460 research outputs found

    Accretion flow diagnostics with X-ray spectral-timing: the hard state of SWIFT J1753.5-0127

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    (Abridged) Recent XMM-Newton studies of X-ray variability in the hard states of black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs) imply that the variability is generated in the 'standard' optically-thick accretion disc. The variability originates in the disc as mass-accretion fluctuations and propagates through the disc to 'light up' inner disc regions, eventually modulating the power-law emission that is produced relatively centrally. We present a comparative spectral-timing study of XMM-Newton data from the BHXRB SWIFT J1753.5-0127 in a bright 2009 hard state with that from the significantly fainter 2006 hard state, to show for the first time the change in disc spectral-timing properties associated with a global increase in both the accretion rate and the relative contribution of the disc emission to the bolometric luminosity. We show that, although there is strong evidence for intrinsic disc variability in the more luminous hard state, the disc variability amplitude is suppressed relative to that of the power-law emission, which contrasts with the behaviour at lower luminosities where the disc variability is slightly enhanced when compared with the power-law variations. In the higher-luminosity data, the disc variability below 0.6 keV becomes incoherent with the power-law and higher-energy disc emission at frequencies below 0.5 Hz, in contrast with the coherent variations seen in the 2006 data. We explain these differences and the associated complex lags in the 2009 data in terms of the fluctuating disc model. If the variable signals are generated at small radii in the disc, the variability of disc emission can be naturally suppressed by the fraction of unmodulated disc emission from larger radii. The drop in coherence can be produced by disc accretion fluctuations arising at larger radii which are viscously damped and hence unable to propagate to the inner, power-law emitting region.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The 'Corona Verde' Strategic Plan: an integrated vision for protecting and enhancing the natural and cultural heritage

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    The ‘Corona Verde' [Green Crown] Strategic Plan is a net of ecological corridors, greenways, rural areas and UNESCO Sites, including all the open spaces in the metropolitan area of Turin (Italy). Its main goal is to link together policies for nature, landscape and cultural heritage, creating a new and alternative vision of the territory, based on the quality of the environment and of life. Since 2000, when the project started, more than €23 million have been invested by the European Union and the Piedmont Region, and, now, the first results can be analysed. Corona Verde introduces innovative approaches to environmental and urban strategies and in governance processes

    The evolution of ultraviolet emission lines from the circumstellar material surrounding SN 1987A

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    The presence of narrow high-temperature emission lines from nitrogen-rich gas close to SN 1987A has been the principal observational constraint on the evolu- tionary status of the supernova's progenitor. A new analysis of the complete five-year set of low and high resolution IUE ultraviolet spectra of SN 1987A (1987.2--1992.3) provide fluxes for the N V 1240, N IV] 1486, He II 1640, OIII] 1665, NIII] 1751, and CIII] 1908 lines with significantly reduced random and systematic errors and reveals significant short-term fluctuations in the light curves. The N V, N IV] and N III] lines turn on sequentially over 15 to 20 days and show a progression from high to low ionization potential, implying an ioni- zation gradient in the emitting region. The line emission turns on suddenly at 83+/-4 days after the explosion, as defined by N IV]. The N III] line reaches peak luminosity at 399+/-15 days. A ring radius of (6.24+/-0.20)E{17} cm and inclination of 41.0+/-3.9 is derived from these times, assuming a circular ring. The probable role of resonant scattering in the N V light curve introduces systematic errors that leads us to exclude this line from the timing analysis. A new nebular analysis yields improved CNO abundance ratios N/C=6.1+/-1.1 and N/O=1.7+/-0.5, confirming the nitrogen enrichment found in our previous paper. From the late-time behavior of the light curves we find that the emission origi- nates from progressively lower density gas. We estimate the emitting mass near maximum (roughly 400 days) to be roughly 4.7E{-2} solar masses, assuming a filling factor of unity and an electron density of 2.6E4 cm^{-3}. These results are discussed in the context of current models for the emission and hydrodynamics of the ring.Comment: 38 pages, AASTeX v.4.0, 13 Postscript figures; ApJ, in pres

    The C IV Doublet Ratio Intensity Effect in Symbiotic Stars

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    The first successful high-resolution ultraviolet spectra in the λλ 1200-2000 wavelength range of the symbiotic variable R Aquarii and its nebular Jet were obtained in 1987 July with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). The line profile structure of the C IV λλ1548, 1550 doublet in the jet indicates multicomponent velocity structure from an optically thin emitting gas. The C IV doublet profiles in the compact H II region engulfing the Mira and hot companion binary also suggest multicomponent structure, in which the radial velocities range up to ~ -100 km s^- 1. The value of the doublet intensity ratio in the R Aqr H II region is I(λ1548)/ I(λ1550) ~0.6, which is less than the optically thick limit of unity, an effect which has also been observed in other similar symbiotic stars such as RX Pup. In the case of RX Pup, however, the C IV doublet intensity ratio was I(λ1548)/I(λ1550) ~0.6 during an enhanced phase of UV and optical emission, but became larger, acquiring a value ~1, as the star declined in light over a 5 yr period. The anomalous behavior of the C IV doublet intensities, which. we refer to as the C IV Doublet Ratio Intensity Effect, may provide an important tool for studying the spatial structure and temporal nature of winds in symbiotic stars

    Joint spectral-timing modelling of the hard lags in GX 339-4: constraints on reflection models

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    The X-ray variations of hard state black hole X-ray binaries above 2 keV show 'hard lags', in that the variations at harder energies follow variations at softer energies, with a time-lag \tau depending on frequency \nu approximately as \tau \propto \nu^{-0.7}. Several models have so far been proposed to explain this time delay, including fluctuations propagating through an accretion flow, spectral variations during coronal flares, Comptonisation in the extended hot corona or a jet, or time-delays due to large-scale reflection from the accretion disc. In principle these models can be used to predict the shape of the energy spectrum as well as the frequency-dependence of the time-lags, through the construction of energy-dependent response functions which map the emission as a function of time-delay in the system. Here we use this approach to test a simple reflection model for the frequency-dependent lags seen in the hard state of GX 339-4, by simultaneously fitting the model to the frequency-dependent lags and energy spectrum measured by XMM-Newton in 2004 and 2009. Our model cannot simultaneously fit both the lag and spectral data, since the relatively large lags require an extremely flared disc which subtends a large solid angle to the continuum at large radii, in disagreement with the observed Fe K\alpha emission. Therefore, we consider it more likely that the lags > 2 keV are caused by propagation effects in the accretion flow, possibly related to the accretion disc fluctuations which have been observed previously.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Mg II h + k emission lines as stellar activity indicators of main sequence F-K stars

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    The main purpose of this study is to use the IUE spectra in the analysis of magnetic activity of main sequence F-K stars. Combining IUE observations of MgII and optical spectroscopy of Ca II, the registry of ctivity of stars can be extended in time. We retrieved all the high-resolution spectra of F, G, and K main sequence stars observed by IUE (i.e. 1623 spectra of 259 F to K dwarf stars). We obtained the continuum surface flux near the Mg II h+k lines near 2800 \AA and the MgII line-core surface flux from the IUE spectra. We obtained a relation between the mean continuum flux near the MgII lines with the colour B−VB-V of the star. For a set of 117 nearly simultaneous observations of Mg II and Ca II fluxes of 21 F5 to K3 main sequence stars, we obtained a colour dependent relation between the Mount Wilson CaII S-index and the MgII emission line-core flux. As an application of this calibration, we computed the Mount Wilson index for all the dF to dK stars which have high resolution IUE spectra. For some of the most frequently observed main sequence stars, we analysed the Mount Wilson index S from the IUE spectra, together with the ones derived from visible spectra. We confirm the cyclic chromospheric activity of epsilon Eri (HD 22049) and beta Hydri (HD 2151), and we find a magnetic cycle in alpha Cen B (HD 128621). Complete abstract in the paper.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes bear the 75 kDa tumour necrosis factor receptor.

