2,541 research outputs found

    Breeding for worse: The PUG dog breed as a paradigm of the conflict between animal welfare and response to selection applied by breeders

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2016/2017[Resumen] A raíz de los intentos de domesticación del perro desde hace más de 15.000 años, los humanos han establecido una intensa selección artificial en los perros para desarrollar nuevas razas que presenten funciones específicas y rasgos fenotípicos deseables. Esto es posible debido a que el ADN del perro es muy maleable y pequeños cambios conllevan grandes consecuencias, hecho propiciado especialmente por los concursos de belleza canina del Kennel Club, quien ha seleccionado sin pudor a los perros, superponiendo este objetivo al bienestar de los animales. Como resultado evolutivo se obtuvieron más de 350 razas domésticas caracterizadas por presentar un alto porcentaje de endogamia, que se traduce en una menor variabilidad genética manifestada en problemas hereditarios de salud en los animales. El objetivo de este trabajo es informar a la sociedad del terrible grado de selección existente, determinar las enfermedades resultantes de la selección en el Pug y minimizar la transmisión de enfermedades genéticas, así como orientar a los futuros propietarios de perros de la mejor opción de adopción.[Resumo] A raíz dos intentos de domesticación do can desde fai máis de 15.000 anos, os humanos estableceron unha selección artificial intensa en cans para desenvolver novas razas que teñan funcións específicas e características fenotípicas desexables. Isto é posible porque o ADN do can é moi manipulable e pequenos cambios teñen grandes consecuencias. Feito especialmente incentivado polos concursos de beleza canina do Kennel Club, quen descaradamente seleccionou aos cans, superpoñendo este obxectivo ao benestar a dos animáis. Como resultado evolutivo obtivéronse máis de 350 razas domésticas caracterizadas por presentar unha porcentaxe elevada de consanguineidade, que resulta nunha variabilidade xenética inferior manifestada en problemas hereditarios de saúde nos animáis. O obxectivo deste traballo é informar á sociedade do terrible grao de selección, determinar as enfermidades resultantes da selección no Pug, minimizar a transmisión de enfermidades xenéticas e concienciar aos futuros propietarios de cans da mellor opción de adopción.[Abstract] Following attempts to domesticate the dog for more than 15,000 years, humans have established an intense artificial selection in dogs to develop new breeds that have specific functions and desirable phenotypic traits. This is possible because the dog's DNA is very malleable and small changes have great consequences, made especially by the Kennel Club's dog beauty contests, who have uncontrollably selected dogs, overlapping this goal with animal welfare. As a result of evolution, more than 350 domestic breeds were obtained, characterized by a high percentage of inbreeding, which results in lower genetic variability manifested in hereditary health problems in animals. The objective of this work is to inform the society of the terrible degree of selection, to determine the diseases resulting from the selection in the Pug and to minimize the transmission of genetic diseases, as well as to guide the future owners of dogs of the best option of adoption

    El régimen jurídico de los valores mobiliarios en el anteproyecto de Código mercantil

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    Por vez primera se contempla una regulación de los valores mobiliarios, como categoría específica dentro de los títulos-valores. Se trata de un régimen general, que recoge en parte el existente respecto de las acciones. Hay importantes novedades en general respecto del régimen existente, pero también respecto al recogido en la Propuesta de Código Mercantil presentado por la Comisión General de Codificación. En particular, en materia de representación mediante anotaciones en cuenta. También resultan destacables las significativas variaciones en materia de obligaciones al objeto básicamente de fomentar esta vía de financiación para las sociedades. Entre otras, la posibilidad de emisión para todo tipo de sociedades de capital, la supresión de los límites máximos de emisión, la posibilidad de emitir obligaciones subordinadas y canjeables, y la competencia en la emisión de las mismas. Finalmente, se contempla expresamente la regulación del depósito de valores

    Sonetos de amor y muerte. El crimen de don Luis

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    Relato seleccionado. Categoría Senior del Certamen

    Problemática jurídica derivada de la economía compartida

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    Prácticamente todos los sectores de la industria turística se han visto ya afectados por la llamada «economía compartida», especialmente el sector del alojamiento y del trasporte terrestre. Las webs p2p se han convertido en pocos años en un amenazante competidor para el sector hotelero y de apartamentos turísticos reglados y para el del transporte reglado. Desde estos sectores se denuncia que operan con reglas del juego diferentes lo que les deja en una situación de indefensión, tanto a ellos, como a los turistas. El objetivo de este trabajo es por tanto identificar el régimen aplicable, considerando que son de aplicación diferentes normativas.Virtually all sectors of the tourism industry have been already affected by the so-called «shared economy», in particular, the accommodation sector and the transport sector. P2P websites have becoming in a few years in a threatening competitor for the hotel sector and regulated apartments and for the registered transport. They say that this new intermediary do not operate with the same rules which leaves them in worse conditions, just as the tourists. The aim of this paper is therefore to identify the regulation, considering that is applicable several regulations.El trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación AICO/2015/047 de la Generalitat Valenciana de la que la autora es Investigadora Principal

    Re)constructing imagined identities in language cafés: an ethnographic inquiry.

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    Despite their growing popularity, language cafés have not received the same research attention as other second or foreign language contexts outside of formal education. Drawing on ethnographic data from a three-year fieldwork conducted in a university language café, this paper aims to draw attention to language cafés as significant social contexts for multilingual identity performance and development. In particular, underpinned by a poststructuralist view of identity, the findings show different ways in which participants (re)construct their imagined multilingual identities in interaction with others in the language café environment, where subject positions are not constrained by institutional roles (e.g. student and teacher)

    Windkessel modeling of the human arterial system

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    Cardiovascular diseases are a major concern of our society. Millions of patients all around the world are affected by disorders such as arrhythmias or atherosclerosis. Moreover, finding new diagnostic techniques and treatments is of increased difficulty due to the complexity of cardiovascular medicine. In this context, the upcoming generations of experts must be well prepared for overcoming such a challenge. This project aims to develop an educational tool that will allow students to improve their understanding on cardiovascular fluid mechanics and physiology and will allow them to gain practical experience before dealing with real patients. A system modelling the arterial system, available at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, is used for this purpose. The educational tool is composed by a theoretical simulation interface and an acquisition and control program, created using MATLAB, and a practical environment based on a physical pneumatic-hydraulic device. A laboratory practice for the students has been developed describing how to work with both platforms.Ingeniería Biomédic

    The essential review of the European legal framework for distance selling of tourist services

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    Unquestionably, one of the ways of stimulating competition in the tourist sector at present is to promote distance selling, particularly electronic selling. The benefits it offers are remarkable. Nevertheless, we are facing the fact that a major hurdle in this development is the tourist’s distrust. A political framework for European tourism cannot be introduced without a clear legal framework addressing the rights and obligations of the various parties involved. Along these lines, the scope of application of the recent Directive 2011/83/EU excludes important tourism services. Moreover, Directive 90/314/EC is completely outdated. Accordingly, the object of this study is to put forward a proposal on the need to review this European legal framework.Resulta indudable que una de las vías para estimular en la actualidad la competitividad en el sector turístico es la de potenciar la contratación a distancia, y en particular, la electrónica. Sus ventajas son evidentes. Pese a ello, nos encontramos con que el freno más importante en el desarrollo de esta contratación es la desconfianza del turista. No es posible implementar un marco político para el turismo europeo sin la existencia de un claro marco jurídico de los derechos y obligaciones de sus diversos interesados. Y a este respecto, nos encontramos con que la reciente Directiva 2011/83/UE excluye de su ámbito de aplicación importantes servicios turísticos. Y a su vez, la Directiva 90/314/CE está totalmente desfasada. Es por ello que el objeto del estudio se centra en una propuesta sobre la necesaria revisión del actual marco jurídico europeo

    Attempt synthesis of IR (I) metal complexes for catalytic conversion of glycerol to lactic acid

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    Treball Final de Grau en Química. Codi: QU0943. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018The aim of this research work is the synthesis of two novel iridium complexes containing mesoionic triazolylidene ligands. The ultimate goal would imply the evaluation of their performance in a very challenging transformation such as the catalytic conversion of glycerol to lactic acid. The synthesis of the iridium complexes involves the synthesis of the ligand salt precursors that will afford the desired corresponding metal complexes after deprotonation. Herein, two bistriazolium salts will be prepared. They are ready available after alkylation of the related bistriazole that can be obtained on big scale from ready available compounds. To acquire new skills through the search and use scientific articles from different resources that can be used for the design and synthesis of compounds that have not been described in the literature. On the other hand, there are other types of objectives in the realization of this research work, such as gaining experience in a research laboratory, learning the use of some of the most commonly used techniques in an Organometallic laboratory. Among them, is the use of Schlenk techniques working with a glass manifold that allows to work under strict inert conditions, but also the use of liquid nitrogen to carry out reactions at very low temperature. To get familiar with the use of characterization techniques such as NMR and HR-MS spectroscopy. In addition, improve skills in interpreting the results obtained in NMR spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy

    A Glance at a Twisted Mind: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2019-2020The Picture of Dorian Gray (Wilde, 1890) is a novel that has aroused the interest of many scholars because of this darkness and the complexity of the character in the title. Dorian Gray is presented as a handsome young man who is easily corrupted by his friend Lord Henry into a life of pleasure which stands in contrast with the Victorian morality of the time and which Wilde himself pursued, connected in his case to the Aesthetic Movement of which he was part. This character is particularly interesting to analyse because of his peculiar philosophy of life and his notorious behaviour. His later attempt at redemption at the end of Wilde’s novel is also remarkable. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse from a psychoanalytic perspective the psyche of the main character and how it stands in conflict with the Victorian morality of late-19th-century London. For this, I will have recourse to central concepts of psychoanalytical theory such as paranoia, neurosis, and narcissism that in Dorian may be said to achieve pathological proportions and that, in a way, explain his tragic ending. Freudian notions of the double and the triad Ego-Id-Superego will further serve to offer a wider picture of Dorian Gray, particularly in relation to the influence that Lord Henry and Basil exert over him. Major works by the father of psychoanalysis such as The Ego and the Id (1923) or On Narcissism (Freud, 1914) will be explicitly referred to and commented upo

    El pensar del alma: un regalo de la madre

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    No puedo evitar, al plantearme una conferencia en el seminario de Duoda, una reflexión sobre las atribuciones ideológicas -ideológicas, sí- que se hacen a quienes en él colaboran. Digo ideológicas por cuanto, si bien todo pensamiento o todo discurso es un sistema de ideas y el mío por supuesto lo será o tratará de serlo, también se usa este adjetivo para totalizar en uno sólo cualquier sistema de ideas que quiera expresar un pensamiento. Mi primera reflexión pues, es la de que mi intento de sistematizar mis ideas en torno a ese materno tema del Gratis et amare, se produce en una práctica de libertad de pensar, que poco a poco y no sin dificultad, he ido construyéndome a lo largo de mi experiencia personal y profesional, en distintos espacios institucionales y sociales, entre Jos cuajes se ha podido contar éste de Ouoda