77 research outputs found

    La implicación personal del mediador en el ámbito de la Justicia Alternativa en México

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    En 2008 la justicia en México cambió para transparentar los procedimientos legales como garantía a los derechos humanos mediante la inclusión de Métodos Alternos de Solución de Controversias no adversariales o justicia alternativa, como la mediación. El mediador es un tercero imparcial que no propone soluciones, sino que ayuda a las partes a reflexionar sobre su co-protagonismo y co-responsabilidad en el conflicto y negocien colaborativamente para que se comprometan a cumplir un acuerdo que dé solución a su conflicto. El mediador deberá ser la persona madura, congruente, sana e integrada. El presente trabajo es una propuesta para la capacitación de los mediadores en México, para el Instituto de Justicia Alternativa, universidades, y otros. Para esto, se diseñó e implementó un taller de promoción de un mayor conocimiento personal denominado RECONECTA, mediante la práctica de la percepción consciente y reflexiva de las emociones, pensamientos y conductas, con técnicas humanistas y del Enfoque Centrado en la Persona. El taller se realizó durante 10 sesiones de dos horas cada una a nueve mediadores en formación, cinco mujeres y cuatro hombres, entre 24 y 60 años de edad en un centro de mediación en Guadalajara

    Aprender con el diálogo, dialogar para aprender: Estudio de caso en MOOC

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    By using dialogue, participatory and collaborative methodologies are encouraged, due to the fact that dialogue must always consider the active intervention of all the interlocutors through tolerance, respect, inclusion, equity, open-mindedness, listening and self-questioning our own reasoning. Massive online open courses, MOOC, have revolutionized the online educative environment promoting the reconsideration of new disruptive approaches in their didactic methods. Dialogue will be key in these new learning methods, since it will facilitate and encourage the interaction and communication among the educative virtual community, and will stimulate the collaborative work of their members. This article presents a research done on 40 MOOCs from eleven popular platforms and institutions, which, with interviews in depth with experts in digital learning, aims to analyze the use of dialogue through participative and collaborative methodologies. The results allow us to conclude by stating that, although it’s true that methodological practices based on dialogue are highly appreciated by experts, these are not a generalized procedure in the analyzed courses, which does not discard the fact that very interesting activities have been found based on dialogue, participation and collaboration.Mediante el diálogo se fomentan metodologías participativas y colaborativas gracias a que este debe contemplar siempre la intervención activa de todos los interlocutores desde la tolerancia, el respeto, la inclusión, la equidad, la apertura, la escucha y el propio cuestionamiento de nuestros razonamientos. Los cursos masivos, abiertos y en línea, MOOC, han sacudido el ámbito educativo online promoviendo el replanteamiento de nuevos enfoques disruptivos en sus metodologías didácticas. El diálogo va a ser pieza clave en estos nuevos métodos de aprendizaje, ya que va a facilitar y potenciar la interacción y la comunicación dentro de la comunidad educativa virtual y a favorecer el  trabajo colaborativo de sus miembros. Este artículo presenta una investigación sobre 40 MOOC, de once de las plataformas e instituciones más populares, que, junto a entrevistas en profundidad a expertos en aprendizaje digital, pretende analizar el uso del diálogo a través de metodologías participativas y colaborativas. Los resultados permiten concluir que, si bien las prácticas metodológicas basadas en el diálogo son altamente apreciadas por los expertos, estas no son un procedimiento generalizado en los cursos analizados, lo que no quita que se hayan encontrado actividades muy interesantes basadas en el diálogo, la participación y la colaboración

    Programas y políticas educativas radiofónicas. La educación a distancia y la conformación del proyecto social y educativo en el campo colombiano (1947 – 2004).

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    Programas y políticas educativas radiofónicas. La educación a distancia y la conformación del proyecto social y educativo en el campo colombiano (1947 – 2004). Este documento presenta los resultados del trabajo de grado realizado en la modalidad de Monografía, bajo la asesoría del doctor Jhon Jairo Peña Guerra, inscrito en la línea de investigación de Historia y prospectiva de la educación abierta y a distancia de la ECEDU. El presente se encuentra adscrito a la línea de investigación Historia y prospectiva de la educación abierta y a distancia (funcional), basado en la metodología descriptiva y en la revisión bibliográfica de fuentes referenciadas en el anexo del documento. Propende por el análisis del papel de los principales programas educativos con modalidad a distancia (principalmente radiofónicas) en la conformación social, cultural y educativa rural de la Colombia entre 1947 y 2004.Radio educational programs and policies. Distance education and the conformation of the social and educational project in the Colombian countryside (1947 - 2004). This document presents the results of the undergraduate work carried out in the Monograph modality, under the advice of Dr. Jhon Jairo Peña Guerra, enrolled in the research line of History and prospective of open and distance education at ECEDU. This document is attached to the History and prospective line of open and distance (functional) education, based on the descriptive methodology and the bibliographic review of sources referenced in the document annex. It tends to analyze the role of the main distance educational programs (mainly radiophonic) in social, and cultural formation in the rural Colombia between 1947 – 2004

