106 research outputs found

    The offshorization of economy: the present realities

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    In this article the essence and main types of offshore zones have been studied. It has been analyzed the main reasons for cooperation with the tax havens, established that the main reason of the Ukrainian economy offshorization is not only the desire of economic entities to optimize taxes, but also the desire to protect their assets from the negative impact of the crisis phenomena in the national economy during 2010-2016. The foreign experience of the anti-offshore regulation has been researched. It has been defined that the general anti-offshore regulation vector should be based on the principles of financial transparency, active cooperation with the international community, an optimal combination of instruments that restrict the capital outflows and the effective instruments that stimulate the business development in the country. It has been also established that the mechanism of deoffshorization should be aimed not only at elimination of the territories with the preferential taxation, but also at receiving benefits from their use on the basis of the existing financial infrastructure of the leading world offshore centers. The experience of China in attracting additional foreign investments, gaining wider access to financial resources through the cooperation with an offshore financial centre has been researched

    Membrane Transport Inhibition as Mode of Action of Polyene Antimycotics: Recent Data Supported by Old Ones

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    Novija istraživanja pokazuju da se antimikotična aktivnost poliena zasniva na njihovoj interakciji sa sterolima u staničnoj stijenci, a ne, kao što se prije vjerovalo, na njihovoj sposobnosti stvaranja pora. Stoga je zaključeno da steroli imaju važnu ulogu u aktivnosti stanične stijenke, te da je ona ozbiljno narušena nakon što se na njih vežu polieni. Steroli su neophodni za aktivnost esencijalnih proteina u staničnoj stijenci. U ovom su radu opisane različite interakcije proteina i ergosterola, a zaključeno je da polieni prvenstveno djeluju na proteine u staničnoj stijenci. Svi dostupni podaci koji potkrijepljuju ovu tezu sažeti su u ovom pregledu. Čak i podaci dobiveni prije gotovo 40 godina mogu poslužiti u planiranju budućih istraživanja.Recent studies demonstrate that the actual interactions of polyenes with membrane sterols are the basis for their antimycotic toxicity and not, as previously assumed, their potential to form pores. Therefore, sterols must play a vital role in membranes and this function is seriously disturbed once polyenes bind to and/or sequester them. Essential membrane proteins obviously require sterols for their activity. Among the various membrane protein/ergosterol interactions discussed herein, transport proteins of the plasma membrane are most likely the primary target for polyenes. All data available which support this notion are summarized in this review. Even data obtained almost 40 years ago could be useful in guiding future research

    Uplatnění absolventů oborového studia pedagogiky v praxi

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    Předložená práce čerpá ze závěrečné zprávy z výzkumného úkolu grantového projektu MŠMT ČR, který byl svěřen řešitelkám Mgr. Bohumile Svatošové a PhDr. Olze Opekarové v roce 1998-99. Řešitelky v té době aktivně vstupovaly do diskuse o nutných změnách studijního plánu studia oborové pedagogiky na vysokých školách podle aktuálních potřeb praxe. Své argumenty díkyzjištěným skutečnostem mohou opřít o objektivně zjištěná data od 132 absolventů oborového studia pedagogiky na českých vysokých školách a univerzitách v průběhu cca posledních 10-15 let

    Plasma membrane microdomains regulate turnover of transport proteins in yeast

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    In this study, we investigate whether the stable segregation of proteins and lipids within the yeast plasma membrane serves a particular biological function. We show that 21 proteins cluster within or associate with the ergosterol-rich membrane compartment of Can1 (MCC). However, proteins of the endocytic machinery are excluded from MCC. In a screen, we identified 28 genes affecting MCC appearance and found that genes involved in lipid biosynthesis and vesicle transport are significantly overrepresented. Deletion of Pil1, a component of eisosomes, or of Nce102, an integral membrane protein of MCC, results in the dissipation of all MCC markers. These deletion mutants also show accelerated endocytosis of MCC-resident permeases Can1 and Fur4. Our data suggest that release from MCC makes these proteins accessible to the endocytic machinery. Addition of arginine to wild-type cells leads to a similar redistribution and increased turnover of Can1. Thus, MCC represents a protective area within the plasma membrane to control turnover of transport proteins

    The temperature dependence of maltose transport in ale and lager strains of brewer's yeast

