161 research outputs found

    Septo-optic Dysplasia- Case Report

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    The clinical triad of septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) comprises the absence of the septum pellucidum, congenital optic nerve dysplasia, and multiple endocrine disorders. When any two of these factors are present, the condition is defined as an incomplete form of SOD. The authors report the case of an incomplete form of SOD in a 9-year-old boy with low vision and nystagmus present from birth. The bilateral ophthalmoscopic examination revealed small papillae with double contour images. Magnetic resonance imaging showed hypoplasia of the optic nerve bilaterally, chiasm and absence of the septum pellucidum.674653655De Morsier, G., Études sur les dysraphies cranio-encĂ©phaliques. III. AgĂ©nĂ©sie du septum pellucidum avec malformation du tractus optique: La dysplasie septo-optique (1956) Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr, 77 (1-2), pp. 267-292. , Texto inglĂȘs: [Studies on malformation of cranio-encephalic sutures.III. Agenesis of the septum lucidum with malformation of the optic tractKaplan, S., Grumbach, M.M., Hoyt, W., The syndrome of hypopituitary dwarfism, hypoplasia of optic nerves and malformation of prosencephalon: Report of 6 patients (1970) Pediatr Res, 4, pp. 480-481Lippe, B., Kaplan, S.A., La Franchi, S., Septo-optic dysplasia and maternal age (1979) Lancet, 2 (8133), pp. 92-93Purdy, F., Maternal factors in septo-optic dysplasia (1979) J Pediatr, 95 (4), p. 661Lambert, S.R., Hoyt, C.S., Narahara, M.H., Optic nerve hypoplasia (1987) Surv Ophthalmol, 32 (1), pp. 1-9Davis, G.V., Shock, J.P., Septo-optic dysplasia associated with see-saw nystagmus (1975) Arch Ophthalmol, 93 (2), pp. 137-139Williams, J., Brodsky, M.C., Griebel, M., Glasier, C.M., Caldwell, D., Thomas, P., Septo-optic dysplasia: The clinical insignificance of an absent septum pellucidum (1993) Dev Med Child Neurol, 35 (6), pp. 490-501Willnow, S., Kiess, W., Butenandt, O., Dörr, H.G., Enders, A., Strasser-Vogel, B., Endocrine disorders in septo-optic dysplasia (De Morsier syndrome) - evaluation and follow up of 18 patients (1996) Eur J Pediatr, 155 (3), pp. 179-18

    First isolation of dengue 1 virus from Aedes aegypti in Federal District, Brazil

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    Dengue is present in the Federal District since 1991 and virological studies of the vector began in 1998. Two strains of DEN1 were isolated from 9 pools of female Aedes aegypti (78 mosq.), collected in April in Gama county, where the Breteau index was 5.4, and 32 autochtonous human cases were notified

    Anficoloração no linguado Symphurus tessellatus (Cynoglossidae) Do Sul Do Brasil

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    Registra-se a primeira ocorrĂȘncia de um exemplar de linguado Symphurus tessellatus com pigmentação em ambos os lados do corpo. O espĂ©cime foi coletado com arrasto de fundo na costa sul do Brasil. Em seu lado cego, apenas a regiĂŁo cefĂĄlica nĂŁo era pigmentada. ABSTRACT The first occurrence of an ambicoloured flatfish specimen of Symphurus tessellatus is reported. The specimen was collected by bottom trawling on the south coast of Brazil. On the blind side of its body, only the cephalic region had no pigment. RÉSUMÉ Il est rapportĂ©e la premiĂšre occurrence dun exemplaire du poisson-plat Symphurus tessellatus pigmentĂ© dans les deux cĂŽtĂ©s de son corp. Cet exemplaire a Ă©tĂ© capturĂ© par chalut de fond au sud du BrĂ©sil. Dans son cĂŽtĂ© aveugle, seulement la rĂ©gion cĂ©phalique nĂ©tait pas pigmentĂ©e

    Conjunctival keratoacanthoma

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    Keratoacanthoma generally occurs on the skin; it is rarely found in the conjunctiva. A case of a 34-year-old woman with a rapidly growing conjunctival mass is reported. The tumor was excised with a safety margin to exclude squamous cell carcinoma. Histopathologically it was crateriform and consistent with atypical keratoacanthoma. There has been no recurrence in 2 years of follow-up. Conjunctival keratoacanthoma is rare; differential diagnosis of conventional squamous cell carcinoma and keratoacanthoma can be difficult. We recommend complete surgical excision and careful follow-up of crateriform squamous proliferations.Ceratoacantoma geralmente ocorre na pele e raramente Ă© encontrado na conjuntiva. Relatamos um caso de uma mulher de 34 anos que apresentou uma massa conjuntival de rĂĄpido crescimento. O tumor foi retirado com margem de segurança para excluir carcinoma de cĂ©lulas escamosas. Ao exame histopatolĂłgico, o tumor apresentou configuração crateriforme, sendo consistente com ceratoacantoma atĂ­pico. NĂŁo houve recorrĂȘncia apĂłs dois anos de seguimento. Ceratoacantoma conjuntival Ă© uma doença rara. Um diagnĂłstico diferencial entre carcinoma de cĂ©lulas escamosas e ceratoacantoma pode ser difĂ­cil. Recomendamos total remoção e seguimento cuidadoso de pacientes com lesĂ”es escamosas crateriformes


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    Este artigo apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre produtos não madeireiros visando traçar um panorama sobre os seus principais conceitos, classificação, valoração e mercados. Constata-se a necessidade de análises mais aprofundadas sobre a importñncia sócio-econîmica desse grupo de produtos, criando assim, uma nova linha de pesquisa florestal. Estas analises são fundamentais no caso brasileiro devido a diversidade e extensão do ecossistemas florestais existentes no país. NON-WOOD PRODUCTS: CONCEPTS, CLASSIFICATION, ECONOMIC VALUATION AND MARKETS Abstract This article presents a bibliography review on non wood forest products seeking to have a view about the main concepts, classification, economic valuation and markets. It’s necessary to do a deeper analysis about the socio-economic importance of this group of products in order to create a new forest research area. These analysis are important in Brazil because of the forest ecosystem diversity and extension

    Superpulsed low-level laser therapy protects skeletal muscle of mdx mice against damage, inflammation and morphological changes delaying dystrophy progression.