    Mealiness assessment in fruits using MRI techniques.

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    Mealiness is a sensory attribute that cannot be defined by a single parameter but through a combination of variables (multidimensional structure). Previous studies propose the definition of mealiness as the lack of crispiness, of hardness and of juiciness. Current aims are focused on establishing non destructive tests for mealiness assessment. MultiSliceMultiEcho Magnetic resonance images (MRI, 64*64pixels) have been taken corresponding to a 3ms of Echo time. Small samples of Top Red apples stored 6 months at controlled atmosphere (expected to be non mealy) and 2°C (expected to be mealy) have been used for MRI imaging. Three out of four apples corresponding to the sample maintained at controlled atmosphere did not develop mealiness while three out of four fruits corresponding to the sample stored at 2°C became mealy after 6 month of storage. The minimum T2 values/image obtained for the mealy apples shows to be significantly lower when compared with non mealy apples pointing that a more dis-aggregated structure leads to a quicker loss of signal Also, there is a significant linear correlation (r=-0.76) between the number of pixels with a T2 value below 35ms within a fruit image and the deformation parameter registered during the Magness-Taylor firmness test. Finally, all the T2 images of the mealy apples show a regional variation of contrast which is not shown for non mealy apples. This variation of contrast is similar to the MRI images of water-cored apples indicating that in these cases there is a differential water movement that may precede the internal browning

    Detection of seeds in citrus using MRI under motion conditions and improvement with motion correction

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is studied under an online strategy. Axial FLASH images (780 ms acquisition time) have been analyzed to identify seed-containing oranges conveyed at 50 and 100 mm/s through a 4.7 Tesla spectrometer. Developed algorithms enable an automated identification of oranges with more than one seed, though axial images under motion conditions suffer from significant blurring artifacts. To overcome this hindrance, coronal FLASH images have been acquired (279 ms acquisition time), developing devoted algorithms for motion correction with encouraging results for quality improvement of dynamic image

    Mealiness assessment in apples and peaches using MRI techniques.

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    Since Januarv 1946 a wade EC Project entitled "Mealiness in fruits Consumers perception and means for detection is being carried out. Mealiness is a sensory attribute that cannot be defined by a single parameter but through a combination of variables (multidimensional structure) Previous studies propose the definition of mealiness as the lack of crispiness of hardness and of juiciness. A destructive instrumental procedure combined with a integration technique has been already developed enabling to identify mealy fruits by destructive instrumental means use other contributions of Barreiro and Ortiz to this Ag Eng 98. Current aims .are focused on establishing non destructive tests for mealiness assessment. Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) makes use of the magnetic properties that some atomic nuclei have. especially hidrogen nuclei from water molecules to obtain high quality images in the field of internal quality evaluation the MRI has been used to assess internal injury due to conservation as o treatments as chilling injury un Persimmons Clark&Forbes (1994) and water-core in apples (Wang et al. 1998. In the case of persimmons the chilling injury is described as an initial tissue breakdown and lack of cohesion between cells followed by formation of a firm gel and by a lack of juiciness without changes in the total amount ol water content. Also a browning of the flesh is indicated (Clark&Forhes 1994). This definition fits into the previous description of mealiness