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    Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a cytokine with a variety of immunological properties. The identification of two receptors for this molecule, i.e. the 75 kDa and the 55 kDa TNF receptors (TNF-R), recently clarified the mechanisms through which this cytokine provides its wide range of immunomodulatory activities. In this study we have investigated the expression and the functional properties of these receptors on tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) recovered from 17 patients with solid cancers (melanoma, colorectal carcinoma and lung cancer). To this end, TIL lines and freshly isolated TILs were evaluated for (a) the expression and the functional role of TNF receptors following culture in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and (b) the production of TNF-alpha following culture with IL-2 and the role of this cytokine in IL-2-driven TIL proliferation. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that TILs bear the 75 kDa TNF-R. Moreover, TIL lines express detectable messages for TNF-alpha and release this cytokine. Functional in vitro studies have shown that anti-TNF-alpha, as well as anti-75 kDa TNF-R antibodies, are able to inhibit the IL-2-induced TIL proliferation. These data demonstrate that TILs are equipped with a fully functional TNF-R system and suggest a putative role for this receptor and its ligand in the activation and expression of TILs following immunotherapy with IL-2

    X-ray and UV observations of nova V598 Puppis between 147 and 255 days after outburst

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    Aims: The launch of Swift has allowed many more novae to be observed regularly over the X-ray band. Such X-ray observations of novae can reveal ejecta shocks and the nuclear burning white dwarf, allowing estimates to be made of the ejecta velocity. Methods: We analyse XMM-Newton and Swift X-ray and UV observations of the nova V598 Pup, which was initially discovered in the XMM-Newton slew survey. These data were obtained between 147 and 255 days after the nova outburst, and are compared with the earlier, brighter slew detection. Results: The X-ray spectrum consists of a super-soft source, with the soft emission becoming hotter and much fainter between days ~147 and ~172 after the outburst, and a more slowly declining optically thin component, formed by shocks with kT ~ 200-800 eV (corresponding to velocities of 400-800 km s^-1). The main super-soft phase had a duration of less than 130 days. The Reflection Grating Spectrometer data show evidence of emission lines consistent with optically thin emission of kT ~100 eV and place a limit on the density of the surrounding medium of log(n_e/cm^-3) < 10.4 at the 90 % level. The UV emission is variable over short timescales and fades by at least one magnitude (at lambda ~ 2246-2600 angstrom) between days 169 and 255.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Modeling of the Super-Eddington Phase for Classical Novae: Five IUE Novae

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    We present a light curve model for the super-Eddington luminosity phase of five classical novae observed with IUE. Optical and UV light curves are calculated based on the optically thick wind theory with a reduced effective opacity for a porous atmosphere. Fitting a model light curve with the UV 1455 \AA light curve, we determine the white dwarf mass and distance to be (1.3 M_sun, 4.4 kpc) for V693 CrA, (1.05 M_sun, 1.8 kpc) for V1974 Cyg, (0.95 M_sun, 4.1 kpc) for V1668 Cyg, (1.0 M_sun, 2.1 kpc) for V351 Pup, and (1.0 M_sun, 4.3 kpc) for OS And.Comment: 9 pages including 8 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Cyclin-dependent kinases 7 and 9 specifically regulate neutrophil transcription and their inhibition drives apoptosis to promote resolution of inflammation

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    Terminally differentiated neutrophils are short-lived but the key effector cells of the innate immune response, and have a prominent role in the pathogenesis and propagation of many inflammatory diseases. Delayed apoptosis, which is responsible for their extended longevity, is critically dependent on a balance of intracellular survival versus pro-apoptotic proteins. Here, we elucidate the mechanism by which the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor drugs such as R-roscovitine and DRB (5,6-dichloro-1-beta--ribofuranosylbenzimidazole) mediate neutrophil apoptosis. We demonstrate (by a combination of microarray, confocal microscopy, apoptosis assays and western blotting) that the phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II by CDKs 7 and 9 is inhibited by R-roscovitine and that specific effects on neutrophil transcriptional capacity are responsible for neutrophil apoptosis. Finally, we show that specific CDK7 and 9 inhibition with DRB drives resolution of neutrophil-dominant inflammation. Thus, we highlight a novel mechanism that controls both primary human neutrophil transcription and apoptosis that could be targeted by selective CDK inhibitor drugs to resolve established inflammation
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