319 research outputs found

    Seguimiento de poblaciones con baja densidad: una perspectiva de qué nivel de declive poblacional podemos detectar con certeza

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    Monitoring of mammal species is an important part in detecting changes in their status. Efforts are based on a variety of direct and indirect methods and many low density populations are monitored through field signs. We present data on the endangered European red squirrel from Kidland Forest in the UK. We used cone transects to both record changes in seed availability and to monitor population trends. We examined the difficulty of accurately detecting population change when populations are low and field signs are patchily distributed. Current efforts would be sufficient to detect significant population declines of 50–75% in years with a modest squirrel population but not when they fall below one squirrel for every 20 ha of forest. The findings emphasise that monitoring aims have to be clearly defined with an awareness and understanding of what level of change the adopted methodological approach can reliably detect. We propose that mammal monitoring schemes need to be based on a pilot scheme to determine effect size and planned accordingly. Key words: Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, Conservation, Power analysis.El seguimiento de las especies de mamíferos es una parte importante de la detección de los cambios producidos en su estatus. Los esfuerzos van dirigidos hacia diversos métodos directos e indirectos, y muchas poblaciones que presentan una densidad baja se monitorizan mediante rastros o signos de campo. En este trabajo presentamos datos de una especie en peligro, la ardilla roja, del bosque de Kidland en el Reino Unido. Se realizaron transectos de detección de piñas o conos para registrar tanto los cambios en la disponibilidad de semillas como para monitorizar las tendencias de la población. Examinamos la dificultad que presenta detectar con precisión los cambios poblacionales, cuando las poblaciones son pequeñas y los restos alimentarios de presencia están distribuidos de forma desigual. Los esfuerzos normales deberían ser suficientes para detectar disminuciones poblacionales significativas del 50–75% en años con una población de ardillas modesta, pero no cuando la densidad está por debajo de una ardilla cada 20 ha de bosque. Nuestros hallazgos enfatizan que los esfuerzos de seguimiento deben estar claramente definidos, con el conocimiento y la comprensión de qué nivel de cambio puede realmente detectar de forma fiable el enfoque metodológico adoptado. Proponemos que los seguimientos de mamíferos deben estar basados en un esquema piloto, con el fin de determinar el efecto del tamaño, y ser planificados consecuentemente. Palabras clave: Ardilla, Sciurus vulgaris, Conservación, Análisis de potencia

    Sarcopenia in Children With End-Stage Liver Disease on the Transplant Waiting List

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    Sarcopenia predicts morbidity and mortality in adults with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) and is determined by total psoas muscle area (tPMA) measurement from computed tomography (CT) imaging. Recently developed pediatric age- and sex-specific tPMA growth curves provide the opportunity to ascertain prevalence and impact of sarcopenia in children awaiting liver transplantation (LT). This retrospective single-center study evaluated sarcopenia in children between 1 and 16 years with ESLD and a clinically indicated abdominal CT less than 3 months before first isolated LT. Sarcopenia was defined as tPMA z score less than −2 measured at the intervertebral L4-5 level. Patient demographic, biochemical, and outcome data were recorded. tPMA was compared with other measures of nutritional status using univariate and multivariate logistic analyses. Outcome measures included 1-year morbidity events and mortality after LT. CT images from 25 (64% female) children with median age of 5.50 (interquartile range [IQR], 3.75-11.33) years were reviewed. Ten children (40%) had a tPMA z score less than −2. Sarcopenia was associated with lower z scores for weight (odds ratio [OR], 0.38; P = 0.02), height (OR, 0.32; P = 0.03), and nutritional support before LT (OR, 12.93; P = 0.01). Sarcopenic children had a longer duration of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay (3.50 [IQR, 3.00-6.00] versus 2.00 [IQR, 2.00-3.50] days; P = 0.03). Sarcopenia was prevalent in 40% of children with ESLD awaiting LT, and lower tPMA z score was associated with deficient anthropometrics and need for nutritional support before LT. Post-LT PICU duration was increased in children with sarcopenia, reflecting adverse outcomes associated with muscle loss. Further studies are needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of sarcopenia in children with ESLD

    Spongiibacter marinus gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic marine bacterium isolated from the boreal sponge Haliclona sp. 1