    Peer tutoring: Wiki as a tool for learning in the pedagogues training

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    Esta comunicación presenta los resultados de un trabajo de investigación desarrollado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación (US) por un equipo de profesores y alumnos adscritos al departamento de Didáctica y Organización Educativa, dentro de las asignatura Prácticum I y II de la Licenciatura de Pedagogía. Bajo el objetivo principal de detectar las necesidades formativas de los/as alumnos/as de Pedagogía sobre las condiciones académicas requeridas en las asignaturas Practicum I y II, se elaboró en cursos anteriores, un Programa de Acción Tutorial entre Iguales (PATI) en el que quedaron plasmadas las principales carencias formativas que los alumnos encontraron en sus prácticas externas. Para ello se administró un Cuestionario sobre detección de necesidades formativas del alumnado del prácticum de Pedagogía a una muestra de 104 estudiantes. Una vez recogidos los datos y analizados los resultados, se construyó de manera colaborativa un wiki (http://proyectopati.wikispaces.com). Durante el curso académico 2010-2011, continuando con la segunda fase del proyecto, los alumnos de quinto de Pedagogía han elaborado el wiki, bajo la supervisión de sus tutores, y se ha establecido un sistema de tutoría entre iguales con los alumnos de tercero de Pedagogía. Nuestro espacio wiki puede ser considerado como una biblioteca dónde compartir información, recoger, añadir notas o responder a preguntas de sus compañeros.This paper presents the results of a research work developed at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (U.S.) developed by a team of teachers and students assigned to the Department of Didactics and Educational Organization, within the subject Practicum I and II of the Degree of Education. Under the main objective to identify the training needs of the pupil of Pedagogy on the academic conditions required subjects Practicum I and II, was developed in previous courses, a Program of Action Tutorial Peer (PATI ), which were embodied the main training gaps were students when developing their placement. This questionnaire was administered on identification of training needs of students of pedagogy practicum in a sample of 104 students. Once data are collected and analyzed the results, the program was developed and built a wiki to collaboratively (http://proyectopati.wikispaces.com). During the 2010-2011 academic year, continuing the second phase of the project, students in grades 5 of Education have developed the wiki, under the supervision of their tutors, and has established a system of peer tutoring with students in 3 of pedagogy. Our wiki space has been like a library where we have shared information and consequently the students of 3 rd have used it to obtain information and gather ideas and students in grades 5 have been able to add notes or answer questions from their peers

    A clinical registry of dementia based on the principle of epidemiological surveillance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditional epidemiological studies do not allow elucidating the reality of referral and diagnosis patterns of dementia in routine clinical practice within a defined territory. This information is useful and necessary in order to plan and allocate healthcare resources. This paper presents the results from a dementia case registry based on epidemiological surveillance fundamentals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Standardised registry of dementia diagnoses made in 2007 by specialised care centres in the Health Region of Girona (RSG) (Spain), which encompasses an area of 5,517 sq. km and a reference population of 690,207 inhabitants.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>577 cases of dementia were registered, of which 60.7% corresponded to cases of Alzheimer's disease. Presenile dementia accounted for 9.3% of the cases. Mean time between the onset of symptoms and clinical diagnosis was 2.4 years and the severity of the dementia was mild in 60.7% of the cases. High blood pressure, a family history of dementia, dislipidemia, and a past history of depression were the most common conditions prior to the onset of the disease (>20%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ReDeGi is a viable epidemiological surveillance device that provides information about the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with dementia in a defined geographical area.</p

    Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome: Prevalence and Cognitive Performance. A cross-sectional study

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    Background Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome (MCR) is a predementia stage where slow gait speed and subjective memory complaints are present. The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of MCR and assess its relationship with sociodemographic factors and chronic conditions. Methods This is a secondary analysis of the SABE Colombia study conducted in 2015. The analytic sample consisted of 17·577 participants. After determining MCR prevalence, logistic regression was performed to examine the correlates of MCR. Findings The prevalence of MCR was 10·71 %. The median age was 71 years and women composed 74·63 % of the MCR group. After adjusting for confounding variables MCR was associated with increasing age (OR 1·69, CI 1·43 - 1·92), no or low education (OR 1·99, CI 1·67- 2·37), MMSE (OR 0·93, CI 0·91 - 0·95) and chronic conditions such as mental disorders (OR 1·36, CI 1·11-1·67), history of myocardial infarction (OR 1·24, CI 1·04 - 1·47), hypertension (OR 1·23, CI 1·08 - 1·40) and diabetes (OR 1.18, CI 1.01 – 1.37). Interpretation This study found a prevalence of 10·71 % of MCR in Colombian older adults. Additionally, MCR was associated with chronic conditions and sociodemographic factors identified in prior studies. These results increase the awareness of a novel predementia stage whose identification can be performed by clinicians in the outpatient clinic, minimizing the cost of a full neuropsychologic evaluation performed in a memory clinic.publishedVersio