399 research outputs found

    Scaling of interfaces in brittle fracture and perfect plasticity

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    The roughness properties of two-dimensional fracture surfaces as created by the slow failure of random fuse networks are considered and compared to yield surfaces of perfect plasticity with similar disorder. By studying systems up to a linear size L=350 it is found that in the cases studied the fracture surfaces exhibit self-affine scaling with a roughness exponent close to 2/3, which is asymptotically exactly true for plasticity though finite-size effects are evident for both. The overlap of yield or minimum energy and fracture surfaces with exactly the same disorder configuration is shown to be a decreasing function of the system size and to be of a rather large magnitude for all cases studied. The typical ``overlap cluster'' length between pairs of such interfaces converges to a constant with LL increasing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    mm-Wave DRW Antenna Phase Centre Determination

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    This document presents an approach to the phase centre determination of a dielectric rod waveguide (DRW) antenna by means of measurements obtained with a planar measuring system at millimeter wave lengths. Phase centre determination by the least squares fit technique is described in this document for different DRW antennas (silicon and sapphire). Results at different operating frequencies are offered

    Statistical properties of fracture in a random spring model

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    Using large scale numerical simulations we analyze the statistical properties of fracture in the two dimensional random spring model and compare it with its scalar counterpart: the random fuse model. We first consider the process of crack localization measuring the evolution of damage as the external load is raised. We find that, as in the fuse model, damage is initially uniform and localizes at peak load. Scaling laws for the damage density, fracture strength and avalanche distributions follow with slight variations the behavior observed in the random fuse model. We thus conclude that scalar models provide a faithful representation of the fracture properties of disordered systems.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, 1 gif figur

    Micro-crystalline inclusions analysis by PIXE and RBS

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    A characteristic feature of the nuclear microprobe using a 3 MeV proton beam is the long range of particles (around 70 \mu m in light matrices). The PIXE method, with EDS analysis and using the multilayer approach for treating the X-ray spectrum allows the chemistry of an intra-crystalline inclusion to be measured, provided the inclusion roof and thickness at the impact point of the beam (Z and e, respectively) are known (the depth of the inclusion floor is Z + e). The parameter Z of an inclusion in a mineral can be measured with a precision of around 1 \mu m using a motorized microscope. However, this value may significantly depart from Z if the analyzed inclusion has a complex shape. The parameter e can hardly be measured optically. By using combined RBS and PIXE measurements, it is possible to obtain the geometrical information needed for quantitative elemental analysis. This paper will present measurements on synthetic samples to investigate the advantages of the technique, and also on natural solid and fluid inclusions in quartz. The influence of the geometrical parameters will be discussed with regard to the concentration determination by PIXE. In particular, accuracy of monazite micro-inclusion dating by coupled PIXE-RBS will be presented

    Using impact response surfaces to analyse the likelihood of impacts on crop yield under probabilistic climate change

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    Conventional methods of modelling impacts of future climate change on crop yields often rely on a limited selection of projections for representing uncertainties in future climate. However, large ensembles of climate projections offer an opportunity to estimate yield responses probabilistically. This study demonstrates an approach to probabilistic yield estimation using impact response surfaces (IRSs). These are constructed from a set of sensitivity simulations that explore yield responses to a wide range of changes in temperature and precipitation. Options for adaptation and different levels of future atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2] defined by representative concentration pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) were also considered. Model-based IRSs were combined with probabilistic climate projections to estimate impact likelihoods for yields of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in Finland during the 21st century. Probabilistic projections of climate for the same RCPs were overlaid on IRSs for corresponding [CO2] levels throughout the century and likelihoods of yield shortfall calculated with respect to a threshold mean yield for the baseline (1981–2010). Results suggest that cultivars combining short pre- and long post-anthesis phases together with earlier sowing dates produce the highest yields and smallest likelihoods of yield shortfall under future scenarios. Higher [CO2] levels generally compensate for yield losses due to warming under the RCPs. Yet, this does not happen fully under the more moderate warming of RCP4.5 with a weaker rise in [CO2], where there is a chance of yield shortfall throughout the century. Under the stronger warming but more rapid [CO2] increase of RCP8.5, the likelihood of yield shortfall drops to zero from mid-century onwards. Whilst the incremental IRS-based approach simplifies the temporal and cross-variable complexities of projected climate, it was found to offer a close approximation of evolving future likelihoods of yield impacts in comparison to a more conventional scenario-based approach. The IRS approach is scenario-neutral and existing plots can be used in combination with any new scenario that falls within the sensitivity range without the need to perform new runs with the impact model. A single crop model is used for demonstration, but an ensemble IRS approach could additionally capture impact model uncertainties.peerReviewe

    Brightening of the global cloud field by nitric acid and the associated radiative forcing

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    Clouds cool Earth's climate by reflecting 20% of the incoming solar energy, while also trapping part of the outgoing radiation. The effect of human activities on clouds is poorly understood, but the present-day anthropogenic cooling via changes of cloud albedo and lifetime could be of the same order as warming from anthropogenic addition in CO<sub>2</sub>. Soluble trace gases can increase water condensation to particles, possibly leading to activation of smaller aerosols and more numerous cloud droplets. We have studied the effect of nitric acid on the aerosol indirect effect with the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM5.5-HAM2. Including the nitric acid effect in the model increases cloud droplet number concentrations globally by 7%. The nitric acid contribution to the present-day cloud albedo effect was found to be −0.32 W m<sup>−2</sup> and to the total indirect effect −0.46 W m<sup>−2</sup>. The contribution to the cloud albedo effect is shown to increase to −0.37 W m<sup>−2</sup> by the year 2100, if considering only the reductions in available cloud condensation nuclei. Overall, the effect of nitric acid can play a large part in aerosol cooling during the following decades with decreasing SO<sub>2</sub> emissions and increasing NO<sub>x</sub> and greenhouse gases

    Failure of planar fiber networks

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    We study the failure of planar random fiber networks with computer simulations. The networks are grown by adding flexible fibers one by one on a growing deposit [K. J. Niskanen and M. J. Alava, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3475 (1994)], a process yielding realistic three dimensional network structures. The network thus obtained is mapped to an electrical analogue of the elastic problem, namely to a random fuse network with separate bond elements for the fiber-to-fiber contacts. The conductivity of the contacts (corresponding to the efficiency of stress transfer between fibers) is adjustable. We construct a simple effective medium theory for the current distribution and conductivity of the networks as a function of intra-fiber current transfer efficiency. This analysis compares favorably with the computed conductivity and with the fracture properties of fiber networks with varying fiber flexibility and network thickness. The failure characteristics are shown to obey scaling behavior, as expected of a disordered brittlematerial, which is explained by the high current end of the current distribution saturating in thick enough networks. For bond breaking, fracture load and strain can be estimated with the effective medium theory. For fiber breaking, we find the counter-intuitive result that failure is more likely to nucleate far from surfaces, as the stress is transmitted more effectively to the fibers in the interior.Peer reviewe

    Disk and circumsolar radiances in the presence of ice clouds

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    The impact of ice clouds on solar disk and circumsolar radiances is investigated using a Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. The monochromatic direct and diffuse radiances are simulated at angles of 0 to 8° from the center of the sun. Input data for the model are derived from measurements conducted during the 2010 Small Particles in Cirrus (SPARTICUS) campaign together with state-of-the-art databases of optical properties of ice crystals and aerosols. For selected cases, the simulated radiances are compared with ground-based radiance measurements obtained by the Sun and Aureole Measurements (SAM) instrument. First, the sensitivity of the radiances to the ice cloud properties and aerosol optical thickness is addressed. The angular dependence of the disk and circumsolar radiances is found to be most sensitive to assumptions about ice crystal roughness (or, more generally, non-ideal features of ice crystals) and size distribution, with ice crystal habit playing a somewhat smaller role. Second, in comparisons with SAM data, the ice cloud optical thickness is adjusted for each case so that the simulated radiances agree closely (i.e., within 3 %) with the measured disk radiances. Circumsolar radiances at angles larger than ≈ 3° are systematically underestimated when assuming smooth ice crystals, whereas the agreement with the measurements is better when rough ice crystals are assumed. Our results suggest that it may well be possible to infer the particle roughness directly from ground-based SAM measurements. In addition, the results show the necessity of correcting the ground-based measurements of direct radiation for the presence of diffuse radiation in the instrument's field of view, in particular in the presence of ice clouds.Peer reviewe

    Quasi-static cracks and minimal energy surfaces

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    We compare the roughness of minimal energy(ME) surfaces and scalar ``quasi-static'' fracture surfaces(SQF). Two dimensional ME and SQF surfaces have the same roughness scaling, w sim L^zeta (L is system size) with zeta = 2/3. The 3-d ME and SQF results at strong disorder are consistent with the random-bond Ising exponent zeta (d >= 3) approx 0.21(5-d) (d is bulk dimension). However 3-d SQF surfaces are rougher than ME ones due to a larger prefactor. ME surfaces undergo a ``weakly rough'' to ``algebraically rough'' transition in 3-d, suggesting a similar behavior in fracture.Comment: 7 pages, aps.sty-latex, 7 figure
