel demands. Based on massive trip records of taxi drivers in Beijing, we find that the daily vehicle miles traveled (DVMT) of a driver (e.g., a taxi driver) may change significantly in different days. This investigation triggers us to propose a mixture distribution model to describe the diversity in DVMT for various driver in different days, rather than the widely employed single distribution model. To demonstrate the merit of this new model, we consider value-at-risk and mean-variance battery capacity design problems for BEV, with respect to conventional single and new mixture distribution models of DVMT. Testing results indicate that the mixture distribution model better leads to better solutions to satisfy various drivers

    Thermal Properties of Isotopically Engineered Graphene

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    In addition to its exotic electronic properties graphene exhibits unusually high intrinsic thermal conductivity. The physics of phonons - the main heat carriers in graphene - was shown to be substantially different in two-dimensional (2D) crystals, such as graphene, than in three-dimensional (3D) graphite. Here, we report our experimental study of the isotope effects on the thermal properties of graphene. Isotopically modified graphene containing various percentages of 13C were synthesized by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The regions of different isotopic composition were parts of the same graphene sheet to ensure uniformity in material parameters. The thermal conductivity, K, of isotopically pure 12C (0.01% 13C) graphene determined by the optothermal Raman technique, was higher than 4000 W/mK at the measured temperature Tm~320 K, and more than a factor of two higher than the value of K in a graphene sheets composed of a 50%-50% mixture of 12C and 13C. The experimental data agree well with our molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, corrected for the long-wavelength phonon contributions via the Klemens model. The experimental results are expected to stimulate further studies aimed at better understanding of thermal phenomena in 2D crystals.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Microanatomy of Adult Zebrafish Extraocular Muscles

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    Binocular vision requires intricate control of eye movement to align overlapping visual fields for fusion in the visual cortex, and each eye is controlled by 6 extraocular muscles (EOMs). Disorders of EOMs are an important cause of symptomatic vision loss. Importantly, EOMs represent specialized skeletal muscles with distinct gene expression profile and susceptibility to neuromuscular disorders. We aim to investigate and describe the anatomy of adult zebrafish extraocular muscles (EOMs) to enable comparison with human EOM anatomy and facilitate the use of zebrafish as a model for EOM research. Using differential interference contrast (DIC), epifluorescence microscopy, and precise sectioning techniques, we evaluate the anatomy of zebrafish EOM origin, muscle course, and insertion on the eye. Immunofluorescence is used to identify components of tendons, basement membrane and neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), and to analyze myofiber characteristics. We find that adult zebrafish EOM insertions on the globe parallel the organization of human EOMs, including the close proximity of specific EOM insertions to one another. However, analysis of EOM origins reveals important differences between human and zebrafish, such as the common rostral origin of both oblique muscles and the caudal origin of the lateral rectus muscles. Thrombospondin 4 marks the EOM tendons in regions that are highly innervated, and laminin marks the basement membrane, enabling evaluation of myofiber size and distribution. The NMJs appear to include both en plaque and en grappe synapses, while NMJ density is much higher in EOMs than in somatic muscles. In conclusion, zebrafish and human EOM anatomy are generally homologous, supporting the use of zebrafish for studying EOM biology. However, anatomic differences exist, revealing divergent evolutionary pressures

    Insecticide-treated net (ITN) ownership, usage, and malaria transmission in the highlands of western Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) are known to be highly effective in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality. However, usage varies among households, and such variations in actual usage may seriously limit the potential impact of nets and cause spatial heterogeneity on malaria transmission. This study examined ITN ownership and underlying factors for among-household variation in use, and malaria transmission in two highland regions of western Kenya.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross-sectional surveys were conducted on ITN ownership (possession), compliance (actual usage among those who own ITNs), and malaria infections in occupants of randomly sampled houses in the dry and the rainy seasons of 2009.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Despite ITN ownership reaching more than 71%, compliance was low at 56.3%. The compliance rate was significantly higher during the rainy season compared with the dry season (62% vs. 49.6%). Both malaria parasite prevalence (11.8% vs. 5.1%) and vector densities (1.0 vs.0.4 female/house/night) were significantly higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. Other important factors affecting the use of ITNs include: a household education level of at least primary school level, significantly high numbers of nuisance mosquitoes, and low indoor temperatures. Malaria prevalence in the rainy season was about 30% lower in ITN users than in non-ITN users, but this percentage was not significantly different during the dry season.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In malaria hypo-mesoendemic highland regions of western Kenya, the gap between ITNownership and usage is generally high with greater usage recorded during the high transmission season. Because of the low compliance among those who own ITNs, there is a need to sensitize households on sustained use of ITNs in order to optimize their role as a malaria control tool.</p

    Risk Factors for Buruli Ulcer: A Case Control Study in Cameroon

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is a neglected tropical infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. While BU is associated with areas where the water is slow-flowing or stagnant, the exact mechanism of transmission of the bacillus is unknown, impairing efficient control programs. Two hypotheses are proposed in the literature: previous trauma at the lesion site, and transmission through aquatic insect bites. Using results from a face-to-face questionnaire, our study compared characteristics from Cameroonian patients with Buruli ulcer to people without Buruli ulcer. This latter group of people was chosen within the community or within the family of case patients. The statistical analysis confirmed some well-known factors associated with the presence of BU, such as wearing short lower-body clothing while farming, but it showed that the use of bed nets and the treatment of wounds with leaves is less frequent in case patients. These newly identified factors may provide new insight into the mode of transmission of M. ulcerans. The implication of domestic or peridomestic insects, suggested by the influence of the use of bed nets, should be confirmed in specific studies