183 research outputs found

    El suelo rural o no urbanizable como bien integrante del Patrimonio Municipal del Suelo: especial referencia a los núcleos rurales

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    This study attempts to analyze the evolution of rural or non-developable land in Spain with regard to its mandatory pertenence to the Municipal Land Patrimony (equivalent to the British Community Land). It also inquires into the reasons why today, in contrast with the prevalent view when the Municipal Land Patrimony was initially established by the Land Act of 1956, lawmakers have stopped considering the aforementioned land types a valuable mean to achieve the proper objectives of the institution. The importance of this study increases if we take into account the existence of rural townships which, though located on non-developable land, effectively contain population settlements to whom services are provided and where it is perfectly possible to execute the proper goals of the institution.Este estudio trata de analizar cuál ha sido la evolución del suelo rural o no urbanizable en España en relación a su pertenencia preceptiva al Patrimonio Municipal del Suelo y qué razones han llevado a que el citado tipo de suelo fuera considerado en el origen de la institución, representado por la Ley del Suelo de 1956, como un medio valioso para lograr la consecución de los fines propios de los Patrimonios Públicos del Suelo y haya dejado de serlo por el legislador actual. Lo expuesto aumenta su importancia si se tiene en cuenta la existencia de núcleos rurales situados en suelo no urbanizable donde efectivamente existen asentamientos de población dotados de servicios y donde es perfectamente posible ejecutar los fines propios de la institución.This study attempts to analyze the evolution of rural or non-developable land in Spain with regard to its mandatory pertenence to the Municipal Land Patrimony (equivalent to the British Community Land). It also inquires into the reasons why today, in contrast with the prevalent view when the Municipal Land Patrimony was initially established by the Land Act of 1956, lawmakers have stopped considering the aforementioned land types a valuable mean to achieve the proper objectives of the institution. The importance of this study increases if we take into account the existence of rural townships which, though located on non-developable land, effectively contain population settlements to whom services are provided and where it is perfectly possible to execute the proper goals of the institution

    Los problemas jurídicos derivados de la contratación pública irregular en los municipios españoles. La revisión de oficio de los actos de adjudicación de los contratos nulos

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    This paper refers the problems arising from irregular contracting by Spanish municipalities. Specifically, the channel to be followed is analyzed to pay the invoices presented by the providers of benefits that the Administration has obtained in an irregular manner, dispensing with an absolute form of the due procedure and with absence of credit for the attention of the contracted obligations. The prohibition of the unjust enrichment of the Administration obliges the Administration to pay the compensation received, but it can only do so by resorting to the way of the ex officio review of the award acts of the contracts improperly awarded. A study refers the amounts that must be effectively paid for the liquidation of the contracts with special interest in the possibility of payment of the industrial benefit.En este estudio se aborda la problemática derivada de la contratación irregular realizada por los municipios españoles. En concreto, se analiza el cauce a seguir para abonar las facturas presentadas por los proveedores de las prestaciones que la Administración ha obtenido de modo incorrecto, prescindiendo de forma absoluta del procedimiento debido y con ausencia de crédito para la atención de las obligaciones contraídas. La proscripción del enriquecimiento injusto de la Administración obliga a esta a abonar las obras, servicios o suministros recibidos pero no podrá hacerlo más que acudiendo a la vía de la revisión de oficio de los actos de adjudicación de los contratos indebidamente adjudicados. Igualmente, se realiza un estudio de los importes que deberán ser efectivamente abonados en concepto de liquidación del contrato poniendo especial interés en la posibilidad de impago del denominado beneficio industrial del contratista.This paper refers the problems arising from irregular contracting by Spanish municipalities. Specifically, the channel to be followed is analyzed to pay the invoices presented by the providers of benefits that the Administration has obtained in an irregular manner, dispensing with an absolute form of the due procedure and with absence of credit for the attention of the contracted obligations. The prohibition of the unjust enrichment of the Administration obliges the Administration to pay the compensation received, but it can only do so by resorting to the way of the ex officio review of the award acts of the contracts improperly awarded. A study refers the amounts that must be effectively paid for the liquidation of the contracts with special interest in the possibility of payment of the industrial benefit

    Implementación de una radio On-Line que promueva valores éticos en las y los estudiantes del Colegio Cristo Salvador de la zona Sur de Quito.

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    At present the use of information technology is revolutionizing the world with the use of new tools, which allows a person to interact more directly with another person through the computer. It is a means to provide greater resources and the ease of obtaining information they want. This has changed the student's act, making it more dependent on the network. Excessive use of technology for amusement purposes has created a problem in educational institutions, resulting in underperformance and students, a situation that is causing dropouts as in the case of the College Christ the Savior.En la actualidad el uso de las tecnologías de la información está revolucionando el mundo con el uso de nuevas herramientas, que le permite a una persona interactuar de forma más directa con otra persona por medio del computador. Es un medio que proporciona mayores recursos y la facilidad para obtener información que deseen. Esto ha cambiado el actuar del estudiante, haciéndole más dependiente de la red. El uso excesivo de la tecnología con fines de diversión ha creado una gran problemática dentro de las instituciones educativas, provocando el bajo rendimiento en las y los estudiantes, situación que está provocando la deserción escolar como en el caso del Colegio Cristo Salvador

    Propuesta metodológica de un estudio de caso sobre la educación a distancia en tiempos de pandemia

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    The 2020 academic year was interrupted due to the COVID-19 global health emergency. In Costa Rica, on March 16th, the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica on March 16th, 2020 decided to continue the teaching-learning process under a distant modality to avoid the students’ disengagement from education. This case study, based on inductive qualitative research, will collect and triangulate data through semi-structured interviews, document gathering and video recordings, and content analysis (Hatch, 2002) to categorize the primary school teachers’ perceptions through the use of WebQDA (Costa et al., 2019), a software designed to analyze qualitative data. The purpose of this proposal, that is currently under study, is to describe the perceptions of six primary school English teachers from Dirección Regional de Educación San Carlos about distance education to better comprehend the pedagogical mediation and professional context of the teachers during this health crisis.El curso lectivo 2020 se vio interrumpido debido a la emergencia mundial provocada por el COVID-19. En Costa Rica, el 16 de marzo del 2020, el Ministerio de Educación Pública decidió suspender la presencialidad y trabajar bajo la modalidad educativa a distancia para continuar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y evitar la desvinculación de los estudiantes del sistema educativo. Este estudio de caso, basado en una investigación cualitativa inductiva, recolectará y triangulará los datos a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas, recolección de documentación y grabaciones de videos. Se utilizará el análisis de contenido a través del uso del software WebQDA de análisis de datos cualitativos para categorizar las perspectivas de los docentes de primaria. Este estudio es una investigación en desarrollo que tiene como propósito la descripción de las percepciones de seis docentes de inglés de primaria de la Dirección Regional de Educación San Carlos con respecto de la educación a distancia para una mejor comprensión de la mediación pedagógica y del contexto profesional de los docentes durante la crisis sanitaria

    Familia multiespecie, significados e influencia de la mascota en la familia.

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    This article is the result of a research accomplished as a degree project. Its objective was to know the meanings that the pet has in the family dynamics of three families belonging to the Canicross group of the municipality of Bello-Antioquia. We worked with the interpretative paradigm. Through a qualitative study, the information was collected through techniques such as: presentation slides (designed by the researchers), interviews and  patchwork quilt. It was found that when the pet arrives at home, it is an external agent that brings new challenges for the family and, as it coexists with the pet, it becomes an internal agent that modifies its daily life and dynamics. To signify their pet, participants said words of well-being and was recognized and accepted as another member of the family. Therefore, as a final reflection on 9the findings, a multi-species family definition was constructed.El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación realizada como trabajo de grado. Su objetivo fue conocer los significados que tiene la mascota en la dinámica familiar de tres familias pertenecientes al grupo Canicross del municipio de Bello- Antioquia. El estudio utilizó el paradigma interpretativo. A través de un estudio cualitativo, la información fue recolectada por medio de técnicas como: láminas (diseñadas por las investigadoras), entrevistas y colcha de retazos. Se encontró que cuando la mascota llega al hogar es un agente externo que trae consigo nuevos retos para la familia y, a medida que esta convive con la mascota, pasa a ser un agente interno que va modificando su cotidianidad y su dinámica. Para significar a su mascota, Los participantes emplearon palabras de bienestar y fue reconocida y aceptada como un miembro más de la familia. Por lo tanto, como reflexión final frente a los hallazgos, se construyó una definición de familia multiespecie

    Pain Acceptance Creates an Emotional Context That Protects against the Misuse of Prescription Opioids: A Study in a Sample of Patients with Chronic Noncancer Pain.

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    There is solid evidence of an association between several psychological flexibility processes, particularly pain acceptance, and adaptation to chronic pain. However, there are relatively few studies on the relationship between pain acceptance and opioid misuse in chronic pain patients. Thus, the aim of the present study was to test a hypothetical model in which pain acceptance would regulate pain sensations and pain-related thoughts and emotions, which would be related to opioid misuse. The sample comprised 140 chronic pain patients attending two hospitals. All patients were receiving pharmacological treatment, including opioid analgesics. Structural equation modelling analyses showed a significant association between higher pain acceptance and lower pain intensity and catastrophizing, and lower levels of anxiety and depression. Only higher anxiety and depression were significantly associated with increased opioid misuse. The results suggest that levels of anxiety, depression, and pain acceptance must be assessed before opioids are prescribed. Pain acceptance implies a relationship with internal events that protects against anxiety and depression and thus against opioid misuse. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy appears to be particularly appropriate for these patients.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106086RB-I00) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (HUM-566). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Role of the Intracellular pH in the Metabolic Switch between Oxidative Phosphorylation and AerobicGlycolysis - Relevance to Cancer

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    Cellular energy in the form of ATP can be produced through oxidative phosphorylation and through glycolysis. Since oxidative phosphorylation requires oxygen and generates ATP more efficiently than glycolysis, it has been assumed for many years that the presence or absence of oxygen determines that cells generate energy through oxidative phosphorylation or through glycolysis. Although cells must activate glycolysis in the absence of oxygen to produce ATP, it is now accepted that they can activate both glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation in the presence of oxygen. In fact, normal proliferating cells and tumor cells are known to have a high glycolytic activity in the presence of adequate oxygen levels, a phenomenon known as aerobic glycolysis or the Warburg effect. Recent observations have demonstrated that the activation of aerobic glycolysis plays a major role in carcinogenesis and tumor growth. Understanding the mechanisms involved in the metabolic switch between oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis may therefore be important for the development of potential preventive and therapeutic interventions. In this article, we discuss the role of the intracellular pH in the metabolic switch between oxidative phosphorylation and aerobic glycolysis. We propose that, in the presence of adequate oxygen levels, the intracellular pH may play a key role in determining the way cells obtain energy, an alkaline pH driving aerobic glycolysis and an acidic pH driving oxidative phosphorylation

    Risk factors for thrombotic microangiopathy in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell recipients receiving GVHD prophylaxis with tacrolimus plus MTX or sirolimus

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    Post-transplant complications.-- et al.Transplantation-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a feared complication of allogeneic hematopoietic SCT (HSCT) owing to its high mortality rate. The use of calcineurin inhibitors or sirolimus (SIR) for GVHD prophylaxis has been suggested as a potential risk factor. However, the impact of tacrolimus (TAC) and SIR combinations on the increased risk of TA-TMA is currently not well defined. We retrospectively analyzed the incidence of TA-TMA in 102 allogeneic HSCT recipients who consecutively received TAC plus SIR (TAC/SIR) (n=68) or plus MTX (TAC/MTX)±ATG (n=34) for GVHD prophylaxis. No significant differences were observed in the incidence of TA-TMA between patients receiving TAC/SIR vs TAC/MTX±ATG (7.4% vs 8.8%, P=0.8). Only grade III-IV acute GVHD, previous HSCT and serum levels of TAC >25 ng/mL were associated with a greater risk of TA-TMA. Patients developing TA-TMA have significantly poorer survival (P<0.001); however, TA-TMA ceased to be an independent prognostic factor when it was included in a multivariate model. In conclusion, the combination of TAC/SIR does not appear to pose a higher risk of TA-TMA. By contrast, we identified three different risk groups for developing TA-TMA.Peer Reviewe