306 research outputs found

    Plan de negocios para la creación de un parque temático de turismo de aventura en Cubarral, Meta.

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    135 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficos.Ariari Adventure es un proyecto de plan de negocio enfocado en crear un espacio de Aventura en el municipio de Cubarral, Meta, dirigido a personas con espíritu extremo y aventurero que buscan vivir una experiencia inolvidable. Los paisajes y la diversidad de ecosistemas que ofrece esta región serán aprovechados plenamente en el parque, con el fin de permitir a las personas disfrutar de cada actividad dependiendo su propio concepto de aventura. Adicionalmente, se pretende brindar al cliente un servicio integral por medio de la oferta de un amplio portafolio de servicios complementarios como alimentación, alojamiento y transporte. Esto se logrará en un espacio de 2 hectáreas localizadas en Puerto Ariari, cerca al rio Ariari. La idea es ofrecer un espacio de dedicado al ocio y que le permita al turista disfrutar de su propia aventura mientras se conecta con la naturaleza.Ariari Adventure is a business plan project focused on creating an adventure area in the Municipality of Cubarral, Meta aimed to people with and adventurous spirit and love for extreme sports and nature looking to have an unforgettable experience. The landscapes and diversity of ecosystems offered by this region will be utilized in a way that will allow people to enjoy each activity depending on his own concept of adventure. Additionally, it is intended to provide the customer with an integral service by offering a broad portfolio of complimentary services such as food, lodging and transportation. This will be achieved in a space of 2 hectares located in Puerto Ariari near to the Ariari River. The idea is to offer a space dedicated to leisure allowing people to create their own adventure while connecting to nature.Administrador(a) de Empresas Turísticas y HotelerasPregrad

    The climate of the Castilian-Leonese Cantabrian Mountains: diversity and contrasts

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    Se realiza la caracterización del clima de la Cordillera Cantábrica en Castilla y León, resaltando los rasgos que la singularizan a partir del análisis de sus variables térmicas y pluviométricas, expresadas de forma numérica y cartográfica. La impronta del relieve, la transición climática zonal y meridiana, y el cambio observado en algunas variables desde los años 90 a la actualidad, son aspectos a destacar.Climate characterization of the Cantabrian Mountains in Castilla and León is performed, highlighting the features that single out from the analysis of their thermal and rainfall variables, expressed numerically and cartographic. The imprint of the relief, the zonal and meridian climatic transition, and the change observed in some variables from the 90s to the present, are notable aspects

    Methodology for the historical and synoptic analysis of snows: its application to the region of Castilla y León (Spain)

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    Producción CientíficaA methodology is proposed for the study of snowfall, applied to the region and autonomous community of Castilla y León (Spain). It is based on two major pillars: the elaboration of a Snowfall Catalogue from the consultation of documentary sources (press) between 1979 and 2021, which allows cataloging all the episodes that occurred from October to May, and the synoptic study of the atmospheric dynamics in those 43 years, identifying the different types of weather as a means of validating the cataloged episodes. The database created provides information on its intensity, duration, and frequency, as well as its genesis, distribution, typology, and climatic hazard. All this has been analyzed and has allowed to recognize different stages in its way of occurring and to estimate trends and behaviors in both the number of episodes and the number of snow days and their assessment in the current situation of climate change.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    La investigación en comunicación en la academia en español y portugués : las revistas científicas presentes en los rankings WoS-JCR y Scimago-SJR (sección de comunicación). Un mapa del flujo de investigación en España y América Latina entre 2009 y 2019