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    Lager beers are traditionally made at lower temperatures (6–14 °C) than ales (15–25 °C). At low temperatures, lager strains (Saccharomyces pastorianus) ferment faster than ale strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Two lager and two ale strains had similar maltose transport activities at 20 °C, but at 0 °C the lager strains had fivefold greater activity. AGT1, MTT1 and MALx1 are major maltose transporter genes. In nine tested lager strains, the AGT1 genes contained premature stop codons. None of five tested ale strains had this defect. All tested lager strains, but no ale strain, contained MTT1 genes. When functional AGT1 from an ale strain was expressed in a lager strain, the resultant maltose transport activity had the high temperature dependence characteristic of ale yeasts. Lager yeast MTT1 and MALx1 genes were expressed in a maltose-negative laboratory strain of S. cerevisiae. The resultant Mtt1 transport activity had low temperature dependence and the Malx1 activity had high temperature dependence. Faster fermentation at low temperature by lager strains than ale strains may result from their different maltose transporters. The loss of Agt1 transporters during the evolution of lager strains may have provided plasma membrane space for the Mtt1 transporters that perform better at a low temperature

    Distribution of Cortical Endoplasmic Reticulum Determines Positioning of Endocytic Events in Yeast Plasma Membrane

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    In many eukaryotes, a significant part of the plasma membrane is closely associated with the dynamic meshwork of cortical endoplasmic reticulum (cortical ER). We mapped temporal variations in the local coverage of the yeast plasma membrane with cortical ER pattern and identified micron-sized plasma membrane domains clearly different in cortical ER persistence. We show that clathrin-mediated endocytosis is initiated outside the cortical ER-covered plasma membrane zones. These cortical ER-covered zones are highly dynamic but do not overlap with the immobile and also endocytosis-inactive membrane compartment of Can1 (MCC) and the subjacent eisosomes. The eisosomal component Pil1 is shown to regulate the distribution of cortical ER and thus the accessibility of the plasma membrane for endocytosis

    Adaptation and equivalents of selected Anglicisms, demonstrated in social media

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    Bakalářská práce nese název "Adaptace a ekvivalenty vybraných anglicismů ve francouzštině a češtině na příkladu sociálních médií" a zkoumá, jak již z názvu vyplývá, anglicismy a jejich adaptaci ve francouzském a českém jazyce. Kromě adaptace zkoumá ekvivalenty v přijímaném jazyce. Teoretická část je zaměřena na teoretickou analýzu deseti vybraných anglicismů z prostředí sociálních médií. Tomu však předchází krátký nástin historického vývoje, jakým způsobem angličtina začala ovlivňovat francouzštinu a češtinu a pohled na dnešní prostředky usnadňující průnik angličtiny do dalších jazyků, kterými jsou v tomto případě sociální média. Praktická část ověřuje u českých a francouzských respondentů znalost anglicismů, jejich užívání a ekvivalenty v českém a francouzském jazyce. Cílem bakalářské bylo zjistit, jestli se vybrané anglicismy dobře zadaptovaly do přijímaných jazyků a jestli dotazovaní znají ekvivalenty a případně je používají v jejich rodném jazyce.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis is called "Adaptation and equivalents of selected Anglicisms demonstrated in social media" and deals, as the title indicates, with Anglicisms and their implementation in Czech and French language. Apart from the implementation, the thesis also search for equivalents in above mentioned languages. The theoretical part is focused on theoretical analyse of ten selected Anglicisms appearing in social media. This is preceded by concise historical summary about English influence on French and Czech language. It also describes contemporary ways of English infiltration into foreign languages, namely social media. The practical part verifies the knowledge of Czech and French equivalents, their usage and equivalents in Czech and French language. Objective of this theses was to find out, if selected Anglicisms were well adapted and or else used preferably in respondents' native tongue

    Direct selling of Provident Financial - comparison with competition and proposal of stimulation

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    Cílem diplomové práce je porovnání systému řízení přímého prodeje s přímými i nepřímými konkurenty. Práce je členěna do teoretické a praktické části. Teoretická část pojednává o problematice přímého prodeje v ČR i ve světě, poodhaluje fenomén multi-level marketingu a pyramidových her. Analyzuje zadlužování českých domácností a zmiňuje se o benchmarkingu. Praktická část se zabývá popisem řízení systému přímého prodeje společnosti Provident Financial a oslovených konkurentů. Stěžejní část práce tvoří hodnocení těchto systémů metodou polaritního a konkurenčního profilu. Z hodnocení vyplývají návrhý a doporučení pro společnost Provident Financial

    The role of the teacher assistant at a primary school

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    Katedra speciální pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult