871 research outputs found

    Current Density Distributions and a Supersymmetric Action for Interacting Brane Systems

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    We propose a method to obtain a manifestly supersymmetric action functional for interacting brane systems. It is based on the induced map of the worldvolume of low-dimensional branes into the worldvolume of the space-time filling brane ((D-1)-brane), which may be either dynamical or auxiliary, and implies an identification of Grassmann coordinate fields of lower dimensional branes with an image of the Grassmann coordinate fields of that (D-1)-brane. With this identification the covariant current distribution forms with support on the superbrane worldvolumes become invariant under the target space supersymmetry and can be used to write the coupled superbrane action as an integral over the D-dimensional manifolds ((D-1)-brane worldvolume). We compare the equations derived from this new ('Goldstone fermion embedded') action with the ones produced by a more straightforward generalization of the free brane actions based on the incorporation of the boundary terms with Lagrange multipliers ('superspace embedded' action). We find that both procedures produce the same equations of motion and thus justify each other. Both actions are presented explicitly for the coupled system of a D=10 super-D3-brane and a fundamental superstring which ends on the super-D3-brane.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure

    BPS preons in M-theory and supergravity

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    After introducing the notion of BPS preons as the basic constituents of M-theory, we discuss the recent negative results in the search for solutions of the D=10 and D=11 supergravity equations preserving 31/32 supersymmetries i.e., of preonic solutions. The absence of these supergravity preonic solutions may point out to a pure quantum nature of BPS preons, manifesting itself in the need of incorporating quantum (stringy/M-theoretic) corrections to the supergravity equations.Comment: plain latex, 10 pages. Talk delivered at the Workshop of the RTN network "Constituents, fundamental forces and Symmetries of the Universe", Napoli October 9-13, 200

    Multiple M0-brane equations in eleven dimensional pp-wave superspace and BMN matrix model

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    We obtain the Matrix model equations in the background of the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave solution of the 11D supergravity and discuss its relation with the Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase (BMN) model.Comment: 14 pages, revtex4, no figure

    A Polynomial First Order Action for the Dirichlet 3-brane

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    A new first order action for type IIB Dirichlet 3-brane is proposed. Its form is inspired by the superfield equations of motion obtained recently from the generalized action principle. The action involves auxiliary symmetric spin tensor fields. It seems promising for a reformulation of the generalized action in a structure most adequate for investigating the extrinsic geometry of the super-3- brane, but also for further studies of string dualities.Comment: Eq. (53) corrected, acknowledgement added, 13 pages, LATEX, no figure

    Twistor string as tensionless superstring

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    We give a brief review of the twistor string approach to supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with an emphasis on the different formulations of (super)string models in supertwistor space and their superspace form. We discuss the classical equivalence among the Siegel closed twistor string and the Lorentz harmonics formulation of the (N=4) tensionless superstring, and notice the possible relation of the twistor string to the D=10 Green-Schwarz superstring action, as well as to models in the enlarged, tensorial superspaces that are relevant in higher spin theories.Comment: plain latex, 9 pages. Talk delivered at the Workshop of the RTN network 'Constituents, fundamental forces and Symmetries of the Universe', Napoli October 9-13, 2006, to appear in Fortschritte der Physi

    Superstring 'ending' on super-D9-brane: a supersymmetric action functional for the coupled brane system

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    A supersymmetric action functional describing the interaction of the fundamental superstring with the D=10, type IIB Dirichlet super-9-brane is presented. A set of supersymmetric equations for the coupled system is obtained from the action principle. It is found that the interaction of the string endpoints with the super-D9-brane gauge field requires some restrictions for the image of the gauge field strength. When those restrictions are not imposed, the equations imply the absence of the endpoints, and the equations coincide either with the ones of the free super-D9-brane or with the ones for the free closed type IIB superstring. Different phases of the coupled system are described. A generalization to an arbitrary system of intersecting branes is discussed.Comment: 44 pages, latex, no figure

    New Superembeddings for Type II Superstrings

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    Possible ways of generalization of the superembedding approach for the supersurfaces with the number of Grassmann directions being less than the half of that for the target superspace are considered on example of Type II superstrings. Focus is on n=(1,1) superworldsheet embedded into D=10 Type II superspace that is of the interest for establishing a relation with the NSR string.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, JHEP.cls and JHEP.bst style files are used; v2: misprints corrected, comments, acknowledgments, references adde

    Superembedding Approach and S-Duality. A unified description of superstring and super-D1-brane

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    It is proved that a basic superembedding equation for the 2-dimensional worldsheet superspace §(28+8)\S^{(2|8+8)} embedded into D=10 type IIB superspace M(1016+16)M^{(10|16+16)} provides a universal, S-duality invariant description of a fundamental superstring and super-D1-brane. We work out generalized action principle, obtain superfield equations of motion for both these objects and find how the S-duality transformations relate the superfield equations of superstring and super-D1-brane. The superembedding of 6-dimensional worldsheet superspace §(616)\S^{(6|16)} into the D=10 type IIB superspace will probably provide a similar universal description for the set of type IIB super-NS5-brane, super-D5-brane and a Kaluza-Klein monopole (super-KK5-brane).Comment: 30 pages, LATEX, no figures. V2: misprints and typos corrected, references added. V3: misprints corrected, version to appear in Nucl.Phys.

    Towards the M(atrix) model action in an arbitrary 11D supergravity background. Progress report

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    We are searching for the action principle for multiple M0-brane (multiple M-wave or mM0) system starting from the mM0 equations of motion obtained in the frame of superembedding approach. Surprisingly, the way from these equations to the action happens to be hampered by a problem which suggests a possible generalization of the action principle which we call "hierarchical action principle".Comment: 4 pages, iopams style, contribution to the ERE 2010 Proceedings, to be published in J.phys. Conf. Se

    Superembedding approach to M0-brane and multiple M0-brane system

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    We study the possibility to describe multiple M0-brane system in the frame of superembedding approach. The simplest framework is provided by the maximally supersymmetric non-Abelian SU(N) Yang-Mills supermultiplet on the d=1 N=16 superspace the embedding of which to the target D=11 supergravity superspace is determined by the so-called superembedding equation, characteristic of the worldline superspace of a single M0-brane. We use it to obtain a covariant generalization of the Matrix model equations describing the multiple M0-system in flat target superspace.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, no figures. V2. Misprints corrected, to appear in Phys. Lett. B