217 research outputs found

    Pneumatic robotic systems for upper limb rehabilitation

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    The aim of rehabilitation robotic area is to research on the application of robotic devices to therapeutic procedures. The goal is to achieve the best possible motor, cognitive and functional recovery for people with impairments following various diseases. Pneumatic actuators are attractive for robotic rehabilitation applications because they are lightweight, powerful, and compliant, but their control has historically been difficult, limiting their use. This article first reviews the current state-of-art in rehabilitation robotic devices with pneumatic actuation systems reporting main features and control issues of each therapeutic device. Then, a new pneumatic rehabilitation robot for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation therapies and for relearning daily living skills: like taking a glass, drinking, and placing object on shelves is described as a case study and compared with the current pneumatic rehabilitation devices

    Multimodal Interfaces to Improve Therapeutic Outcomes in Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation

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    The paper presents the developing of a new robotic system for the administration of a highly sophisticated therapy to stroke patients. This therapy is able to maximize patient motivation and involvement in the therapy and continuously assess the progress of the recovery from the functional viewpoint. Current robotic rehabilitation systems do not include patient information on the control loop. The main novelty of the presented approach is to close patient in the loop and use multisensory data (such as pulse, skin conductance, skin temperature, position, velocity, etc.) to adaptively and dynamically change complexity of the therapy and real-time displays of a virtual reality system in accordance with specific patient requirements. First, an analysis of subject’s physiological responses to different tasks is presented with the objective to select the best candidate of physiological signals to estimate the patient physiological state during the execution of a virtual rehabilitation task. Then, the design of a prototype of multimodal robotic platform is defined and developed to validate the scientific value of the proposed approach

    Proyecto de exportación de garbanzo a turquía, estudio de mercado

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    La industria de los alimentos procesados es un sector clave para el crecimiento económico del país, debido a la gran capacidad productiva que la coloca como una de las más significativas para el sector manufacturero del país. El suficiente abasto de materias primas y una mano de obra especializada hacen de la industria de alimentos procesados mexicanos un gran atractivo para atraer la inversión e incursionar en el exterior. Razón por la cual, el presente estudio trata de identificar de manera teórica los factores que desde los distintos enfoques teóricos más relevantes se consideran que tienen un impacto significativo en la internacionalización de las empresas exportadoras de alimentos procesados del Estado de Sonora, y así, aumentar el conocimiento que se tiene acerca del fenómeno

    Análisis del espacio de trabajo de un robot paralelo de 3RRR

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    Comunicación presentada en las XXIX Jornadas de Automática, Tarragona, 3-5 Septiembre 2008.El objetivo de este artículo es realizar el análisis del espacio de trabajo de un robot paralelo esférico del tipo 3RRR mediante una herramienta matemática desarrollada en Matlab. Este 3RRR contiene una particularidad que lo diferencia con respecto a los robots esféricos comunes debido a las exigencias de su aplicación: su centro de rotación no se encuentra en el centro del robot. Basándonos en un parámetro que define la habilidad o destreza del robot (dexterity), calcularemos el valor de las variables que optimizan su espacio de trabajo

    Operational chain and techno-typological analysis of the prehistoric adornments of variscite from the center-south-west of the Spanish North Plateau. History of an artisan tradition

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    Los adornos de variscita son un tipo de artefacto empleado en distintos contextos de la Prehistoria reciente de buena parte de Europa Occidental y de forma general son interpretados como elementos de prestigio. El registro arqueológico del centro-sur-oeste de la Meseta Norte Española ofrece un caso de estudio ideal para reconstruir al completo su cadena operativa: 1) minería en Palazuelo de las Cuevas y otros lugares de la comarca de Aliste, 2) manufactura en los asentamientos de Quiruelas de Vidriales y en otros yacimientos y 3) consumo en una treintena de tumbas y poblados del Neolítico Final y el Calcolítico de las comarcas circundantes. Así, en este artículo se analizan las características tecno-tipológicas, escala y organización de la producción de adornos de variscita y sus continuidades y transformaciones con el paso del tiempo. Los resultados nos permiten hablar de una tradición artesana originada en el Neolítico Final la cual mantuvo sus rasgos tecno-tipológicos esenciales mientras crecieron la intensidad, la concentración y, probablemente, la especialización de su producción en el CalcolíticoDuring Late Prehistory adornments worked out of variscite are widely used as prestige items all over Europe. The archaeological record of centre-south-west Northern Spanish Meseta is an ideal case study to fully reconstruct the chaîné opératoire from 1. Mining at Aliste area (Palazuelo de las Cuevas and other nearby mines), 2. adornment manufacturing at the production locii of Quiruelas de Vidriales sites, 3. Adornment consumption in about 30 tombs and settlements from Late Neolithic to Copper Age in the nearby areas to the mining and manufacturing places. This paper analyses the technotypological features, scale and organisation of variscite adornment production patterns along time. Results allows to argue about a craft tradition born during the Late Neolithic that keep up its techno-tyopological features as grew up on intensity, concentration and most likely specialisation of the production during the Copper Ag

