45 research outputs found

    Investigation of Thermal-Related Effects in Hot SPIF of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy

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    The present work focuses on a new approach to hot form hard-to-work materials by Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) technology using a global heating of the sheet. A set of trials was carried out in order to identify the optimum temperature cycles to minimize geometric distortions associated to each process stage on the fabrication of parts made of Ti–6Al–4V. On the one hand, heating trials allowed defining the optimal procedure to improve the temperature distribution homogeneity along the sheet and consequently to minimize its thermal distortion previous to the forming stage. On the other hand, the influence of both working temperature and the applied cooling on the geometric accuracy was evaluated by means of SPIF trials. For this purpose, a generic asymmetric design with typical aeronautical features was used. These trials pointed out that high forming temperatures allow reducing significantly the material springback whereas a controlled cooling (with an intermediate stress relief treatment) minimizes both the distortion of the part during the cooling and the mechanical stresses accumulated on the clamping system. Furthermore, the work includes a post-forming material evaluation to determinate the influence of the employed processing conditions on microcracks, alpha-case layer, microstructure and hardness.Research leading to these results was done within the project INMA—Innovative manufacturing of complex titanium sheet components. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 266208

    Accuracy and Surface Quality Improvements in the Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V Parts Using Hot Single Point Incremental Forming

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    The present work focuses on the manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V parts using hot single point incremental forming (SPIF), a non-conventional forming technology mainly oriented toward the fabrication of prototypes, spare parts, or very low volume series. In the used procedure, the entire sheet is heated and kept at uniform temperature while the tool incrementally forms the part, with the limited accuracy of the obtained parts being the major drawback of the process. Thus, this work proposes two approaches to improve the geometric accuracy of Ti-6Al-4V SPIF parts: (i) correct the tool path by applying an intelligent process model (IPM) that counteracts deviations associated with the springback, and (ii) skip overforming deviations associated with the deflection of the sheet along the perimeter of the part based on a design improvement. For this purpose, a generic asymmetric design that incorporates features of a typical aerospace Ti-6Al-4V part is used. The results point out the potential of both solutions to significantly improve the accuracy of the parts. The application of the IPM model leads to an accuracy improvement up to 49%, whereas a 25.4% improvement can be attributed to the addendum introduction. The geometric accuracy study includes the two finishing operations needed to obtain the part, namely decontamination and trimming.Research leading to these results was done within the project INMA—Innovative manufacturing of complex titanium sheet components. This research was funded by the European Union´s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development, and demonstration under grant agreement number 266208

    El juego: un estímulo motivacional para el desarrollo del aprendizaje significativo en las niñas y los niños del grado 1° de la institución las palmas

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    A continuación, encontrarás todos los registros de evidencias desarrolladas durante el diplomado tales como: vídeos, fotografías, consentimiento informado. https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/mleonor_unadvirtual_edu_co/EtO2LgXtJyxPkS_8gzmOTE8BS4YKn_4hWb9gE_AQ7bwXgQ?e=LE204JEste trabajo presenta una propuesta pedagógica, cuyo propósito es mostrar como las actividades mediadas por el juego, promueven la motivación en los estudiantes, un elemento de mucha relevancia en el proceso del aprendizaje de los niños y las niñas. Esta se llevó a cabo, con la implementación de estrategias educativas acordes a los intereses y necesidades de ellos. Este proceso inicio a partir de la observación directa en el aula de clases, donde se logró identificar la desmotivación de un grupo de niños y niñas del grado Primero “A” de la Sede las Palmas para participar activamente en su aprendizaje, convirtiéndose en un problema que afecta su rendimiento académico. También se pudo evidenciar que este grupo de estudiantes no cuentan con el acompañamiento en casa por parte de los padres o familiares para desarrollar las actividades y el desinterés por el aprendizaje es evidente. Por lo cual, se hizo necesario el diseño e implementación de estrategias lúdicas o pedagógicas mediadas por el juego, un elemento de mucha importancia en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, donde es el docente como principal mediador, quien juega un papel fundamental en la estimulación de este. Cabe resaltar entonces, que el juego más que una diversión, sirve como estrategia para el desarrollo del aprendizaje de los niños y las niñas, permitiendo que ellos participen activamente de manera autónoma y espontánea, teniendo en cuenta que este, es uno de sus mayores intereses. Esta propuesta pedagógica ha permitido conocer lo significativo que es desarrollar acciones educativas.This work presents a pedagogical proposal, whose purpose is to show how activities mediated by play promote motivation in students, an element of great relevance in the learning process of boys and girls. This was carried out, with the implementation of educational strategies according to their interests and needs. This process started from direct observation in the classroom, where it was possible to identify the demotivation of a group of boys and girls from the First grade “A” of the Seed las Palmas to actively participate in their learning, becoming a problem that affects their academic performance. It was also possible to show that this group of students do not have the accompaniment at home by parents or relatives to develop the activities and the lack of interest in learning is evident. Therefore, it became necessary to design and implement playful or pedagogical strategies mediated by the game, an element of great importance in the students’ learning process, where the teacher is the main mediator, who plays a fundamental role in the stimulation of this. It should be noted then, that the game, more than fun, serves as a strategy for the development0 of the learning of boys and girls, allowing them to participate actively in an autonomous and spontaneous way, taking into account that this is one of their greatest interests. this pedagogical proposal has allowed us to know how significant it is to develop educational actions

    Correlación entre la coordinación motriz y el IMC en estudiantes de 12 a 14,5 años de edad, en tres colegios de la ciudad de Medellín

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    Objetivo: el presente estudio correlacionó el IMC con el resultado de un test motor complejo que mide la coordinación motriz, en estudiantes de 12 a 14,5 años de edad, en tres colegios diferentes de la ciudad de Medellín (en estrato y énfasis deportivo), de manera que permitiera interpretar la relación entre la variable antropométrica y la variable coordinativa. Métodos y Materiales: estudio descriptivo correlacional. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 395 niños pertenecientes a tres colegios de la ciudad de Medellín. Los estudiantes fueron autorizados por sus padres o acudientes para participar en el estudio, y además diligenciaron el respectivo consentimiento y asentimiento informado. La muestra se hizo de forma aleatoria y proporcional de acuerdo a la edad y al sexo, y coherente con el número de estudiantes y los listados en cada una de las instituciones. A los evaluados se les aplicó el test de coordinación de Lorenzo et al.(1), se realizó un análisis univariado y de acuerdo a su distribución normal se emplearon pruebas paramétricas o no paramétricas para buscar las correlaciones entre variables del test y el IMC de los(as) estudiantes. El test se realizó utilizando los instrumentos adecuados para ello: báscula, tallímetro y cronómetro. Resultados: se encontró que no existe correlación significativa entre el IMC y el resultado del test coordinativo, tampoco otras variables sociodemográficas como el estrato social y la actividad deportiva extraescolar presentan correlación. Conclusiones: Al separar los resultados por género se halló que el IMC está relacionado con el nivel coordinativo para el sexo masculino, evidenciando su progresión con la edad, aunque los valores no alcanzan a ser estadísticamente significativos. Los valores del test coordinativo en sexo femenino son débiles y no mejoran con la edad entre 12 y 14,5 años de edad, lo que podría indicar un deficiente desarrollo de las mismas en los colegios analizados. No se encuentra relación entre el estrato social o el tipo de colegio y la actividad deportiva extraescolar con el resultado del test motor utilizado para medir la coordinación motriz. Como logro adicional se presenta una tabla con los percentiles obtenidos por los escolares referidos.Objective: the present study correlated the BMI with the result of a complex motor test that measures the motor coordination, in students from 12 to 14.5 years of age, in three different schools of the city of Medellin (in stratum and sport emphasis), so as to allow interpreting the relationship between the anthropometric variable and the coordinative variable. Methods and Materials: descriptive correlational study. The sample size was 395 children belonging to three schools of Medellín. The students were authorized by their parents or guardians to participate in the study, and they also completed the respective informed consent and assent. The sample was randomized and proportional according to age and sex, and consistent with the number of students and the lists in each of the institutions. Those evaluated were administered the coordination test by Lorenzo et al. (1), a univariate analysis was performed and, according to their normal distribution, parametric or nonparametric tests were used to search for the correlations between test variables and the BMI of the students The test was carried out using the appropriate instruments for this: scale, stadiometer and chronometer. Results: it was found that there is no significant correlation between the BMI and the result of the coordination test, nor do other sociodemographic variables such as the social stratum and the extracurricular sports activity show correlation. Conclusions: when separating the results by gender, it is found that the BMI is related to the coordinative level for the male sex, evidencing its progression with age, although the values do not reach to be statistically significant. The values of the coordinative test in females are weak and do not improve with age between 12 and 14.5 years of age, which could indicate a deficient development of the same in the schools analyzed. There is no relationship between the social stratum or the type of school and the extracurricular sports activity with the result of the motor test used to measure motor coordination. As an additional achievement, a table is presented with the percentiles obtained by the referred students

    Effects of a Modeling plan on the skill abilities and endurance of young female handball players

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    Introducción: la planificación por modelamiento, como modelo emergente, procura responder a las necesidades particulares del deportista o grupo deportivo, en este caso, un equipo de balonmano, mencionando que las capacidades coordinativas son fundamentales en este deporte y el modelamiento acepta una acentuación en dichas capacidades, lo que permite anidar ambos conceptos y plantear la investigación. Objetivo general: medir el efecto que un plan por modelamiento acentuado en las capacidades coordinativas produce en la resistencia y en la coordinación, en jugadoras de balonmano. Materiales y métodos: se aplicaron test de coordinación y de resistencia a dos grupos de jugadoras de balonmano: el grupo control (GC) mantuvo un plan con cargas diluidas, donde se trabajaron los componentes del entrenamiento, como lo habían realizado habitualmente. El grupo experimental (GE) varió durante ocho semanas el plan inicial, por un plan por modelamiento, que acentuó estímulos coordinativos, como la base de su preparación, durante tal período de tiempo. Resultados y discusión: los resultados del Yoyo Test y el Test Motor Complejo (TMC) aplicados muestran avances en la resistencia y en la coordinación en ambos grupos, pero logran ser estadísticamente significativos solo para el grupo experimental. Conclusión: una preparación por modelamiento, acentuando la componente coordinativa en jugadoras de balonmano, logra mejorar significativamente la resistencia y muy significativamente la coordinaciónIntroduction: Planning by Modeling, as an emerging model, seeks to respond to the particular needs of the athlete or sports group, in this case, a handball team. Mentioning thus, that the coordination capacities are fundamental in this sport and the modeling accepts an accentuation in these capacities, which allows to nest both concepts and to raise the research. Objective: To measure the effect that a plan by modeling accentuated in coordinative capacities produces in resistance and coordination in handball female players. Materials and methods: Coordination and endurance tests were applied to two groups of handball female players: the control group (CG) keep a plan with diluted loads where all the components of the training were worked as usual. The experimental group (EG) varied the initial plan for eight weeks, for a plan by modeling that emphasized coordination stimuli as the basis of their preparation during that period of time. Results and discussion: The results of the Yoyo Test and the Complex Motor Test (CMT) applied, show advances in resistance and coordination in both groups, but they are statistically significant only for the experimental group. Conclusion: A preparation by modeling, emphasizing the coordination component in handball female players, achieves a significant improvement in endurance and very significantly in coordinationIncluye referencias bibliograáfica

    Approach to the concept of sports talent (ST)

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: Definir que es el Talento Deportivo (TD), es un objetivo que ha sido y sigue siendo perseguido por múltiples culturas y estamentos deportivos, tener la clave para seleccionar, desarrollar y posicionar los talentos deportivos sería un ahorro de recursos y tiempo para cualquier ente gubernamental o no que se desempeñe en el campo del deporte formativo y competitivo; Objetivo: lograr una aproximación contextualizada para definir el término TD. Metodología: el presente estudio presenta los resultados de una investigación bibliográfica centrada en la idea de poder definir el concepto TD con todo su particular y complejo contexto. Resultados y Conclusiones: Se espera con el presente trabajo, aterrizar las ideas respecto a este fenómeno y aportar en el proceso constante de la interpretación de su significado, produciendo una definición que, si bien no puede dar por cerrado el tema, se espera pueda usarse como un eslabón en su permanente construcción y evolución.ABSTRACT: Introduction: To define that it is the Sport Talent (ST), is an objective that has been and continues being pursued by multiple cultures and sport estates, to have the key to select, develop and effectively position the sport talents would be a saving of resources and time for any governmental or formative organism. Objective: To analyze that performs in the field of the formative and competitive sport. Methodology: the present study presents the results of a bibliographical research centered in the idea of being able to define TD with all its particular and complex context. Results and Conclusions: The present article will ground the ideas regarding this phenomenon and contribute to the constant process of interpreting its meaning, producing a definition that, although it cannot be considered closed, can be used as a link in its permanent construction and evolution

    Effects of discontinuous training methods in Colombian combat athletes

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the discontinuous training of the VO2Máx, in a competitive period, in combat athletes who live and train in Medellín-Colombia, with national or international sports level. Method: A convenience sample of 42 subjects was selected: 15 women and 27 men, 21 of them judo athletes, 9 fenders, 6 taekwondo athletes, and 6 fighters, from the selections of Antioquia in the Absolute Category, with age = 21.26 ± 3,98 years, size: 1.69 ± 0.09 m, weight = 65.70 ± 12.05 k, and sports experience of 8.54 ± 4.27 years. They were randomly distributed in two experimental groups and one control group. Experimental groups trained endurance for 4 weeks, with 4 stimuli per week, before the National Games, the maximum sports competition in Colombia. One experimental group trained with the interval method and the other with the intermittent method. The control group did not perform a specific endurance training, maintaining the strength training and the technical-tactical components, similarly to the subjects integrating the experimental groups. Results: Significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test for the intermittent group (p < 0.05), and not for the interval or the control groups, were found. Conclusions: Endurance training, based on the intermittent method, produced significant differences in VO2Máx in combat athletes from Antioquia, during the final phase of its preparation. Likewise, it was found that the number of workouts carried out during a concentrated block of specific endurance training significantly influenced the changes that occurred in VO2Máx

    Reflexiones de los docentes de inglés en formación sobre su práctica pedagógica.

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    Las prácticas profesionales en la facultad de educación, son un espacio de crecimiento y aprendizaje para los docentes y durante este tiempo, los docentes en formación reflexionan sobre su ejercicio de práctica profesional a través del diario de campo y mantienen un portafolio con sus planeaciones y material didáctico elaborado durante su práctica. Sin embargo, se ha notado que los diarios de campo de los practicantes de la licenciatura en idioma extranjero – inglés no reflejan procesos de reflexión de la práctica profesional

    Efectos en el VO2 MAX al entrenar resistencia en luchadores antioqueños durante el período competitivo

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    The fight is considered one of the major sports to historical level, it was in the Olympic Games of antiquity, also was one of the first sports that took power in Greece in 1896, in his first appearance in the modern Olympic Games, for your competition is divided by weight, ie categorical systems and in two specialties, wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling, the division seeks competitive and physical balance, this is more envision conditional techniques of capabilities, tactical, psychological and athletes. During the past 20 years the International Federation of Associated Wrestling (FILA) has made a lot of modifications to the rules to increase the number of qualifying shares and reducing the time of competition, changes have generated a change of physical training, with this premise resistance became the object of study in this research, which has served to determine the level of athletes as this capacity is concerned and what the most viable to train the same method would, therefore the objective layout was to compare the effect of two plans endurance training, an intermittent method and another interval applied for 4 weeks at Antioquia fighters.La lucha como deporte posee una tradición histórica importante al punto que siempre ha hecho parte del programa Olímpico, su competencia se divide en categorías por peso corporal y en dos estilos: Libre y grecorromana. Durante los últimos 20 años la Federación Internacional de Luchas Asociadas (FILA), ha hecho modificaciones al reglamento, variando asuntos técnicos pero que mantienen la resistencia como una componente determinante, partiendo que valorar el VO2Max., da un indicativo significativo de la resistencia. El aporte del presente estudio a pesar de las limitaciones que tiene con el reducido número de participantes, es aportar elementos para valorar la importancia de optimizar niveles de VO2Máx. durante el período competitivo en atletas de nivel nacional, y brindar información sobre cuál método es más pertinente para tal logro: Intermitente o interválico