
Mealiness assessment in fruits using MRI techniques.


Mealiness is a sensory attribute that cannot be defined by a single parameter but through a combination of variables (multidimensional structure). Previous studies propose the definition of mealiness as the lack of crispiness, of hardness and of juiciness. Current aims are focused on establishing non destructive tests for mealiness assessment. MultiSliceMultiEcho Magnetic resonance images (MRI, 64*64pixels) have been taken corresponding to a 3ms of Echo time. Small samples of Top Red apples stored 6 months at controlled atmosphere (expected to be non mealy) and 2°C (expected to be mealy) have been used for MRI imaging. Three out of four apples corresponding to the sample maintained at controlled atmosphere did not develop mealiness while three out of four fruits corresponding to the sample stored at 2°C became mealy after 6 month of storage. The minimum T2 values/image obtained for the mealy apples shows to be significantly lower when compared with non mealy apples pointing that a more dis-aggregated structure leads to a quicker loss of signal Also, there is a significant linear correlation (r=-0.76) between the number of pixels with a T2 value below 35ms within a fruit image and the deformation parameter registered during the Magness-Taylor firmness test. Finally, all the T2 images of the mealy apples show a regional variation of contrast which is not shown for non mealy apples. This variation of contrast is similar to the MRI images of water-cored apples indicating that in these cases there is a differential water movement that may precede the internal browning

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