874 research outputs found

    Who counts? The presence of women directors in Spanish independent cinema through a data analysis of film circulation (2013-2018)

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    This article examines the presence of women filmmakers in Spanish independent cinema by assessing the national circulation of their works in the alternative distribution and exhibition circuit where gender studies are almost inexistent. Along with other neighboring countries, independent filmmaking enjoys a growing cultural weight within a national cinema conditioned by digitalization and the domination of multinational corporations in the aftershock of the economic crisis. The study, based on a representative sample to quantify female directors, carries out a cross-sectional examination in three areas within independent film circulation that, in turn, endow them with such status: festivals, specialized VOD platforms and independent film distribution companies with catalogs for release in traditional movie theaters or the cultural sector. The chosen timeframe is 2013-2018, from the moment independent cinema, branded as other cinema, achieves increased visibility, and establishes itself as an alternative to the commercial cinema in Spain up to the most recent year with available data. The research shows that, although there is a more significant proportion of female filmmakers than in commercial production, it continues to be a minority in the 20% range. Such underrepresentation does not only affect the cultural value of women's work but also raises questions on the nature of a type of independent film practices that lay claim to cultural diversityThis article is the outcome of the research projects “Cinematic Cartographies of Mobility in the Hispanic Atlantic” (CSO2017-85290-P) and “Genre articulations in contemporary Spanish documentary: an intersectional perspective” (PGC2018-097966-B-I00), both funded by the Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities

    Marine Science studies in Vigo University (Spain)

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    Working as one

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    Este póster se vertebra en dos actividades cuya idea principal es acercar a los niños de 5 años a distintas realidades culturales. A través de un pájaro, Chipi, conoceremos los países que visita y las costumbres, comidas, monumentos, etc. más característicos de estos. Posteriormente se realizará un mural donde se representará a un niño de cada país tratado anteriormente. El mural simbolizará la unión entre todos, sin ningún tipo de prejuicio o discriminación. Pondremos debajo de cada niño su lugar de nacimiento y el país. El título del mural se decidirá entre todos. A continuación se hablará de cada niño y que es lo que hemos aprendido de su país.This poster is divided into two activities. The main idea is to introduce 5-year-old children to different cultural realities. Thanks to a bird called Chipi we will get to know all the countries he visits as well as the most characteristic customs, gastronomies, monuments, etc. Subsequently, we will make a poster where we will represent children from the countries we would have showed previously. The poster represents the children working as one against damage and discrimination. Underneath every child, we will include their place of birth and the country they belong to. Altogether we will decide the title of the poster. Next, we will talk about every child and what we have learnt about their countries.peerReviewe

    Despoblamiento y envejecimiento en Castilla y León durante el siglo XX : análisis a través de la emigración femenina y la pérdida de nacimientos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de despoblamiento y envejecimiento deCastilla y León a lo largo del siglo XX dentro del contexto de su dinámica económica. La novedad del Trabajo está en la perspectiva metodológica utilizada: analizamos el despoblamiento y envejecimiento a partir de la emigración femenina en edades reproductivas y de la "pérdida" de nacimientos. Presentamos series inéditas de migración femenina desde 1908 para cada provincia, así como para las capitales de provincia y el resto de poblaciones rurales. Los resultados muestran para el conjunto de Castilla y León un acentuado proceso de despoblamiento y envejecimiento resultado tanto del impacto directo de la emigración como del efecto indirecto generado por esta emigración sobre los nacimientos. Dentro de la región se diferencian tendencias opuestas entre las zonas urbanas y las zonas rurales.The article analyzes depopulation and ageing in the Spanish region of Castile-Leon during the twentieth century. We offer a novel methodological approach based on focusing on migrating women in reproductive age and the subsequent "loss" of births. We present new series of female migration for every province (differentiating province capitals from rural areas) from 1908 onwards. Our results show an intense regional process of depopulation and ageing that was the result of both the direct impact of migration and the indirect impact of migration on births. We also find opposing trends between urban and rural aeas

    Sea Transport Demand in the Mainer Spanish Ports.

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    The objective of the present paper is to analyse the progress of data in shipping demand between 1993 and 2002 in the most important spanish ports, in the others words, those ports that are under State Ports protection, and their relation with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as Freight Index. The methodology that has been used to draw the shipping demand function up is the traditional one, due to we use added variables , i.e. they mean the global behaviour of a certain group of individuals. To prepare this paper, the demand account of sea transport services has been divided in three groups, in function of cargo types: General Merchandise, Solid Bulks and Liquid Bulks. The reason why we use this kind of division is that Principals Institutions in Sea Transport bring their statistics down in this way. Similarly, we pretend to analyse the evolution in the share of different cargos in the whole shipping demand in the period mentioned before (1993/2002). The particular demand function for each cargo type in a certain year is going to be in function of the GDP and the freight rate in that year. The Freight Index used depends on the cargo analysed. So, in case of general merchandise it has been used the liner freight index, since this cargo type use to be transported in liner terms. Usually, Freight Conferences fix prices in this navigation. In case of Solid and Liquid Bulks, we have chosen dry cargo and tanker cargo freight index respectively. The standard procedure to transport these kind of bulks is by "tramp" navigation. In "tramp" navigation, prices use to be fixed by time freight, when ships services are contracted for a limited period of time, or travel freight, when ship services are contracted for a particular trip.