    La resonancia magnética cardíaca, pieza clave en el paciente con miocarditis aguda

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    Inflammation of the myocardium, viral or not, is called myocarditis. Diagnosis can be a real challenge, and appropriate differential diagnosis with other conditions is needed. Endomyocardial biopsy has been the classical gold standard for the diagnosis of this disease, but nowadays it has been largely replaced by cardiac MRI. A case of a patient with acute myocarditis is presented to emphasize the leading role of cardiac MRI as the first choice test for this kind of patients.La inflamación del miocardio, vírica o no, recibe el nombre de miocarditis. Este cuadro supone un reto para el médico clínico en su práctica habitual, ya que es fundamental realizar un diagnóstico diferencial correcto con otros cuadros que puede emular. La biopsia endomiocárdica ha sido clásicamente la técnica de referencia en el diagnóstico de esta entidad, aunque actualmente la cardio-RM es la técnica más empleada para valorar este tipo de pacientes. Se presenta un caso de un paciente con miocarditis aguda con el que se pretende enfatizar el papel protagonista de la cardio-RM como prueba de imagen de elección

    Relative handgrip strength diminishes the negative effects of excess adiposity on dependence in older adults : a moderation analysis

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    Q1Adultos mayoresThe adverse effects of fat mass on functional dependence might be attenuated or worsened, depending on the level of muscular strength. The aim of this study was to determine (i) the detrimental effect of excess adiposity on dependence in activities of daily living (ADL), and (ii) whether relative handgrip strength (HGS) moderates the adverse effect of excess adiposity on dependence, and to provide the threshold of relative HGS from which the adverse effect could be improved or worsened. A total of 4169 participants (69.3 ± 7.0 years old) from 244 municipalities were selected following a multistage area probability sampling design. Measurements included anthropometric/adiposity markers (weight, height, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR)), HGS, sarcopenia “proxy” (calf circumference), and ADL (Barthel Index scale). Moderation analyses were performed to identify associations between the independent variable (WHtR) and outcomes (dependence), as well as to determine whether relative HGS moderates the relationship between excess adiposity and dependence. The present study demonstrated that (i) the adverse effect of having a higher WHtR level on dependence in ADL was moderated by relative HGS, and (ii) two moderation thresholds of relative HGS were estimated: 0.35, below which the adverse effect of WHtR levels on dependency is aggravated, and 0.62, above which the adverse effect of fat on dependency could be improved. Because muscular strength represents a critically important and modifiable predictor of ADL, and the increase in adiposity is inherent in aging, our results underscore the importance of an optimal level of relative HGS in the older adult population.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Using UAV Photogrammetry and Automated Sensors to Assess Aquifer Recharge from a Coastal Wetland

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    Novel data-acquisition technologies have revolutionized the study of natural systems, allowing the massive collection of information in situ and remotely. Merging these technologies improves the understanding of complex hydrological interactions, such as those of wetland–aquifer systems, and facilitates their conservation and management. This paper presents the combination of UAV technology with water level dataloggers for the study of a coastal temporary wetland linked to an underlying sandy aquifer and influenced by the tidal regime. Wetland morphology was defined using UAV imagery and SfM algorithms during the dry period. The DTM (6.9 cm resolution) was used to generate a flood model, which was subsequently validated with an orthophoto from a wet period. This information was combined with water stage records at 10-min intervals from a network of dataloggers to infer the water balance of the wetland and the transfers to the aquifer. Inflows into the pond were around 6200 m3 (40% direct precipitation over the pond, 60% surface runoff). Outputs equalled the inputs (41% direct evaporation from water surface, 59% transfers into the aquifer). The proposed methodology has demonstrated its suitability to unravel complex wetland–aquifer interactions and to provide reliable estimations of the elements of the water balance21 página

    Guía para la aplicación de la Ley 11/2018, Información no financiera: versión 1.0

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    Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, FEDER y la Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (ECO2015- 65782-P y BU058P17). Asimismo, agradecen la financiación recibida de la Junta de Castilla y León para la Contratación de personal técnico de apoyo a la investigación por las universidades públicas de Castilla y León (Orden de 14 de diciembre de 2017, de la Consejería de Educación, cofinanciadas por el Fondo Social Europeo y la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil