4,128 research outputs found

    Type Ia Supernova Light Curve Inference: Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis in the Near Infrared

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    We present a comprehensive statistical analysis of the properties of Type Ia SN light curves in the near infrared using recent data from PAIRITEL and the literature. We construct a hierarchical Bayesian framework, incorporating several uncertainties including photometric error, peculiar velocities, dust extinction and intrinsic variations, for coherent statistical inference. SN Ia light curve inferences are drawn from the global posterior probability of parameters describing both individual supernovae and the population conditioned on the entire SN Ia NIR dataset. The logical structure of the hierarchical model is represented by a directed acyclic graph. Fully Bayesian analysis of the model and data is enabled by an efficient MCMC algorithm exploiting the conditional structure using Gibbs sampling. We apply this framework to the JHK_s SN Ia light curve data. A new light curve model captures the observed J-band light curve shape variations. The intrinsic variances in peak absolute magnitudes are: sigma(M_J) = 0.17 +/- 0.03, sigma(M_H) = 0.11 +/- 0.03, and sigma(M_Ks) = 0.19 +/- 0.04. We describe the first quantitative evidence for correlations between the NIR absolute magnitudes and J-band light curve shapes, and demonstrate their utility for distance estimation. The average residual in the Hubble diagram for the training set SN at cz > 2000 km/s is 0.10 mag. The new application of bootstrap cross-validation to SN Ia light curve inference tests the sensitivity of the model fit to the finite sample and estimates the prediction error at 0.15 mag. These results demonstrate that SN Ia NIR light curves are as effective as optical light curves, and, because they are less vulnerable to dust absorption, they have great potential as precise and accurate cosmological distance indicators.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Corrected typo, added references, minor edit

    SALT: a Spectral Adaptive Light curve Template for Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present a new method to parameterize Type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) multi-color light curves. The method was developed in order to analyze the large number of SN Ia multi-color light curves measured in current high-redshift projects. The technique is based on empirically modeling SN Ia luminosity variations as a function of phase, wavelength, a shape parameter, and a color parameter. The model is trained with a sample of well measured nearby SN Ia and then tested with an independent set of supernovae by building an optimal luminosity distance estimator combining the supernova rest-frame luminosity, shape parameter and color reconstructed with the model. The distances we measure using B- and V-band data show a dispersion around the Hubble line comparable or lower than obtained with other methods. With this model, we are able to measure distances using U- and B-band data with a dispersion around the Hubble line of 0.16 +- 0.05.Comment: Accepted in A&A, June 23, 2005 (printer friendly replacement version, includes language corrections

    Reconciliation of the Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Type Ia Supernovae Distance Scales

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope measurements of surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) distances to early-type galaxies that have hosted Type Ia supernovae (SNIa). The agreement in the relative SBF and SNIa multicolor light curve shape and delta-m_15 distances is excellent. There is no systematic scale error with distance, and previous work has shown that SBF and SNIa give consistent ties to the Hubble flow. However, we confirm a systematic offset of about 0.25 mag in the distance zero points of the two methods, and we trace this offset to their respective Cepheid calibrations. SBF has in the past been calibrated with Cepheid distances from the H_0 Key Project team, while SNIa have been calibrated with Cepheid distances from the team composed of Sandage, Saha, and collaborators. When the two methods are calibrated in a consistent way, their distances are in superb agreement. Until the conflict over the ``long'' and ``short'' extragalactic Cepheid distances among many galaxies is resolved, we cannot definitively constrain the Hubble constant to better than about 10%, even leaving aside the additional uncertainty in the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud, common to both Cepheid scales. However, recent theoretical SBF predictions from stellar population models favor the Key Project Cepheid scale, while the theoretical SNIa calibration lies between the long and short scales. In addition, while the current SBF distance to M31/M32 is in good agreement with the RR Lyrae and red giant branch distances, calibrating SBF with the longer Cepheid scale would introduce a 0.3 mag offset with respect to the RR Lyrae scale.Comment: 13 pages, 3 PostScript figures, LaTeX with AASTeX 5.02 and natbib.sty v7.0 (included). Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Brans-Dicke model constrained from Big Bang nucleosynthesis and magnitude redshift relations of Supernovae

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    The Brans-Dicke model with a variable cosmological term (BDΛBD\Lambda) has been investigated with use of the coupling constant of ω=104\omega=10^4. Parameters inherent in this model are constrained from comparison between Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the observed abundances. Furthermore, the magnitude redshift (mzm-z) relations are studied for BDΛBD\Lambda with and without another constant cosmological term in a flat universe. Observational data of Type Ia Supernovae are used in the redshift range of 0.01<z<20.01<z<2. It is found that our model with energy density of the constant cosmological term with the value of 0.7 can explain the SNIa observations, though the model parameters are insensitive to the mzm-z relation.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Time-dependent radiative transfer with PHOENIX