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    Aim: To evaluate the effects of preventive treatment with low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on progression of dystrophy in mdx mice. Methods: Ten animals were randomly divided into 2 experimental groups treated with superpulsed LLLT (904 nm, 15 mW, 700 Hz, 1 J) or placebo-LLLT at one point overlying the tibialis anterior muscle (bilaterally) 5 times per week for 14 weeks (from 6th to 20th week of age). Morphological changes, creatine kinase (CK) activity and mRNA gene expression were assessed in animals at 20th week of age. Results: Animals treated with LLLT showed very few morphological changes in skeletal muscle, with less atrophy and fibrosis than animals treated with placebo-LLLT. CK was significantly lower (p = 0.0203) in animals treated with LLLT (864.70 U.l−1, SEM 226.10) than placebo (1708.00 U.l−1, SEM 184.60). mRNA gene expression of inflammatory markers was significantly decreased by treatment with LLLT (p<0.05): TNF-α (placebo-control = 0.51 ”g/”l [SEM 0.12], - LLLT = 0.048 ”g/”l [SEM 0.01]), IL-1ÎČ (placebo-control = 2.292 ”g/”l [SEM 0.74], - LLLT = 0.12 ”g/”l [SEM 0.03]), IL-6 (placebo-control = 3.946 ”g/”l [SEM 0.98], - LLLT = 0.854 ”g/”l [SEM 0.33]), IL-10 (placebo-control = 1.116 ”g/”l [SEM 0.22], - LLLT = 0.352 ”g/”l [SEM 0.15]), and COX-2 (placebo-control = 4.984 ”g/”l [SEM 1.18], LLLT = 1.470 ”g/”l [SEM 0.73]). Conclusion: Irradiation of superpulsed LLLT on successive days five times per week for 14 weeks decreased morphological changes, skeletal muscle damage and inflammation in mdx mice. This indicates that LLLT has potential to decrease progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Low-Level Laser Application in the Early Myocardial Infarction Stage Has No Beneficial Role in Heart Failure

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    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has been targeted as a promising approach that can mitigate post infarction cardiac remodeling. There is some interesting evidence showing that the beneficial role of the LLLT could persist long-term even after the end of the application, but it remains to be systematically evaluated. Therefore, the present study aimed to test the hypothesis that LLLT beneficial effects in the early post-infarction cardiac remodeling could remain in overt heart failure even with the disruption of irradiations. Female Wistar rats were subjected to the coronary occlusion to induce myocardial infarction or Sham operation. A single LLLT application was carried out after 60 s and 3 days post-coronary occlusion, respectively. Echocardiography was performed 3 days and at the end of the experiment (5 weeks) to evaluate cardiac function. After the last echocardiographic examination. LV hemodynamic evaluation was performed at baseline and on sudden afterload increases. Compared with the Sham group, infarcted rats showed increased systolic and diastolic internal diameter as well as a depressed shortening fraction of LV. The only benefit of the LLLT was a higher shortening fraction after 3 days of infarction. However, treated-LLLT rats show a lower shortening fraction in the 5th week of study when compared with Sham and non-irradiated rats. A worsening of cardiac function was confirmed in the hemodynamic analysis as evidenced by the higher LV end-diastolic pressure and lower +dP/dt and dP/dt with five weeks of study. Cardiac functional reserve was also impaired by infarction as evidenced by an attenuated response of stroke work index and cardiac output to a sudden afterload stress, without LLLT repercussions. No significant differences were found in the myocardial expression of Akti NEGF pathway. Collectively, these findings illustrate that LLLT improves LV systolic function in the early post-infarction cardiac remodeling. However, this beneficial effect may be dependent on the maintenance of phototherapy. Long-term studies with LLLT application are needed to establish whether these effects ultimately translate into improved cardiac remodeling.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoFAPESPNove de Julho Univ, Lab Biophoton, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Cardiac Physiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilNove de Julho Univ, Program Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Brazil Phys Educ & Aging Sci Program, Translat Physiol Lab, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Lab Cardiac Physiol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilCNPq: 4400851/2014-8FAPESP: 09-54225/8FAPESP: 15/11028-9Web of Scienc

    Ecohydromorphology of river environments of the das Velhas River upstream of Rio de Pedras hydroelectric reservoir, MG, Brazil

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    This paper presents the applicability of ecohydromorphology assessment in differentiating ecophysical structure of river habitats of Rio das Velhas river basin upward of Rio de Pedras reservoir, Minas Gerais,Brazil. It also presents the identification of the factors conditioning the ecophysical structure of river habitats. This review associated with biological and physico-chemical conditions of the waters aims to assess the ecological integrity of the river system and also validate the characterization of water bodies identified on a large scale in the Rio das Velhas basin.</p
