6,212 research outputs found

    Harmonized tuning of nucleic acid and lectin binding properties with multivalent cyclodextrins for macrophage-selective gene delivery

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    Polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins (paCDs) have been shown to behave as efficient non-viral gene carriers paralleling the efficacy of commercial vectors towards a variety of cell lines. Their molecular framework and modular design allow the installation of saccharidic antennae to promote specific carbohydrate–protein interactions, thus potentially endowing them with selective targeting abilities. Yet, the presence of these additional functionalities onto the polycationic cluster may hamper paCD self-assembly and nucleic acid condensation. In this report we describe the influence of paCD mannosylation extent on paCD-pDNA nanocomplex stability as well as the consequences of varying glycotope density on mannose-specific lectin recognition and gene delivery capabilities. The work aims at exploring the potential of this approach to optimize both properties in order to modulate cell transfection selectivity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad SAF2013-44021-RJunta de Andalucía FQM-146

    Perspectiva no androcéntrica en los estudios sobre familias monoparentales. Reflexiones e implicaciones metodológicas

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    En aquest treball vam realitzar una reflexió sobre el procés que ens va portar a la progressiva configuració d'un model d'abordatge metodològic específic per a la investigació sobre les famílies monoparentals. Un procés construït i sistematitzat a partir dels ap rts de les epistemologies feministes al disseny metodològic ia les formes de treball participatives. D'això va derivar una contribució científico tècnica rellevant i inèdita fins a l'actualitat a nivell internacional: l'Enquesta sobre Monoparentalitat i diversitat familiar (EMODIF), la qual proposem com un instrument de mesurament no androcèntric de les monoparentals, els seus perfils, experiències, expectatives i realitats. Amb aquest article volem oferir una sistematització de les implicacions que ha tingut la nostra aplicació i materialització de la perspectiva feminista en els estudis de les famílies monoparentals.This paper presents a discussion on the process that led us to a progressively developing of a specific methodological approach for research on one parent families. This process has been systematized and built from the contributions of feminist epistemologies to the methodological design and participatory forms of work. From it derives a scientific and technical contribution, internationally unpublished until now: Single Parenthood and family diversity Survey (EMODIF), which we propose as a not androcentric measuring tool of single parenthood, their profiles, experiences, expectations and realities. With this article we want to offer a systematization of the implications that has had our implementation of the feminist perspective in studies of one parent families.En este trabajo realizamos una reflexión sobre el proceso que nos llevó a la progresiva configuración de un modelo de abordaje metodológico específico para la investigación sobre las familias monoparentales. Un proceso construido y sistematizado a partir de los ap rtes de las epistemologías feministas al diseño metodológico y a las formas de trabajo participativas. De ello derivo una contribución científico- técnica relevante e inédita hasta la actualidad a nivel internacional: la Encuesta sobre Monoparentalidad y diversidad familiar (EMODIF), la cual proponemos como un instrumento de medición no androcéntrico de las monoparentalidades, sus perfiles, experiencias, expectativas y realidades. Con este artículo queremos ofrecer una sistematización de las implicaciones que ha tenido nuestra aplicación y materialización de la perspectiva feminista en los estudios de las familias monoparentales

    Conceptual design of the enhanced coolant purification systems for the European HCLL and HCPB test blanket modules

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    The Coolant Purification Systems (CPSs) is one of the most relevant ancillary systems of European Helium Cooled Lead Lithium (HCLL) and Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) which are currently in the preliminary design phase in view of their installation and operation in ITER. The CPS implements mainly two functions: the extraction and concentration of the tritium permeated from the TBM modules into the primary cooling circuit and the chemistry control of helium primary coolant. During the HCLL and HCPB-TBSs (Test Blanket Systems) Conceptual Design Review (CDR) in 2015 it was recognized the need of reducing the tritium permeation into the Port Cell #16 of ITER. To achieve this and, then, to lower the tritium partial pressure in the Helium Cooling Systems in normal operation, the helium flow-rate treated by each CPS has been increased of almost one order of magnitude. In 2017, to satisfy the CDR outcomes and the new design requirements requested by Fusion for Energy (F4E, the European Domestic Agency for ITER), ENEA performed a preliminary design of the “enhanced” CPSs. This paper presents the current design of the “enhanced” CPSs, focusing on design requirements, assumptions, selection of technologies and preliminary components sizing

