282 research outputs found

    Resolver el problema abierto : teñir lanas a partir de productos colorantes naturales : una actividad investigativa para la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria

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    We present in this paper a class work for solving investigative problems, inserted into the theoretical constructivist context. We have chosen the topic «Dye wool with natural dyers», for its relevance in Organic Chemistry and also for its cultural and social interest, showing an actual perspective of Science. On the other hand, we develop the class performance with emphasis in assessment

    Cortisol en saliva como indicador de estrés en porcino

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    The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the measure ‘salivary cortisol’ as a non invasive Animal Welfare indicator for fattening pigs. The second objective was to assess the effect of a commercial farm routine procedure (weighing) in the HPA axis activation. The effect of the breading line (breeding line A and B), the sex, the date and hour of the sampling, and the different flooring systems used in the housing were taken into account. Two types of partly-slatted housing were used, continuous concrete floor and concrete slat (CC) and continuous solid floor of concreted recovered with epoxy resin and metallic slat (RM). Firstly, salivary control samples were taken in 1 pig per pen on three different days during fattening (morning and afternoon) for a total of 96 samples. Secondly, another salivary cortisol sample was taken after weighing each pig, 0h, 1h and 2h after weighing (stressful situation) near the end of fattening, in 3 pigs per pen, for a total of 144 samples. There were no differences in baseline cortisol levels for pigs on either flooring but, after the weighing, the cortisol level of the animals housed in the RM flooring were significantly lower (p<0,01) than the cortisol level of the animals housed in the CC flooring, and showed a normal decreasing tendency whereas the level of cortisol of animals housed in the CC flooring showed a rising tendencyEl primer objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la medida ‘cortisol en saliva’ como un indicador no invasivo del nivel de Bienestar Animal en cerdos en cebo. El segundo objetivo fue evaluar el efecto que un procedimiento rutinario, al que los animales se ven sometidos en condiciones comerciales, como es el pesaje, tiene en la activación del eje hipotálamo-pituitaria-adrenal (HPA). Se tuvieron en cuenta los posibles efectos del tipo genético (línea comercial A y B), el sexo, la fecha y la hora de toma de muestras, y el tipo de suelo en el que se alojaron los animales. Se usaron dos tipos de suelo, el primero constaba de zona continua de hormigón y slats de hormigón (CC) y el segundo de zona continua de hormigón recubierta de resina epoxi y slats metálicos (MS). En primer lugar, se tomaron muestras control de saliva, de un cerdo de cada box de las 4 salas, durante la mañana y la tarde, en 3 días no consecutivos, con un total de 96 muestras. En segundo lugar se tomaron muestras de saliva inmediatamente después del pesaje, a la hora y a las 2 horas, con un total de 144 muestras. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de cortisol basal; en cambio, después del pesaje, el nivel de cortisol fue significativamente menor en los animales alojados en suelo RM (p<0,01) que en los animales alojados en suelo CC. El nivel de cortisol tras el pesaje en los animales alojados en suelo RM mostró una tendencia normal decreciente con el paso de las horas, mientras que, el nivel de cortisol aumentó con el paso de las horas para los animales alojados en suelo CC

    Comparación de Resultados del electromiograma y de la saculorradiculografía en el Diagnóstico de las Hernias Discales

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    Los autores presentan un estudio comparativo de E.M.G. y Saculorradiculografía en relación con los hallazgos quirúrgicos de 100 Hernias Discales intervenidas. Para el E.M.G. se ha conseguido una exactitud global del 83% y para la saculorradiculografía del 79%. La saculorradiculografía ha demostrado mayor exactitud para la raiz S1 que paral a L5 (85,7% frente a 70,4%) y el E.M.G. mayor para la L5 que para la S1 (88,6% frente a 78,5%). El E.M.G. tiene una especial utilidad para el diagnóstico y despistaje de neuropatías y para la comprobación de recuperación post-quirúrgica de lesiones sin axonotmesis. La exactitud de los resultados en el E.M.G. están en relación directa con la habilidad del examinador a la hora de conseguir e interpretar los resultados.The authors made a comparative study between the Electromyography (EMG) and the radiculography with the surgical findings in 100 Herniated intervertebral disk (H.I.D.) operated on. With the E.M.G. they had obtained a correct diagnostic in 83% of case s and 79% with the radiculography. The radiculography showed the bigger accurancy in S1 than L5 (85'7% - 70'4%) and E.M.G. showed bigger accurancy B in L5 than S1 (88'6% - 78'5%). The E.M.G. had an special utility in the diagnosis of neuropathie s and the review and follow up after surgical procedure. It's very important the trainning of the E.M.G. examine r to obtain correct information