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    En este artículo se realiza una evaluación de las revistas en español mejor indexadas en el área de la comunicación en el periodo comprendido entre 2009 y 2019 en España, Portugal y América Latina. Para ello, se analiza el estado de la cuestión de las revistas científicas en este ámbito tomando como referencia el índice SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situadas en los cuartiles uno y dos (ranking a fecha de 31 de diciembre de 2019). Se ha analizado una muestra compuesta por 4.098 artículos pertenecientes a ocho revistas de investigación en comunicación que han sido analizados a través de un libro de codificación en el que participaron cinco codificadores entrenados. Como parámetros de análisis se ha tomado en cuenta el género de los autores, del primer y segundo autor, su índice h, el número de autores por artículo, la internacionalización de los artículos, la financiación competitiva de los mismos, las regiones de publicación preponderantes de los autores y la tipología de artículos más frecuente. Tras desarrollar el análisis de las variables, se ha hallado una presencia significativa de autores e interés social en la investigación en esta área. Sin embargo, también se han detectado otras debilidades y amenazas, como escasez de financiación, una publicación muy focalizada en determinadas regiones españolas (Madrid, Cataluña, Andalucía) o la falta de revistas científicas en español y portugués, indexadas en los cuartiles 1 y 2 en los índices Scopus o JCR. Junto con estos datos, se han identificado numerosas oportunidades.En aquest article es fa una avaluació de les revistes en espanyol millor indexades en l'àrea de la comunicació en el període comprès entre 2009 i 2019 a Espanya, Portugal i l'Amèrica Llatina. Per dur-la a terme, s'analitza l'estat de la qüestió de les revistes científiques en aquest àmbit prenent com a referència l'índex SJR-Scimago-Scopus, situades en els quartils u i dos (rànquing amb data de 31 de desembre de 2019). S'ha analitzat una mostra composta per 4.098 articles pertanyents a vuit revistes de recerca en comunicació que han estat analitzats a través d'un llibre de codificació en el qual van participar cinc codificadors entrenats. Com a paràmetres d'anàlisi s'ha tingut en compte el gènere dels autors, del primer i segon autor, el seu índex h, el nombre d'autors per article, la internacionalització dels articles, el finançament competitiu d'aquests, les regions de publicació preponderants dels autors i la tipologia d'articles més freqüent. Després de desenvolupar l'anàlisi de les variables, s'ha trobat una presència significativa d'autors i interès social en la recerca en aquesta àrea. No obstant això, també s'han detectat altres febleses i amenaces, com ara escassetat de finançament, una publicació molt focalitzada en determinades regions espanyoles (Madrid, Catalunya, Andalusia) o la manca de revistes científiques en espanyol i portuguès, indexades en els quartils 1 i 2 en els índexs Scopus o JCR. Juntament amb aquestes dades, s'han identificat nombroses oportunitats.This article evaluates the highest-ranked journals in Spanish in the field of communication in Spain, Portugal and Latin America between 2009 and 2019. Using the SJR-Scimago-Scopus index, the current status of scientific journals in this field in the first and second quartiles (according to the rankings on 31 December 2019) is analysed. A sample consisting of 4098 articles from eight communication research journals was analysed, using a coding book developed by five qualified coders. Analysis parameters were: gender of the authors, first and second author, their h-index, the number of authors per article, the internationalisation of the articles, the competitive funding of the articles, the predominant publication regions of the authors, and the most frequent typology of articles. After running an analysis of the variables, we found a significant presence of authors and social interest in research in this area. However, other weaknesses and threats were also detected, such as a shortage of funding, publication very focused on certain Spanish regions (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia) and the lack of scientific journals in Spanish or Portuguese ranked in the first and second quartiles of the Scopus and/or JCR indexes. Along with these data, numerous opportunities were identified

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor administration mediated oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelin formation in subcortical ischemic stroke