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    Aims. We present first results and tests of a time-dependent extension to the general purpose model atmosphere code PHOENIX. We aim to produce light curves and spectra of hydro models for all types of supernovae. Methods. We extend our model atmosphere code PHOENIX to solve time-dependent non-grey, NLTE, radiative transfer in a special relativistic framework. A simple hydrodynamics solver was implemented to keep track of the energy conservation of the atmosphere during free expansion. Results. The correct operation of the new additions to PHOENIX were verified in test calculations. Conclusions. We have shown the correct operation of our extension to time-dependent radiative transfer and will be able to calculate supernova light curves and spectra in future work.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    The Baade-Wesselink p-factor applicable to LMC Cepheids

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    Context. Recent observations of LMC Cepheids bring new constraints on the slope of the period-projection factor relation (hereafter Pp relation) that is currently used in the Baade-Wesselink (hereafter BW) method of distance determination. The discrepancy between observations and theoretical analysis is particularly significant for short period Cepheids Aims. We investigate three physical effects that might possibly explain this discrepancy: (1) the spectroscopic S/N that is systematically lower for LMC Cepheids (around 10) compared to Galactic ones (up to 300), (2) the impact of the metallicity on the dynamical structure of LMC Cepheids, and (3) the combination of infrared photometry/interferometry with optical spectroscopy. Methods. To study the S/N we use a very simple toy model of Cepheids. The impact of metallicity on the projection factor is based on the hydrodynamical model of delta Cep already described in previous studies. This model is also used to derive the position of the optical versus infrared photospheric layers. Results. We find no significant effect of S/N, metallicity, and optical-versus-infrared observations on the Pp relation. Conclusions. The Pp relation of Cepheids in the LMC does not differ from the Galactic relation. This allows its universal application to determine distances to extragalactic Cepheids via BW analysis.Comment: accepted in A&A LETTER

    Possible role of extracellularly released phagocytic proteinases in the coagulation disorder during liver transplantation

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    Orthotopic liver transplantation is frequently associated with a complex coagulation disorder, influencing the outcome of the procedure. In this respect, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) had been suggested to be of causative importance for bleeding complications after reperfusion of the liver graft. In 10 consecutive patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantations, we studied the occurrence of two phagocyte proteinases of different origin in the graft liver perfus-ate and in systemic blood during the operation, as well as their effects on hemostasis. As compared with plasma samples taken at the end of the anhepatic phase, highly significant increases of cathepsin B and thrombin-anti-thrombin III complexes (TAT), as well as highly significant decreases in antithrombin III, protein C, and C1-inhibitor were observed in graft liver perfusate. Von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen were slightly decreased, whereas the elastase-alpha1 proteinase inhibitor complexes (EPI) were elevated. In plasma the activity of cathepsin B remained unchanged during the prereperfusion phases, but immediately after revascularization of the graft this cysteine proteinase increased. The EPI showed a gradual increase in plasma during the preanhepatic and anhepatic phases but a more pronounced increase in the reperfusion phase. In parallel with the rise in these two proteinases TAT increased and the activities of antithrombin III and C1-inhibitor in plasma decreased after reperfusion. At 12 hr after revascularization plasma levels of TAT, antithrombin III, and C1-inhibitor had returned to the prereperfusion ranges, whereas cathepsin B and EPI were significantly above the baseline levels. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that extracellularly released lysosomal proteinases may play a role in the development of a DIC-like constellation, including thrombin formation after revascularization of the liver graft. For the first time we could prove the occurrence of phagocyte proteinases in graft liver perfusate and evaluate the importance of these proteinases for the understanding of the pathophysiology leading to bleeding complications in patients undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation

    Can luminosity distance measurements probe the equation of state of dark energy

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    Distance measurements to Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) at cosmological distances indicate that the Universe is accelerating and that a large fraction of the critical energy density exists in a component with negative pressure. Various hypotheses on the nature of this ``dark energy'' can be tested via their prediction for the equation of state of this component. If the dark energy is due to a scalar field, its equation of state will in general vary with time and is related to the potential of the field. We review the intrinsic degeneracies of luminosity distance measurements and compute the expected accuracies that can be obtained for the equation of state parameter from a realistic high statistic SNe Ia experiment.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures, use epsfig, amssymb, amsmath. Submitted to Physics Letters.

    Carmeli's accelerating universe is spatially flat without dark matter

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    Carmeli's 5D brane cosmology has been applied to the expanding accelerating universe and it has been found that the distance redshift relation will fit the data of the high-z supernova teams without the need for dark matter. Also the vacuum energy contribution to gravity indicates that the universe is asymptotically expanding towards a spatially flat state, where the total mass/energy density tends to unity.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Int. J. Theor. Physics, this paper is based on an invited talk at FFP6, Udine, Italy, Sept 200

    A Possible Late Time Λ\LambdaCDM-like Background Cosmology in Relativistic MOND Theory

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    In the framework of Relativistic MOND theory (TeVeS), we show that a late time background Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology can be attained by choosing a specific F(μ)F(\mu) that also meets the requirement for the existence of Newtonian and MOND limits. We investigate the dynamics of the scalar field ϕ\phi under our chosen F(μ)F(\mu) and show that the "slow roll" regime of ϕ\phi corresponds to a dynamical attractor, where the whole system reduces to Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology.Comment: Major revisions made; Matching the version to be published in IJMP