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    Strain HAL40bT was isolated from the marine sponge Haliclona sp. 1 collected at the Sula Ridge off the Norwegian coast and characterized by physiological, biochemical and phylogenetic analyses. The isolate was a small rod with a polar flagellum. It was aerobic, Gram-negative and oxidase- and catalase-positive. Optimal growth was observed at 20–30 °C, pH 7–9 and in 3 % NaCl. Substrate utilization tests were positive for arabinose, Tween 40 and Tween 80. Enzyme tests were positive for alkaline phosphatase, esterase lipase (C8), leucine arylamidase, acid phosphatase, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase. The predominant cellular fatty acid was C17 : 1 ω8, followed by C17 : 0 and C18 : 1 ω7. Analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS was used to characterize the strain, producing a characteristic low-molecular-mass protein pattern that could be used as a fingerprint for identification of members of this species. The DNA G+C content was 69.1 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis supported by 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison classified the strain as a member of the class Gammaproteobacteria. Strain HAL40bT was only distantly related to other marine bacteria including Neptunomonas naphthovorans and Marinobacter daepoensis (type strain sequence similarity >90 %). Based on its phenotypic, physiological and phylogenetic characteristics, it is proposed that the strain should be placed into a new genus as a representative of a novel species, Spongiibacter marinus gen. nov., sp. nov.; the type strain of Spongiibacter marinus is HAL40bT (=DSM 17750T =CCUG 54896T)

    Cardiac magnetic resonance assessment of central and peripheral vascular function in patients undergoing renal sympathetic denervation as predictor for blood pressure response

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    Background: Most trials regarding catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation (RDN) describe a proportion of patients without blood pressure response. Recently, we were able to show arterial stiffness, measured by invasive pulse wave velocity (IPWV), seems to be an excellent predictor for blood pressure response. However, given the invasiveness, IPWV is less suitable as a selection criterion for patients undergoing RDN. Consequently, we aimed to investigate the value of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) based measures of arterial stiffness in predicting the outcome of RDN compared to IPWV as reference. Methods: Patients underwent CMR prior to RDN to assess ascending aortic distensibility (AAD), total arterial compliance (TAC), and systemic vascular resistance (SVR). In a second step, central aortic blood pressure was estimated from ascending aortic area change and flow sequences and used to re-calculate total arterial compliance (cTAC). Additionally, IPWV was acquired. Results: Thirty-two patients (24 responders and 8 non-responders) were available for analysis. AAD, TAC and cTAC were higher in responders, IPWV was higher in non-responders. SVR was not different between the groups. Patients with AAD, cTAC or TAC above median and IPWV below median had significantly better BP response. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves predicting blood pressure response for IPWV, AAD, cTAC and TAC revealed areas under the curve of 0.849, 0.828, 0.776 and 0.753 (p = 0.004, 0.006, 0.021 and 0.035). Conclusions: Beyond IPWV, AAD, cTAC and TAC appear as useful outcome predictors for RDN in patients with hypertension. CMR-derived markers of arterial stiffness might serve as non-invasive selection criteria for RDN

    In the absence of ATPase activity, pre-RC formation is blocked prior to MCM2-7 hexamer dimerization

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    The origin recognition complex (ORC) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae binds origin DNA and cooperates with Cdc6 and Cdt1 to load the replicative helicase MCM2–7 onto DNA. Helicase loading involves two MCM2–7 hexamers that assemble into a double hexamer around double-stranded DNA. This reaction requires ORC and Cdc6 ATPase activity, but it is unknown how these proteins control MCM2–7 double hexamer formation. We demonstrate that mutations in Cdc6 sensor-2 and Walker A motifs, which are predicted to affect ATP binding, influence the ORC–Cdc6 interaction and MCM2–7 recruitment. In contrast, a Cdc6 sensor-1 mutant affects MCM2–7 loading and Cdt1 release, similar as a Cdc6 Walker B ATPase mutant. Moreover, we show that Orc1 ATP hydrolysis is not involved in helicase loading or in releasing ORC from loaded MCM2–7. To determine whether Cdc6 regulates MCM2–7 double hexamer formation, we analysed complex assembly. We discovered that inhibition of Cdc6 ATPase restricts MCM2–7 association with origin DNA to a single hexamer, while active Cdc6 ATPase promotes recruitment of two MCM2–7 hexamer to origin DNA. Our findings illustrate how conserved Cdc6 AAA+ motifs modulate MCM2–7 recruitment, show that ATPase activity is required for MCM2–7 hexamer dimerization and demonstrate that MCM2–7 hexamers are recruited to origins in a consecutive process