    A bacterial ratchet motor

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    Self-propelling bacteria are a dream of nano-technology. These unicellular organisms are not just capable of living and reproducing, but they can swim very efficiently, sense the environment and look for food, all packaged in a body measuring a few microns. Before such perfect machines could be artificially assembled, researchers are beginning to explore new ways to harness bacteria as propelling units for micro-devices. Proposed strategies require the careful task of aligning and binding bacterial cells on synthetic surfaces in order to have them work cooperatively. Here we show that asymmetric micro-gears can spontaneously rotate when immersed in an active bacterial bath. The propulsion mechanism is provided by the self assembly of motile Escherichia coli cells along the saw-toothed boundaries of a nano-fabricated rotor. Our results highlight the technological implications of active matter's ability to overcome the restrictions imposed by the second law of thermodynamics on equilibrium passive fluids.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The contribution of specific non-communicable diseases to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 in Peru

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    Background Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have received political attention and commitment, yet surveillance is needed to measure progress and set priorities. Building on global estimates suggesting that Peru is not on target to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 3.4, we estimated the contribution of various NCDs to the change in unconditional probability of dying from NCDs in 25 regions in Peru. Methods Using national death registries and census data, we estimated the unconditional probability of dying between ages 30 and 69 from any and from each of the following NCDs: cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and chronic kidney disease. We estimated the contribution of each NCD to the change in the unconditional probability of dying from any of these NCDs between 2006 and 2016. Results The overall unconditional probability of dying improved for men (21.4%) and women (23.3%). Cancer accounted for 10.9% in men and 13.7% in women of the overall reduction; cardiovascular diseases also contributed substantially: 11.3% in men) and 9.8% in women. Consistently in men and women and across regions, diabetes moved in the opposite direction of the overall reduction in the unconditional probability of dying from any selected NCD. Diabetes contributed a rise in the unconditional probability of 3.6% in men and 2.1% in women. Conclusions Although the unconditional probability of dying from any selected NCD has decreased, diabetes would prevent Peru from meeting international targets. Policies are needed to prevent diabetes and to strengthen healthcare to avoid diabetes-related complications and delay mortality

    CD : requisitos de projetos e organização funcional

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    Orientador: Darli Rodrigues VieiraMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Gerência de Sistemas LogísticosResumo: O estudo tern por objetivo descrever as melhores práticas utilizadas para que se projete urn centro de distribuição, descrevendo as principais formas de armazenagem e operação logística e ilustrando estes métodos com um caso pratico de um centro de distribuição em fase de construção. Com um mercado cada vez mais competitivo, fica cada vez mais necessário o planejamento robusto das atividades logísticas de distribuição, entendo os requerimentos de cada operação para que se possa definir a melhor alternativa, lembrando que esta alternativa e dinâmica, podendo ser diferente a cada momento de anális

    Systematic framework for performance evaluation of exoskeleton actuators

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    AbstractWearable devices, such as exoskeletons, are becoming increasingly common and are being used mainly for improving motility and daily life autonomy, rehabilitation purposes, and as industrial aids. There are many variables that must be optimized to create an efficient, smoothly operating device. The selection of a suitable actuator is one of these variables, and the actuators are usually sized after studying the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the target task, combining information from motion tracking, inverse dynamics, and force plates. While this may be a good method for approximate sizing of actuators, a more detailed approach is necessary to fully understand actuator performance, control algorithms or sensing strategies, and their impact on weight, dynamic performance, energy consumption, complexity, and cost. This work describes a learning-based evaluation method to provide this more detailed analysis of an actuation system for ourXoTrunkexoskeleton. The study includes: (a) a real-world experimental setup to gather kinematics and dynamics data; (b) simulation of the actuation system focusing on motor performance and control strategy; (c) experimental validation of the simulation; and (d) testing in real scenarios. This study creates a systematic framework to analyze actuator performance and control algorithms to improve operation in the real scenario by replicating the kinematics and dynamics of the human–robot interaction. Implementation of this approach shows substantial improvement in the task-related performance when applied on a back-support exoskeleton during a walking task

    Levels of Physical Activity in the Adult Population of La Guajira, Colombia: A Focus on Ethnicity

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the physical activity levels among the ethnic groups in La Guajira, Colombia, according to the different ethnic groups and their sociodemographic factors. With regards to ethnic groups, two groups were studied, ethnic (Indigenous and Afro-Colombian) and non-ethnic (White or Mestizo). In order to obtain the relevant data a non-probability sample of 251 people of ≥18 years of age were asked to complete the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). In this analysis, physical activity (METs.min−1) levels were considered as the dependent variable, while the independent variables were linked to the sociodemographic factors: sex, age, social class, civil status, educational level, and municipality of residence. The individuals were then categorized based on their physical activity levels and their compliance with the World Health Organization's (WHO) physical activity recommendations. Next, using the sociodemographic variables, regression models were made to determine the likelihood of the participants meeting these physical activity targets; these models found that 78.1% of the studied participants met the targets. According to the results of the bivariate analysis, participants of ≥47 years of age, and those with only a primary education presented a lower probability of complying with the physical activity recommendations, while those who lived in large municipalities (Riohacha) displayed a larger probability of compliance [OR = 2.16; 95% CI: (1.18–3.96)]. Furthermore, the multivariate analysis showed that Indigenous and Afro-Colombian people in a low social class are more likely to comply with the physical activity recommendations [ORad = 4.88; 95% CI: (1.31–18.1)], while residing in a smaller municipality (Manaure) is associated with a lower probability of compliance [ORad = 0.39; 95% CI: (0.16–0.91)]. In addition, the educated participants were shown to be active and to comply with the physical activity recommendations is to a high degree, even when compared with national and global results. In the ethnic group however, low social class stood out as the sociodemographic factor most associated with high physical activity, while Afro-Colombians were shown to be more active than the Indigenous people. The results of this study offer evidence that can either form a base for future research

    Applying Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Biological Methods to Assess the Hyporheic Zone Water Exchanges in Two Mediterranean Stream Reaches

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    The hyporheic zone (HZ) is a critical area of all river ecosystems. It is the area beneath the stream and adjacent to the stream, where the surface water and groundwater are mixed. The HZ extends both vertically and laterally depending on the sediment configuration, namely their porosity and permeability. This influences the hyporheic communities’ structural pattern and their active dispersal among distinct rivers compartments and alluvial aquifers. It is still difficult to assess the spatial extent of the HZ and the distribution of the mixing zones. This study applies time-lapse images obtained using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) of 20 m wide and 5 m deep alluvial streams, with regards to the structural pattern of hyporheic communities represented by cyclopoids and ostracods, in order to assess the extent of the HZ in the riverbed and the parafluvial sediment configurations. The ERT images obtained at the hyporheic Site 1 are characterized by alluvial deposits dominated by coarse and very coarse sands with resistivity values ranging from ~20 to 80 Ohm.m, indicating a permeable zone up to ~0.5 m thick and extending laterally for ca. 5 m from the channel and associated with the hyporheic zone. The sediment configurations, texture, and structure indicate an active surface–hyporheic water exchange and low water retention into the sediments. This is also indicated by the hyporheic copepods and ostracods communities’ structure formed by a mixture of non-stygobites (five species) and stygobites (two species). A low-resistivity (<70 Ohm.m) permeable zone located 2.3 m below the streambed and unconnected with the river channel was also detected and associated with the associated alluvial aquifer. In contrast, the resistivity image at Site 2 dominated by coarse, medium, and very fine sands, shows a low-permeability zone in the upper ~0.5 m of the profile, with a resistivity value ranging from ~45 to 80 Ohm.m, indicating a reduced HZ extension in both vertical and lateral dimensions. Here the sediment configurations indicate that the water retention and interaction with the sediment is higher, reflected by more diverse hyporheic communities and with highly abundant stygobite species. The two examples show that non-invasive ERT images and biological assessments provide complementary and valuable information about the characterization of the sub-channel architecture and its potential hydraulic connection to the floodplain aquifer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio