12 research outputs found

    Novel Domain Wall and Minkowski Vacua of D=9 Maximal SO(2) Gauged Supergravity

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    We show that a generalised reduction of D=10 IIB supergravity leads, in a certain limit, to a maximally extended SO(2) gauged supergravity in D=9. We show the scalar potential of this model allows both Minkowski and a new type of domain wall solution to the Bogomol'nyi equations. We relate these vacua to type IIB D-branes.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, Latex2

    Gauged Supergravity Vacua From Intersecting Branes

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    Domain wall and electrovac solutions of gauged N=4 D=4 supergravity, with gauge group SU(2) or SU(2)xSU(2), are interpreted as supersymmetric Kaluza-Klein vacua of N=1 D=10 supergravity. These vacua are shown to be the near-horizon geometries of certain intersecting brane solutions.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, Latex. Revised to take into account some earlier work on the subject. A typo in an equation has been correcte

    Compactifications with S-Duality Twists

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    We consider generalised Scherk Schwarz reductions of supergravity and superstring theories with twists by electromagnetic dualities that are symmetries of the equations of motion but not of the action, such as the S-duality of D=4, N=4 super-Yang-Mills coupled to supergravity. The reduction cannot be done on the action itself, but must be done either on the field equations or on a duality invariant form of the action, such as one in the doubled formalism in which potentials are introduced for both electric and magnetic fields. The resulting theory in odd-dimensions has massive form fields satisfying a self-duality condition dAmAdA \sim m*A. We construct such theories in D=3,5,7.Comment: Latex, 26 pages. References adde

    Domain Walls in Massive Supergravities

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    We show how toroidally-compactified eleven-dimensional supergravity can be consistently truncated to yield a variety of maximally-supersymmetric ``massive'' supergravities in spacetime dimensions D8D\le 8. The mass terms arise as a consequence of making a more general ansatz than that in usual Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction, in which one or more axions are given an additional linear dependence on one of the compactification coordinates. The lower-dimensional theories are nevertheless consistent truncations of eleven-dimensional supergravity. Owing to the fact that the generalised reduction commutes neither with U-duality nor with ordinary dimensional reduction, many different massive theories can result. The simplest examples arise when just a single axion has the additional linear coordinate dependence. We find five inequivalent such theories in D=7, and 71 inequivalent ones in D=4. The massive theories admit no maximally-symmetric vacuum solution, but they do admit (D2)(D-2)-brane solutions, i.e. domain walls, which preserve half the supersymmetry. We present examples of these solutions, and their oxidations to D=11. Some of the latter are new solutions of D=11 supergravity.Comment: latex, 32 papes, no figures, further comments and references adde

    Domain Walls of D=8 Gauged Supergravities and their D=11 Origin

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    Performing a Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of D=11 supergravity on a three-dimensional group manifold we construct five D=8 gauged maximal supergravities whose gauge groups are the three-dimensional (non-)compact subgroups of SL(3,R). These cases include the Salam-Sezgin SO(3) gauged supergravity. We construct the most general half-supersymmetric domain wall solutions to these five gauged supergravities. The generic form is a triple domain wall solution whose truncations lead to double and single domain wall solutions. We find that one of the single domain wall solutions has zero potential but nonzero superpotential. Upon uplifting to 11 dimensions each domain wall becomes a purely gravitational 1/2 BPS solution. The corresponding metric has a 7+4 split with a Minkowski 7-metric and a 4-metric that corresponds to a gravitational instanton. These instantons generalize the SO(3) metric of Belinsky, Gibbons, Page and Pope (which includes the Eguchi-Hanson metric) to the other Bianchi types of class A.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, references adde

    Duality Twists, Orbifolds, and Fluxes

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    We investigate compactifications with duality twists and their relation to orbifolds and compactifications with fluxes. Inequivalent compactifications are classified by conjugacy classes of the U-duality group and result in gauged supergravities in lower dimensions with nontrivial Scherk-Schwarz potentials on the moduli space. For certain twists, this mechanism is equivalent to introducing internal fluxes but is more general and can be used to stabilize some of the moduli. We show that the potential has stable minima with zero energy precisely at the fixed points of the twist group. In string theory, when the twist belongs to the T-duality group, the theory at the minimum has an exact CFT description as an orbifold. We also discuss more general twists by nonperturbative U-duality transformations.Comment: 30 pages, harvmac, references and brief comments on gauged supergravity adde

    The Gaugings of Maximal D=6 Supergravity

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    We construct the most general gaugings of the maximal D=6 supergravity. The theory is (2,2) supersymmetric, and possesses an on-shell SO(5,5) duality symmetry which plays a key role in determining its couplings. The field content includes 16 vector fields that carry a chiral spinor representation of the duality group. We utilize the embedding tensor method which determines the appropriate combinations of these vectors that participate in gauging of a suitable subgroup of SO(5,5). The construction also introduces the magnetic duals of the 5 two-form potentials and 16 vector fields.Comment: 34 pages, latex, reference added, typo's corrected and minor improvements mad

    Stringy cosmic strings in matter coupled N=2, d=4 supergravity

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    We extend the system of ungauged N=2, d=4 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets and hypermultiplets with 2-form potentials. The maximal number of 2-form potentials that one may introduce is equal to the number of isometries of either the special Kaehler or quaternionic Kaehler sigma model. We show that the local supersymmetry algebra can be realized on the 2-form potentials. These 2-forms couple electrically to strings which we refer to as stringy cosmic strings. The 1/2 BPS bosonic world-sheet actions for these strings are constructed and we discuss the properties of the 1/2 BPS stringy cosmic string solutions.Comment: 36 pages, added references, corrected typos, modificated Appendix