    Nucleated red blood cells: Immune cell mediators of the antiviral response

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    The involvement of nucleated red blood cells (RBCs) as immune response cell mediators is a novel topic of research. RBCs are the most abundant cell type in the bloodstream and are best known for their roles in gas exchange and respiration. In mammals, mature RBCs are flexible, oval, biconcave disks that lack cell nuclei, organelles, and ribosomes (reviewed in Moras et al. 2017 [1]). In nonmammalian vertebrates, RBCs are oval, flattened, biconvex disks with a cytoskeleton composed of a marginal band of microtubules and a cell nucleus and organelles in their cytoplasm [2], which allow them to de novo synthesize proteins and molecules in response to stress and stimuli. In the recent past, a set of biological processes related to immunity–such as phagocytosis [3], antigen presentation [3], and interleukin-like production [4–7]–have been reported in nucleated RBCs from different species. However, elucidating the role of RBCs during viral infections is an emergent research topic of great interest. Here, we provide a brief overview of the novel role of nucleated RBCs against viral infectionsThis work was supported by ERC Starting Grant GA639249 to MdMOV

    Auditoria d’un sistema d’energia solar d’autoconsum fotovoltaic

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    El projecte es centra en la idea principal d’establir una guia per al dimensionat d’instal·lacions solars fotovoltaiques d’autoconsum. Actualment, existeixen plantes que han quedat endarrerides en normativa o altres que s’han dissenyat i executat de forma incorrecte. El primer bloc consisteix en una introducció dels temes a tractar. S’explica des de l’arrel, començant per com els rajos solars incideixen sobre la superfície terrestre. Es posa en context els components d’una planta fotovoltaica, tant les característiques físiques com els paràmetres elèctrics. Al següent bloc s’abasteixen temes com el disseny, els conductors, les proteccions, l’ombrejat i les legalitzacions. Tots ells s’estudien amb profunditat sota compliment de normatives i decrets. El darrer bloc resulta d’utilitat per posar-ho en pràctica amb una instal·lació existent. Són avaluats els criteris i aspectes tractats per la determinació d’errors i així poder establir, com seria un correcte dimensionat. Per desenvolupar l’auditoria es realitzen visites a una planta i s’obtenen documents per assolir el màxim d’informació. Amb tota la informació reunida i l’anàlisi aplicat, es crea una taula resum on s’especifiquen els resultats i el respectiu estat

    El procesamiento de palabras en una segunda lengua: evidencia conductual y electrofisiológica

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    [ES]En el mundo globalizado en el que vivimos, cada vez es más común que las personas hablen más de una lengua. La presente Tesis Doctoral se centra en comprender cómo personas que tienen una competencia moderada en su segunda lengua (L2) procesan palabras en esta lengua, en comparación con su primera lengua (L1). Específicamente, la parte experimental de este trabajo expone tres experimentos que tratan de comprender cómo se produce la activación de los conceptos en la memoria semántica a partir de palabras en la L1 y la L2 y cómo dicha activación se propaga por la red asociativa según el grado de asociación entre los conceptos

    Análisis de los constructos de autoconcepto y resiliencia, en jugadoras de baloncesto de categoría cadete

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objeto determinar y analizar las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos Autoconcepto Forma-5 (AF- 5) y CD-RISC así como describir y analizar las relaciones existentes entre ambas y especificar el efecto que tienen las horas de entrenamiento regular y la posición en baloncesto sobre las dimensiones psicosociales (autoconcepto y resiliencia), en jugadoras de baloncesto adolescentes españoles, considerando de manera simultánea variables personales y físico deportivas. Las participantes fueron 74 jugadoras cadetes, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 16 años, para el análisis estadística se llevó a cabo un análisis factorial exploratorio y análisis de regresión, donde se exploraba el efecto que tenían las horas de entrenamiento y posicionamiento, sobre las dimensiones de los cuestionarios Autoconcepto Forma-5 (AF-5) de García y Musitu (1999) y de la resiliencia (CD-RISC) de Connor y Davidson (2003). Los resultados, señalan que los cuestionarios CD RISC y AF-5 son aplicables a la población de jugadoras adolescentes de baloncesto, que estas presentan un desafío de la conducta orientada a la acción y autoconcepto familiar elevado en relación al resto de dimensiones. El posicionamiento en el terreno de juego no ejerce ninguna influencia en los aspectos psicosociales y el análisis de regresión establece que a mayor tiempo de entrenamiento se produce un incremento en el autoconcepto.The present study was to determine and analyze the psychometric properties of self-concept (AF-5) and resilience (CD-RISC). The aims of this study as to describe and analyze the relationships between them and specify the effect of hours of regular training and position in basketball on the psychosocial dimensions (self-concept and resilience) in Spanish adolescents basketball players, considering simultaneously personal and physical sports variables. Participants were 74 youth players, aged between 12 and 16 years. It conducted an exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis and the effect they had training hours, positioning, on the dimensions of the test Autoconcepto Form-5 (AF-5) García and Musitu (1999) and explores resilience (CD-RISC), Connor and Davidson (2003). The results indicate that the questionnaires CD-RISC and AF-5 are applicable to the population of youth basketball players. These are challenging the action-oriented behavior and familiar self-concept is high in relation to the other dimensions. Positioning in the field has no influence on the psychosocial aspects and the regression analysis establishes that longer training arean increase in self-concept