    Mitochondrial-Associated Cell Death Mechanisms Are Reset to an Embryonic-Like State in Aged Donor-Derived iPS Cells Harboring Chromosomal Aberrations

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    Somatic cells reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) acquire features of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and thus represent a promising source for cellular therapy of debilitating diseases, such as age-related disorders. However, reprogrammed cell lines have been found to harbor various genomic alterations. In addition, we recently discovered that the mitochondrial DNA of human fibroblasts also undergoes random mutational events upon reprogramming. Aged somatic cells might possess high susceptibility to nuclear and mitochondrial genome instability. Hence, concerns over the oncogenic potential of reprogrammed cells due to the lack of genomic integrity may hinder the applicability of iPSC-based therapies for age-associated conditions. Here, we investigated whether aged reprogrammed cells harboring chromosomal abnormalities show resistance to apoptotic cell death or mitochondrial-associated oxidative stress, both hallmarks of cancer transformation. Four iPSC lines were generated from dermal fibroblasts derived from an 84-year-old woman, representing the oldest human donor so far reprogrammed to pluripotency. Despite the presence of karyotype aberrations, all aged-iPSCs were able to differentiate into neurons, re-establish telomerase activity, and reconfigure mitochondrial ultra-structure and functionality to a hESC-like state. Importantly, aged-iPSCs exhibited high sensitivity to drug-induced apoptosis and low levels of oxidative stress and DNA damage, in a similar fashion as iPSCs derived from young donors and hESCs. Thus, the occurrence of chromosomal abnormalities within aged reprogrammed cells might not be sufficient to over-ride the cellular surveillance machinery and induce malignant transformation through the alteration of mitochondrial-associated cell death. Taken together, we unveiled that cellular reprogramming is capable of reversing aging-related features in somatic cells from a very old subject, despite the presence of genomic alterations. Nevertheless, we believe it will be essential to develop reprogramming protocols capable of safeguarding the integrity of the genome of aged somatic cells, before employing iPSC-based therapy for age-associated disorders

    A novel causal mechanism for grey squirrel bark stripping: The Calcium Hypothesis

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    AbstractGrey squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, damage trees in the UK by stripping bark and eating the underlying phloem; squirrel motivation for damage is, however, unknown. Damage can result in deterioration of timber quality and a significant economic toll on the forestry industry. Prediction of severe damage followed by targeted killing of squirrels is the current recommended management option. However, the use of warfarin (an anticoagulant poison) is now restricted in the UK and other more humane methods of killing are labour-intensive, so an alternative solution is needed. A better understanding of what motivates grey squirrels to strip bark may enable a preventive approach to be developed. Whilst the bark stripping literature has explored predictive factors affecting the likelihood of damage, causal understanding is lacking. The aim of this review is to introduce the Calcium Hypothesis as a possible explanation for bark stripping, with a view to informing the prevention of damage. The Calcium Hypothesis states that grey squirrels damage trees to ameliorate a calcium deficiency. The main predictive factors of bark stripping behaviour each inform and lend support to the Calcium Hypothesis. Calcium is stored in tree phloem, and damage increases with phloem width, providing squirrels with more calcium per unit area ingested. Calcium levels increase in trees as active growth resumes after winter dormancy, this occurs immediately prior to the main bark stripping season of May–July, and trees growing most vigorously are at increased risk of damage. It is likely grey squirrels also have a requirement for calcium during the bark stripping season. Adult females will be under post-parturition pressures such as lactation, and juveniles will be going through their main period of bone growth, both of which likely represent a requirement for calcium – which supports an observed positive correlation between juvenile abundance and bark stripping. A high autumnal seed crop increases juvenile recruitment the following spring, and could also induce a requirement for calcium to a population due to the high phosphorus to calcium ratio of seeds. To further investigate the hypothesis, the extent to which grey squirrels can utilise calcium oxalate, as calcium occurs in bark, should be determined, and also the extent to which grey squirrels undergo seasonal periods of calcium deficiency. Increasing our causal understanding of bark stripping could inform the future development of preventive measures to aid forest management