36 research outputs found

    Violence, Coexistence and Education: Keys to manage the Pedagogical Intervention in School

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    En este artículo analizamos tres cuestiones que fundamentan la posibilidad de respuesta mediada desde la escuela al problema de la violencia y la necesidad de defender la educación en el espacio escolar como instrumento de formación para la convivencia: la violencia que se da en el espacio escolar debe entenderse como una actuación de agentes, no de sujetos compulsivos sin autonomía o responsabilidad; la complejidad estructural de la violencia nos inclina a poner el énfasis en el aspecto afectivo y volitivo de la acción educadora; el carácter empírico (experiencial) y no conceptual de la relación convivencia-violencia, exige cualificar y especificar los espac ios de convivencia, con objeto de entender lo propio del espacio convivencial escolar (aula, transporte, patio, zonas de ocio y deporte, comedores) como un espacio pedagógicamente programado para educar en determinadas edades y ajustado a los principios de intervención pedagógica. La institución escolar se identifica como un espacio singular de aprendizaje de la convivencia, en el que la mediación se reconoce como instrumento de desarrollo de estrategias de resolución de conflictosThis article examines three issues that stablish the possibility of mediated response to the problem of violence from school and the need to set education within the school as a training tool for pacific coexistence: The violence that occurs in the school environment should be understood as a performance b y actors, not compulsive subjects without autonomy or responsibility; The structural complexity of violence leads us to put the emphasis on the affective and volitional aspect of the educational activity; The empirical (experiential) rather than conceptual character of the coexistence-violence relationship requires qualifying and specifying the living together spaces in order to understand what does belong to school convivial space (classroom, transportation, yard, sports and leisure areas, dining ) as a pedagogical programmed field t o educate at certain ages and adjusted to the principles of pedagogical intervention. The school is identified as a unique space of learning to live together, in which mediation is recognized as a tool for developing conflict resolution strategiesS

    Creativity, education and innovation: entrepreneuring the task of becoming author, not only actor, of his own, projects

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    Creatividad, educación, innovación y espíritu emprendedor son conceptos que están ligados en la sociedad del conocimiento. En la sociedad del conocimiento, la relación creatividad-educación-innovación es una necesidad estratégica y una cuestión de estado. La acción educativa no puede darse por comprendida sin prestar la consideración adecuada a la relación creatividad-educación-innovación, pues, quien se educa, se compromete y emprende la tarea de hacerse autor y no sólo actor de sus propios proyectos. Este artículo proporciona argumentos para entender esta propuesta y para ello hemos estructurado el contenido en tres grandes bloques: la creatividad como característica educable y principio de acción; el lugar de los educadores en el desarrollo de la creatividad; la innovación como necesidad estratégica de la educación en las sociedades del conocimientoCreativity, education, innovation, and entrepreneurship are concepts that are linked in theknowledge society. In knowledge society, the relationship between creativity, education and innovation becomes a strategic necessity and a politics and policy matter. The educational activity can not be understood without paying for adequate consideration to the relationship creativity-education-innovation, because, who is being educated, is engaged and entrepreneurs the task of becoming author, not only actor, of his own projects. This article provides arguments to understand this proposal and for that we have structured the content into three main topics: the creativity as educable characteristic and principle of action; the place of educators in the development of creativity; innovation as strategic need of educationin knowledge societiesS

    Spatial and temporal facies evolution of a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform, NW Tethyan margin (Mallorca, Spain)

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    The variety of depositional facies of a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform has been investigated on the island of Mallorca along a transect comprising six stratigraphic profiles. Twenty-nine facies and sub-facies have been recognized, grouped into seven facies associations, ranging in depositional environment from supratidal/terrestrial and peritidal to outer platform. Spatial and temporal (2D) facies distribution along the transect reflects the evolution of the carbonate platform with time showing different facies associations, from a broad peritidal platform (stage 1) to a muddy open platform (stage 2), and finally to a peritidal to outer carbonate platform (stage 3). Stage 1 (early Sinemurian to earliest late Sinemurian) corresponds to a nearly-flat peritidal-shallow subtidal epicontinental platform with facies belts that shifted far and fast over the whole study area. The evolution from stage 1 to stage 2 (late Sinemurian) represents a rapid flooding of the epicontinental shallow platform, with more open-marine conditions, and the onset of differential subsidence. During stage 3 (latest Sinemurian), peritidal and shallow-platform environments preferentially developed to the northeast (Llevant Mountains domain) with a rapid transition to middle-outer platform environments toward the northwest (Tramuntana Range domain). Stages 1 and 3 present facies associations typical of Bahamian-type carbonates, whereas stage 2 represents the demise of the Bahamian-type carbonate factory and proliferation of muddy substrates with suspension-feeders. The described platform evolution responded to the interplay between the initial extensional tectonic phases related to Early Jurassic Tethyan rifting, contemporaneous environmental perturbations, and progressive platform flooding related to the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic worldwide marine transgression and associated accommodation changes

    Effect of a nutritional intervention based on an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet on environmental impact

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    [EN]To estimate the environmental impact of a dietary intervention based on an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) after one year of follow-up. Methods Baseline and 1-year follow-up data were used for 5800 participants aged 55–75 years with metabolic syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus study. Food intake was estimated through a validated semiquantitative food consumption frequency questionnaire, and adherence to the MedDiet was estimated through the Diet Score. Using the EAT-Lancet Commission tables we assessed the influence of dietary intake on environmental impact (through five indicators: greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), land use, energy used, acidification and potential eutrophication). Using multivariable linear regression models, the association between the intervention and changes in each of the environmental factors was assessed. Mediation analyses were carried out to estimate to what extent changes in each of 2 components of the intervention, namely adherence to the MedDiet and caloric reduction, were responsible for the observed reductions in environmental impact. Results We observed a significant reduction in the intervention group compared to the control group in acidification levels (−13.3 vs. -9.9 g SO2-eq), eutrophication (−5.4 vs. -4.0 g PO4-eq) and land use (−2.7 vs. -1.8 m2). Adherence to the MedDiet partially mediated the association between intervention and reduction of acidification by 15 %, eutrophication by 10 % and land use by 10 %. Caloric reduction partially mediated the association with the same factors by 55 %, 51 % and 38 % respectively. In addition, adherence to the MedDiet fully mediated the association between intervention and reduction in GHG emissions by 56 % and energy use by 53 %.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Efficacy of a brief multifactorial adherence-based intervention on reducing the blood pressure of patients with poor adherence: protocol for a randomized clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lowering of blood pressure by antihypertensive drugs reduces the risks of cardiovascular events, stroke, and total mortality. However, poor adherence to antihypertensive medications reduces their effectiveness and increases the risk of adverse events. In terms of relative risk reduction, an improvement in medication adherence could be as effective as the development of a new drug.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The proposed randomized controlled trial will include patients with a low adherence to medication and uncontrolled blood pressure. The intervention group will receive a multifactorial intervention during the first, third, and ninth months, to improve adherence. This intervention will include motivational interviews, pill reminders, family support, blood pressure self-recording, and simplification of the dosing regimen.</p> <p>Measurement</p> <p>The primary outcome is systolic blood pressure. The secondary outcomes are diastolic blood pressure, proportion of patients with adequately controlled blood pressure, and total cost.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The trial will evaluate the impact of a multifactorial adherence intervention in routine clinical practice. Ethical approval was given by the Ethical Committee on Human Research of Balearic islands, Spain (approval number IB 969/08 PI).</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current controlled trials ISRCTN21229328</p

    Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study

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    A41 Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study In: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2017, 12(Suppl 1): A4

    Management of a caseous lymphadenitis outbreak in a new Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) stock reservoir

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    Background: In 2010, an Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica) stock reservoir was established for conservation purposes in north-eastern Spain. Eighteen ibexes were captured in the wild and housed in a 17 hectare enclosure. Once in captivity, a caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) outbreak occurred and ibex handlings were carried out at six-month intervals between 2010 and 2013 to perform health examinations and sampling. Treatment with a bacterin-based autovaccine and penicillin G benzatine was added during the third and subsequent handlings, when infection by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was confirmed. Changes in lesion score, serum anti-C. pseudotuberculosis antibodies and haematological parameters were analyzed to assess captivity effects, disease emergence and treatment efficacy. Serum acute phase proteins (APP) Haptoglobin (Hp), Amyloid A (SAA) and Acid Soluble Glycoprotein (ASG) concentrations were also determined to evaluate their usefulness as indicators of clinical status.Once in captivity, 12 out of 14 ibexes (85.7%) seroconverted, preceding the emergence of clinical signs; moreover, TP, WBC, eosinophil and platelet cell counts increased while monocyte and basophil cell counts decreased. After treatment, casualties and fistulas disappeared and both packed cell volume (PCV) and haemoglobin concentration significantly increased. Hp, SAA and ASG values were under the limit of detection or showed no significant differences. Conclusions: A role for captivity in contagion rate is suggested by the increase in antibody levels against C. pseudotuberculosis and the emergence of clinical signs. Although boosted by captivity, this is the first report of an outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis displaying high morbidity and mortality in wild ungulates. Treatment consisting of both vaccination and antibiotic therapy seemed to prevent mortality and alleviate disease severity, but was not reflected in the humoural response. Haematology and APP were not useful indicators in our study, perhaps due to the sampling frequency. Presumably endemic and irrelevant in the wild, this common disease of domestic small ruminants is complicating conservation efforts for the Iberian ibex in north-eastern Spain