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Translational research is beginning to reveal the importance of trophic factors as a therapy for cellular brain repair. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) administration could mediate oligodendrogenesis and remyelination after white matter injury in subcortical stroke. METHODS: Ischemia was induced in rats by injection of endothelin-1. At 24 hours, 0.4 μg/kg of BDNF or saline was intravenously administered to the treatment and control groups, respectively. Functional evaluation, MRI, and fiber tract integrity on tractography images were analyzed. Proliferation (KI-67) and white matter repair markers (A2B5, 2',3'-cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase [CNPase], adenomatous polyposis coli [APC], platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha [PDGFR-α], oligodendrocyte marker O4 [O4], oligodendrocyte transcription factor [Olig-2], and myelin basic protein [MBP]) were analyzed at 7 and 28 days. RESULTS: The BDNF-treated animals showed less functional deficit at 28 days after treatment than the controls (P<0.05). Although T2-MRI did not show differences in lesion size at 7 and 28 days between groups, diffusion tensor imaging tractography analysis revealed significantly better tract connectivity at 28 days in the BDNF group than in the controls (P<0.05). Increased proliferation of oligodendrocyte progenitors was observed in treated animals at 7 days (P<0.05). Finally, the levels of white matter repair markers (A2B5, CNPase, and O4 at 7 days; Olig-2 and MBP at 28 days) were higher in the BDNF group than in the controls (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: BDNF administration exerted better functional outcome, oligodendrogenesis, remyelination, and fiber connectivity than controls in rats subjected to subcortical damage in ischemic strokeSupported by research grants PS12/01754 (P.I.: EDT), INVICTUS Spanish Neurovascular Network RD12/0014/0006 (BRF and JRC) and Sara Borrell postdoctoral fellowship CD12/00706 (LOO) from the Research Institute Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spai

    Aportaciones sobre cambios en las tendencias de las variables climáticas en la Meseta Central española

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    El interés creciente por los estudios acerca del Cambio Climático para delimitar y valorar su entidad en diferentes lugares del planeta, así como su evolución a lo largo de las últimas décadas y en un futuro, llevó desde 1997 al desarrollo de una línea de investigación sobre Cambio Climático, dentro del Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de Análisis del Clima de las Universidades de Salamanca (Departamento de Física General y de la Atmósfera) y de Valladolid (Departamento de Geografía), activo en la actualidad. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la investigación y producción científica llevada a cabo desde entonces, coincidiendo ahora con el cambio de su investigador principal, D. José Luis Labajo Salazar. El objetivo es mostrar las propuestas metodológicas seguidas a lo largo de estos años en el estudio de variables meteorológicas a partir de las cuales se pueda caracterizar el Cambio Climático en Castilla y León y en toda la meseta central española. Las investigaciones se han centrado en el análisis y modelado de las series temporales de temperaturas, precipitaciones y presión atmosférica a nivel de superficie, empleando técnicas estadísticas y de redes neuronales artificiales. Las aportaciones realizadas en el análisis de sus tendencias, frecuencias, comportamientos de valores extremos y olas de frío y calor, se sintetizan en el presente trabaj

    trans-10, cis-12 Conjugated linoleic acid inhibits lipoprotein lipase but increases the activity of lipogenic enzymes in adipose tissue from hamsters fed an atherogenic diet

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    The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of trans-10,cis-12conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the activity and expression of lipogenic enzymes and lipoprotein lipase (LPL), as well as on the expression of transcriptional factors controlling these enzymes, in adipose tissue from hamsters, and to evaluate the involvement of these changes in the body fat-reducing effect of this CLA isomer. Thirty male hamsters were divided into three groups and fed atherogenic diets supplemented with 0 (linoleic group), 5 or 10g trans-10,cis-12CLA/kg diet, for 6 weeks. Body and adipose tissue weights, food intake and serum insulin were measured. Total and heparin-releasable LPL and lipogenic enzyme activities (acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC); fatty acid synthase (FAS); glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH); and malic enzyme (ME)) were assessed. ACC, FAS, LPL, sterolregulatory element-binding proteins (SREBP-1a), SREBP-1c and PPARγ mRNA levels were alsodetermined by real-time PCR. CLA did not modify food intake, body weight and serum insulin level. CLA feeding reduced adipose tissue weight, LPL activity and expression, and increased lipogenic enzyme activities, despite a significant reduction in ACC and FAS mRNA levels. The expression of the three transcriptional factors analysed (SREBP-1a, SREBP-1c and PPARγ) wasalso reduced. These results appear to provide a framework for partially understanding the reduction in body fat induced by CLA. Inhibition of LPL activity seems to be an important mechanism underlying body fat reduction in hamsters. Further research is needed to better characterizethe effects of CLA on lipogenesis and the role of these effects in CLA action

    Impedimetric Biosensor Based on a Hechtia argentea Lectin for the Detection of Salmonella spp.

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    A sensitive electrochemical detection method for Salmonella spp. was described, based on the use of Hechtia argentea lectin immobilised on a screen-printed gold electrode. The lectin was extracted from Hechtia argentea, a plant belonging to the Bromeliaceae family. The lectin with molecular weight near 27.4 kDa showed selectivity towards D-mannose, contained on the lipopolysaccharide cell wall of Salmonella spp. Carbohydrate selectivity of the lectin was measured as a change in impedance with respect to concentration. The binding of the bacteria to the biosensor surface increased impedance with increasing concentrations of Salmonella spp., achieving a linear range of detection of 15–2.57 × 107 CFU mL−1, with a limit of detection of 5 CFU mL−1. Increases in impedance were measured using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and analysed using Nyquist plots. The biosensor was applied in analysis of hen egg samples, and the results were consistent with those obtained using the official analysis methodologyS

    Comparison between xenogeneic and allogeneic adipose mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of acute cerebral infarct: Proof of concept in rats

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    Background: Rat adipose tissue-derived-mesenchymal stem cells (rAD-MSCs) have proven to be safe in experimental animal models of stroke. However, in order to use human AD-MSCs (hAD-MSCs) as a treatment for stroke patients, a proof of concept is needed. We analyzed whether the xenogeneic hAD-MSCs were as safe and effective as allogeneic rAD-MSCs in permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion (pMCAO) in rats. Methods: Sprague–Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups, which were intravenously injected with xenogeneic hAD-MSCs (2 × 106), allogeneic rAD-MSCs (2 × 106) or saline (control) at 30 min after pMCAO. Behavior, cell implantation, lesion size and cell death were evaluated. Brain markers such as GFAP (glial fibrillary acid protein), VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and SYP (synaptophysin) and tumor formation were analyzed. Results: Compared to controls, recovery was significantly better at 24 h and continued to be so at 14 d after IV administration of either hAD-MSCs or rAD-MSCs. No reduction in lesion size or migration/implantation of cells in the damaged brain were observed in the treatment groups. Nevertheless, cell death was significantly reduced with respect to the control group in both treatment groups. VEGF and SYP levels were significantly higher, while those of GFAP were lower in the treated groups. At three months, there was no tumor formation. Conclusions: hAD-MSCs and rAD-MSCs were safe and without side effects or tumor formation. Both treatment groups showed equal efficacy in terms of functional recovery and decreased ischemic brain damage (cell death and glial scarring) and resulted in higher angiogenesis and synaptogenesis marker levelsThis research was supported by research grants FIS06/0575, FIS09/01606, FIS12/01754 and INVICTUS (RD12/0014/0006) (Spanish Neurovascular Network), Cellerix, and Research Institute Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain

    Producción de ganado bovino de carne con bienestar animal

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    Objective: To review several factors related to animal welfare which affect beef cattle productivity and meat quality. Approach: The human population increase has risen the demand for animal products. Therefore it has been necessary to produce them in an intensive way, without considering animal welfare. Nowadays beef cattle producers are aware of the different factors that affect animal welfare, such as nutrition, environmental conditions, housing, handling, diseases, transportation, and slaughter; because national and international markets demand animal products in which animal welfare has been taken into account, are innocuous and have high quality for the final consumerObjetivo: Revisar diferentes factores relacionados con bienestar animal que afectan la producción y calidad de carne en bovinos. Aproximación: El aumento de la población mundial ha incrementado la demanda de productos de origen animal, siendo necesario producirlos en forma intensiva, sin tomar en cuenta el bienestar animal. Actualmente los productores de ganado para carne están cada vez más conscientes de los diferentes factores que afectan el bienestar como son la nutrición, condiciones ambientales, instalaciones, manejo, enfermedades, transporte y sacrificio, ya que los mercados nacionales e internacionales demandan productos obtenidos bajo normas de bienestar animal,garantizando productos cárnicos inocuos y de alta calidad para los consumidores finales