108 research outputs found

    La calle: entretejido de fragmentos urbanos en la ciudad híbrida.

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    Maracaibo como ciudad portuaria, su dinámica demográfica y de crecimiento, expresa la multiculturalidad e hibridación en sus formas complejas-heterogéneas y las cambiantes dinámicas territoriales; donde la calle actúa como el escenario expresivo de las condiciones de territorialidad. El objetivo de la ponencia es evaluar el potencial de la calle como entretejido entre fragmentos urbanos predominantemente residenciales, considerando las siguientes variables: permeabilidad, interacción, porosidad, variedad, flujos, cruces y códigos genéticos. Resultando, que la calle a través del cambio de uso a comercial, manifiesta el mayor potencial para unir los fragmentos; además, se da una simbiosis entre lo que existe; y el fragmento espontáneo modela patrones de consolidación. Concluyendo, la calle expresa el reconocimiento de diferencias, dado por la territorialidad que constituye, transforma y construye el espacio urban

    Are Women’s Empowerment and Income Inequality Associated with Excess Weight in Latin American Cities?

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    Income inequality; Latin America; Women’s empowermentDesigualdad de ingresos; América Latina; Empoderamiento de la mujerDesigualtat d'ingressos; Amèrica Llatina; Empoderament de la donaWhile income gradients and gender inequalities in excess weight have been noted elsewhere, data from Latin American cities is lacking. We analyzed gender-specific associations between city-level women’s empowerment and income inequality with individual-level overweight/obesity, assessing how these associations vary by individual education or living conditions within cities in Latin America. Data came from national surveys and censuses, and was compiled by the SALURBAL project (Urban Health in Latin America). The sample included 79,422 individuals (58.0% women), living in 538 sub-cities, 187 cities, and 8 countries. We used gender-stratified Poisson multilevel models to estimate the Prevalence Rate Ratios (PRR) for overweight/obesity (body mass index ≥ 25 kg/m2) per a unit change in city-level women’s empowerment (proxied by a score that measures gender inequalities in employment and education) and income inequality (proxied by income-based Gini coefficient). We also tested whether individual education or sub-city living conditions modified such associations. Higher city labor women’s empowerment (in women) and higher city Gini coefficient (in men) were associated with a lower prevalence of overweight/obesity (PRR = 0.97 (95%CI 0.94, 0.99) and PRR = 0.94 (95%CI 0.90, 0.97), respectively). The associations varied by individual education and sub-city living conditions. For labor women’s empowerment, we observed weakened associations towards the null effect in women with lower education and in residents of sub-cities with worse living conditions (men and women). For the Gini coefficient, the association was stronger among men with primary education, and a negative association was observed in women with primary education. Our findings highlight the need for promoting equity-based policies and interventions to tackle the high prevalence of excess weight in Latin American cities.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Carbon redistribution by erosion processes in an intensively disturbed catchment

