195 research outputs found


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    Action painting, una metodología para la educación artística en Educación Infantil

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    Mediante la realización de este trabajo se busca analizar la posibilidad que existe de introducir la educación artística en las aulas de Educación Infantil, a través de una metodología activa y dinámica basada en la utilización del movimiento para la expresión artística. Esta muestra se apoya en una fundamentación teórica que aboga por el desarrollo integral de los niños a través de la educación artística y la motricidad, las cuales forman los pilares de la posterior propuesta didáctica realizada en dos aulas de 2º de Educación Infantil.Grado en Educación Infanti


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    La presente investigación debe responder al problema general: ¿Cómo influye el control de inventario en la calidad de servicios de una empresa de mantenimiento de cajeros automáticos?, siendo el objetivo general: Determinar la influencia del control de inventario en la calidad de servicio de una empresa de mantenimiento de cajeros automáticos y contrastar la hipótesis general: El control de inventario mejora en la calidad de servicio de una empresa de mantenimiento de cajeros automáticos. El método de investigación es deductivo, el tipo de investigación es aplicado, el nivel de investigación es descriptivo-explicativo, el diseño es cuasi experimental de corte longitudinal. La población está conformada por los clientes: Banco de Crédito del Perú, BBVA Banco Continental, Banco de la Nación y Banco Scotiabank, el tipo de muestreo es no probabilístico, se toma las 30 agencias de banco con más recurrencia por conveniencia a la investigación. La principal conclusión que se logró es que el control de inventarios influye positivamente en la calidad de servicio permitiendo la mejora en la satisfacción del cliente.Tesi

    La amistad

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    Bacterial extracellular vesicles and associated functional proteins in fermented dairy products with Lacticaseibacillus paracasei

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    Cells of all kingdoms produce extracellular vesicles (EVs); hence, they are present in most environments and body fluids. Lacticaseibacillus paracasei produces EVs that have attached biologically active proteins (P40 and P75). In this study, EV and functional proteins were found in five different commercial dairy-fermented products carrying L. paracasei. Strains present in those products were isolated, and with one exception, all produced small EVs (24–47 d.nm) carrying P40 and P75. In order to winnow bacterial EV from milk EV, products were subjected to centrifugal fractionation at 15,000 × g (15 K), 33,000 × g (33 K), and 100,000 × g (100 K). P75 was present in all supernatants and pellets, but P40 was only found in two products bound to the 15 and 33 K pellets, and 16S rDNA of L. paracasei could be amplified from all 100 K EVs, indicating the presence of L. paracaseiEV. To investigate the interactions of bacterial EV and proteins with milk EV, L. paracasei BL23 EV was added to three commercial UHT milk products. Small-size vesicles (50–60 d.nm) similar to L. paracasei BL23 EV were found in samples from 100 K centrifugations, but intriguingly, P40 and P75 were bound to EV in 15 and 33 K pellets, containing bovine milk EV of larger size (200–300 d.nm). Sequencing 16S rDNA bands amplified from EV evidenced the presence of bacterial EVs of diverse origins in milk and fermented products. Furthermore, L. paracasei 16S rDNA could be amplified with species-specific primers from all samples, showing the presence of L. paracasei EV in all EV fractions (15, 33, and 100 K), suggesting that these bacterial EVs possibly aggregate and are co-isolated with EV from milk. P40 and P75 proteins would be interacting with specific populations of milk EV (15 and 33 K) because they were detected bound to them in fermented products and milk, and this possibly forced the sedimentation of part of L. paracasei EV at lower centrifugal forces. This study has solved technically complex problems and essential questions which will facilitate new research focusing on the molecular behavior of probiotics during fermentation and the mechanisms of action mediating the health benefits of fermented products

    Aplicación del polimedia en el ámbito educativo

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    Polimedia is a room created for benefit of all. Actualy, we can say that a tool with that exists innovating and productive we can record a information, to reproduce it on a presentation to power point, like complementary explanation to the information that is offered. The basic function is to include a information, the vision and oral communication of the author and to offer the possibility, to visualize it so many times as it is necessary. The University of Huelva, has believed in this project, believes in the opportunity to offer an innovating resource and the benefits that contribute are numerous for teaching.Polimedia es una sala creada para beneficio de todos. Actualmente, podemos decir que existe una herramienta innovadora y productiva con la que podemos grabar una información y reproducirla sobre una presentación power point como explicación complementaria a la información que se ofrece. La función básica es incluir a la información textual, la visión y comunicación oral del autor, además de ofrecer la posibilidad de visualizarla tantas veces como sea necesario. La Universidad de Huelva ha creído en este proyecto, pues cree en la oportunidad de ofrecer un recurso innovador y que los beneficios que aporta son cuantiosos para la docencia

    Interaction and fidelisation of digital audiences in television fiction: transmedia in the case of the À Punt series L’Alqueria Blanca

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    The transfer of traditional television audiences to the digital environment and multiscreen consumption has led channels to reorganise the broadcasting of content on different platforms. The transmedia strategy in fiction series seeks the participation of viewers to enable them to become multipliers and collaborators in the formation of the plots. Public television has encouraged these new narrative forms as a way of building audience loyalty. In the case of the Valencian regional channel, the series l’Alqueria Blanca is a special case since it is a successful series abruptly interrupted by the closure of the channel and recovered eight years later. This research analyses the introduction of the transmedia strategy in this traditional series in the digital sphere and its loyalty results. The methodology is based on the study of the platforms that make up the transmedia structure of the series to determine the response of the audiences to the interactions. It concludes that it not only facilitates the recovery of previous audiences, of this older audience, but also incorporates viewers who are already in line with digital consumption (25-44 years old). Moreover, this increase in audiences on broadcasting days means greater television consumption in all age groups. El trasvase de las audiencias televisivas tradicionales al entorno digital y al consumo pluripantalla ha determinado que las cadenas reorganicen la difusión de contenidos en diferentes plataformas. La estrategia transmedia en las series de ficción busca la participación de los espectadores para posibilitar que se conviertan en reduplicadores y colaboradores en la formación de las tramas. La televisión pública ha fomentado estas nuevas formas narrativas como forma de fidelizar a las audiencias. En el caso de la televisión autonómica valenciana, L’Alqueria Blanca supone un caso especial puesto que se trata de una serie de éxito interrumpida abruptamente por el cierre de la cadena Canal 9 y recuperada ocho años más tarde en la nueva À Punt. Esta investigación analiza la introducción de la estrategia transmedia en esta serie tradicional en el ámbito digital y sus resultados de fidelización. La metodología se cimenta en el estudio de las plataformas que configuran la estructura transmedia de la serie para determinar la respuesta de los públicos ante las interacciones.  Se concluye que facilita no solo la recuperación de anteriores audiencias, de ese público más mayor, sino que incorpora además a espectadores que están ya situados en la línea del consumo digital (25-44 años). Además, este aumento de las audiencias los días de emisión supone un mayor consumo de televisión en todas las franjas de edad

    Unveiling High-Tech Metals in Roasted Pyrite Wastes from the Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain

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    This research was fully funded by the MECRAS Project A-RNM-356-UGR20 “Proyectos de I+D+i en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020” of the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía (Spain).Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/su151512081/s1The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, is a large metallogenic province exploited since ancient times. As a result of historical and current mining activity, a vast volume of metallic mineral waste, mainly derived from the processing of pyrite, is still in situ and polluting the environment. A specific mine waste residuum locally known in the area as "morrongos", which was produced during pyrite roasting mainly in the 19th century, is evaluated here in order to unravel untapped resources of high-tech metals commonly used in high-tech devices. Applying a combination of whole-rock geochemical (ICP-AES, ICPMS, FA-AAS) and single-grain mineralogical techniques (EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, FESEM, and FIB-HRTEM) on the "morrongos", we unhide the still-present remarkable concentrations of Au, Ag, Pb, Zn, and Cu in them. The mineralogical expressions for these economic metals include oxides (hematite, magnetite, and hercynite), arsenates, sulfates of the jarosite group, native metals, and, to a lesser extent, relictic sulfides. This first-ever estimation of these economic metals in this type of residue allows their revalorization, highlighting them as suitable sources for the exploitation and recovery of metals necessary for the clean energy transition.Junta de Andalucía, FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020: MECRAS Project A-RNM-356-UGR2

    Trends of the fast game in men’s EHF European handball championships

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    The aim of this study was to measure the effect of fast play on a handball team’s performance by assessing ranking in three European Men’s Championships (Euro 2018, 2020, 2022) as a dependent variable. The independent variables indicating fast play were the ranking of the team in the tournament, total fast breaks (TFB) per match played, successful fast breaks (SFB) per match played, total fast throw-offs (TFTO) per match played, and successful fast throw-offs (SFTO) per match played. Analyses for each tournament included descriptive statistics, correlation analyses between team ranking and TFB, SFB, TFTO, and SFTO per match played, and hierarchical regression analyses to identify whether the independent variables could predict team ranking in a tournament. TFB and SFB per match played were statistically significant predictors of tournament placement for all three European tournaments examined. Euro 2018 scored the highest team ranking prediction for both TFB and SFB. However, TFTO and SFTO per match played were not significant predictors of tournament placement in all three tournaments. In conclusion, the TFB and SFB per match played were statistically significant predictors of tournament placement

    Calidad de servicio de un programa alimentario para asegurar la alimentación escolar en la zona 8 Guayaquil, 2023

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    This research seeks to design a Quality-of-Service model for the School Food Program in zone 8 of Guayaquil for the year 2023. The research was carried out on 234 teachers in charge of the PAE program. The results show that the quality of the service is generally evaluated according to low-medium manner (86.8%) with critical points in the response, assurance and empathy dimensions. School feeding insurance also showed a concentration in its low-medium value levels (82%), with critical points in diffusion and supervision. A general model and six specific models were obtained, three of which, with low value levels, which were considered to configure the proposal, focused on the storage of products in adequate spaces within the institution. This research demonstrates the importance of food programs to ensure school feeding in zone 8 of Guayaquil, and improve the quality of life of students.Esta investigación busca diseñar un modelo de Calidad de Servicio para el Programa Alimentario Escolar en la zona 8 de Guayaquil para el año 2023. La investigación fue realizada a 234 docentes encargados del programa PAE, Los resultados muestran que la calidad del servicio generalmente se evalúa de manera bajo-medio (86,8%) con puntos críticos en las dimensiones respuesta, aseguramiento y empatía. El aseguramiento de alimentación escolar también mostró una concentración en sus niveles valorativos bajo-medio (82%), con puntos críticos en difusión y supervisión. Se obtuvo un modelo general y seis modelos específicos, tres de los cuales, con niveles valorativos bajos, que fueron considerados para configurar la propuesta, enfocada en el almacenamiento de los productos en espacios adecuados dentro de la institución. Esta investigación demuestra la importancia de los programas alimentarios para asegurar la alimentación escolar en la zona 8 de Guayaquil, y mejorar la calidad de vida de los estudiantes