1,529 research outputs found

    Influencia de la ingesta de calcio y del nivel de actividad física sobre la capacidad de oxidar grasas en adultos sanos.

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    La obesidad es uno de los mayores problemas de salud mundial en la sociedad actual. Se han determinado nuevas estrategias a través de ejercicio o dieta para aumentar la capacidad de oxidar grasas durante el ejercicio (MFO) pudiendo ser una herramienta eficaz en la reducción de la prevalencia obesidad. Sin embargo, se desconocen si el nivel y tipo de actividad física realizada diariamente y/o la ingesta habitual de calcio puede repercutir sobre esta capacidad. Objetivos: i) Analizar la asociación del nivel y tipo de actividad física diaria sobre el MFO, ii) analizar si existe asociación entre el consumo diario de Ca2+y el MFO y iii) determinar si la ingesta de Ca2+ o la condición física media en la asociación entre actividad física y MFO. Metodología: 69 voluntarios (28 mujeres) fueron incluidos. Se realizó un registro dietético durante 5 días para conocer la ingesta de calcio y se midió la actividad física de forma objetiva durante 7 días mediante acelerometría. Además, se realizó un test incremental de oxidación máxima de grasas en cicloergómetro para determinar el MFO y el FatMax. Al finalizar ese test, se realizó la continuación del protocolo para determinar el VO2max. Resultados: La ingesta de calcio diaria no se correlacionó con el MFO (r=0,07 p=0,954). La actividad física de moderada a vigorosa (MVPA) se asoció positivamente con el MFO (r=0,3 p=0,012). Tras ajustar por edad, la MVPA se mantuvo como predictora del MFO, la cual actúa como un predictor directo al no estar mediado ni por la ingesta de calcio ni por la capacidad aeróbica. Conclusiones: La MVPA es un predictor directo e independiente del MFO. La ingesta habitual de calcio no se relaciona con el MFO, ni de forma directa ni mediadora, sin embargo, no está claro el efecto que puede tener la ingesta aguda de calcio sobre el MFO.28 página

    Diferencias sexuales en las asociaciones de condición física, actividad física, sedentarismo y comportamiento del sueño con el estrés oxidativo en adultos mayores: El proyecto INTERMAE

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    Currently, the elderly population is expanding due to an unprecedented increase in longevity. Unfortunately, this trend in the rising ageing population comes with the consequences of the augmentation of physiological decline leading to metabolic diseases or oxidative stress. Oxidative stress has been defined as a pathophysiological state characterised by an imbalance between the excessive production of oxidants (such as homocysteine, HCY) and the inability of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the body to cope with them. When this condition occurs an accumulation of oxidatively damaged macromolecules appears, leading to the loss of function of these macromolecules which contributes to the appearance of no communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases or musculoskeletal diseases. Consequently, it is needed to know how different factors can help to maintain healthy ageing in older adults. Maintaining good physical fitness, adequate levels of physical activity (PA), and healthy sleep behaviour have been shown to reduce the possible mechanisms of ageing such as oxidative stress. However, to our knowledge, it is still unknown whether these factors can differently affect the oxidative stress of older adults depending on sex since most of the studies analysed the data combined. Therefore, the general aim of this International Doctoral Thesis was to study the sex-specific associations of anthropometry, body composition, physical fitness, PA, sedentarism and sleep behaviour with oxidative stress levels, in a sample of Spanish older adults. This International Doctoral Thesis includes cross-sectional data from the INTERMAE project. A total of 76 participants (38 women, 68.8 ± 3.0 years old) recruited through the public health care centers of the province of Cádiz were included. Blood samples were obtained from the participants to obtain the plasma levels of TAC and serum levels of HCY. Then participants completed different measurements including body composition, physical fitness through different physical batteries and cardiorespiratory fitness test (CRF), nutritional evaluation, and questionnaires about their PA and sleep manners. In addition to this, participants wore an accelerometer for at least 7 days to estimate their sedentary (SB), PA and sleep behaviours. The main findings of this International Doctoral Thesis are i) there are sex differences in basal oxidative stress markers in Spanish older adults, regardless of their nutritional intake., ii) Higher body mass index and thigh perimeter in women and higher fat-free mass in men are associated with higher levels of HCY. iii) In older women a faster gait speed is associated with higher levels of TAC. Better upper body strength, flexibility and gait agility are associated with lower levels of HCY. Higher CRF is associated with lower levels of HCY in both sexes. (Study 1); iv) PA levels seem to be more relevant to older adults? oxidative stress than SB, with moderate to vigorous PA being associated with increasing TAC and light PA with decreasing HCY in both sexes (Study 2); v) Sleep disorders were associated with oxidative stress in older adults, with more time awake during the night associated with a decreased TAC in women and a higher sleep latency being associated with higher levels of HCY in men (Study 3). The findings of the present International Doctoral Thesis show that there are sex-specific associations of anthropometric, body composition, physical fitness, PA and sleep behaviour with oxidative stress in older adults.En la actualidad se está produciendo un aumento en el número de personas mayores debido a un incremento de la longevidad sin precedentes. Por desgracia esta tendencia de envejecimiento viene acompañado de un aumento del deterioro fisiológico derivando en enfermedades metabólicas o estrés oxidativo. El estrés oxidativo se ha definido como un estado pato fisiológico caracterizado por un desequilibrio entre la excesiva producción de oxidantes (como la homocisteína, HCY) sumada a una incapacidad de la capacidad antioxidante total (TAC) de hacerle frente. Cuando esta condición ocurre, se produce una acumulación de macromoléculas con daño oxidativo que contribuyen a la aparición de enfermedades no comunicables como enfermedades cardiovasculares o músculoesqueléticas. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer como diferentes factores pueden ayudar a mantener un envejecimiento saludable en nuestra población. Mantener un buen estado físico, niveles adecuados de actividad física (PA) y unos hábitos de sueño saludable se han determinado como factores protectores ante mecanismos que pueden afectar al envejecimiento como el estrés oxidativo. Sin embargo, bajo nuestro conocimiento, se desconoce si estos factores pueden afectar de forma diferente al estrés oxidativo de las personas mayores dependiendo del sexo debido a que la mayoría de los estudios analizan ambos sexos de forma combinada. Por lo tanto, el objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral Internacional fue el de evaluar las asociaciones de diferentes componentes de antropometría, composición corporal, estado físico, actividad física, sedentarismo y hábitos de sueño sobre el estrés oxidativo en una muestra de adultos mayores españoles y si estas asociaciones tenían diferencias dependiendo del sexo. Esta Tesis Doctoral Internacional incluye datos transversales del proyecto INTERMAE. Un total de 76 participantes (38 mujeres, 68.8 ± 3.0 años) que fueron reclutados a través centros de salud pública de la provincia de Cádiz fueron incluidos. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre para analizar la TAC del plasma y los niveles de HCY del suero. Adicionalmente, los participantes completaron diferentes mediciones incluyendo antropometría, composición corporal, estado físico a través de diferentes baterías y un test de fitness cardiorrespiratorio (CRF), evaluación nutricional, y cuestionarios sobre sus hábitos de actividad física y sueño. Asimismo, los participantes llevaron un acelerómetro durante 7 días para estimar su comportamiento sedentario (SB), de actividad física (PA) y de sueño. Los principales hallazgos de esta Tesis Doctoral Internacional fueron: i) Existen diferencias sexuales en los niveles basales de estrés oxidativo en nuestros adultos mayores españoles, sin importar su ingesta nutricional. ii) El Índice de Masa Corporal y el perímetro de muslo en mujeres y los niveles de masa libre de grasa en hombres se asocian con niveles incrementados de HCY. En mujeres mayores una velocidad de la marcha alta se asocia con niveles más altos de TAC. Una mayor fuerza y flexibilidad del tren superior, así como una mejor agilidad de la marcha se asocian con menores niveles de HCY en mujeres. Niveles más altos de CRF se asocian con niveles más bajos de HCY en ambos sexos (Estudio 1), iii) Los niveles de PA parecen ser más relevantes para el estrés oxidativo de las personas mayores que el SB, con la PA de moderada a vigorosa estando asociada con una TAC incrementada y los niveles de PA ligera estando asociados con niveles reducidos de HCY (Estudio 2). iv) Los trastornos del sueño se asociaron con el estrés oxidativo de las personas mayores, con un tiempo despierto durante la noche mayor estando asociado con una menor TAC en mujeres y una mayor latencia de sueño estando asociado con mayores niveles de HCY en hombres (Estudio 3). Los hallazgos de la presente Tesis Doctoral Internacional muestran que existen asociaciones específicas para cada sexo entre variables antropométricas, de composición corporal, de estado físico, actividad física y hábitos de sueño en personas mayores

    Universal local versus unified global scaling laws in the statistics of seismicity

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    The unified scaling law for earthquakes, proposed by Bak, Christensen, Danon and Scanlon, is shown to hold worldwide, as well as for areas as diverse as Japan, New Zealand, Spain or New Madrid. The scaling functions that account for the rescaled recurrence-time probability densities show a power-law behavior for long times, with a universal exponent about (minus) 2.2. Another decreasing power law governs short times, but with an exponent that may change from one area to another. This is in contrast with a spatially independent, time-homogenized version of Bak et al's procedure, which seems to present a universal scaling behavior.Comment: submitted to Per Bak's memorial issue of Physica

    Stability of Spatio-Temporal Structures in a Lattice Model of Pulse-Coupled Oscillators

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    We analyze the collective behavior of a lattice model of pulse-coupled oscillators. By studying the intrinsic dynamics of each member of the population and their mutual interactions we observe the emergence of either spatio-temporal structures or synchronized regimes. We perform a linear stability analysis of these structures.Comment: 15 pages, 2 PostScript available upon request at [email protected], Accepted in Physica

    On Self-Organized Criticality and Synchronization in Lattice Models of Coupled Dynamical Systems

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    Lattice models of coupled dynamical systems lead to a variety of complex behaviors. Between the individual motion of independent units and the collective behavior of members of a population evolving synchronously, there exist more complicated attractors. In some cases, these states are identified with self-organized critical phenomena. In other situations, with clusterization or phase-locking. The conditions leading to such different behaviors in models of integrate-and-fire oscillators and stick-slip processes are reviewed.Comment: 41 pages. Plain LaTeX. Style included in main file. To appear as an invited review in Int. J. Modern Physics B. Needs eps

    Dicritical logarithmic foliations

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    We show the existence of weak logarithmic models for any (dicritical or not) holomorphic foliation F of (C2 , 0) without saddlenodes in its desingularization. The models are written in terms of a representative set of separatrices, whose equisingularity types are controlled by the Milnor number of the foliation

    Recent Advances in Homogeneous Metal-Catalyzed Aerobic C–H Oxidation of Benzylic Compounds

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    Csp(3)-H oxidation of benzylic methylene compounds is an established strategy for the synthesis of aromatic ketones, esters, and amides. The need for more sustainable oxidizers has encouraged researchers to explore the use of molecular oxygen. In particular, homogeneous metal-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of benzylic methylenes has attracted much attention. This account summarizes the development of this oxidative strategy in the last two decades, examining key factors such as reaction yields, substrate: catalyst ratio, substrate scope, selectivity over other oxidation byproducts, and reaction conditions including solvents and temperature. Finally, several mechanistic proposals to explain the observed results will be discussed.(IT-774-13 (Basque Government) and CTQ2017-86630-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) projects

    Single-parent families, educational gradient, and child deprivation: The cases of Italy and Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThis work examines whether the increase of single parenthood in Italy and Spain, specifically amongst women in an unfavourable socioeconomic position, has repercussions for child well-being, understood here as material deprivation. In particular, our main objective is to analyse the possible differential impact of single parenthood on children’s material deprivation in relation to mothers’ level of education. Using the 2014 EU-SILC Module on material deprivation, we identify five areas of child deprivation based on the EU-MODA approach: nutrition, clothing, education, leisure, and social life. In the case of Italy, our main results indicate that, compared to children from two-parent households, children of single mothers with a low level of education have a higher risk of nutrition and clothing deprivation. In Spain, living in a single-parent household is associated with a higher risk of deprivation in terms of social life for those children whose mothers do not have a high level of education. Therefore, the findings suggest that in both countries the growth of single parenthood amongst women with a lower educational level may have an impact on child well-being inequality. This article contributes empirical data to the growing literature on the rise of child poverty in Southern European countries.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-099666-B-I00)Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Educar en el diálogo interreligioso es una urgencia

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    La actual situación sociopolítica internacional, posterior al fin de la tensión de\ud bloques, hace urgente plantearnos la educación en el diálogo intercultural e\ud interreligioso. Se ha propuesto, desde algunas instancias y con éxito, una visión del\ud panorama mundial basado en el 'choque de civilizaciones'. Este esquema mental trae\ud consigo, además, una determinada forma de convivir con la diversidad religiosa en\ud cada nación, que apuesta por reforzar los rasgos identitarios frente al 'extranjero '.\ud Sin embargo, es posible aportar una nuevo esquema, basado en el diálogo entre\ud culturas y religiones. Ahora bien, el diálogo no se improvisa, sino que tiene sus características\ud y exigencias propias. Estos presupuestos de un verdadero diálogo nos llevan\ud a concluir que el diálogo no es una estrategia, sino una forma de vida. Educar\ud hacia esta forma de vida implica incluir no sólo contenidos conceptuales, sino también\ud procedimentales y actitudinales en nuestros programas educativos para ayudar\ud a nacer una verdadera alternativa a la cultura del enfrentamiento y la violencia que\ud nos rodea

    Thermal resting pattern and acute skin temperature response to exercise in older adults: Role of cardiorespiratory fitness

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    Background Infrared thermography is a growing area of interest in sports science due to the potential of skin temperature (Tsk) measurements to provide valuable information from rest to exercise. However, limited research exists on Tsk in older adults and the impact of factors such as sex and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on Tsk. This study aims to investigate Tsk at rest and after acute exercise in older adults and assess whether sex or CRF influences Tsk. Methods Ninety-two participants (41 women, 68.48 ± 3.01 years) were examined with a thermographic camera in a conditioned room (23.02 ± 3.01 °C) at rest and after a graded protocol. The Tsk of 25 regions of interest (ROIs) were extracted and analysed. Results Men had higher overall Tsk at rest in 76% of ROIs, showing significant differences (p < 0.010) in six specific ROIs, independent of CRF. Both sexes had similar Tsk responses after graded exercise, with increases in distal parts (1.06 ± 0.50 °C), decreases in proximal parts (−0.62 ± 0.42 °C), and stable central Tsk (0.23 ± 0.59 °C). Increases in lower limb Tsk were significantly associated with CRF in men and women (β = 0.438, p = 0.001, and β = 0.535, p < 0.001, respectively), explaining 17% and 27% of the variance, respectively. Conclusions This study demonstrates a sex-specific effect on resting Tsk in older adults, suggesting that sex-specific Tsk patterns should be considered when analysing Tsk in this population. Additionally, the association between increases in lower limb Tsk and CRF suggests that Tsk could be a promising predictor of CRF in older adults.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO)European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (grant number: DEP 2016-76123-R)FEDER/ Junta de Andalucía-Consejeria de Salud y Familias (grant number PI- 0002-2017)Biomedical Research Networking Center on Frailty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES)FEDER funds from the European Union (CB16/10/00477)Margarita Salas Postdoctoral ProgramEuropean Union Next GenerationE