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    29 Pags.- 6 Tabls.- 6 Figs. This article belongs to a special issue of Catena titled "Geoecology in Mediterranean mountain areas. Tribute to Professor José María García Ruiz". The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03418162Understanding how organic carbon (OC) moves with sediments along the fluvial system is crucial to determining catchment scale carbon budgets and helps the proper management of fragile ecosystems. Especially challenging is the analysis of OC dynamics during fluvial transport in heterogeneous, fragile, and disturbed environments with ephemeral and intense hydrological pulses, typical of Mediterranean conditions. This paper explores the catchment scale OC redistribution by lateral flows in extreme Mediterranean environmental conditions, from a geomorphological perspective. The study area is a catchment (Cárcavo) in SE Spain with a semiarid climate, erodible lithologies, and shallow soils, which is highly disturbed by agricultural terraces, land levelling, reforestation, and construction of check-dams. To increase our understanding of catchment scale OC redistribution induced by erosion, we studied in detail the subcatchments of eight check-dams distributed along the catchments main channel. We determined 137Cs, physicochemical characteristics, and the OC pools of the catchment soils and sediments deposited behind each check-dam, performed spatial analysis of catchment properties and buffer areas around the check-dams, and carried out geomorphological analysis of the slope-channel connections. The soils showed very low total organic carbon (TOC) values, oscillating between 15.2 and 4.4 g kg− 1 for forest and agricultural soils, respectively. Sediments mobilized by erosion were poor in TOC (6.6 ± 0.7 g kg– 1) compared to the eroded (forest) soils, and the redistribution of OC through the catchment, especially of the mineral associated organic carbon (MAC) pool, showed the same pattern as clay particles and 137Cs. The TOC erosion rates estimated for the Cárcavo watershed are relatively low (0.031 ± 0.03 Mg ha− 1 y− 1) but similar to those reported for subhumid Mediterranean catchments that are less fragile and more conducive to plant growth. The TOC erosion/total erosion ratio was lower (0.06%) than other estimates, although the average OC concentration of the sediments was higher than that of the agricultural soils of the catchment, underlining the problem of maintaining sustainable soil OC contents. The OC in deposited sediments came not only from surface erosion processes, but also from deeper soil or sediment layers mobilized by concentrated erosion processes. Sediment richer in OC came from the surface soil of vegetated (reforested) areas close and well connected to the channels. Subcatchments dominated by laminar erosion processes showed a TOC erosion/total erosion ratio that was two times higher than that of subcatchments dominated by concentrated flow erosion processes. The lithology, soils, and geomorphology exert a more important control on OC redistribution than land use and vegetation cover in this geomorphologically very active catchment.This work was financially supported by the projects ADAPT (CGL2013-42009-R) and DISECO (CGL2014-55-405-R) from the Spanish Government, National Plan of Science; the project CAMBIO (18933/JLI/13) of the Seneca Foundation, Regional Government of Murcia (Spain); and the project SOGLO (P7/24 IAP BELSPO) from the Belgian Government. Joris de Vente was supported by a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ grant (RYC-2012-10375).Peer reviewe

    Prevalence of Symptomatic Osteoarthritis in Spain: EPISER2016 Study

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    [Resumen] Introducción. La Sociedad Española de Reumatología elaboró en el año 2000 el estudio EPISER2000 para conocer la prevalencia de la artrosis y otras enfermedades reumáticas en España. Los cambios sociodemográficos y en los hábitos de vida ocurridos en los últimos años en España justifican actualizar los datos de las enfermedades reumáticas (EPISER2016). Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de artrosis sintomática de columna cervical, columna lumbar, cadera, rodilla y mano, en población adulta en España. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal de base poblacional. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorizado polietápico estratificado y por conglomerados. Los participantes fueron contactados por teléfono para cumplimentar un cuestionario de cribado de artrosis. El reumatólogo confirmaba o descartaba el diagnóstico. Se utilizaron los criterios-clínicos-ACR para diagnosticar artrosis de manos y los criterios clínico-radiológicos-ACR para diagnosticar la artrosis de rodilla y cadera. Resultados. La prevalencia de artrosis en España en una o más de las localizaciones estudiadas fue de 29,35%. La prevalencia de artrosis-cervical fue del 10,10% y de artrosis-lumbar del 15,52%. Ambas son más frecuentes en mujeres y a mayor edad, así como en personas con niveles de estudios bajos y obesidad. La prevalencia de artrosis de cadera fue del 5,13% y la de artrosis de rodilla del 13,83%; estas se asocian con el sexo femenino, sobrepeso y obesidad, menor frecuencia en nivel de estudios alto y con la edad. La prevalencia de la artrosis de mano fue del 7,73%. Es más frecuente en mujeres, obesas, con bajo nivel de estudios y mayor edad. Conclusiones. El estudio EPISER2016 es el primero que analiza la prevalencia de artrosis sintomática en 5 localizaciones (columna cervical, lumbar, rodilla, cadera y manos) en España. La artrosis de la columna lumbar es la más prevalente.[Abstract] Introduction. The Spanish Society of Rheumatology carried out the EPISER2000 study in 2000 to determine the prevalence of osteoarthritis and other rheumatic diseases in the Spanish population. Recent sociodemographic changes and lifestyle habits in Spain justified updating the epidemiological data on osteoarthritis and other rheumatic diseases (EPISER2016-study). Objective. To estimate the prevalence of symptomatic osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, lumbar spine, hip, knee and hand in the adult population in Spain. Material and methods. Cross-sectional population-based study. A multistage and stratified random cluster sampling was carried out. The participants were contacted by telephone to complete an osteoarthritis screening questionnaire. A rheumatologist confirmed or discarded the diagnosis. The ACR-clinical-criteria were used to diagnose hand-osteoarthritis and the ACR-clinical-radiological criteria to diagnose knee- and hip-osteoarthritis. To estimate the prevalence and its 95% confidence interval, weights were calculated according to the probability of selection in each of the sampling stages. Results. The prevalence of osteoarthritis in Spain in one or more of the locations studied was 29.35%. The prevalence of cervical-osteoarthritis was 10.10% and of lumbar-osteoarthritis 15.52%. Both are more frequent in women and at older ages, as well as in people with low levels of education and obesity. The prevalence of hip-osteoarthritis was 5.13%, that of knee-osteoarthritis 13.83%, these are associated with female sex, overweight and obesity. The prevalence of hand osteoarthritis was 7.73%. It is more frequent in women, who are obese, with a low educational level and who are older. Conclusion. The EPISER2016 study is the first to analyse the prevalence of symptomatic osteoarthritis in 5 locations (cervical, lumbar, knee, hip and hands) in Spain. Lumbar spine osteoarthritis is the most prevalent.EPISER2016 ha sido financiado por Celgene, Laboratorios, Gebro Pharma, Merck Sharp and Dohme de España, Pfizer y Sanofi-Aventis. Los financiadores no han intervenido en el diseño del estudio, recogida ni análisis de datos, ni en la redacción de este artículo. IRP yMS fueron financiados con programas Miguel Servet II y Contrato Río Hortega-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (CPII17/00026 y CM17/00101), respectivamente. El Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, integrado en el Plan Nacional de Programa Científico, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2013-2016, es financiado por el ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Promoción de la Investigación-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) «Una forma de hacer Europa

    Educational inequalities in obesity: a multilevel analysis of survey data from cities in Latin America

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    Abstract Using newly harmonised individual-level data on health and socio-economic environments in Latin American cities (from the Salud Urbana en América Latina (SALURBAL) study), we assessed the association between obesity and education levels and explored potential effect modification of this association by city-level socio-economic development. Design This cross-sectional study used survey data collected between 2002 and 2017. Absolute and relative educational inequalities in obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2, derived from measured weight and height) were calculated first. Then, a two-level mixed-effects logistic regression was run to test for effect modification of the education–obesity association by city-level socio-economic development. All analyses were stratified by sex. Setting: One hundred seventy-six Latin American cities within eight countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru). Results: Among women, 25 % were living with obesity and obesity was negatively associated with educational level (higher education–lower obesity) and this pattern was consistent across city-level socio-economic development. Among men, 18 % were living with obesity and there was a positive association between education and obesity (higher education–higher obesity) for men living in cities with lower levels of development, whereas for those living in cities with higher levels of development, the pattern was inverted and university education was protective of obesity. Conclusions: Among women, education was protective of obesity regardless, whereas among men, it was only protective in cities with higher levels of development. These divergent results suggest the need for sex- and city-specific interventions to reduce obesity prevalence and inequalities

    Prevalence of Symptomatic Axial Osteoarthritis Phenotypes in Spain and Associated Socio-Demographic, Anthropometric, and Lifestyle Variables

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    Epidemiology of RMDFinanciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Objective. Axial osteoarthritis (OA) is a common cause of back and neck pain, however, few studies have examined its prevalence. The aim was to estimate the prevalence and the characteristics of symptomatic axial OA in Spain. Methods. EPISER2016 is a cross-sectional multicenter population-based study of people aged 40 years or older. Subjects were randomly selected using multistage stratified cluster sampling. Participants were contacted by telephone to complete rheumatic disease screening questionnaires. Two phenotypes were analyzed, patients with Non-exclusive axial OA (NEA-OA) and Exclusive axial OA (EA-OA). To calculate the prevalence and its 95% confidence interval (CI), the sample design was considered and weighting was calculated according to age, sex and geographic origin. Results. Prevalence of NEA-OA by clinical or clinical-radiographic criteria was 19.17% (95% CI: 17.82–20.59). The frequency of NEA-OA increased with age (being 3.6 times more likely in patients aged 80 s or more than in those between 40 and 49 years) and body mass index. It was significantly more frequent in women, as well as in the center of Spain. It was less frequent in those with a higher level of education. Lumbar OA was more frequent than cervical OA. This difference grew with increasing age and was not associated with gender. It was also greater in overweight and obese subjects. Conclusions. This is the first study on the prevalence of axial OA phenotypes in Europe describing the associated socio-demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle variables.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. EPISER2016 was supported by Celgene, Gebro Pharma, Merck Sharp & Dohme in Spain, Pfizer, and Sanofi-Aventis, none of whom had any role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, or writing of this manuscript. MS was financed via the Rio Hortega Contract—Health Research Fund (CM17/00101), the Sanitary Research Fund integrated in the National Plan of Scientific Program, Technological Development and Innovation 2013–2016 and funded by the ISCIII-Subdirectorate General Evaluation and Promotion of Research-European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) "A way of making Europe

    Case report: Cytokine hemoadsorption in a case of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis secondary to extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma

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    Cytokine hemoadsorption; Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Multiorgan dysfunctionHemoadsorció de citocines; Limfohistiocitosi hemofagocítica; Disfunció multiorgànicaHemoadsorción de citoquinas; Linfohistiocitosis hemofagocítica; Disfunción multiorgánicaWe discuss a single case of Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) due to NK-type non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Epstein-Barr virus reactivation with multiorgan dysfunction and distributive shock in which we performed cytokine hemoadsorption with Cytosorb ®. A full microbiological panel was carried out, including screening for imported disease, standard serologies and cultures for bacterial and fungal infection. A liver biopsy and bone marrow aspirate were performed, confirming the diagnosis. The patients fulfilled the HLH-2004 diagnostic criteria, and according to the 2018 Consensus Statements by the HLH Steering Committee of the Histiocyte Society, dexamethasone and etoposide were started. There was an associated hypercytokinemia and, due to refractory distributive shock, rescue therapy with cytokine hemoadsorption was performed during 24 h (within day 2 and 3 from ICU admission). After starting this procedure, rapid hemodynamic control was achieved with a significant reduction in vasopressor support requirements. This case report highlights that cytokine hemoadsorption can be an effective since rapid decrease in IL-10 levels and a significant hemodynamic improvement was achieved

    Building a Methodological Foundation for Impactful Urban Planetary Health Science.

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    Anthropogenic environmental change will heavily impact cities, yet associated health risks will depend significantly on decisions made by urban leaders across a wide range of non-health sectors, including transport, energy, housing, basic urban services, and others. A subset of planetary health researchers focus on understanding the urban health impacts of global environmental change, and how these vary globally and within cities. Such researchers increasingly adopt collaborative transdisciplinary approaches to engage policy-makers, private citizens, and other actors in identifying and evaluating potential policy solutions that will reduce environmental impacts in ways that simultaneously promote health, equity, and/or local economies-in other words, maximising 'co-benefits'. This report presents observations from a participatory workshop focused on challenges and opportunities for urban planetary health research. The workshop, held at the 16th International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) in Xiamen, China, in November 2019, brought together 49 participants and covered topics related to collaboration, data, and research impact. It featured research projects funded by the Wellcome Trust's Our Planet Our Health (OPOH) programme. This report aims to concisely summarise and disseminate participants' collective contributions to current methodological practice in urban planetary health research

    Estudio para la implantación de Programas en Inglés en los títulos de grado de la ETSI Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

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    Universities are offering more and more courses and programmes in an additional language. At HEPCLIL, therefore, we would like to debate the methodological im - plications of these changes, giving voice to practical classroom experiences and initiatives. We would also like to act as a platform for cutting-edge research on CLIL in higher education. What impact does teaching in an additional language have on content or language learning? What are the effects on teachers and stu - dents in higher education