    Electrochemical synthesis and magnetic properties of MFe_2O_4 (M = Fe, Mn, Co, Ni) nanoparticles for potential biomedical applications

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    In this study, we evaluate the magnetic properties and cytotoxic effect of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) based on magnetite and Mn, Co and Ni ferrites, obtained by electrochemical synthesis. These nanoparticles have almost spherical shape and an mode size of 9 +/- 1 nm. The electrochemical synthesis produces a single crystallographic phase with a spinel-like structure in all cases. Magnetization saturation at room temperature varies with the composition of the ferrites from M_S (Fe_3O_4) > M_S (MnFe_2O_4) > M_S (CoFe_2O_4) > M_S (NiFe_2O_4). Ferrite MNPs present low magnetic remanence indicating a superparamagnetic-like response at room temperature. However, the different values of magnetic anisotropy and size produce variations in the values of coercivity and susceptibility of the ferrite MNPs. The cytotoxicity of the different ferrites was evaluated by internalizing MNP in HeLa cancer cells. Although magnetite and Mn ferrite present low toxicity for all the concentrations studied, significant cytotoxic effect were observed when incubating the cells with high concentration of Co and Ni ferrites

    Biochemical analyses reveal amino acid residues critical for cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation of human Cdc14A phosphatase by cyclin-dependent kinase 1

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    Cdc14 enzymes compose a family of highly conserved phosphatases that are present in a wide range of organisms, including yeast and humans, and that preferentially reverse the phosphorylation of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (Cdk) substrates. The budding yeast Cdc14 orthologue has essential functions in the control of late mitosis and cytokinesis. In mammals, however, the two Cdc14 homologues, Cdc14A and Cdc14B, do not play a prominent role in controlling late mitotic events, suggesting that some Cdc14 functions are not conserved across species. Moreover, in yeast, Cdc14 is regulated by changes in its subcellular location and by phosphorylation events. In contrast, little is known about the regulation of human Cdc14 phosphatases. Here, we have studied how the human Cdc14A orthologue is regulated during the cell cycle. We found that Cdc14A is phosphorylated on Ser411, Ser453 and Ser549 by Cdk1 early in mitosis and becomes dephosphorylated during late mitotic stages. Interestingly, in vivo and in vitro experiments revealed that, unlike in yeast, Cdk1-mediated phosphorylation of human Cdc14A did not control its catalytic activity but likely modulated its interaction with other proteins in early mitosis. These findings point to differences in Cdk1-mediated mechanisms of regulation between human and yeast Cdc14 orthologues.We thank S. Andrés for technical assistance and other members of laboratory for helpful discussions. We are grateful to Dr. I. García-Higuera and S. Moreno (IBFG, Salamanca) for Cdh1 plasmids and anti-Plk1 antibodies, Dr. J. Dong (Univ. Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska) for the KIBRA plasmids, Dr. C. Guerrero (IBMCC, Salamanca) for the anti-PP2A antibody and Dr. Jallepalli (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York) for the RPE Cdc14A − / − cells. We are grateful to the proteomics facility of Centro de Investigación del Cáncer, Salamanca, Spain, where the proteomic analysis was performed, Grant PRB2 (IPT13/0001 - ISCIII-SGEFI / FEDER). This work was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO; BFU2015-69709-P and SAF2015-69920-R). S.O. was supported by a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and P.A. was supported by a JAE-Predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish National research Council (CSIC).S

    Conociendo y comprendiendo interacciones entre pares que generan dinámicas agresivas entre estudiantes de primero a quinto de básica primaria del instituto Rafael Núñez de la sede del barrio porfía, 2012

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    En la vida moderna se vive a un ritmo en el cual las relaciones afectivas se deterioran cada vez más, y la comunidad escolar por supuesto no escapa de ella; por ello el propósito de esta propuesta se efectúo con el fin de comprender las dinámicas que se presentan entre los estudiantes del plantel educativo Rafael Núñez, en el cual se observó mediante algunas visitas que los niño(a)s interactúan agresivamente. Para esta propuesta, se eligió como muestra un grupo de 60 estudiantes de básica primaria con edades entre los 6 a 13 años de la comunidad estudiantil Rafael Núñez, donde se evidenció que éste establecimiento, no es ajeno al fenómeno de las interacciones agresivas en el momento de realizar algunas acciones comunicativas entre pares; algunas de ellas se encuentran frente al entorno educativo de forma verbal o física y otras no, manteniendo así un bajo perfil no por esto menos impactantes; en muchas ocasiones estas presiones se presentan de manera grupal y acaban por coaccionar al más débil de la relación, generando un conflicto e imposibilitando de este modo establecer relaciones adecuadas entre los estudiantes. Este estudio se efectúa ya que los problemas de manifestaciones agresivas en niños, han sido motivo de estudio desde diversos contextos (legal, social, educativo y médico), y en distintas partes del mundo, por sus graves consecuencias en la formación integral del niño y en su personalidad futura como adulto. Con el propósito de acompañar a la comunidad educativa mediante el desarrollo de estrategias psicosociales, para estimular relaciones solidarias, pacificas y afectuosas, surgieron alternativas de desarrollo de habilidades individuales e inter-grupales en las aulas escolares, logrando mejorar con esto prácticas de comunicación humana, las relaciones consigo mismo, con los demás, con el entorno, en donde se da un abordaje de conflictos a fin de mejorar el clima escolar y transformar la cultura institucional, para lo cual se usó el desarrollo de las temáticas: habilidades sociales, relaciones humanas, comunicación humana y abordaje de conflictos.In modern life is lived at a pace which affective relations deteriorate more and more, and the school community of course not escape from it, hence the purpose of this proposal was made to understand the dynamics present among students of campus Rafael Nunez, which was observed by several visits to the child’s interact aggressively. For this proposal, was chosen as a sample group of 60 primary school students aged 6 to 13 years of the student community Rafael Nunez, where it was shown that this facility is no stranger to the phenomenon of aggressive interactions at the time to perform some communicative actions between pairs, some of them are facing the educational environment of verbal or physical and not others, thus maintaining a low profile is no less impressive, in many cases, these pressures are presented in groups and eventually coerce the weaker the relationship, creating a conflict and thus impossible to establish appropriate relationships with students. This study was done because the problems of aggressive manifestations in children, have been studied from different contexts (legal, social, educational and medical), and in different parts of the world for its serious consequences in the integral formation of children and in its future as an adult personality. In order to accompany the educational community through the development of psychosocial strategies to encourage supportive relationships, peaceful and loving, there were alternatives to develop individual skills and inter-group in the classroom, getting better with this practice of human communication, relationships with self, others, with the environment, where there is a conflict management to improve school climate and transform the institutional culture, which was used for the development of themes: social skills, human relations , human communication and conflict management

    A colorimetric strategy based on dynamic chemistry for direct detection of Trypanosomatid species

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    Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease are endemic in many countries, and re-emerging in the developed countries. A rapid and accurate diagnosis is important for early treatment for reducing the duration of infection as well as for preventing further potential health complications. In this work, we have developed a novel colorimetric molecular assay that integrates nucleic acid analysis by dynamic chemistry (ChemNAT) with reverse dot-blot hybridization in an array format for a rapid and easy discrimination of Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi. The assay consists of a singleplex PCR step that amplifies a highly homologous DNA sequence which encodes for the RNA component of the large ribosome subunit. The amplicons of the two different parasites differ between them by single nucleotide variations, known as “Single Nucleotide Fingerprint” (SNF) markers. The SNF markers can be easily identified by naked eye using a novel micro Spin-Tube device "Spin-Tube", as each of them creates a specific spot pattern. Moreover, the direct use of ribosomal RNA without requiring the PCR pre-amplification step is also feasible, further increasing the simplicity of the assay. The molecular assay delivers sensitivity capable of identifying up to 8.7 copies per μL with single mismatch specificity. The Spin-Tube thus represents an innovative solution providing benefits in terms of time, cost, and simplicity, all of which are crucial for the diagnosis of infectious disease in developing countries.This research work has received funding from Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Economía e Innovación (project number 2012-BIO1778), the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Grants CTQ2012-34778, BIO2016-80519-R, FPI Grant BES-2013- 063020). This research was partially supported by the 7th European Community Framework Program (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG-Project Number 322276)

    From monomeric to multimeric His-tag proteins conjugation to magnetic nanoparticles through NTA-Me2+: shape and size effects

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la 4th Spanish Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanomaterials, celebrda online del 2 al 4 de junio de 2021.Peer reviewe