852 research outputs found

    El portafolio de aprendizaje para la evaluaci?n autentica en grado cuarto del ?rea de ciencias naturales en la instituci?n educativa Antonio Reyes Uma?a sede 4 de Ibagu?-Tolima

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    112 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje debe contener ciertos componentes de calidad que se relacionen para que sea eficaz, uno de ellos es el componente evaluativo. Espec?ficamente se presentan argumentos sobre la importancia del portafolio de aprendizaje como instrumento de evaluaci?n y como contribuye a mejorar la calidad del proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje a trav?s de la retroalimentaci?n mutua; esta herramienta est? contemplada como una opci?n de evaluaci?n aut?ntica y formativa, ya que su elaboraci?n implica una interacci?n entre ambos actores, reflexi?n, autoevaluaci?n y motivaci?n entre otras acciones educativas, seg?n D?az & H?rnandez (2002) lo m?s importante en el planteamiento de los ejercicios es que est?n organizados con los objetivos de aprendizaje y se representen coherentemente y no resulten aversivos y sin sentido para los estudiantes. Para argumentar dichas afirmaciones se presentan algunos resultados alcanzados en la Instituci?n Educativa Antonio Reyes Uma?a sede 4, de Ibagu?, Tolima. Considero que esto puede ser una peque?a contribuci?n a uno de los mayores problemas que plantea la pr?ctica educativa.The teaching process must contain certain quality components which relate to be effective one of the them is the educational component. Specifically arguments presented about the importance of learning portfolio as an assessment tool and how contribute to improve the quality of teaching-learning process through mutual feedback; this tool is seen as a choice of authentic and training assessment. Since its development involves an interaction between the two actors. Reflection, self-evaluation and motivation among other educational actions. According to D?az and Hern?ndez (2002) the most important in the exercises approach is that they are organized with the learning objectives and they are submitted consistently and not occur aversive and without sense for students. To argue such statements are presented some results achieved in the institucion educativa Antonio Reyes Uma?a headquarter 4 from Ibagu?? Tolima. I think this may be a small contribution to one of the biggest problems of educational practice. Keywords: learning portfolio, authentic assessment, critical and reflective thinkin

    Secuencia did?ctica para la formaci?n de pensamiento ambiental en los estudiantes de grado tercero de la Normal Superior de Ibagu?-Tolima

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    165 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n corresponde a una propuesta realizada durante los estudios de Maestr?a en Educaci?n Ambiental de la Universidad del Tolima. A trav?s del presente proyecto se busca ampliar la reflexi?n sobre el pensamiento ambiental en estudiantes de tercero de primaria de la Normal Superior de Ibagu?, la cual pretende abordar desde su complejidad concepciones de ambiente y sus implicaciones en la sociedad. La investigaci?n se centra en la siguiente preguntas ?De qu? manera formar pensamiento ambiental a trav?s de una secuencia did?ctica aplicada a estudiantes del grado tercero de la Normal Superior de Ibagu?-Tolima?, planteamiento que se responde a lo largo de todo el documento, basado en las categor?as de ambiente como complejidad. A partir de la aplicaci?n de la secuencia did?ctica, el an?lisis de las representaciones gr?ficas como pre-test y la aplicaci?n del formulario Likert como post test, se caracterizaron concepciones de ambiente de los estudiantes y se dilucid? su forma de concebir la complejidad ambiental. Entre los resultados alcanzados se determin? que los estudiantes conciben el ambiente como un sistema din?mico y complejo de relaciones e interrelaciones entre todos los seres y los factores abi?ticos (relaci?n reciproca). El informe de la investigaci?n contiene cinco cap?tulos, la primera parte hace referencia al abordaje te?rico y de investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la educaci?n ambiental; la segunda parte corresponde con el dise?o metodol?gico y la comprensi?n por parte de los estudiantes sobre la concepci?n de ambiente y sus implicaciones en la sociedad; finalmente se presentan las conclusiones con las cuales se busca ampliar la discusi?n sobre la importancia de la reflexi?n epistemol?gica de la complejidad ambiental. Palabras claves: Educaci?n ambiental, ambiente, pensamiento ambiental, pensamiento cr?tico, secuencia did?cticaThe present research corresponds to a proposal made during the studies of Masters in Environmental Education of the University of Tolima. This project seeks to expand the reflection on environmental thinking in the student?s third grade of the School of Normal Superior of Ibagu?, which seeks to approach from its complexity conceptions of environment and its implications in the society. The research focuses on the following questions: ?How to form environmental thinking through a didactic sequence applied to students in grade 3-4 of the School of Normal Superior of Ibagu? -Tolima ?, an approach that is answered throughout the document, based on the categories of environment as complexity. Starting the application of the didactic sequence, the analysis of the graphical representations like pre-test and the application Likert?s form like post-test, the way of conceiving the approach of the complexity environmental was elucidated. Among the results obtained, it was determined that students conceive the environment as a dynamic and complex system of relationships and interrelationships between all beings and abiotic factors (reciprocal relationship). The development of the research is presented in several chapters, the first part refers to the whole theoretical approach and research carried out in the environmental field; the second part corresponds to the methodological design and the understanding on the part of the students on the conception of environment and its implications in the society; finally the conclusions are presented with which it is sought to broaden the discussion on the importance of the epistemological reflection of the environmental complexity. Keywords: Environmental education, environment, environmental thinking critical thinking, didactic sequenc

    The AFLOW Fleet for Materials Discovery

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    The traditional paradigm for materials discovery has been recently expanded to incorporate substantial data driven research. With the intent to accelerate the development and the deployment of new technologies, the AFLOW Fleet for computational materials design automates high-throughput first principles calculations, and provides tools for data verification and dissemination for a broad community of users. AFLOW incorporates different computational modules to robustly determine thermodynamic stability, electronic band structures, vibrational dispersions, thermo-mechanical properties and more. The AFLOW data repository is publicly accessible online at aflow.org, with more than 1.7 million materials entries and a panoply of queryable computed properties. Tools to programmatically search and process the data, as well as to perform online machine learning predictions, are also available.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Chronology of the sedimentary processes during the postglacial sea level rise in two estuaries of the Algarve coast, Southern Portugal

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    Four profiles of estuarine sediments obtained from boreholes drilled in the Algarve, Southern Portugal were studied in order to reconstruct the process of sediment accumulation driven by the postglacial sea level rise. In addition to the sedimentological analysis, the Foraminifera Index of Marine Influence (FIMI) permitted assessment of the nature and organization of sedimentary facies in the BelicheeGuadiana and Gilão-Almargem estuaries. The Beliche- Guadiana CM5 and Almargem G2 profiles accumulated in a sheltered environment, with the former presenting an almost continuous record of the sea level rise since ca 13 000 cal yr BP. The G1 and G3 profiles from the Gilão-Almargem area represent a more discontinuous record of the last 8000 years, which accumulated in the more dynamic environment of an outer estuary. The integration of all radiocarbon ages of dated levels, led to an estimate of sediment accumulation rates. Assuming a constant position of the sediment surface with respect to the tidal range and a negligible compaction of sediment, the sea level rose at the rate of 7 mm yr ^-1 in the period from 13 000 to 7500 cal yr BP. This process slowed down to ca 0.9 mm yr 1 from 7500 cal yr BP until the present. The marked historical change in the rate of sediment accumulation in these estuaries also occurred with the accumulation of organic matter and is, therefore, important data for global biogeochemical models of carbon. The main obstacle to obtain higher temporal resolution of the sedimentary processes was the intense anaerobic respiration of organic matter via sulphate reduction, which did not allow any accumulation of peat and, furthermore, led to erasure of the palaeontological record by acid formed from the subsequent oxidation of sulphides.FORMOSE- Sources and Retention of Organic Matter in the Estuarine Zones, PRAXIS XXI program of Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and project MEGASIG, INTERREG IIIa program of the European Union

    Local Difference Measures between Complex Networks for Dynamical System Model Evaluation

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    Acknowledgments We thank Reik V. Donner for inspiring suggestions that initialized the work presented herein. Jan H. Feldhoff is credited for providing us with the STARS simulation data and for his contributions to fruitful discussions. Comments by the anonymous reviewers are gratefully acknowledged as they led to substantial improvements of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Economic Integration, Competition and Hierarchization of the Atlantic Ports of Northern Spain (13 th-15 th centuries)

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    Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las relaciones y la jerarquía de las villas portuarias del Atlántico norte de España entre los siglos XIII y XV. Los puertos del norte peninsular operaban en un nivel intermedio, regional e internacional, de la estructura comercial europea. Las cincuenta villas portuarias de la costa cantábrica desempeñaron un papel vital en la conectividad urbana del tráfico marítimo internacional entre el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico. El fenómeno portuario del Cantábrico, a pesar de su falta de homogeneidad, fue un éxito porque se basó en algunos factores claves, como las características geográficas, las infraestructuras portuarias, el apoyo regio y unas sociedades muy dinámicas; además, la política y la gobernanza adoptaron unas características comunes y distintas en estas villas periféricas para responder a las necesidades y condiciones locales, muy influidas por su carácter de frontera marítima de la Corona de Castilla.Abstract: The aim of this article is to analyze the relationships and the hierarchy of the port-towns of Atlantic Northern Spain between the 13th and 15th centuries. The port-towns operated in an intermediate level, both regional and international, of the European trade structure. The half a hundred port-towns on the Cantabrian coast played a vital role in the urban connectivity of the international maritime traffi c between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. This phenomenon, despite lacking an homogeneity, was a success because it was based on some key factors, such as geographical features, port infrastructures, royal support and very dynamic societies. Besides, politics and governance adopted common and distinct characteristics in these peripheral towns to respond to local needs and conditions, very infl uenced by their character as a maritime border of the kingdom of Castile.Este trabajo se inscribe en las tareas de investigación de los proyectos: “Política, instituciones y gobernanza de las villas y ciudades portuarias de la Europa Atlántica en la Baja Edad Media: análisis comparativo transnacional” (HAR2017-83801-P); de la Red de Excelencia La Gobernanza de los puertos atlánticos, siglos XIV-XXI (HAR2016-81812-REDT) y “Social and Political Order of the Communal Towns in the European Peripheries from the 12th to 16th Century” (340880, ARMONIA, HS3)

    Phonon-driven spin-Floquet magneto-valleytronics in MoS2

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    Two-dimensional materials equipped with strong spin-orbit coupling can display novel electronic, spintronic, and topological properties originating from the breaking of time or inversion symmetry. A lot of interest has focused on the valley degrees of freedom that can be used to encode binary information. By performing ab initio time-dependent density functional simulation on MoS2, here we show that the spin is not only locked to the valley momenta but strongly coupled to the optical E '' phonon that lifts the lattice mirror symmetry. Once the phonon is pumped so as to break time-reversal symmetry, the resulting Floquet spectra of the phonon-dressed spins carry a net out-of-plane magnetization (approximate to 0.024 mu(B) for single-phonon quantum) even though the original system is non-magnetic. This dichroic magnetic response of the valley states is general for all 2H semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides and can be probed and controlled by infrared coherent laser excitation